So now that Dorft Fort has been normiefied,
What is the go to 'hardcore' game?
So now that Dorft Fort has been normiefied
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The tileset is optional.
god, you are so desperate to not be a mediocre person
tilesets are hardly a new or special thing you retard.
I hope they also improve the fuck out of the interface.
Wtf is with those slopes
its definitely at least a lot cleaner looking
and its got better formatting even though its practically exactly the same as its always been
I bet you don't even play dwarf fortress op
SEETH your secret club is going to be taken over by the normies
There better be a mouse support.
>shitty counterintuitive ascii graphics and UI is what makes a game hardcore
>w-waaaah mom the meanie normos are in my sekrit club how could this happen
it's mostly visual aids half the people who played DF already used in one way or another
no we don't use these
real dwarf fortress players only use the game as is
it's like taking oblivion with mods and saying it's skyrim
no it's not you already ruined the game
you made it worse than morrowind and more like fallout newvegas
it is not the same anymore
it is meant to cater to the casual cattle that can't think for themselaves
can't even imagine their world
they lack the membrine to actually think
they think the voices in their heads are people calling for their shots to be taken
they never can comprehend and will never try to
we don't want to associate ourselves with these brainless masses
they are ther eason why the decline in mankind is happening
and we must stop them from declining Dwarf Fortress as much as we can even if it meant boyocotting toady himself
let his family suffer, we must save dwarf fortress from the normification
The fly's will feast on this pile of waste.
Nothing we do or say will change that. Let them fester, maggots and all.
If you want to be able to sell a game to Steam normies you need to be able to at least CLICK in your interface.
Rimworld being on stream didn't bring many normies, its fine. It takes a certain amount of autism to play these types of games.
so when is this coming out? really wan to try it
After the villain update, so probably late this year or early next year, at the soonest.
>nooooooooo fucking norming invading muh secret club and enjoying single player games reeeeee
Sasuga based turboautist
This board is fucking dead if we're tolerating this shit now.
gatekeeping is not a bad thing
>actually prefers ASCII graphics and the labyrinth system that is the UI
Nobody wants to cater to your shit tastes. Go jerk off to a MUD or something, faggot.
There's nothing wrong a game bringing more players you autists
And yes Gatekeeping is a bad a thing
Gatekeeping what? You will never even know of the fags that decide to try this game.
>can't even imagine their world
we know you can't, aspie
keep on fighting the good fight tho
gatekeeping is how you keep a thing that you like yours
sure, not gatekeeping has temporary benefits, but as the community grows so does the thing you like and eventually it will grow into something you no longer like. It's how it always works.
not always, often. and with something as impenetrable as dwarf fortress, pre-bundled tilesets and the assumed interface improvements won't be enough to attract (or at the least retain) the people who would ruin it.
Neck yourself retard.
Someone send the developer one of these new fangled computer mice
looks better. I'm now gonna give it a proper go
Is this supposed to be an insult?
Here? I guess it is, yeah.
>this is what a PC exclusive looks like
No wonder you fags always beg for console ports
Lost Souls mud
Dwarf fortress isn't yours to keep.
Oh wow the game actually looks playable instead of like a beta atari game. I might give it a shot now.
you hipster fucks act like this ruins the game. get a fucking life.
kill yourself shitskin
Gatekeeping is how western civilization became the best place in the world. Why do you think all the niggers and subhuman shit wants to come here? Because the rest of the world is awful and shit. Quite literally shit tier.
Western civilization rose to greatness off the free and open exchange of ideas and the rise of the scientific method leading to huge advancement in almost every field. Fuck off, commie.
It looks nice but I'll stick with myne
Can't wait for Elona steam release
OP seething
If they want to sell this game to players without severe autism, fixing UI is absolutely mandatory. I can't imagine many people would be willing to put up with military screen, vanilla labor management, unsorted lists and lack of filters or traits.
pls2gib elona+CG and OomSEST mix release
What happened?
Tileset for DF aren't anything new
dorf fort is already out, and you can download a tileset for it too.
dorf fort's on steam now. some fag was bitching that it will be "for sale" and that it's somehow a bad thing, but we all know it'll be as free to play as the other versions
They are for normies, tilesets are too hard to use.
