I thought this was just some light indie game... damn.. this shit hits hard

I thought this was just some light indie game... damn.. this shit hits hard

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*pulls down trousers*
*starts fap*

Who is this person angry at? Are they made at people who become successful? Are they mad at people who inherit the fruits of this success? Are they angry at people who don't use the fruits of this success in a way they, the people who have no claims to it, want them to? Are they angry at people who allow these successful people to proliferate despite their apparent harm to the world? At what point does the blame stop? How many people do you have to be angry at before you begin to think that the problem might not be the world, but you?

Furries are cool

>be mad
>burn other people's shit

God damn, this game is only good if you ignore all of this shit.

pretty sure they're mad at notch

You have to ignore a lot of shit. Every single person besides the bear in this game is unlikable cunts. Every one, the kids, the adults, the MC, every NPC. The dialogue reads like what someone who lives in a metropolitan environment THINKS living in a small town feels like, which is "Take everything away that I like". It tries to be philosophical and deep but instead comes off as pretentious and tone deaf most of the time, and the lovecraftian aspect of it was handled clumsily the entire time before straight up being dropped into a vat of shit right at the end. No air of hopelessness or mystery or themes of the inconsequentiality of human existence, just "Well I guess that happened *shrug* lol dry sarcastic humor quip" bullshit.

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Property is theft.

I cant believe.....
is evil.........

Still waiting for that rewrite

it hits hard until you realize the lore is /x/ and in no way philosophical or psychological

>dumb indie dev who doesn't understand how to make good art inserts his entire small minded political and worldview into one long dialogue bubble
no surprise here, but god this level of retardation is marvelous

characters in games are allowed to have thesr kind of views
they're allowed to have any view.

why do you always think these are the developer's feelings rather yhan the character's?

it looks pretty fitting considering the characters are teens

imagine actually liking cringey garbage like this lol

i bet you shill undertale as anything other than crap as well

that only makes it slightly better. its still cringy and in poor taste.

its pretty clear its the writers PoV when every other PoV is depicted as being wrong or lacking argument

don't forget the strangulation angle from the constant assault on low income earners there. just a few pennies less, just a few pennies less and suddenly you're now lower class after a few years.

>gamedev clearly using character as his mouthpiece
>"and then everyone clapped because I made them do it because I'm the guy who programmed them"

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Nice comparison, underaged newnigger. Hating things for being popular doesn't make you look like you belong you know.

Its very easy to tell when a character has a purpose and that his views make sense and when its just shoehorned horribly

>game character starts ranting about white genocide and women not having sex with him
>Yea Forums applauds
>game character criticizes capatalism
>Yea Forums throws a fit

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Name 5 games where that happens, then list the threads where "Yea Forums" applauded

>One character at the end just says 'Holy shit'
It's more comical and comes across slightly mocking what the character said. Unless they clap and give a standing ovation the webm doesn't really show anything in terms of a reaction.

What happens next in the game?

have you no self-awareness or are you still a teen ?
I'm pretty sure I remember hearing speeches like these in my school days a lot

Well I dont know about you but Id like characters in my fiction to be a bit better then retarded teenagers
Its still shit man

today i shall remind them

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Delegating blame literally is the most liberal thing a person can do.

>criticize capitalism
>while selling your shitty indie game on steam
yeah ok

literally nothing wrong with any of this.

reminder that the bear is a failure of a huma-err bear and has only herself to blame.

As if I needed to read that to know the kid is a massive pussy.


The developer doesn’t exacthold back on social media.

>criticize capitalism
>while promoting capitalism
how fucking hippopotical

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>make anti-fa character
>put “”her”” in game
>make her an unlikable and irredeemable antagonist
what did they mean by this

lol seething teenaged faggot acting like anyone but underage tards would like trash like this

go on little kid, start sucking off FNAF and life is strange too

he's right tho

except nowdays wanting proper border laws is considering nazi position

>scared of antifa
because leftists are high test!

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ye I don't know what you're expecting when
>retarded teens
is the premise of the game
it's like going to watch twilight and be upset it's not a documentary about penguins

Antifa are just LARPing nigger, same with NAZIS, these fucks ain't nazis, just larpers, all of em.
So that faggot is wrong.

i'm not doing this in the videogame section of a korean cabbage fermentation forum

>Tranny game

yet you are in this thread about Horse Taming Techniques on this Quintessentialy Mongolian Main Discussion Forums

Or maybe they're angry at the ever increased wealth divide between the everyman and the opulent ruling class, which is not fixed by "get a better job and work harder lol"

except he is mad that someone was succesful

holy shit that is one hell of a society they live in

I can tell you why FNAF 1 is objectively a good game, nothing to say for the rest of the series as a whole, and why life is strange is a bad game. You cannot tell me why Undertale is a bad game without using its fanbase as a point. FNAF's selling point is its strongly crafted atmosphere. Its an extremely barebones game in terms of gameplay, but the design, the context of its world and the gameplay all come together for form a tight little package of stress driven fear. Note that fear because of stressful situations is very different from fear under unnerving situations, like concepts that inspire dread or insignificance. FNAF doesn't have a ton of things going for it, but everything it does have fits together and works.

