Christ this shit was boring

Christ this shit was boring.

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OP is gay lmao post niggas in hats

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Maybe shitpost after you learned how to use Photoshop
Even kindergartners could cut him out better with safety scissors

The games controls are shit, combos are non intuitive, characters look like they are made of clay, graphics are bad. Generally boring.

I stopped playing midway. Too many fucking cutscenes. They are good cutscenes but I really hate movie games. I hate that I blow up a pack of mobs in 2 minutes and then I get a 3 minute cutscene.

Going to go back and play it but Jesus fuck the cutscenes are killing me. I just want to play the fucking game.

name a more autistic and insufferable fanbase than dmc
protip: you absolutely can't

you know lying on the internet gets you nothing.

actually play the game first and then come back and post.

Yea Forums users

This kind of criticism is exclusive to forum culture, right? I refuse to believe anyone can be such a melodramatic faggot in real life.

Shut up nigger lol.

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just play DmC.
Less cutscenes and more fights in each level. better level structures too.

If you really hate cutscenes just mash the Start button any time they appear.


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This game is anti-women. Trish and Lady is just for brain dead fanservice.

BASED and chadpilled


They were barely used but how is that anti-women? They fought Urizen and lost. Dante, who is stronger than both, also lost. Nero lost. This is as neutral about them as you can get.

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How do you know? You played the game?

What if when Urizen defeated Dantes he penetrated Trish and Lady in front of him Haha wouldn't that be weird haha



Dark souls fans


DMC 4 recieved a special edition later which allowed you to play as both Lady and Trish as well as Vergil. I predict they will do it again.

Fallout NV fans
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. fans
Terraria fans
Dark Souls fans
Nier fans
Dead or Alive fans
Street fighter Fans
Smash fans
Atlus fans

The one you belong to

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lmao eat shit you fucking autistic cunt

BASED Dark Souls vet

I'm going to start my Sons of Sparda playthrough soon. Any advice?

Not boring. It's just more of the same. Offensively so. Yea Forums shits on so many games for being same-y, yet DMC gets a pass because pizza and muh childhood. Mind you, I like this franchise, but it's typical Japanese game design where they refuse to step up. They need to look at God of War.

Just play like you always have.

Refine edge nigger

You had me up until "They need to look at God of War".

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It's been 11 years since DMC4.

I don't care of you like God of War, but what they did absolutely worked. The awards, scores, fan reception. God of War is an objectively well received game. And it's because it was made by a proper studio that knows what progress is. DMCV is a good game, but taking that long to release it, when it could've been released 14 years ago.

And it's the same game, except for V who is a character made for streamers that need to pay more attention to their audience.


>that knows what progress is
Then why is 2 still the best one?

>modern game design
Walking simulators with RE4 cameras are not the right direction for DMC. Let each title determine what progress is required for them. In the case of DMCV, it needed to reestablish what worked in the old titles after the catastrophe that was the reboot. After that, they can think about the future and how to progress.


DMCV is awesome, but the reboot is a way more interesting and replayable dmc.

>it's good cuz the fans liked it and it got brownie points from the critics
You probably enjoy marvel movies and capeshit in general and hold them up as the height of the cinema.
Get your shitty normalfag npc taste and cinematic walking simulator out of here.
GOW is a fucking snooze fest, it spent more time being up it's own ass with it's "maturity" than being a good game. Of course the journalist who hate gameplay and unironically use to term "too videogamey" are going to love it because they can just breeze through it and watch the visual flare.
I played GOW and I spent the first few hours just walking, watching a cutscene, walking, another cutscene, a boss, back to walking, walking. ZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
DMCV is for the core audience that stuck around, GOW is just the video game equivalent of Oscar-bait that falls for transparent tropes because it makes it look more mature than it's contemporaries.

It gets points for level design, nothing else.

