When you design your first reactor

>when you design your first reactor

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This is so me when I design my first reactor

Oil is my roadblock. I just cant design a functioning processing plant

Game for spergs

The only reason why I find oil hard is because at first I can't find a use for all these types of processed oils, so it ends up clogging up the entire refinery and not producing the one I actually need.

We have a general on /vg/ btw


tiles infinitely

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i build both cracking setups right next to the first refineries i build, then turn them on once i research the tech

thx m8

I don't see one there, am I blind, retarded or both?

Engineering Games General

weird. maybe i have some filters set i don't know about? i'll take a look

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Someone post the nazi reactor

yeah you have your pussy repeler filter on

Correct, but that's not why I can't see the thread.

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What's with the Factorio threads lately? Did everyone find out I bought it?

White power!

So they finally added nuclear energy to the game. What's the point in using it instead of coal?


No pollution, lots of energy and very fun.

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No pollution.
The fuel is basically free.
You want to set up uranium processing anyway, for nukes, ammo and fuel.
Takes way less space.

Is there something like bob's/angel's mods but a little less autistic?

I started playing again after ~1.5 years when I heard 17 came out

It's a lot like coal except superior in every way

In my opinion it's an overcomplicated mess to set up. It's the first time I said fuck it and grabbed a max efficiency blueprint online and copy/pasted that shit.

And I still prefer miles upon miles of solar panels/battery things anyway.

The only great thing is the fuel cells can be used to power trains/cars for pretty much ever.

base mod

what do you mean "finally"? that shit's been in since forever

it's easy and not complicated to set up

So what are some good mods that add some new content without changing the game too much?

so what happens if you blow up a nuclear reactor?

Refinement and enriching process, re-processing of unusable uranium into whatever isotope is usable, shipping between the factory and efficient set up of reactors, returning and re--processing spent fuel cells. There's lots of steps to do even before you can get a reactor up and running.

and you think that's hard? lol

I think doing it efficiently is hard.


>bob is a furry
always imagined him being a cool 60 year old grandpa

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Mod-making autists are always mentally ill, just be glad he's not trans

My only problem with nucleur is that after all that time doing the research and setting stuff up you have to wait for an accumulation of uranium two fifty something to make more of it because the drop rate is rare. So I get bored and don’t bother.

All I want to do is set up a massive array of batteries that can deplete one round dog uranium and store it then see how long I can last off that.

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Ah, nevermind then.

bought it today, should I install any mods?

no, play vanilla first

play vanilla for like 2 hours and take note of things that might irritate you, there is probably a mod to fix that

more like 20 hours

literally takes like two minutes to get the first batch of fuel cells, that's nothing

>even distribution, tree collision, squeak through, long reach research
it doesn't take 20 hours

what's the point of tree collision when you have squeak through

thought it just applied to structures, always just kept both

Check your voicemail, user. Maybe you won a cruise.

Is Nuclear ever truly worth it? It feels there comes a point where things transition from coal to solar, until it eventually completely replaces it. If I got my solar/accumulator ratios right so I'm always powered, the solution to the power issue is always just "plop down another field of panels". I can't imagine how having a non-renewable fuel is ever going to be better than that, especially since construction robots can lay another segment of solar panels in like 30 seconds. Or is the fuel SO efficient you just kinda forget about it for a very, very long time?

I'll set up one this playthrough regardless just to learn how to do it/how it all works but I can't see it replacing how I do power currently.

There isnt, its endgame, it rapes UPS and its a bit of a pain to setup unless you want to copy BP's.
An efficient setup will give you so much energy you wont be able to use it unless its a megabase, in which case its bad because, again, it rapes UPS.
Solars the way to go.

yes, you can get it really early, resource cost is trivial for huge power, it's one and done as opposed to constantly expanding solar, the solution is just plop down another reactor with robots, uranium is just as infinite as sunlight and more reliable, easier to defend, uranium is also used for other products and fuel


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>engineering games general
his search would have picked it up either way

>Crude oil into proceessing plant (or whatever its called)
>put each output into separate holding tanks
that's literally it. the only thing left to do is to crack products to petroleum or to craft into solid fuel. you don't have to worry about autistically keeping the ratios perfect.

