Name 1 game mechanic that makes you nut

Name 1 game mechanic that makes you nut

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memes stolen by reddit thread

You're not allowed to reference Reddit in my thread buddy. Not unless you want a swirlie.

Anthro foxes

Action commands

>games where you aren't remember only one enemy

you alright there user?

Not a mechanic per se, but any time a character's appearance changes for storyline reasons gets me hard as fuck, and I mean literally, I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me.

>Cecil in FF4
>Alex in Lunar
>Jean in Lunar 2
>Ramza in FFT
>Magnus in Ogre Battle 64

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fast loading screens/no loading screens/fast respawn times

All of those are impossible sorry

Mechanics that allows me to change body type in-game

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>What is Dungeon Siege
>What is Dark Souls
>What are MMOs

>end move of a combo is a slow but strong hit and makes you untargetable
(god of war 2)
>working ranked system in online games

Wrenching mechanics makes me bust nuts

Stuff like devil trigger in DMC, quad damage, etc. The rage box in American McGee's Alice and 66 soul pickup thing in Painkiller give me goosebumps.


basic attacks can be either magical or physical

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I enjoy this too user. Or even better, dismemberment or maiming that effects the gameplay.

I miss the era when all games had a pointless sidle button.

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Just frame parries.

Satisfying item pickup sounds

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This man speaks the truth

>commanding minions

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But it had a use in the very game you just posted and you're calling it pointless.

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Being able to add elemental damage to your weapons. Ammo types in mass effect or enchanting in TES come to mind.

Unironically fallout 76

Putting poison on your arrows is pretty neat too.

>Dynamic music in fights.
>Time stopping/slowing down mechanics well done.
>Your character becomes progressively stronger to the point you can obliterate enemies you had trouble at the beginning of the game.
>Smooth animations; moving the character has a start up and slow down and also lightly leans toward the direction you are directing it, even diagonals. This movement also has to be pretty tight to not feel sluggish or cancel other animations.

In what games are poison arrows actually useful though?

say what?

Sounds like some toxic masculinity user, that isnt very healthy.

>Enemies hug you from behind and caress you tenderly while kissing your nape

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in the aformentioned TES series.

Enchanted bow + enchanted arrow + poison + marksman skill + agility = big OOF

>Final boss has 3 fights
>Whit 3 different songs
>Accion music, metal and piano cover
Thinking about it makes me already hard

I loved active reload in Gears of War, as well as comments/banter.

Talking about the first game because it was the only one I played on PC back in 2006-8.

I'm glad, otherwise I would be a beta faggot.

Well managed inventory systems. Nothing soothes my ocd harder than being able to arrange my items according to priority, value, color, size, type, etc. Also, if applicable, an inventory search function.

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MHW's load screens are hilariously short
They kept the tips/advice on them from the console versions, but you don't have enough time to read any of them

Ice/freezing mechanics

any kind of setup kill

>perfect block/dodge into big damage counter

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>Game uses a boss from the start of the game as a filler enemy in the end of the game

Exceed in dmc4/5

Minionmancers unite!

Outside of the fortress section you'll never have to use it. And it's not mandatory to use it there either.

tiered boss fights are the best because of this

>landing a level 3 gs charge on a weak hitzone and having your character just freeze in place for a solid 2 seconds

How is called that thing in fighting/beat'm up games when you can hold up an enemy in the air with combos? That thing makes me want to play better

>being able to pick up and shake enemies

my only reason for staying alive is potential mischief makers sequel


Overkill system in Mega Man Star Force 3 that increases item drop rate and mixes the item pool, causing the player to get all sorts of op attacks the better they play.

Positive feedback loops in general, really.

Juggle potential i think.

Being able to punish enemies before they die, like in fighting games where you get to juggle the shit out of someone before they hit the ground and the match ends.

When game have cockpit view and you can use all the switches and buttons inside.

Limb damage
>shooting a persons gun out of their hand
>shooting someone in the foot
>shooting someones arm or eye

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Fast nut = fast kill/execute animations like in Titanfall 2.

I'll name you several.

>Manual meter
>Just defense
>Air dashes
>On-hit cancels
>Limit breaks

Capcom vs SNK 2 is a hoot.

The ability to make a female character a giantess

through mods or cheat engine if needed.

especially in VR. thank you honey select.

Collecting a bunch of resources to finally dump in some crafting system to make a LEGENDARY SWFORDFHT or smth.

Proper sneaking


>soundtrack dynamically adds/removes instruments depending on the situation

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>Through fire, justice is served!

The wii had so much goddamn potential for it, shaking the wiimote. I was thinking about working on a remake until whoever owns the licence stops me, and then Ill point them out for not doing jack shit with that brand.

But rl stuff came between. I tell ya, once i get more time on my hands...

Being able to brutally murder women is pure kino

Whatever the fuck Bopopolis is