2B has 300k+ polygons just for her ass
2B has 300k+ polygons just for her ass
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Yet more proof as to why sexist incels should not be allowed to develop games.
That is a lot of attention to ass
Really shows why people like looking at it, it's a work of art
You would literally not notice a single pixel of difference if that was halved. Bad job by devs, but what can you expect from Japan.
Why would they half ass their work?
This, not sure why people are impressed by this face
Whay about toobs thighs?
it's called attention to detail, everyone gets it.
>tfw you will never have a nice ass and show off for all your male friends
why live ;_;
Fucking brilliant.
geometry is fucking cheap, Bloodborne as an example had framerate issues but still had no problems just throwing away tricounts on fucking bricks modeled in on walls and shit
it's shaders and materials and drawcalls that kill fps
outright geometry, a fucking tablet can handle millions of
>half ass
Women come in all shapes and sizes. By discriminating against this artist, you are saying that only fat, unnatractive women should be idolized. All women are equal, so quit being upset that attractive women are more equal then others.
And yet, my tongue will never glide across a single one of them. Why even fucking live.
>no benis
okay, thats pretty good
and that's still not enough. should be at least a few million with giggle and squeeze phsics
Haha I wonder what those polygons smell like haha
holy frickin based!!!
thanks for killing this shitty thread
Why are healthy body types considered sexist?
I can understand racial issues, but getting mad over a woman being physically attractive is only a problem to women who are too lazy to make themselves as presentable.
After all, Men are expected to be handsome while also being hard working.
Is this true, or was someone having a laugh in blender?
What is sexist about it, tranny abomination?
It's not a face it's an ass
Why would you want to you slut
huh, interesting so that is the reason onto why I like to look upon the butt on 2b not because I'm a perverted fart fetishist.
the only sexist here is YOU
Hit a gym instead of bitching, holy shit
Even taking the stairs for once helps you with ass gains
Let's not pretend fitness can make every person attractive. Genetics play a huge role. And even if you could convince every woman on the planet to run, do yoga, and eat right, you'd only make the upper levels of hotness even more stringent.
i hope youre not posting chris chan as an example of a health body type
Is this part of a set?
Someone is being a dickheat and subdividing. She actually doesn't.
Out fucking skilled
It's actually 1.1m
That's why you educate people as well for they might become content with what they lack, appreciate more what they have.
You don't want to see it, it's just generic mindbreak rape.
Forgot biggure
>Citing ray
what can I say but yikes
>Is this true, or was someone having a laugh in blender?
a laugh in blender probably. 300k is definitely too much for a part of a character in vidya.
That's a big fat >implication you got there, buddy.
Gimme the link. Please.
At this point not fapping to 2B as is almost a criminal offense against the people that created it
300k polygons talked to death about on a virgin board
wish 2B would crush my head between her thighs while A2 spams taunt in the background
Her ass is nowhere near that smooth ingame
no wonder people said the game runs like ass
>some fags modified ripped model
Nope, still won't fap to her.
I like the way you're thinking though
I had sex with more than one person.
That's an excessive amount of polygons for the effect achieved. That number could be drastically reduced without losing fidelity, through better textures. An excess of processing power makes 3D artists lazy.
It's in the DSM, discord tranny
nevermind, the game runs smooth.
someone just put this into blender and hit subdivide a few times.
Virginity is a mindset
WHO is this slut??
I'm sorry user, I was joking.
No it is not. You literal retard.
I don't have any angry reaction images so take this instead.
There is no way this is real
everything about the state of being a woman is sexualised,. excuse me for getting a chub now and then back in the day
91% of cis women have autogynophelic masturbation habits
Enjoy menopause
definitely a laugh in blender. note how much denser the polys are in her butt compared to the rest of the model. someone just opened it up in blender and pressed subdivide a bunch of times for le ebin may mays. even if it were real, in game they wouldn't be rendering that many polys. theyd be using a low resolution version.
>91% of cis women have autogynophelic masturbation habits
what does this even mean?!
They masturbate over themselves
Poly's well used I see.
nice user, very cool
Everything about being male is sexualized too, your point being? (btw I love vergil's ass, it's hot)
Who doesn't masturbate over their own hot body?
Makes sense, cause the game is literal shit, so of course asses was the focus of game development.
I bet you feel stupid now.
>should not be allowed to
statist tranny cuck. You delusion is that some form of power should govern over every part of peoples lives. You have a slave mindset.
