Why is this still considered the best Mario game

Why is this still considered the best Mario game.

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It isn't. Even the game after it is considered better. If anything, now more people are realizing Sunshine was unfinished.

because it reinvented mario with a new mechanic that was both unique and fun. also god tier music and level design.

Mario felt good to play as. I hate he feels to play in Odyssey besides some cool new moves


It's not though. That's only zoomercucks saying this.

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It isn't. It's the worst 3D Mario game by far
Oh yeah I loved those big empty worlds you literally can't die in because there aren't pits or anything that can kill you.

fludd's easier to control than cappy, cappy powers are kinda gimmicky, turbo nozzle's cool as shit

This is such a garbage opinion but I guess that's the point

It isn't, Sunshine is trash.

>It's the worst 3D Mario game

3D World exists faggot

>imagine actually believing this

odyssey is the best one by far

Based, but even odyssey is better than sunshine

I unironically think this.
No such thing as a garbage opinion.

Agreed, at least Odyssey tried to have diverse environments, even if most of them were bland.

You need pits in order to have fun in a mario game?

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What a load of fucking bullshit, Sunshine's worlds have far more actual dense geometry in them then 64's, and more importantly, more platforming opportunities, whera's 64's worlds are largely empty and devoid of platforming outside of linear paths

For example Bomb omb battlefield and Bianco hills both have a path that go up a spiralling vertical structure, but Bianco hills has a whole village, forest/park, lake, and tightropes connecting these areas outside the main path you can platform between and come up with ways to cross all without ever even touching the ground, wheras bomb-omb has basically nothing outside it's main path, just a bunch of empty space, and a tree and enemy here and there

>you literally can't die in because there aren't pits or anything that can kill you.

And? Is dying the only punishment that matters? Is falling off a platform and needing to get back onto it not also an effective punishment? As I bring up, Sunshine, OBJECTIVELY has more platforming tools and options then 64 does on it's levels. There's more room for creative platforming and coming up with your own pathways throughout the levels then in 64 as a result, and yes, you can fuck up and fall and need to restart the path.

Granted, you never NEED to do any of this, since Fludd can act as a crutch, but you CAN, and the potential is there. Sunshine's level design IS better then 64's, fludd just makes it pointless, and there's no reward for you as a player for bohtering to come up with hyper creative pathing because there's no scoring system that encourages minimizing fludd use or maximizing time.

It’s only mario game I really ever played i honestly could care less about him but I remember it being fun sometimes and really frustrating a lot of times but I was also like 10 or whatever when I last played it

I like to have fun in levels that actually have things to do other than "spray shit smear" and "randomly spray shit to get blue coin"

what do you mean by bland? the environments have tons of details, are colorful and varied as fuck, and are packed with things to do. you're just spewing some bullshit you read once and took it as your own opinion. what a faggot.

Sunshine has diverse environments

>A lakeside town/windmill
>A habor
>A amusement park
>A set of ruins in waterfall cliffs
>A haunted hotel
>A village in a jungle

They just all tie into a wider tropical theme. Thematic consistency is a good thing

>reinvented Mario
>gimped 64's moveset to throw in FLUDD which isn't even fully utilized because the rocket nozzle is hardly ever required and for some stupid reason Bloopers were put in to surf on despite the Turbo nozzle existing

Fair point. Just never bring up pits again.

I have every moon in the game. Most of the environments are shit. Sand is good, Metro is acceptable, and Seaside is interesting. Everywhere else sucks cock. Mario environments don't tend to be interesting without an actual challenge behind them, just a fact.

That sounds pretty samey to me. I would say the only three environments were Ghost House, Tropical, and Lava (magma technically I guess), with only tropical being prominent. Tropical with a spin just isn't good enough.

>Mario environments don't tend to be interesting without an actual challenge behind them

I bet you didn't die once big boy. not even in the aftergame with all the platforming that is unlocked. yes, most moons are easy as fuck to get but there are many that are actually challenging

>imagine sitting through a game you didn't like for days until getting the 900+ moons

now I know i'm talking to an actual sperg

why does a platformer sequel need to remove all the hazards from its platforming

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There's 880 moons, and every one barring like 3 are too easy. Even the jump rope and volleyball ones were easy. Also, you probably would've told me that "it gets good in the postgame" if I had said I didn't get every moon, so fuck off, hypocrite.

It isn't by anyone whose first console wasn't the GameCube

no, the game has an easy overall level all the way through but has plenty of challenges. also, the game is good all the way through but you're just a fucking idiot who only cares about making your way up through a linear space instead of enjoying every detail of a game as rich as this. I dont know why im even discussing with you, you might as well be a fucking child.

What set Sunshine apart from the other Mario titles were those void levels where you would lose your water jet pack and have to go at it alone while that weird version of the original theme played.

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The game isn't rich at all. I can't agree with you there. "Plenty of challenges" is also bullshit. There's not a single moon that you would consider taking a break to get later, unlike other Mario games. Darker Side is a joke of a final level in comparison to other titles. Super Mario 3D World's postgame blows Odyssey's out of the water in terms of difficulty, and thus enjoyability for me. Galaxy 2's was easy also, but still way more difficult than Odyssey's.
>hurr durr, ur a child
Says the guy who thinks Odyssey is challenging.

A lot of those were a fucking nightmare as an eleven year old. Were they really that hard?

The slippery as fuck and clunky physics are part of what made those levels tedious.
So it was more the shit physics than anything else.
Like pic related too

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Literally the worst modern Mario

Most people consider this to be the worst 3D Mario game. Let alone the entire Mario franchise in general.
Fuck off.

I want another tropical mario but this time without fludd.

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hurr durr ur a child

Ughhh those levels I remember them being so trash