Getting some mixed signals here. More willing to believe the first poster since solar panels come much earlier than everything for a full proper setup of nuclear, UPS is a concern later on, uranium is certainly not as "infinite as sunlight" and "more reliable".

I don't mind the setup time, costs, effort to keep expanding, all it comes down to in my mind is that one if done right is basically no maintenance, free power eternally and the other does require a fuel to burn through, however slowly.

nuclear is just blue science, that's not even mid game
uranium infinite, like all other resources on the infinite map, and nuclear is more reliable than solar, and requires no maintenance

produces a fuckton more energy in a smaller space. downside is that it requires finite fuel like coal and it can hit UPS hard, though it was supposedly fixed in 0.17 but I personally never got to the point where nuclear tanked it anyways

neither coal nor uranium are finite

Sure, every resource is "infinite" due to map generation, but saying it's 0 maintenance is a lie. Your current uranium patch is going to run out and you'll have to hook up other ones. Not saying this is the end of the world, I'm sure it's not that bad, but how is that "no maintenance" especially compared to just putting a solar panel on the ground and now it's generating power and will continue to do so forever?

wait, so if i want more power i have to use more space? woah.. totally different from solar.. now i understand........

What? I'm just pointing out it's not no maintenance after you set it up. Your comment doesn't even make sense.

it is.

1 pump connected to a tank via circuit network and your problem is solved otherwise you're just retarded

Okay. Then is coal also no maintenance because you "can just go grab more"?

hey he's finally starting to catch up with the rest of us

It's a self-created waifu.

Furries are still more degenerate than trannies anyway, so that's not exactly better.

Are you actually kidding me or is english your second language?

to keep in an existing state (as of repair, efficiency, or validity) : preserve from failure or decline

If you just leave your nuclear reactor unattended, or your steam engines, what happens after a while, user? That's right, you run out of fuel. You then run out of power. Unless you go out of your way to go find more fuel and connect it to the generator or you remember to do it regularly and check it. This is called "maintenance" in english. This is something you have to regularly perform. As for solar panels, as long as you are generating enough power, you will never "generate less power" if you don't check up on them. How do you not understand this?

What the fuck do you define maintenance as then?

yikes dude, this thread is not for brainlets

>there's more than one

>trying THIS hard to save face over saying something retarded by accident on fucking Yea Forums

I mean, it would certainly help your case if you could explain instead of just going "woow can't believe ur that dumb at least im smart". But I know you are just trolling so whatever.

I'm gonna just assume Nuclear is basically extremely efficient coal, so even though it consumes fuel and takes longer to setup, it pays off in that you don't have to make walls of solar panels and I can't imagine uranium ore is THAT scarce anyways. So I guess it's more of a choice. I doubt one is better than the other by a significant margin unless you are considering very late game megabase cases.

keep going, this is a good laff

>It's no maintenance
>It also requires you to check up on it regularly to make sure it hasn't run out of fuel

Huh, guess my car IRL is no maintenance, I never knew.


>water wells
Man, it kinda destroys entire point of optimizing the spot. But considering how many connections you are using, you need it.

I don't want to be on an invisible clock, so I'm turning biters off.

I mean could prob get pipes in thru the other three openings, but since there's no water on the map it's the only way


Night solar isn’t even worth it. 8 steam engines can power an entire end game plant alone without having to waste a huhe amount of resources and space for accumulators and solar panels. Better yet having a well defended steam engine plant will direct biters to one spot so they don’t bother your actual factory line and other shit. Just because you switch to solar or even nucleur doesn’t mean you don’t have pollution to aggro biters. In that case your assemblies will become their main focus and that’s the absolute worse thing for them to attack.