It's only sexualized to you and your hyperactive male libido
Literally go ask your mom if she gets aroused when she puts on a bra, I'll wait
i only see 2b threads during europoor hours
why the fuck are you guys so obsessed with this game
this argument could go in many different directions, what do you mean by that? Go in depth.
You've got it wrong. Incels are the target demographic, not the actual developers.
It's been a standard for Platinum to make the player character and any important side characters / enemies very highly detailed while making environments bland for a long time now.
Why can't they also put that many polygons in other parts of her too? I know the ass is there for sex appeal but having a character model or game world architecture with say, 3 million polygons would look incredible and would bring us one step closer to achieving 1:1 movie realism that we all know developers want.
Of course it isn't, you stupid virgin.
way to go pointing out obvious shit and missing the point
cramming more polygons into something won't make it look better, only up to a certain point before you start getting diminishing returns
Because people want big booty bitches over dumb movie bitches.
You have 22 years of adult life until that tho. You arent advocating unhealthy lifestyles just because your body will get old in 2 decades, right?
how many polygons would somebody need to shove on a model before there is no hint of visible pointy edge polygons?
Oh fuck sorry shit i thought you were repliying to the other post sorry fuck im retarded
About tree fiddy
The textures really are bad, the UVs are fucking terrifying. I dunno if the dude that ripped it used an low-res LoD texture or not, but considering the resolution it seems lacking in detail in close examination.
Not it is not, in fact that's off by a factor of over +250
Taking the time to shill for /3/. If you're interested in art but aren't that good at drawing and want to use your more technical side then you should give 3d modeling a try.
Here's the first assignment for anyone interested
cgpeers registration is open on the 1st and 15th
>300k polygons
>but model textures are pretty mediocre
I dont get the point. Pretty much the same as polishing a turd.
It's to look better in motion. Polygons rotate, textures don't.
Not nearly enough ass
ah yes, include me in the epic screencap as well
hello my reddit bros
You don't get the point because it's a poor excuse of a joke.
>implying that trannies go through menopause
t. landwhale
I had sex right after posting this
every time I get anaesthesia because of clotting
and I get a period every 5 weeks (no blood obviously)
Implying female chris wouldnt use over sized clothes and have greasy hair
all those flavors available and you picked salty?
Depends on the shading used. From my limited experience smooth is always used, flat might be used for some esoteric stuff, low poly, and vintage replication, occasionally stylized stuff. You can have different shader groups, using them in combination, but I don't know what you'd use that for.
The flat shaded subdiv cube in this example has 6,144 faces, or 12,288 triangles.
The smooth has 1,536 or 3,072 triangles.
yeah no
damn this is another EPIC meme, yes I remember it
keep em coming
yeah i remember what it was like to be 15 and spiteful again
So you were just pretending to be retarded?
No wonder the game runs like shit and the graphics are bad.
>framerate drops to 18fps just so it can render 2B's phat ass
>totally worth it
Most people can get an attractive body with enough work, barring those with conditions.
Face on the other hand? You'd be right there, there's plastic surgery but most people can't afford that.
how do they even model such thing
do they scan random girl ass and then enhance it in blender
or what
That's pretty good.
Did you do sub-division retard or it's real?
>Vergil has a thicker ass than most of the females
Why though?
There's tons of different approaches, it just depends on your pipeline. Most character modelling is done with Zbrush and retopography since Zbrush's topology is wonky as fuck for animators and terribly inefficient in general.
Left is flat, right smooth.
>retards actually believe this
As someone who works making 3D models I can tell you guys two things that might pop your party. The first is that that is clearly edited since the polys on the butt are quads and the rest are tris; the second is that that is clearly subdivided (3 keyed in Maya) for smoothness.
That being said it's still succulent and I wish I could die smothered in 2B's ass/tights though.
Plot and backstory
Maybe also plot and backstory
>slight curve near the seams of the outfit
Yeah wtf is with sexist incels and making historical masterpieces, Greece should have outlawed this kind of misogyny
Took me a few seconds
if you were really from /3/, you wouldn't be posting andrew price unironically.
you did it mate
And it shows
user confirms it's in the name of artwork
That doesn't sound right, maybe it's just an issue with the model ripping tool used?
this, i'm confused
Put me in the screencap
>sleeve feathers don't have physics
>trust the players not to notice because they're too distracted by 2B's hot ass
stop using your reddit buzzword here it's problematic
I wonder how many polygons are used on 9S’s legs and lips haha