This game is going to flop. I'm not even saying it in a shitposting kind of way...

This game is going to flop. I'm not even saying it in a shitposting kind of way. There seems to be little to no hype surrounding it, possibly due to a mix of Activision and the huge departure from the Souls formula. Maybe the general public just doesn't like feudal Japan or something. Also mix in the fact that DMC5 literally just came out and you have a recipe for a financial disaster. If this flops we are fucking doomed to an eternity of Dark Souls and Bloodborne sequels.

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sure thing dude

The fly's will feast on this pile of waste.
Nothing we do or say will change that. Let them fester, maggots and all.

They say this about every souls game. If you haven't seen the hype around this game then you are blind as fuck my dude.

Bloodborne had 10x more hype surrounding it than this game.

>Doomed to an eternity of Dark Souls and Bloodborne sequels
I know your inner contrarian needs to pretend this isn't a great thing to be doomed to, but there's a reason FROMsoft captured lightning with the souls formula and they should keep innovating and releasing similar products and evolutions thereof. It's why they're so revered now.
>haha guys i know we've made civilization a huge franchise and now we're tired of civilization so WERE GONNA MAKE A FIRST PERSON SHOOTER LOL XD


Absolutely bluepilled. Embarrassing post.

dank memeage my fellow ledditor

okay retard lmao

No it did not, the number of plays in the trailers of sekiro are about the same, if not more, than bloodborne was at release. Right now sekiro's trailers have half the views than Bloodborne's trailers, which came four years ago. And it has about the same number of plays as dark souls 3 trailers. And the media coverage is basically 100% every media outlet is covering wvery bit of news about it. Just right now, this week, every youtube channel has covered this game one way or another. People always say that the new fromsoft game is gonna flop because no one's interested, but numbers don't lie.

its a top seller already on steam and its multiplat

Doesn't matter. Consoles are where the big numbers are.

I plan on buying it, and will probably enjoy it. That's all that ultimately matters to me. If it bombs, From can just go back to rehashing more Dark Souls games for all the shit eating plebs that just want more of the same. It's not like it takes a lot to please you cunts, all they need to do is make Dark Souls 3.5, and show a trailer of some generic knight fighting some generic dragon in some castle (with some le EPIC phantom bros having his back of course, it's not like the average Soulsfag plays these games solo) and you retards will be lining up to buy it again. From will be fine.

dude guaranteed this shit sold more already than dmc 5 and thats and old and "beloved" franchise but i will say that this game will sell less than bloodborne and the souls game no multiplayer, no build variety etc will make the replayability of this title will be way less , but guaranteed this game will sell 1.5 or 2 million first week

>Says that he plans on blindly buying a from game when the game isn't out.
>proceeds to insult people that buys from games blindly.

so ... it is selling good according to you

I'm willing to give it a shot, since it's at least something different from them. If this was just Dark Souls 4 it would be a pass. I don't care about people "blindly" buying anything, as much as I'm bothered by how Soulsfags just expect the same old shit from every new From Software release. I'm reminded though that most Soulsfags are zoomers that never played anything that From made before Demon's Souls, so the idea of From making something that isn't Dark Souls is completely alien to them.

Youtube demographics has grown. Nowadays it's easy to get millions of views within hours which would have taken longer 4-5 years ago.

since you like this line so much you're posting it in multiple threads you might want to know it's the plural form of fly is flies.

I got into Souls playing coop with friends and fucking with invaders. So a Soulslike game that’s singleplayer only and even harder? Hard pass from me.

you fell for his bait.
wait who is baiting who now?

I agree sick of seeing that zoomer post that phrase.

I hope so.
I'd like to pick it up for less than $30 sooner than later.

Looks like a BS crossover between Souls, Assassin's Creed, and your generic cartoon game. It looks like the ambiences don't have any variety whatsoever. Looks like some repetitive BS, honestly. Soulless husk of a game.

I'm holding out for Ghost of Tsushima with regards to feudal Nippon, and will play Rage 2 instead.

You know what's not going flop?
The machine that allows us to send wallops through the internet.

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>Top seller and the most wishlisted game on Steam
Aren't you faggots tired of being wrong already? First RE2, then DMC5 and now Sekiro.

Bloodborne sold 2 million in 6 months.