Life is strange attempts to do little more than tell a story with you acting as the middleman in making sure the story progresses. Its sold on the premise of choice, and choice mattering in some meaningful way, which ultimately ends up being a lie as it mass effects the ending to hell and back. It suffers from the same problem that NitW does in that none of its cast is likable or endearing and the dialogue is written to sound like an old mans idea of how hip young kids talk now adays. Its boring, the characters give you no reason to care about them, lesbians are shoehorned in last minute and nothing mattered at all.

Now tell me why undertale is bad.

It's kind of a shitty outlook but I interpreted that they're mad at this divide in wealth and appraisal of resource. They're upset that someone who made a phone app that's essentially a luxury item has made someone unbelievably rich while he has to work (probably) some hard working low end job for peanuts. Eventually, the divide between classes grow and life just gets shittier.

I don't know. I think that's what they're getting across in a angsty teenage manner but that's the point I think. Very shortsighted and I can't agree with this way of thinking.

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Whose fault is it that real wages have decreased while cost-of-living has skyrocketed? You can't turn a created problem into individual consequence of a natural world, as you're trying to. This is all man-made.

whats shortsighted is thinking this is at all sustainable...you're right the divide between classes is growing ever larger. and where has that led a society, historically?

So /pol/ is liberal then

replace every right-wing boogeyman-world like nazi or KKK with "heretics"

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>about this close to just going full hermit

life sucks

drop out

Shw's not wrong though.

>billionaires distribute their money
>all the money gets used by poorfags
>no more money
>everyone dies

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Its the consequence of society as a whole. Theres a limited amount of space. The basis of economy, or supply and demand, is universal. If nobody wanted it nobody would sell it. Theres a limited amount of living space and so its value increases exponentially as the population does. Theres ways to mitigate it, conceptually, maybe make space efficient living units and have all housing be federally regulated but then thats a popular trope of the dystopian future. People want more, they also don't want to put the effort into getting more. Not everyone can have a mansion, and that isn't even speaking economically. Theres just not enough space for it. Theres not enough of anything, and you can't really blame that on any one person.

The bigger problem is that billionaires dodge taxes and spend their money on "social causes" instead, aka drag queen book readings in public libraries

>the videogame section of a korean cabbage fermentation forum
>this thread about Horse Taming Techniques on this Quintessentialy Mongolian Main Discussion Forums
god damn, i'm going to end up waking my neighborhood at this rate.

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don't you think some parts of what he said is kinda ridiculous? for example the part about an phone app makes more money than his family in 100 generations?

don't get me wrong, things have always been that way, but things are also getting more extreme.

Everyone who complains about capitalism and businesses has never taken the risk of starting their own business.

Cowardly and weak by themselves, they feel bold and unstoppable when not alone and masked. By that metric, yes, they are dangerous. Cowards who can't control their destructive tendency and need a mask to fullfil their vile desires are way more of a threat to society than chads who know what ill they can do, but chose not to.

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>Forced servitude is comparable to choosing to buy a phone or have internet
Explain homeless people, they seem to get along just fine not participating in society for the most part. Hell they get paid to do it.

>I don't like how word works

> then grow the fuck up, your success is reliant on how world works, idort

>b-but I want to improve society

The only thing he wants to improve is his own condition, fuck off, retard.

The creator of this game has a choice. He can go live in a socialist hellhole with no capitalism if he wants to.

>He can go live in a socialist hellhole with no capitalism if he wants to.
No he can't.

Whats stopping him?

You can't get citizenship there?

Video games.

I'm pretty sure if you put every generation of my family together from the very beginning of time to now, including every member of it, we've probably made less actual wealth than Mark Zuckerberg has in the last 15 years. It's likely anyone who doesn't have some sort of direct tie to old school nobility or some sort of industrialist is the same. Now, some of that is because the grand majority of my ancestors were likely dirt poor by today's standards, but at least they could claim to own land (which would eventually be taken from them) or be self-sufficient with no input from banks, the government, or any other third party (becoming increasingly unlikely in the modern world).
I don't begrudge the wealthy their wealth, I begrudge them for consolidating it by shutting off opportunity to others. There is no reason why someone who works an actual job every day should make barely enough to live on while others can make more than enough to keep generations of their family in money, usually at the expense of the labor of the former.

Why doesn't the peasant just walk into the castle and kill the king? Are they retarded?

Eventually they'll own everything and you'll live and die paying rent and interest just to exist.

>>no more money
What, are they burning or eating it?

There's a wall and gate.

Even if the king is a good king?

That's no fucking excuse. Look at what he's carrying on his back. Sticks. You know what you can make with that? A ladder.

Clearly not, otherwise society would already be improving.

Because the king uses some of the wealth generated by the peasant to pay other peasants to oppress him (i.e. the guards, the army). The peasant could become a guard, if social mobility allows, but then he is still just working for the king only now he's a slave to protecting his power instead of generating it.

>Clearly not, otherwise society would already be improving.

How do you quantify the improvement, exactly?

A lack of unemployment I imagine. Or maybe not, you can have a lot of people working for peanuts in a communist country. Or kill all the poor people. This is a really good question, maybe one day we'll hit an age where automation and A.I will be able to handle the needs of the people, we can chemically castrate the lower IQ and only allow specific people to have children. We'd have to get to a point were money was no longer needed to live, only to live lavishly.

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