That tileset is atrocious.
your so-called normies still aren't going to give a shit about dorf fort OP, settle down and take a deep breath
I looked it up.
If I understand this right, they're putting up an OPTION version with the only thing exclusive to it is a tileset and revamped audio, while the original will still be updated and now known as "Dwarf Fortress Classic", and this was done for the purpose of funding cancer treatment.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong but, not only will more people be able to enjoy a fantastic game, that it was done for an actual good cause rather than greed, but this is bad because Anons won't feel so special anymore
shoo shoo electionfag
This is the best thing to happen in a long time. I just love the fact that /dfg/ will be forever buttblasted and "ruined" from having tilesets confirmed as the intended way to play the game.
i thought the intended way to play was whatever way you wanted to. was i lied to?
can confirm, downloaded it an hour ago and tried it without tilesets, was a nightmare, got the lazy newb pack and got a tileset and 'mouse controls' which did literally nothing
quit within 5 minutes
not eve gonna bother unless there's a full UI and controls overhaul, full mouse support is a must for shitters like me to bother with it
Why do you hate things just because normalfags used it?
Do you hate your mother too?
"Mouse Controls" actually only allow you to place designation with the mouse rather than the keyboard.
It doesn't allow you to click on the UI to use fonctionnalities.
Don't get me wrong, shit's retarded, but it do work.
>muh ascii
If you think dorf was good or even improved because it was ascii and it wasn't just a means to an end to save time for more important features, then you're a hipster and need to kys
>play single player game
>somehow affected by the quality/lifestyles of other people playing the same singleplayer game
Nail on head.
Plus people are faggots baiting for (You)s.
Are you /dfg/?
You have brain damage. Stop trying to fit in and play the fucking game, no one cares that it's been given a less steep learning curve
>And yes Gatekeeping is a bad a thing
topnotch bait, lad
no, but who cares about them anyhow
>tfw u been playing with the newb pack for years for free
am i a leet hacker getting early acces for free haha or what
Nice pasta, I'll keep it.
Let me guess, you learned about the game thanks to a PC Gamer article.
Pro-tip: It's one of the most famous games in the world.
Imagine being this butthurt
Can all the normalfags stop saying normie and reeeee its just fucking embarrassing.
I wonder if there is a significant nip fanbase. Time to go investigate, brb
>weeb doesn't know nips don't give a fuck about PC
Not to say you're wrong, but making it a fund for cancer is not much better, as many of those organizations are used to simply launder money while pretending to do research and charity.
Yeah, makes me a brainlet wanna try it out as well. i didn't like the look of it.
Also the free version will get updated with support for all the new graphics features the paid tileset uses.
There are some PC players in Japan.
>this autist shit is finally playable
Give me a link so I can pirate it
None of the dumb niggers in this thread have played the game or intend to. They just want to shitpost about dorf fort because they have nothing better going on their lives and they can never enjoy a game that requires so much autism, so to cope with their brainlet self they resort to shitposting about the game instead.
here you go it was free an available for years
good to know everyone who shit on it being "inaccessible" was too lazy to do a quick google search for a tile set
>Blocking it in Japan is better. That way you can feel superior just for having it in your library
This will never get old
classic Yea Forums
Retards, DF have always had tilesets and sound
t. dumb nigger wanting to keep his secrete kkklub, fuck off back to whatever 3rd world hellhole you escaped from.
There's literally nothing wrong with DF's UI.
It must be hard not fitting in, huh?
it's not for cancer charity, it's literally to pay the hospital bills because one of their family members has cancer.
move over grandpa. you lost video games to normalfags over ten years ago. there are more girl gamers than guy gamers now.
this is unironically the best thing to happen to dwarf fortress
and you can still choose the old style in the options if your autism cant handle updated graphics
It's for Toady's brother, so there probably won't be a ton of money laundering going on there.
i fucking love rimworld.
DF is basically the same except with more freedom but harder to get into, right?
>research and charity
it's for his family and himself you tard
Yes and with qt succubus niggas.
