Nico is the cutest video game mechanic ever. Thread about how Nico

Nico is the cutest video game mechanic ever. Thread about how Nico.
Also that van is a beast.

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God Eater 3 is a lot better than Devil Meme Cry and those Bioware tier characters

I didn't think I would like her but she did grow on me

Lol get a load of this faggot

Her mouth is weird

>expect a disgusting whore
>end up with a cute dorky geek
She was a pleasant surprise.

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Does it have cute mechanic girls? Then you should post them. It would add a lot of weight to your post.

What's wrong with her upper lip

it's okay when japan does it

>when your game is so bad no one gives a fuck about the gameplay only the waifu bait

I think it was cute when she fangirled over Dante and gave her that hat.

Cindy>Nico based on looks only

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cry more filthy american trash
Instead of talking about some Bioware + meme character go play GE3

Nico is a smoking tattooed white trash hillbilly while cindy is PURE

Which game are you talking about? Either way post cute mechanic girls from it.

Nico < Her van

>invite user to share the cute girls from the game he liked with everyone
>gets angry and starts yelling about random shit
>doesn't even post cute girls
Poor form user. Poor form.

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Every thread I will remind them

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Play God Eater 3
You'll thank me

I had no clue that this guy was her dad.

Like, I heard her talking about how her dad was a terrible person but he made cool devil shit, but I didn't know she was talking about him.

Did Dante or Nero kill him?

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Dante killed him.

Do I need to play 1 and 2 first?

This is so true. Brainlets will eat anything Japanese

she stutters a bit in some cutscenes too iirc

Oooooh fuck that's what that was, I thought she was just being excited/bashful towards Dante, which she was, but I didn't think it was a reference. Cool. I keep finding out new stuff about her and start liking her as a character, I hated her when they first revealed her.

>shit, I don't have any examples of people acting hypocritical
>I know, I'll make up quotes so it sounds like they're arguing with themselves!
>HAHAHA look how stupid they sounded! Well, this didn't happen, but if it DID happen this they would sound dumb

same here, i didn't put two and two together until i checked the wiki almost 3/4ths into the game

you understand what shitposters are right?

Who is this quoting?

Except she still gets called ugly trash by some people even though she's a japanese character. Just like some people have posted saying that "ugly western" characters are cute.

You're a blind faggot.

She cute.
And then you hear her speaking...

>He can't appreciate the twang
Truly the worst taste.

.. And she's suddenly 10 times hotter

She's my waifu lads, I want to marry her and impregnate her so badly. I want to protect that literally perfect smile of hers

And also lots of people really like Jack from Mass Effect 2 around here too. Image is just all around wrong.

Did a Minotaur boss appear in an earlier game? I wonder if that boss was used to make the van.

Dios mio el ogro de las americas le 56% la creatura

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I want Nico's van in DMC6 to be able to travel to hell and back, and all she does is tape Yamato to the engine.

Thats basically what the order did in DMC4.

She wouldn't have the southern accent in the western one because Canacuck/Commifornians think less of people from the south and wouldn't dare make them fun or interesting or intelligent characters.

What a qt holy shit

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except that western designers could never come up with this design and even if they would somehow manage to model a cute waifu they would fuck up her personality

I actually don't really like her design very much, and never have. Tattoos were never my thing, her outfits color economy has no identity, and I have no idea what's going on with her top.

But it's the character interactions that save her. And a western studio would've made her way more obnoxious than she is endearing.

>people unironically shilling this tranny as cute

Tranny is beginning to lose all meaning.
Is that your intention?

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I wasn't expecting her to be so autistic.

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Individually rendered teeth will continue to bother me.

You can’t claim that, because I like Aloy too.

She is annoying....

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She's literally a shop/upgrade screen

REengine teeth still look miles better than some other photogames.

>chipmunk teeth
>that accent
Unironically 0/10. Not even if she paid me

Was I the only one who immediately knew she was going go be this character? Everyone expected her to be some irritating whore, since the first trailer I’ve been reading her as trailer trash Winry Rockbell.

yeah I think I'm in love with this virtual girl

She reminds me of Felicity Jones, damn those chipmunk teeth are so fucking cute.

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All of those things (except I guess the teeth, which I could take or leave) make her hotter.

when she gasps and whispers “oh my god” and then starts breathing heavily, my dick got so fucking hard

Lose the glasses and maybe we can try again.

She looks like the type that would punch you on the shoulder and call you a dumb idiot in a joking manner

It's true. Clara Lille is way cuter, but Yea Forums hates her because japs didn't design her.

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She looks like the type that _____ _____ guys

I’m pretty sure she does exactly that in the game.

She’s an absolute bro, just with a vagina. That’s why she’s so cute.

The only problem with her is that she doesn't have hairy forearms or anything else really, she looks like a mannequin.

She looks like the type that hugs nice guys

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I never thought that I would love two video game characters in 2019 after all those years of making fun of waifufags

It was obvious, Yea Forums is just extremely puritan in the particulary cases of tattoos and smoking.

This. I never felt actual waifufaggotry emotions until Nico. I don’t like it.

>Yea Forums
It's Americans who are one part weeb and one part puritan so are terrified of sex.

If designed right, girls like that are QT

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pic unrelated?


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>hating on fetch

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