How do we make western games great again, bros

how do we make western games great again, bros

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By not consorting with SJWs and libtards


We don't cherrypick examples.

You're citing one of the most successful games of the past few years as "bad"

That western game has made millions upon millions of dollars of pure profit, not let alone revenue, it's literally the poster child of "GET WOKE GO BROKE" being false

Attached: 1546116175361.png (500x460, 126K)

Just stop playing garbage normie games.

>western games
soul, unique, realistic

>japanese games
soulless, plastic, unrealistic

right looks like an airhead bimbo with no character

it was never good

>it made money so its good

so justin bieber is one of the greatest musicians ever, got it

>virgin jap devs trying to create the perfect jap women by cross breeding with superior western genes
>chad western devs reminding everyone how pure japs look like. disgusting.

the absolute state of weebs

Step 1: spend 600 dollars/month on japanese games
Step 2: buy some AAA game every 2 months just to give bad reviews on steam
step 3: pay some 100 bucks to indian bots thumb down people streaming western games
Step 4: watch western industry collapse

Attached: t4.jpg (1024x656, 212K)


Attached: 1540757068947.png (951x842, 1.73M)

still better

Right: promo shot with photoshop fixed

I wonder why capcom didn't fix DMC5 and RE2 faces after the motion cap. It literally takes 5~10 minutes on any 3D editing software

Apex is a well designed game and a lot of fun. Your picture only shows a problem with visuals, with Apex being an out of game cutscene. If you're this shallow you probably don't play many games and are probably a refugee from Yea Forums or /pol/

Attached: 1552551275998.jpg (951x842, 367K)

Nico is cute

You realize the left one is a caricature right?

That character is dark as hell. Why did they ake her horrifically ugly?

> is from a bad game
>Ada sections are the worst part of RE2
waifufags BTFO
women need not be in video games. Games need more horrifying monsters, spaceships, and tanks.


literally looks like it's from claymation

Niggers will never be attractive, but as they become more of the majority we must increasingly cater to their delusions.


You mean western live services ?

>that face
>worse than propoganda depictions of axis japan's hirohito

>choosing characters from two of the biggest releases from this year is cherry picking

Overwatch is the one of the last western games to actively design attractive female characters and it's not for the western male audience who are either spineless or get shouted down, it's for the koreans.


Niggers no, but there are some black girls, especially those of mixed heritage, that are fucking gorgeous.

Attached: blasian chick.jpg (700x701, 144K)

The character on the left looks like an actual asian woman though, the one on the right looks white

Overwatch made me want an egyptian gf.

Try with the ingame models.

>how do we make western games great again, bros
Learn to code.

Ah yes, because that is such an outlier.

I mean, damn it goes further then just this. You see it in those Japanese vs American boxart comparison. The hell were they thinking.

Attached: Valis.jpg (1278x606, 390K)

>Jap box
>focus on a dumb thot
>Western box
>focus on a bunch of monsters attacking a warrior

Western box is much better

Stop all this free to play, multiplayer bullshit that relies on a team on mic.
It used to be fun with a friend or two, but I'm in teams of retards, no fun allowed.
Even with people I know, they either get sick of it like me, or take things way too seriously. I'm part of a few groups that are so autistically over the top organising events and talking about the games, that it just puts you off.
I play games in my down time. I'd go meet friends for drinks to socialise properly.

Next, get into some decent art styles. American McGee strikes me as someone who wouldn't bow down to trendy ideas or thoughts, all mixed with political correctness. I'm not being a poltard, but trends and fly by night politics age a game drastically.
There are too many people actively fighting "the male gaze" which feels like this generation's brown and bloom. A lot of ugly character design.
Overwatch got some good designs, but like I said with gameplay, not very fun playing with old friends and having them screech at you for fucking something up.

does anyone have that one screen shot where a western artist and a japanese artist drew Chun Li for something and the Japanese one BTFO the western one so badly while the western guy was trying so hard to explain why his art was good.

still inferior to an average white or asian girl though

also why would you want a light skin or mixed black girl, if you're gonna go black do it for real, get some grace jones straight from africa looking bitch

They made Ada's lips slightly too thin and angular at the top. Looks aaaalmost like botched plastic surgery.
In game she's a QT, but this image will always bug me with her fucked up mouth.

the poses on the western boxart look like shitty action figure poses while the japan one actually looks like a pose. the japanese one is better, also since the japanese one actually is accurate to the story of the actual game, while the western one is lying to you.