>harder to get into
Hardly, it should take you 20 minutes to learn
>hur dur i'm a retard contrarian guys, i'm hip with it!
you absolute subhuman. how did your parents even let you on the computer?
>you're now a brainlet if you don't have autism
learn what words mean, fucker
They're different in more ways than they are similar.
I never understood what was wrong with the UI, it's just a list of all the possible keystrokes. What do you want, little pictures?
really? don't you start with a handful of dwarfs and then try to build your colony while defending it from all sorts of enemies and catastrophies?
could you elaborate?
What are these nufags pretending DF is an obscure game? Are they too new to remember when it was fucking EVERYWHERE?
It's not even that hard either.
Because I cry and scream until I get my way, after 40 years they caved in and have a macbook.
>What do you want, little pictures?
He just wants to feel unique for playind DF its literally the same game in a different setting and more options.
Mobile games don't count as games, tumor
You have no direct control over your characters, there really isn't much in the way of technology in Dorf you can't really defend your fortress beyond building traps and doors and hoping your dorfs don't just decide to throw a bitch fit and hide in their room. There is an adventure mode and more world simulation in dorf for more varied gameplay. There is no end state in dorf and the end game is different which Rimworld lacks any sense of progression other than more people in a raid.
Rimworld is about you actively being a better player and learning to survive better, Dorf is about RNG gods being cunts.
And then you get upset when people call you retarded? Lmao.
the tileset can only become so big unless he starts recoding shit so that creatures dont use letter/color combos and have dedicated pictures for every creature. if you replace too many symbols on your tileset in the current state of things, you begin to remove letters and numbers and replace them with symbols that look nothing like them, and then you start making mistakes due to misinformation. this is why you cannot afford to use the more normie tilesets, because while it MAY make it easier to tell wtf you're looking at without reading a description, it will fuck you over in the long run unless you start memorizing shit. i'm still new to this but ive grown very fond of pic related. it doesnt replace any of the letters, but replaces most of the punctuation marks since they're commonly used to represent the more dangerous varieties of monster.
>that catgirl
aww hell yes. what mods do i need for that to happen
>no direct control over dwarfs
Will reddit niggers fuck off already? You are retarded as fuck if you think that Chads and Stacies will meet up and play Dorf Fort
The tileset has nothing to do with UI you brainlet, that's the graphics
>you can't really defend your fortress beyond building traps and doors and hoping your dorfs don't just decide to throw a bitch fit and hide in their room.
Building a competent military is easy
>the tileset can only become so big unless he starts recoding shit so that creatures dont use letter/color combos and have dedicated pictures for every creature
He's doing that, apparently.
Things already have their own dedicated pictures you mong.
Anything by Zachtronics.
It isn't when the game is at risk of becoming more shallow but graphics and a better interface don't do anything of that sort
There is, dwarf management is split into 4 semi overlayin-by-purpose submemus that could all be turned into 1 and propperly organized. Also the spacial management asoects would work better merged into 1 system too
look again. the UI itself is using the fuckin tileset, too.
look at the punctuation marks in the last line, you silly brainlet
call me when every human, elf, el goblino and kobold are given images instead of letters that just change color. dwarves are practically the only creatures that get such treatment because they are the most common and important.
i am a dunce and zach stuff is easy, it's just a matter of understanding what tools you have and what uses they got
There is in a different mode thats a rougelike
Anyone that unironically uses the word normie is too new to be posting here
So it's like red, or you're like an illiterate dipshit?
shut up, normie
you are big bat tit tats
>they don't like rouge
plebeans, all of you.
Rimworld and Dungeon Keeper 1/2/War for the Overworld are actual games, Dwarf Fortress is like Sims. It's literally a game for your aunt, only the autist who made it didn't make a proper UI or graphics for it, so it's supposed to be better somehow.
It's like looking at the Sims inner mechanics exposed on your screen, it's completely uninteresting and irrelevant.
they're plebeans because they're not real human beans, duh.
Alright, don't play it then.
Human beans are a diamond dozen, why would you want to be one?
>The Sims is not an actual game
fucking fuck off retarded niggerfaggot
you sound like a fucking mouth breathing cunt
I'm not lol, I'm not your mom's girlfriend.
