Epic Games Store

Is it really spyware?

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nearly everything you use on your PC is spyware, so most likely

no, at least not more so than any other piece of software you have

Only slightly more than Steam.

In other news, steam is also spyware so most people complaining about it don't really give a shit

Some leddit autist looked into it and apparently it sniffs around all your processes and phones home a lot. Who knows though.

fuck off zhang

All software is spyware now, user. Even your OS is spyware.

In a worse manner than steam.
Also the entire launcher is clunky and has 80% less features than Steam. It's like bare bones Origin.

They just added a search bar you fags. Just wait. Epic will overtake Steam in a heartbeat.

Most of the world has already made the switch from steam to epic. How about you?

>search bar for 20 games

All epic needs is games, and thats what they are succesfully working on. Epic will be a major player by next year.

I use both.

Yes it is.

if i were epic, i would ask for my money back from the shills or shill company (redner group?) because they're supposed to make people want to switch to epic launcher. instead, they seem to tie their personal confidence and emotions to their little job and it really seems like the opposite, and are trying to get people to stay with steam. this is how bad of a job they're doing. this website is huge just by numbers to convert, but it just isn't happening

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Wait, it didn't even have a search bar from the beginning?

How does the Steamspy guy even get paid for that subpar piece of software

this post is obviously being ironic and making fun of epic, ya dunces

>MCC on steam

well of course. microsoft just wants to put mcc on the biggest store out there so that its accessible to the most users, and they aren't worried about hitting a minumum number of sales so epic can't wave money in front of them. even if microsoft were worried, epic wouldn't have that kind of money.

Why didn't they release it on Steam AND Epic though?

why do other devs release only on steam?

>grabs every bit of personal, identifying information at every oppurtunity, at every level of offered service
It'll never not be spyware as long as Sweeney's got 12 chinese cockadoodle's crammed up his unreal.