Good thing you edites in a stock image of a man yawning and also labelled the image "boring" alongside your OP text so I absolutely understamd what you mean to get across.

lol nice just like dante’s taunt

DMC is literally cutscenes over cutscenes. You can't take 5 steps in that game without it taking over. At least God of War features actual good mocap (that jap lipsync in v lmao) and quality writing. Vergil, V, and Nico are cringe inducing reddit-tier characters. And if DMCV was made by the west, Yea Forums would fucking tear it to pieces.

Everything about your posts make me think of a youtube clickbait channel. Link it next time.

the game is being a DMC game and nothing else and that's what matters most, while GoW tries to jumble a bunch of shit all together to get extra brownie points from critics, which resulted for it losing what it was

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>DMC is literally cutscenes over cutscenes

Only has cutscenes in the beggining/end of the mission and before/after a Boss - like in all DMC games.
In comparasion Dad of War which even has cutscenes for even jumping over obstacles. Also caring about story in games is already ridicoulous (plus Onions of War story is the equivalent of Oscar bait), but caring about story in an action game (a genre whose only concern should be gameplay and enemy design) is for pathetic fags.

>God of War is an objectively well received game.

and it's also gathering dust right now on everyone's shelves because there is no replay value to it at all. meanwhile DMCV will have truestyle videos for years when Bloody Palace update comes

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He's pulling a crying Wojak here because he still gets styled on after all that

Kingdom Hearts by far

MGS (I'm part of that one too)
Eat my entire ass lmao

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The reason DMCV feels the same is because the original games (aside from 2) are timeless cult classics and it's the fanbase that gives Devil May Cry it's vitality, it's a very cult driven franchise. It doesn't need change, don't fix what isn't broken, they say.
The God of War franchise doesn't hold up like the DMC games do and so it had to be re-invented to keep up with the current trends so that it could gain a new audience, hence why it's a shitty cinematic experience now.

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barry thread?

metroid. their threads are generally 90% awful

I know it's bait, but for the people who say games with their focus on player performance and creativity like DMC, Tony Hawk Pro Skater, etc are boring, it tells you they are playing in a boring, safe and repetitive way. If you give someone a game engine with a high skill ceiling with tonnes of abilities to make decisions with, yet they make the same risk-free and uninspired choice every time, then they are the one's who are boring, not the engine.

I think creating your own way of playing is the most interest aspect of these games. Not so much about being the best, so even if you are average, you got there by yourself with your skills you developed. I don't think other games offer this sort of freedom.

I miss when this game wasn’t out, at least then there were good DMC threads. Nowadays it’s just le shitty trolls falseflagging.

12 years I’ve been here and somehow 4chin always manages to get worse and worse. Why can’t you niggers just have fun? It really is more than just a buzzword

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>Characters look like they are made of clay
Disagree. The RE engine is phenomenal at replicating the desiccated "drowned in my bathroom while overdosing" look.

That Virgil reveal cutscene was kinda awkward and weird.

Nero be like:

Dante be like:

>At least there were good DMC threads.
Did you forget that DmC: Devil May Cry was released five years ago? I will never forget that shitstorm.

Weapon design is generally better that 4 & 5 too.

All I recall are Tameem threads. I just avoided the shitstorm because I figured the game wasn’t for me. I was around for Tortanic. Watching Stanrey Roo keep a sinking shit afloat was funny once, but desperately seeking companies failing is getting old.


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>goes into a bait thread
>"wow wtf why is it full of shitposting here"

There's a 24 hour thread with some actual game discussion and you chose to enter this one instead.

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It should be illegal to be this wrong

That shit storm was fun because the game was legitimately bad.

Shitposters are having a hard time with DMC fans because they know how to have a great time.

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A poor man's DMC3 Rebellion with move tweaks that try to be more flashy than functional. The weapon has noticeably longer ending lag and forces you into jump cancelling and enemy hopping to get similar combos you did in DMC3. Swordsman moves are total ass.