Based retard who doesn't know shit yet still spouts shit. Yea Forums in nutshell.
jesus christ those slopes are fucked
>the game that is a cheap DF ripoff is worse than DF
that's actually a pretty tileset though
>skeleton lovers
>people crying for translations
>people acting superior for knowing the language
I guess no matter where you are, things will always be the same.
Think for half a second.
The graphics person is trying to fix them, there's a discussion thread in the forum.
He revealed that they're also planning for some shading near walls and such, I hope they don't go overboard with this graphics stuff taking Toady's time.
>it's an "autists don't understand the value of good UX/UI design" thread
it's common knowledge charity = scam
General difficulty is anything but nomified though.
Imagine being this ignorant of the world. Holy fuck, there are so many retards on this board.
Good UI is inviting to casuals and ruins the game
>Release for retards who don't know how to install tile set and run soundSense.
Jesus fuck, no wonder that with this level of customers IQ producers of hardware have to put warning labels "DO NOT TRY TO STOP WITH YOUR GENITALS" on the chainsaws.
it's common knowledge you = retard
I can translate this.
>I don't want it to be popular because my defunct Yea Forums brain hive mind tell me I must not like it anymore because I oh so desperately want to fit in here
epic conspiracy theory, buddy
>why do you want the game to be unnecessarily cryptic and ugly?
Oh yeah the famous console exclusive game touhou.
charities are scams, period
have you ever seen anyone do anything out of the goodness of their heart? that's right you didn't, it doesn't exist
all that money you donated to starving children or whatever other bullshit cause? it's gone to the scammers' pockets, sorry, live & learn
I'm so bad at Aurora, I should play it some more.
Try reading the replies to to understand what you got wrong.
Make your own game.
Don't share it with anyone.
You'll literally be the only person playing it.
Your own super special club, with zero normies.
You'll be the star of all Yea Forums.
Isn't Rimworld the normie version of DF?
Also what tileset is OP using? I can play with ASCII but I like graphics I guess
Yeah cause someone collecting money for his dying brother is the same as a public charity for starving niggers
It's a new one exclusive to the steam release.
OP is a new tileset made for the steam version
>have you ever seen anyone do anything out of the goodness of their heart? that's right you didn't, it doesn't exist
Yeah, all the time. Do you live in a non-anglo country or something? Yes, you're right that charities are scams but charity exists.
Well, yeah.
I know I'd enjoy Undertale a lot more if nobody else knew about it.
You're retarded, the money's going directly to Toady and his brother's pocket. It's not a charity, they're trying to prepare for medical bills.
steam version?????????????????
Holy fuck it's legit, at least now I know what I'm going to do for the next 72hrs.,..
Looks more than just a tileset though? Doesn't it also have a new UI and maybe mouse support?
dem fukken dorfs mang
Stop living under a rock, retard
it's not out yet and it will take at least several months since toady wants to be done with the villains update first and only then start working on the steam stuff
Drop proofs then
It's not out yet. Toady first needs to finish up the shit he's got going right now, with NPC villain plots, and then update the graphics code for the first time in a fucking decade.
Dwarf Fortress was never a hardcore game
It takes a few hours to learn how to play and then the game is so fucking easy the only way to lose is to get bored or have so many dwarves your computer can't run the game.
It's a mock-up but the graphics guy said it's all planned stuff they will do with Toady working on the graphics back-end to enable fancy shit like proper ramps, creatures wearing visible equipment and shading.
>non argument
not even him but yikes
Where did all of this "Gatekeeping is always bad" shitters even come from? I see them all the time on /tg/.
>Shut up about Japanese translation already. Trash can't even speak English and wants to play western games
It really is like bizarro Yea Forums
they're from /vg/
No you wouldnt
Gatekeeping for gaming and anime is retarded
Dominions 5
>Thinking Toady will ever fall to normies
Does this look like the face of a man who cares for such things?
Your suggestion is blatantly stupid. Every place on earth engages in gatekeeping. How do you not notice that even in passing? Every initiation ritual is gatekeeping. Every organization that requires membership is gatekeeping. Who doesn't have those? And who cares about gating people out of a single player game? You didn't give any thought to this.
