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Dumb phoneposter

holy fucking shit I hate phone posters
hiro can't build the paywall soon enough



Holy fuck you´re doing it on purpose arent you faggot?

I really hope this is some kinda advanced shitposting technique because holy fuck.

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OP? Are you okay? Are the extra chromosomes too heavy?

Didn't I just see this thread on Yea Forums?

>phone poster
>not using an adblock for the web browser
>can't take a fucking screenshot

Attached: 1549322136049.jpg (500x563, 87K)

How many layers of irony is OP on?

I actually posted instantly to insult him. If it's a shitpost technique then it's truly masterful, I haven't been trolled this hard in many years


>Nntendo Switch Fortnite players wor Ringer o be in the mat oool wit and PS4 users after the latest update
What did OP mean by this?

Yea Forums users are "Mobile" now.

>Telstra Corporation Limited is Australia's largest telecommunications company which builds and operates telecommunications networks and markets voice, mobile, internet access, pay television and other products and services.
Fucking hate you aussies.


>ad blocking
Dumb PCposter

>the "it's okay when Nintendo does it" poster is a dumb phoneposter

Attached: OOOOOOOOOOOOO.jpg (2220x1080, 99K)

adblock is immoral
Op is still a fucking retard though

we should rangeban the entire third world country of australia

If you're going to phonepost, do it right. Oh wait, you own a garbage iphone. Sell that shit and get an Android.

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>the worst control scheme has to compete with the second best control scheme now
Got daym are epic retarded

They exist even for smartphones you ignorant mongoloid.

congrats this is the most low IQ shitpost i've seen all week

as expected of an australian

Nice :D top level shit posting

>iToddlers are mentally deficient
Who could've thought

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learn to read retard

>adblock is immoral
This is the kind of shit why even the faggest boards now make fun of Yea Forums

Yeah, bells are pretty shit

>adblock is immoral

Attached: 1552421400912.jpg (700x1120, 150K)

holy shit up to $720 dollars off a pc

>what is Brave
>what is rooting

>Act like a smartass
>Quote the same guy twice

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Ringer Nigger Ninger

>consolewar shitposter is a mobilefag who can’t even take a screencap to save his life
that explains a lot

imagine browsing the web on a 5 inch screen
i'm going to ask my ants what that's like

Nice troll. You got a few Yea Forumsirgins to bite.

>fucking up your phone and hacking it just so you don't see a few ads

>the cherry on top, it's an iPhone
Pretty good bait. Still, phoneposters are cancer and should fuck off.


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OP you fukkin dumbass

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Whoa... So this is the power... of phoneposting...

holy fucking based

>aussie troll posts obvious bait
>underageb& fall for it without fail


S'pretty shit.

you don't need to root your phone to block ads little one.


Attached: 1552400062421.png (624x642, 378K)

>phoneposters aren't retar

Once upon a time this kind of shit would be instantly identified as trolling.
For all the access to knowledge you kids have you are still dumb as shit.

You retarded cunt.

Attached: autism.jpg (1080x1350, 162K)

>I was just trolling I s-swear!

based Ringer poster

imagine having a 5 inch dick
i'm going to ask you what that's like