Have you ever notice this is actually a red flag? Every game with this cursed roman number is average at best

Have you ever notice this is actually a red flag? Every game with this cursed roman number is average at best

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Final Fantasy V is the best of the first wave of games tho

Dynasty Warriors 5 was amazing.

post 11 examples of bad games

Dmc5 and ff5 are great

>arabic number
>roman number
let me guess, american education?

Ever heard of Civ V you faggot?

t. ice-T

>dmcucks fans are absolutely fucking stupid
not a surprise.

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Etrian Odyssey V is great

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Metal Gear Solid V was great.

>Fuckin americans
>I hate them so much
>Did you mention anything? ANYTHING AT ALL?
>That reminds me of how much I hate america

But Dragon Quest V was the best

Only MGS

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lmao u lost vietnam fatty

Literally the worst mainline game.

for recents games it's actually true

>final fantasy

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>Rebuking my crazy shit?

Enlighten me user. How is dmc 5 bad?


his point is that it's dmc5 not dmcv


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he said every name with the roman number is bad, dmc5 does have it right on the cover

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Skyrim, faggot


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Holy fuck I'm dumb. I never noticed there was a normal 5 in the logo this whole time. I thought it was just Devil May Cry with the red V in the back.

Civ 5 is good

Any series that goes beyond 3 games is a red flag. Unless they completely change the characters and setting - Final Fantasy, for example.
Ratchet Gladiator/Deadlocked is the only exception

Same. But if anything the placement is made for people to focus on the V in the middle of the logo.

this board is Yea Forums

So Yea Forums is an average board? Yeah no it´s the worst.

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>hasn't seen Yea Forums or /vp/
>Forgetting normie boards exists aside Yea Forums and Yea Forums

Yea Forums is better than here, yes even now.

Dragon Quest V is the best DQ game.

Not really, Yea Forums is on par with here.

>Yea Forums has better anime threads than the anime board

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Actually the third game in a series seems to be the magnus opus so to speak with the rest just being soulless shovelware cashgrabs if it gets more sequels that is, see list for reference;


Metal Gear Solid

TimeSplitters Future Perfect

Half-Life Blueshift


Splinter Cell

Warcraft 3 (not frozen throne)

Not as bas as pic related

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You're forgetting Elder Scrolls V
So good that it literally defined its genre for almost a decade.

mega man v on the gameboy is a classic

Yea Forums is a baby's first message board. Nobody gives a shit here. Even /vg/ is worse than us.

Gta V was good, eat my ass

Yea Forums has THE worst reputation on the entire site second only to /pol/, don't kid yourself.


Few things would make user as proud as if this only were true

a game should really just stick with trilogy and make another game instead of making more

fuck off zoomer everyone hated civ5

True. Though unfinished, and the twist ruffled quite a few feathers. Also everything went from
>Nanomachines, son
>The wolbachia

That's objectively 1

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reputation =/= quality
Yea Forums is filled to the brim with larping newfags (the types that post azu/yotsuba/rozen because they have 12xxx timestamps and they're "oldfag" material) preaching "elitism" like it was anything serious, while making template threads that manage to be more mind numbing than what the designated shitpost boards have
Yea Forums takes everything in jest and fun, even our anime threads are better

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>posts konata
t. larping newfag

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its just a game bro

you're right, DmCV and SFV are both shit.

HoMM 5 is pretty decent, especially compared to the games that came after it

Honestly the V serves a double purpose because it looks like (endgame spoiler) Nero's DT which has blue wings

No, you fuck off. Everyone hates whatever to current Civ is while looking back favorably at prior entries. It's been this way since the dawn of fucking history you civ4 zoomer.

op is a faggot

>monster hunter abandoned the numbering system at 4
so thats my MHW is the best mh of all time!

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civ5 was substantially casualized in comparison to 4 and 3 though
heck, even freeciv shits over it

Never played EO but holy shit you couldnt be more wrong

MGSV is second only to MGS3, and FFV is underrated as hell.

>Link to the Past
>GTA 3

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You have shit taste if you don't like FFV.

>sonyfags want other dudes in their ads
LMAO #4allthegayers

For the mutts who don't undestand; 5 is IIIII in american roman numbers

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But Armored Core V is gre-

you're right OP

jaja user, VDfags are worse than 4a miyazaki cocksuckers who just probably hopped into AC because of dork souls

>what is Yea Forums
>what is /r9k/
>what is /qa/
>what is /soc/
>what is Yea Forums
Yea Forums isn't good, but it's not irreparably fucked like some other boards

>not liking FFV
How do you get through life with such shit taste?

Thank god DMC5 used Arabic.

M8, you're a mouth breathing retard.

Literally every single board you listed is fucked up by Yea Forums posters who use that and Yea Forums as their prime shitposting board
Especially Yea Forums

it has two V so its doubly shit

FFV was the first time they the job system, story, and world design were anywhere close to being in harmony

>Monster Hunter World (V)

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SMT V will be good

Checks out.

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>gta 3
fuck off zoomzoom you're not impressing anybody

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Go suck a dick, OP
also post some "bad games" other than Battlefield V

Why are Euros so obsessed with America?

>red flag
average is better than bad which is what 90% of games are

But Armored Core V was great.

It's not a fucking number dude
It's wings

>the witcher 3


What the fuck Konami.

If you're not from Ireland or America you're a part of a shit country and a shit culture.

IV, VI, VII and VIII all have that numeral too lmao


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low point of the series

muh four cities empires


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Dark souls v


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Hey wait a second, does this make this entire board a massive red flag?

Mega Man V sucks

Rockman World 5 (aka Mega Man V) is the best Rockman World game though.

King of turd mountain.