Dwarf fortress has been a well known game for over a decade. Being on steam changes nothing. Stop seething and go move some ascii characters around.
Games and anime aren't organizations or particularly dangerous activities
There's no reason to gatekeep outside of just not liking x person in particular and not wanting them to enjoy y media
No gatekeeping is great. More players rarely means more *good* players.
>gatekeep games
>keep lowest common denominator from being the core market
>games that focus on substance instead of spectacle are still made
Looks like gatekeeping could've kept gaming from being shit, who knew!
Get in line fucker you are not special anymore it happend to everything
It looks like another indie game dont expect the undertale effect
Gatekeeping is good cause it keeps retards from ruining things. Look at Jojo, it's literally shit now cause of the anime.
>free and open exchange of ideas
>Fuck off, commie.
"free" is a commie word, commie.
>implying (you) as a community decides what shit appeals to
The developer is the one "gatekeeping" until he decides he wants to "appeal to a broader audience".
Or you could just have a list of various information readily available instead of having your thread bogged down with source? sauce? salsa? sauwce? pls respond?
Why would we waste our time doing that? Besides, asking for sauce is a reportable option on Yea Forums.
No, just an inevitable crushing disappointment waiting to happen.
>what are wiki's
>game developers come out of vidya communities
>gatekept community members don't want to appeal to broader audiences
Something you can google.
Don't do this.
Im OK with this change
Dorf butt
>game developer who came out of community
>sees he can make money off of this
ayyyyyyyy lmao
>expands into nothingness as gaming is still seen as nerdy and not socially acceptable, fails
Only if they remove thirst mechanic n lower the grind :^)
Oh nasty!!
>computer game now has graphics
>Single player game
>If more players come, it will ruin the game
ASCII is graphics
just turn the thirst mechanic off or play an earlier version
Also just play on overdose
>what is discord and forums
Absolute donkey
So apparently the guy who makes Masterwork DF is going to help port mods to steam workshop. And Mayday is working on the steam tileset.
Search up Furry fortress its already tainted.
Doesn't mean it will influence Toady.
Can you name a single time in the history of internet gaming that adding a bunch of steamshitters to a game that existed outside of steam improved anything? Just going to be an endless stream of:
Literally going to cause your brother to die faster.
>What is Unreal world
Vanilla DF is already a furry and scaly zone.
so the free version is the same as the paid version?
this new thing is just a glorified donate link?
Can you name a single time in the history of internet gaming that adding a bunch of steamshitters to a game that existed outside of steam ruined anything?
Yea but those are just mythical lore of Greeks and Germanic tribes.
It's the same but with the exclusive tileset, modders will be able to use the new graphics features to make their own improved tilesets even in the free version.
Ace Combat 7 ;_;
I might actually give it a chance now
See you in /dfg/ fellow dorfs
>Ace Combat 7 ;_;
A horrible, broken port has nothing to do with Steam's community, it would get shat on anywhere (and this is a good thing)
i probably would've played the fuck out of DF if not for the awful dogshit UI. it boggles the mind that the game has in development for like 10 years and they never even considered the possibility of adding UI that isn't from the 80s
The UI is fine tho
>greedy devs only add support for a specific brand of HOTAS even though they only claimed "HOTAS support" before release
>people naturally get mad
more like dorks amirite fellow gaymers?
*buzzer sound*
Does it need flashy buttons for zoomer faggots to not be shit or something?
Trannies and sjw mad that male domiated hobbies exist
i'm 25 year old programmer. i dislike it because it's a lazily hacked together, slow and shitty way to interface with the game. it's basically like a placeholder UI you'd have for the first demo build which you'd later replace, but with dwarf fortress, it never was replaced
>we don't want to associate ourselves with these brainless masses
Like you associate with anyone you fat autistic waste of oxygen.
I bet your parents loathe your very existence
>Game is in development
>More people come along
>Make the game worse
What is so hard to understand about this?
That'd be great
>Normies want to play dwarfy
Dude i showed this game to normalfags all their faces are like.
You need have a little of the tism to like this.
Lifeweb, of course.