Despite being Beowulf and Ifrit combined, and having its animations ripped straight from DMC3, it has uncancellable ending lag on every single attack, its Just frames take longer to get to, and it lacks anything unique in DT. Moves like Kick 13 take almost double the time to perform compared to DMC1 and Flush is amazingly ineffective as a move.

Banks entirely on its five dial-a-combo inputs and Pin-Up spam. Blatantly unfinished weapon.

An obvious attempt at making another Artemis, fails miserably everywhere in that it's too slow to be effective on its own and does too much damage to use in most combos. The gunslinger effects are pointlessly over the top and exist to kill Blitz. Another blatantly unfinished weapon.

>Red Queen
Exceed is a mechanic that turns Nero into literal easy mode as long as you can get the frame timings down, which isn't that hard. Unless of course you're going for MAX Act, at which point it's inconsistent as fuck because you're trying to land a variable single-frame input. All of its basic combos suck and the only thing that makes it tolerable are Calibur and Roulette spin.

>Coyote, E&I, Blue Rose
Peashooters that do no damage unless you waste time charging them.

Weapons have incomplete movesets, but all of them compliment each other to give Donte a full and varied loadout, effectively functioning as one huge moveset instead of three bad weapons. Aquila is still the best new weapon we've had since 3 and the Hulk hands is better than Gilgamesh and largely comparable to Balrog so far, as it's faster and more open-ended than both, somehow.

It should be illegal to be a fanboy shilling faggot, but here you are.


>They need to look at God of Onions
eat fucking shit, nigger

unironically DMC haters are worse than the fans, at least the fans are passionate and engage in lively discussion within their threads, people like you choose to go into these threads and are just a bunch of sour cunts that get mad when fans get the game they want

>God of War features quality writing

What's with the Faust Hats? Are you able to mod that onto other characters?

Pretty much every other barrier appearing/disapearing, demon parasite collection/use, roots dying, bloodstream travel - those are all cutscenes.

maybe 4, but 5 shits all over every other DMC weapon (except maybe Nevan and OG Ifrit).

Balrog is not "yet another fist weapon", but has two fully-fledged capoeira fighting modes. It basically has double the moves of any other fist weapon and they're all capoeira-based.

Cavaliere is a fucking bike and has a really fun gear system. It's similar to Nevan in that it's real strength shines in crowd control. It also gives some really interesting aerial options.

King Cerberus is fucking Cerberus but 3x better.

Devil Sword Dante is also a great evolution of Rebellion/Alastor/Sparda etc. Not only does Dante get most of his Swordmaster moves (like Aerial Rave and Prop Shredder) streamlined into his normal melee moveset, but he also gets summoned sword Swordmaster moves that he can use completely in parallel to his regular attacks. This leads to some awesome combo potential (and the swords are still active when you switch to another weapon, depending on the move!).

I agree 4's weapons were pretty shit, but 5 has the best in the series (other than Nevan).

Also on your point about Nero and RQ: a lot has changed in 5. Nero actually has some great new moves that severely up his mobility and combo potential. He's the only character to have a "Helm Breaker", an "Air Stinger/Streak", an "Aerial Rave", and a fucking Dive Slash attack all rolled into the melee button.

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it is the goty

Balrog is the only weapon I like in DMC5. Red Queen continues to be mediocre and V is awful. King Cerberus is fun but feels repetitive somehow. DSD feels broken and clunky.

So how is DmC's weapon designs better than 5's? All you did is mention how DMC4 was a rushed game, and Pandora isn't trying to be anything but it's own thing while Artemis is a copy of Nightmare β
Red Quren is great, it has all the moves that it needs and the Exceed mechanic works just like it's intended, a weapon dealing a shit ton of damage is not a bad thing

>while Artemis is a copy of Nightmare β
What in the actual fuck are you talking about?

That's because of ACfag, not the fanbase as a whole

There's a move that puts them on enemies

Wow, such a contrarian. So cool.