>I need my female characters to be sexy


Attached: the same can be applied to male characters as well. i'm not here to jerk off to porn, i want go (2180x2344, 2.23M)

>the series where one of the main villains was literally Ghallagher, the comic that smashes watermelons with a mallet

>Overwatch got some good designs
The bitches have some kind of deformity like they don't have a full set of teeth. Disanime is fucking ugly as fuck and deviantart tier. I wish people would trash that approach and come up with something different.

The only reason you devalue sex appeal is because society values it and you have none, therefore you have no value.

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Who gives a fucking shit about the pose unless you're a bitchass soicuck who jerks off to hentai. I want my games to have action and danger and the right displays that perfectly.

Go fuck off to San Francisco if you want to play pretend schoolgirl with the rest of the faggots.

>still inferior to an average white or asian girl though
>that pic

You clearly have no idea what average means. That girl is a low seven at worst.

Or maybe because I experience women daily and play video games to get away from all the estrogen.

Attached: Z.jpg (225x225, 10K)

Japanese boxart misleads you with an image of an average school girl. The back of the box shows a much larger, powerful figure she must overcome. This is at odds with her small frame, so we know we're going to get to business.
A few spicy screen shots pepper the back of the box to entice us further.
The box sets a great mood. It's mysterious, flows perfectly into other media at the time, such as Japanese VHS tapes and anime, and is drawn well.

Western box is just another heavy metal album cover. The rendering of the beasts is good, the composition is ok, but the main female figure is static, and terribly drawn, with a dumb looking face.

The Japanese played around with their graphic design, typography and art direction a lot more, especially in the 16 bit era. A truly beautiful time making every box unique.

>gameplay isn't the most important in a video game
>it's more important for me to jerk off to muh waifu

Attached: d9wfmod-34484930-dc03-4e2a-b18c-0c9eaf34ea4b.jpg (183x201, 10K)

the actual sign that the female character sucks is when they are turned into a marketing device, where the point of the strong female lead is for no other reason than to say "LOOK AT US WE HAVE A STRONG FEMALE LEAD!!!!!" unironically porn games do a better job at representing women than those types of games since porn games exist because "we like girls man ;)"

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>still inferior to an average white or asian girl though
have you been outside

Attached: japaneseschoolgirlwatch-lg.jpg (800x600, 95K)

right's better

Thanks user, I'll try to download the in game character models and examine each girl's set of teeth.
That's incredibly off-putting.

i did.

A guy covered in highlighted plastic doesn't look intimidating at all. If I saw this as a kid I would've thought the game was for faggots like yourself.

>this armchair psychologist bullshit with a fucking smug undertale image of all things
pathetic, not all of us need to wank to video game characters you spastic incel, i still do of course but if you unironically ever bought a game because THIS LE GIRL IS CUTE! youre a pathetic retard and genetic trash

>society values sex appeal of my video game waifu

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What they lack in looks, they make up for in personality. This is how black women behave:

White and asian women appreciate good men. Black women want hardcore prison thugs with names like Daiquan, Daiquarius, and Montavious.


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>some genderless robot is "good" female character


Except the overwatch character designer is asian

and so are like half the artists at Blizzard

>goes to a fucking mall of all places
>surprised that the types of girls you find at a mall are all dumb bitches
what was this guy expecting?

i dont know if youre aware of this but any ethnicity can be an american

He's right though, 2B is a garbage character. A generic slut in hooker clothes that fans pass off as a deep character. Why the fuck would a woman be fighting in thigh high stiletto heels?

>White and asian women appreciate good men.
this what wh*te dicklets actually believe

Unironically this.

>emotional and sexy female character breaks down and cries the moment she breaks a nail or the bad guy insults her hair

>genderless robot violently murders them in fun videogamey fashion

But by all means, if you want tumblr brand cinematic "games" filled with "caring" and "feelings" then I won't stop you.

isnt she a robot?

I'm sorry you already lost the battle. You resorted to "faggot" out of frustration. It's an easy, foolish mistake to make.