I’m just happy the game is getting more exposure and the dev more money to keep updating
The tile set is optional you fag
This is a good copypasta, can we get versions for other games pls?
Irrespective of this specific DF thing,
Gatekeeping a niche hobby is good. It keeps retards out. Most people are too fucking retarded to be welcome additions.
If you're upset about gatekeeping, it's because you're one of those retards who doesn't want to put the bare minimum effort to conform to standards and join in on something on any terms but your own conveniently self serving ones, ignorant of the community you're trying to participate in. It's because you're a cunt.
>Autism simulator gets graphics
>Autists rage
>implying that's the reason people are raging
Honestly I would have liked DF and probably played it if it wasn't for the fact that I CAN'T FUCKING CLICK THE UI AND MY MOUSE IS USELESS.
They're raging because they don'r like popular games so if this becomes popular they'll shave to stop playing it despite loving the game.
Soiled it.
It's becuase retards like defend it and encourage the behavior.
le ironic shitpost derpina
I miss ASCII posters. It was a different time.
Dominions 5
>the 25 year old programmer
the current DF hack has the ability to replace more than a tileset used to be able to.
Oh I know it's easy, so is dwarf fort.
But it requires understanding a gameplay system that isn't immediately obvious and takes some tie to understand.
It is an insult.
People who are not mediocre don't feel the need to act superior.
Acting like the fucking tileset for Dwarf Fortress to make it more user friendly, and thus sell more copies (you know, what video companies exist to do), is some sort of bad thing because more normal people are now enjoying the game is beyond retarded.
what's the best way to play dorf fort
some people make it seem like a crazy RPG going out and killing/recruiting vampires or other shit and it sounds absolutely insane
>have you ever seen anyone do anything out of the goodness of their heart? that's right you didn't, it doesn't exist
Where the fuck do you live mate?
I see that shit literally everyday where I live. We have tons of community organizations that help people, directly, out of the goodness of their heart.
You are just a pessimistic teenager trying to tear down everything people see as "good" because you have nothing worth loving in your life. Move away from your hometown.
It's a base builder/simulator, not an RPG.
Not everything in a fantasy setting is RPG.
that's what I mean, I could have sworn some people were talking about their dorfs leaving base and going on adventures and shit I dunno man
play whatever mode you want, Adventurer is where you control your character and roam the world, talking and fighting your way around, Fortress mode is the indirect base builder.
Yeah that's on adventure mode
Because millions upon millions of people game. It's not some special club retard, it's a massive industry and hobby.
It's not even really, "new", historically speaking. Non-digital gaming has been extent for thousands of years across virtually every culture.
You can have a varied market you know?
AAA titles existing does not prevent good, more obscure, games from being developed. Mount and Blade was made by like what? 3 dudes up to warband, with volunteer groups assisting? Games is a classic, and anyone who plays it loves it.
You can have both.
You are super dumb my dude. I hope you realize that eventually.
Fortress mode is base building, Adventure mode is roguelike built on the same systems and world, you can even visit your old fortress in adventure mode.
You have literal brain dead children in this very thread saying they’ve never played because of the graphics. If you think they aren’t going to fuck up and come on here to complain it’s too hard and email tarn constantly to make it easier you are part of the problem. This whole site should be shut down to prevent faglords from having a place to congregate
this is a great final boss speech after he transforms, especially
>it is meant to cater to the casual cattle that can't think for themselaves
>can't even imagine their world
>they lack the membrine to actually think
>they think the voices in their heads are people calling for their shots to be taken
>they never can comprehend and will never try to
I remember a friend trying to show me this game years ago and i couldn't understand it at all, whats the point of it besides being a game for Yea Forumstards to jerk off and say they are playing some galaxy brain shit
>what’s the point in playing games
This is the type of person who now has access to this game.
Why are you obsessed with clicking? You don't click in roguelikes, either.
>There's nothing wrong a game bringing more players you autists
>And yes Gatekeeping is a bad a thing
How the hell does have so many replies when this retard wins the dumbest post itt?
Because no one wants to read anons retard manifesto
>pc game
>doesn't have an ending
Cant' see any problem here. The free "classic" dorf is always available and this one will also have an optional ASCII mode too!