>Nightmare β is an alien looking gun that shoots lasers
>Artemis is an alien looking gun that shoots lasers
>Pandora is a briefcase that turns into different forms

>Lasers is literally the only similarity, therefore they're copies of one another.

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The idea of Artemis is literally from Nightmare β, both are laser shooting guns that bounce around, b
Not to say there are no differences
My point is that Pandora has nothing in common with those guns

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3 was better

Can somebody please post the pic of Dante holding his guns up and walking, it looks super awkward you know what I'm talking about

3's story was better, but the combat is great is great in this game. I would need to play both side by side to judge enemy design and level design. I can tell you I felt like the boss arenas were kind boring in V. I really liked how some of the arenas in 3 were long rectangles that made some of the spaces of safety vs combat more unique. Cerberus in 3 just felt better simply because it was claustrophobic.

Was Shotgun Stinger in previous games?

My memory is bad, but it's a whole lotta fun and surprisingly effective when you just spam it and dodge with it in all different directions.


It was in 3 and 4, and maybe in 2, but not in 1 thats for sure

This. Better visuals, better bosses, better levels, better music. DMC3 is still untopped.

>better bosses
There's literally no boring bosses in 5, i agree with all the rest though

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>literally no boring bosses in 5
>all Urizen fights
>all V's fights
>Qliphoth's roots, Artemis, V's trio, Gilgamesh

found the smashbro rp fag


>Better visuals
>better bosses
80% of bosses in 3 are garbage
>better levels
Backtracking everywhere to lazily pad out the game
>better music

Nostalgiafags are the worst.

Christ this shit is busting my hand up

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Fire Emblem
daily gacha threads and shit on multiple nintendo fanbases because they have 7 characters in smash

The bosses weren't boring but they didn't seem as fun to fight or as satisfying to beat as the bosses in 3 or 4.

DMC3 wasn't all black/brown/grey. Temen-ni-gru had quite unique and varied enironments.
>80% of bosses in 3 are garbage
Just like in 5. And those 20% of best ones just blow the fuck out of 5's bosses. Vergil 3 is just so much better than DMC5's fight.
>Backtracking everywhere to lazily pad out the game
Still better than boring linear samey stages without any level desing. Hallway - arena, rinse and repeat.
Not really. DMC5 music is extremely inconsistent. Sometimes it glitches out, sometimes it plays just different background track. The only truly great and memorable theme is Cavaliere knight one.

either meleefags or Fire Gayblem babbies

I'm not sure what you're complaining about.
That's all they've ever been.

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Look at all those (You)s you got, just take it and leave, it should do you good for a few days at least, yeah?

God, joost is fucking el goblino

You did Rebind Griffon (and other character's guns) to a Shoulder Button, right user?


V is boring. Too easy. Some missions I never got hit once. Nero and Dante feel like their old selves with a few new tricks.

Game is way easier than 3 though. Not a horrible problem. Just need larger enemy mobs and some more aggression by them.

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How is it antiwomen when it gives them such amazing fanservice?

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>DMC3 wasn't all black/brown/grey
It was
>Just like in 5.
5 has only a few bad bosses. 5's bosses are the best in the series.
>Still better than boring linear samey stages without any level desing. Hallway - arena, rinse and repeat.
>backtracking garbage in an action game is good
You're just trolling at this point. DMC3 levels were also linear as fuck btw, you just had to backtrack to get items.

Don't forget
3 had some shit bosses desu. The only good ones are Cerberus, Nevan, A&R and Vergil.

Beowulf and Geryon are good.

FE by far
XC2 fans are chads compared to them

why does the dt suck so much shit. 1st game had the best one

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Beowulf is good
Geryon is +/-

this game got monkey pawed to shit thats a fact

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Jesus christ user learn how to use the eraser tool properly

Barry are you ok? Are you ok Barry?