What makes for an intimidating design then?
Because that's essentially Darth Vader.

I always thought this style of cyborg/ priest/ demon was cool and reflected Amemiya Keita's biomechanical designs. Slightly alien, menacing, hard to figure out.
Does the robe hide more power and secret forms?

Attached: Zeiram.gif (566x720, 117K)

t. weird white guy

>Using an anime reaction image
I'm clearly talking about broader aesthetics. You wouldn't understand. Enjoy your slop.

She sure doesn't act like it. You could play the entire game from start to finish and never once think that she's a robot. She could be a magical fairy princess who can clone herself for all it matters.

You can go to a white mall and find far less dumb bitches, the average white girl is smarter and nicer than black girls

thats from a video game you fat pseudo-intellectual weeb

Naturally female characters are used because it's more suitable for them to convey emotions. In your examples females are used for absolutely no reason and could've been easily replaced with male character or even a mouse cursor

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Black women hate good men though, they want thug niggas.

white bitches that go to malls are also dumb bitches too what are you talking about?

asian, but canadian

which is western, especially with Overwatch's pixary style.

By securing this bag

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They dont want thugs though, unlike black women. Look at how they dress too, white women dress respectably enough, black women dress like they selling pussy

>Because that's essentially Darth Vader.
It is not Darth Vader at all. Vader didn't have a bunch of gold plastic and shiny red gem as an accessory.
Vader was designed to look like a space nazi with some kind of device shoved into his chest. He's basically wearing an SS helmet with a gas mask. It's supposed to invoke intimidation and fear of a familiar enemy while still looking alien

By fixing the west of course. It's only going to get worse as these ivory tower retards continue to double down on their suicidal mentalities.

I refuse to believe that image is real.

I know it's that kid that spouts "Junes" constantly.
The Persona games especially took off with anime designs.
They have anime cutscenes.

You can't beat me. You've actually lost.
You see, I'm actually not fat. I'm in very good shape. Your attack has been completely and utterly deflected.
I'm so embarrassed for you.

You don't have to be an intellectual to appreciate art and design. I never said I was.
You're the poor soul firing out completely random, ineffective attacks that I'm deflecting with minimal effort.

>They dont want thugs though
Are you retarded? An entire generation of white girls fawned over one of the biggest thugs in theaters at the time.

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So your sisters made you into a mysogonistic sissy? Hot

But I don't fear nazis at all, they should have made darth vader look like a black gangbanger, now that would scare anyone

Shut up Chris. I'm not fucking your sister.

What are you, queer? You don't like metal?

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I want Sherry as my child bride.

Attached: Sherry.png (310x369, 116K)

>But I don't fear nazis at all
Because the war isn't looming over the west like it was before. People had family members die and societies destroyed due to the Nazis. Your experience is probably just Neo-Nazis jerking off to anime together reciting the same recruitment agendas to kids.

>he thinks theres anything to be "lost" or "won" here
legitimately an autistic fat retard lmao

it is real from an old trailer
character looks nothing like that, she's jamaican

There's also the fact that black women just say that on camera. Best place to pick up black women in real life? Home Depot/Lowes, especially in the gardening section.

Ok, so I get the gestapo leathers, but can you explain the space samurai helmet?
Then there's the influence of Flash Gordon and all of it's flashy, gold shoulder pads.
It makes sense.

If you could direct me towards the nazi stormtroopers that wore bright white acrylic uniforms too, that would be extremely helpful.

I'm aware it's a mix of east and west.
A zoomer just doesn't have the knowledge to contextualise these things. It's ok, I understand.

Left literally looks like a racist caricature. Why are "progressives" okay with this?

But Jame Deen was handsome and his crimes weren't that bad, this is the kind of thug black women want. He has to be ugly, covered in shitty tattoos, can't speak proper english at all ("I'm finna fuck me sum snowbunniez fo real niggaz"), and loves being violent even when it's not needed, and is prolly a rapist.

Attached: 332094B400000578-3537205-image-a-26_1460555313902.jpg (634x845, 164K)

Who the fuck looks like that?

Exactly. They exist as an avatar for the player, and could very well just be a mouse cursor. I see no problem with that.