I think having not just a tile set but improved controls and features (ie visible equipment on dorfs, more varied graphics, better control of game systems) is worth it. Provided its made available for a reasonable price and the good version offers Linux support, I'll definitely pick it up.
After all I can't bitch about a game where a couple of indie devs have been working on it for over a decade for free, is hugely popular, and they may want to sell an enhanced version so they can pay for fucking medicine.
Women and minorities are taking over, sweetie. Get used to it
You'll have to explain your nonsensical thought process here.
lmao 2games
>no dwarf therapist
>no UI clicking
DOA for normies they'll never touch it
They'll just download lazy newb from the workshop.
>for the purpose of funding cancer treatment
only his own cancer treatment, good cause my ass, he chose to live in claperica, it's his fault and he won't have my money to pay that shit, move to a first world country nerd
>thirst mechanic
when did this happen
>Dorf Fortress
1. All it takes for you to make your fort 100% invulnerable to all external (and internal) threats is a single wall. Even a wooden one will do to keep absolutely everything away from hurting you and your dwarves. This is a very long, on-going design problem that the developer (Tarn Adams) seem adamant on not addressing or fixing to any degree to the point where the community has resorted to making entire wiki pages dedicated to trying to get you to kill yourself doing arbitrary, made-up challenges & "rule sets":
2. Continuing on as this is really a serious fucking problem, If you wish to have an open fort and still be 100% secure, there is yet another idiot-proof solution to this called a "Trap Corridor".. 1x wide lines zig-zagging into your base filled with rows upon rows of traps. The only thing that can actually get through this is sneaky goblins which "forces" you to place a pet nearby those traps so they get spotted when trying to enter.
3. The UI & Control scheme of this game is to this very day, the worst i have ever seen & touched as a gamer in 20+ years. There is so much shit borderline hidden inside menus that are inside other menus (including borderline critical functions) which will leave 99% of everyone who goes into this game not knowing anything to the brink of tears within an hour of playing.. If they get past the setup & world gen.
4. AI can become horrendously buggy, especially when it comes to more specific things like telling them to put on certain clothes. If you want to say, make your military dwarves wear a double layer of anything.. They're never gonna do it themselves, forcing you to do some horribly finicky micromanagement for every single one.
5. Combat is massively RNG. There are a LOT of cases where you assemble an army/guard and have them face X threat (which they should be able to eradicate with ease) but due to chance, they end up getting fucked up beyond belief.. If you would reload before the fight, the outcome - despite you not doing anything different - will become like an alternate dimension. Equipping and training your dwarves to become grand-masters, donning the best possible equipment can still see them become mince-meat as some mobs utilize "grab attacks", effectively going through full sets of masterwork armor you spent 15 years creating.
6. "FPS Death" is a very real, serious issue in this game. If there's for any reason, too many items, too many NPC's, too much X or Y shit going on, your game's FPS (and real-time speed) will come to an absolute fucking crawl. What would pass in 5 minutes real time could take 45-60+ minuntes at some points which becomes unbearable for many and the only way to prevent this is keeping your forts tiny & downloading third-party "cheats" to do things like clean up tiles of fluids, etc.
If you want the satisfaction of helping someone then donate $20 and download it free, only benefit of getting it on steam is saying you have 2000 hours in dorf fort
he is a retard, but
>dwarf fortress
>sell copies
isn't it supposed to live off donations?
Neurotypical is less destructive than low iq. Smart normalfag games (Civ) are better than dumb autistic games (Sonic)
>getting money from your hard work to get medical help is bad
>and even so, keep it free for those who don't wanna pay
nah fuck off, if you want to drop DF because of this then go, you wont be missed.
Been away from the game for a while, is the rapist still used/acepted?
Working through the UI was fun in a weird sort of way, but defending ASCII is just pure autism.
The whole reason it's on steam and not exclusively the bay12 site is because toady can't afford healthcare so I don't think living on donations is an option at this point.
when is he going to build therapist into the game its unplayable without it
Surely it'll be compatible with the Steam release at the very least?
But yeah it should just be made official already.
Tileset looks good but also pretty soulles desu