It's honestly not all that bad. It's not like an overwhelming force that will inevitably destroy you, especially since it's your actions that influence how hard they push back. So they will only attack you if you have grown enough that it pollutes all the way up to them. Or if you go actively attack them to push along evolution. If you really are that concerned then turn off biter expansion, that way the attacks will be almost always constant, since unless you expand further, you won't ever be hitting new packs with pollution and you should kinda expect what kinda attacks are coming.

They are kind of a non-issue and you'll be robbing yourself off a lot of fun later on with rail cannons on trains, nuclear weaponry and robots going around cleaning the xeno scum.

All of that is the easy part. Just use trains and circuit network to enable/disable stations based on how much fuel there is left at a reactor plant.

The hard part is designing something according to the perfect heat ratios.

>8 steam engines can power an entire end game
How much coal i would need for that? It's not even realy endgame yet.

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Can someone tell me how I can keep my rail cannons from auto shooting at everything? This shit pisses me off and I just want them for manual usage.

Just Bob's, not Angel's.

What If I don't have any problems defending myself later in the game regardless of where the attack comes from? Are biter attacks really a concern for anyone past a certain point?

>thought it just applied to structures
It doesn't.

Man, 500k uranium patch can sustain 10 reactors for 170 hours.

There we go, there's the answer I was looking for. So it's just absurdly efficient if you bother to set it up properly to the point of the fuel completely running out being such a distant concern it's essentially unlimited. Thanks.

Reactors are stupid, so they don't realize there's no need to keep burning fuel even though all tanks are filled on steam.

So to keep things efficient, you'll want to only allow the reactors to feed themselves fuel when the steam tanks are all running low.

trannies are furries think about it

I see, so it's more complex than just converting fuel and dumping it into thing if you want to keep things running as efficient as they can.

And even that isnt that hard

Yes. But as says, it isn't hard.

Just connect a single fluid tank to some inserters and tell them to only enable when Steam is

The only hard part is getting those first enriched ores to get the refinement going. Just a matter of time.

I think he means steam turbines.

Solar is just far, far less efficient than either coal or nuclear. I don't get what this whole argument is about, all forms of energy production have their purposes.

>invisible cock
nigga just raid the biters before pollution reaches them, expand and conquer and play on forest-rich maps

why such a low rez version?

better updates per second / performance

>Solar is just far, far less efficient than either coal or nuclear. I don't get what this whole argument is about, all forms of energy production have their purposes.
Solar is the only viable solution for a fucking huge factories when you need like 20GW.

you don't need perfect ratios, just have a few more turbines and exchangers than needed


you can already see all the relevant details, no need for higher res

>goy what do you need 2K for 1K is enough
>take this 500x500 and split it with your sister

sorry, i was retarded in just build your walls so far that the bugs can't reach into aggro range of the wagons

20 GW is like one 2x20 plant

that's as far as i can zoom in and fit everything on the screen

Are you retarded? 40 reactors are roughly 4GW.

get a bigger monitor

a 2x2 is 0.5 GW, so no


>4 reactors is 0.5

please kind sir, consider my viewing pleasure

use /screenshot x y

2x2 supports ~80 turbines, 1 turbine ~= 5.5 MW, 5.5 x 80 ~= 450 MW (all numbers are rounded down)


Yes, and? factoriocheatsheet.com/#nuclear-power
You need 126 reactors, 2000 exchangers and 3,437 turbines, supplied by 172 waterpumps to hit 20GW with nuclear. Enjoy ur 20 ups from this reactor alone.

just fucking do it pussy

enjoy your incorrect reactors lmao


you get 20 ups on such a small setup? time to upgrade kek

I'll kill you if you don't

im fucking things up so hard right now, first attempt on expensive mode and fuck me this is challenging. i need exactly 100 steel furnaces just to get a military pot every second. fuck.
i dont even have steel automated.

i need more resources

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do it


Well you could switch to solid fuel later if you want more bang for your buck although I’m just assuming that is more efficient than using just coal. Even then unless you are playing on an island map finding coal should never be a problem.

Usually the main argument against coal from people who focus on solar plants is that there is less pollution to afford sxary buggers. Regardless my point is that with a coal plant distanced away will prevent biters from fucking with more important areas