No it didn't. It's great. There's very few flaws. Fuck you.

She's CUTE


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>It's great
That's why it flopped, right?

final fantasy xv.

It hasn't though you autist. it's the second largest pc release for capcom second only to Monster Hunter. And we don't actually have console sales figures yet.

>Look! Even Dante is bored and he’s he main character!
>”Man... I’m bored.”
>Not even the main character Dante wants to be in this game! Where’s the variety? No puzzles, platforming, or loot and the music is laughably bad. They should have given Dante a son as a way to ground him in a semi-open world to explore. We would have the chance to explore the character’s deeper aspects and grow alongside him but instead it’s all action with no emotional traction!
>Check out this clip of Senua’s Sacrifice
>” aren’t who you think you are why did you kill me Senua you are worthless you are not vengeance oh god the voices make them stop ahh”
>”yeah woohoo trickster DISMAL!!”
>I know which one resonates with me emotionally. But by all means, let me hear your thoughts in the comments below.

There now make YT clickbait vid

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I'm new to this. What is that SwordTrickSwordTrickGunRoyalGTrickSwordmaster meme?
I mean, I get it's about swapping skills six times per second, but isn't that the whole point of Dante gameplay?

getting good with royal guard will make many things easier, and also more fun

Stop trying to fit in.

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is that jussie smollet
fuck niggers
fuck kikes
fuck trannies
fuck muslims

Lmao you faggots always try to laugh off any bit if criticism of the game

If you thought this game was bad maybe you should have played 3 or 4 first because you'd have found those boring too and could have saved your time and/or money to begin with.

Pretty much DMC tbqh

>can't even use his Yama-toe
>roots and tentacles wrapping his entire body
>has to eat an apple to get rid of those wrappings
>huge telegraphic strikes and attacks

What was Vergil thinking? he's far more adequate with his normal self than this, plus he's got his DT.

You know you can skip the cutscenes right? lmap is this your first DMC or what?


Beowulf was fine


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>movie game
Well I mean fuck you're probably baiting but there is a chance that you do not know what a movie game means. It is when your control is being restricted during mid-gameplay and you're forced to sit through conversations or quick time events.

>He thinks Beowulf is bad
Imagine having taste this shit.

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I liked all of those but Chess.


Holy shit OP is beyond assblasted

Why does DMC5 make cucks so angry?

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>series is called devil may cry
>no devils cried in the entire series and we are up to number five

>DMC1: Dante cried
>DMC2: Lucia cried
>DMC3: Dante cried
>DMC4: Nero cried
>DMC5: Nero cried
play the games next time

I will rip your dick off and stab you in the face with it

lol gay only poofs cry faggot

Felt I should've been ten missions longer at most, or at least make the missions longer than what they were. It was good though, could've been better.

I think the point is that when a character cries it tells that they are more than a demon.

>nero cried
i thought nobody cried in dmc5

>buwarrr he doesnt like games i do
>best ignore all complaints and never address any and just circle joke :)
>He's the one trying to fit in here, not me, the guy just spamming hehhehehehe xd dante cool looll bikes xd

you mean "it's bad because i say so?"
what the fuck is a circle joke btw

They just make fun of the shitposters like how Dante will make fun of the bosses before he fights them

>Makes a shit thread
>People turn it into a real thread
>Get pissed off that people discuss the game.

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>what the fuck is a circle joke

fuck off it is the goty

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>It's just more of the same. Offensively so.
because that's what fans of the series wanted, more of DMC 3/4.

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>ending lag
Go back to playing smash you autist

Everything you just said was false.

The new God of War was fucking garbage and already forgotten about, this game will be remembered for years to come.

I hope DMC 6 has a character with Dichen Lachman face scanned in to the game.

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fucking hell alright i'll give you that one

True Style gets, what, 1000 diehards tops?

The nu Crapcom faggots that love westernized shit are all insufferable faggot.