It was inspired by German helmets

Well well, if it isn't another image from the mystery artist who keeps making Rosella pictures.

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white was designed to contrast with the backgrounds


tits are so huge its sickening, yuck

I need more. A lot more.

This guy is hard to find.

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>posting the fake edit
>ignoring the fact that it looks like a racist caricature

We must find him and pay him.

Japanese woman IRL
Korean woman IRL

Pedophilia is horrible you sick fuck


by not posting meme pictures

>how do we make western games great again
execute all people that adopt postmodern thought

Today's progressives are tomorrow's regressives. It's the last lesson every progressive learns.

I can cherrypick too.

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It's like westerners don't like having good role models.

It's jealousy and hatred. Isn't it.

>designed by men
>designed by literally God, then scanned into a game

Admit it atheists, you lost.

Nice cherrypicking.

Attached: Cherry Picking.jpg (640x443, 134K)

Annette > Ada

Only thing you can do is waiting for sjw and normies to lose interest, meanwhile you should stop playing normie/sjw games.

this girl is ugly af wtf lmao

Disable the y-axis

Attached: western games.jpg (1316x228, 148K)

>Good looking people are porn.
Fuck off slut-shamer and standard-lowerer.

By having the right kind of diversity and female design by people who are actually interested in and worship the female body in all it's beauty and aren't normalfags who just reference their work after some 3/10 broad they got crabs from on Tinder.

Attached: Western games2.jpg (1920x1080, 286K)

Nah, she's hot.
Reminds me of the girl I lost my virginity with.

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>woke industry

Attached: usd84mVnsqW2iatGoBFziU.jpg (1280x720, 362K)

>blue hair

yikes yikes and yikes

Attached: japanese diversity.jpg (1344x1300, 372K)

>works hard
>gachashit and turnbased rpgmaker reskins

>james dean was a thug

That's a cute gremlin.
Also don't reason with weebs, their vision of reality is completely fucked due to excessive anime consumption.

>American charactrer design
>Japanese character design
>both are Asian women

What does he mean by this?

Zoomers will never live in an age when girls dyed their hair to make it cool instead of marking themselves as SJWs.

>playing japanese games

Attached: asdf.jpg (330x501, 51K)

Not him, but what does that make all the Japanese made characters with blue hair then like Lucina, Naoto, etc?

it was never cool

t. 28 yr old boomer

>meanwhile plays Smash Bros. and fawns over Marth and his tranny clone

They certainly didn't do it to make themselves look ugly, unlike now.

Saints row 4?

i use zss but alright


>literally "its okay when japan does it"

>la criatura

that's because japanese characters arent ugly as fuck

i bet your japanese games don't let you do THIS

Attached: duck.jpg (383x557, 77K)

She's hot, and that guy didn't say she was ugly, only pointed at the hair color.

So you hit exactly the time when punk and rave was finally dead and scene chicks paved the road to hell.
t. 32 yr old boomer

Oh man, I miss fooling around in SR 3 & 4, killing enemies while only wearing some pasties and a thong was so much fun.

>implying they didnt just latch onto fortnites success instead
trannies and unbased masses BTFO

>Character development is optional I'm not watching a movie
Retard confirmed.

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Mainly by not pretending all women are ugly hogs thus game ones must be too.
Its not that women outside or stunning or super gorgeous, its just that typically a regular woman on the street will look better than a girl in a western game.

Devs nowadays also like to hide their shitty graphics behind outright ugly characters, it wont last thankfully and people just buy into the ugly being intended.
Another thing to consider is to stop being realistic really, movies will always pick good looking actors so why wouldn't games?

Beyond everything though its just a tiny trend that will die off, especially since it panders to a minority who will eventually grow up and learn how to groom a little bit.

On personal note women dressing like sluts in games is definitely realistic, they do on the street too.

If devs want to have more black women they should make them look more fabulous rather than realistic

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>attractiveness means I need to wank off to it immediately

This "Dog humping a leg" mentality is part of the reason you're unattractive.

>completely missing my point
if i had that mentality i would care about video game characters being sexy like you turbo virgins do, also can guarantee im better looking and have a hotter gf than you do ;)


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t. Manila

Nigger that image is so shoped have you even played apex before?

It's not shopped though. It's from the official cinematic trailer