Pillars of Eternity 2 vs Pathfinder: Kingmaker

Which one has the better story? Not interested in gameplay since I'll be playing on story mode.

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>I'll be playing on story mode.

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Yes, what is your point?

You're a gay

Please don't pretend there is any sort of skill required in Isometric RPG's when 95% of combat in the majority of them involves spamming select spells/skills with predefined min/maxed attributes for maximum defectiveness, while also having to choose attributes and skills at the detriment of the player characters impact on the story.

all those shitposting threads and then you make something like this
cant you ask this on your favorite reddit page or something jesus fuck

but to answer your question the stories are pretty bland in both of them but pillars have some interesting quests

Exactly. OP still wants to play the game in hand holding mode despite the other difficulties still being easy.

Why play such a long game if you don't enjoy the gameplay? There is no point playing these games in story mode. But to answer the question, kingmaker I guess, at least its main story is less pointless.

I am the OP you idiot, there is no point in playing a game on normal, either you play on the easiest mode for the story (which makes sense in a CRPG where the majority of time you will be either reading/listening to dialogue) or you play on the hardest difficulty for the challenge of the gameplay. I done my time with that min maxing/managaing bullshit. Anything between hardest hard or easiest easy is a meme for retards. There's nothing worse than being fucking average.

>this level of justification for being a shitter

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Go and be a wuss if you want dude. Go and "play" the games.

>I am the OP
And you're continuing to be a faggot, I see.

Do you care about social inclusion and egalitarian opportunities for interspecies sex?
>if yes, pillars 2
>if no, pathfinder
If you're really into awkwardly written sexual dialogue and 4th wall tropes, pick up POE2, you wont regret it

>pretending being 'skilled' at fucking CRPG combat is any sort of achievement

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both of them have terrible stories
go read a fucking book instead for good stories

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Cope more faggot.

>this level of mental gymnastics to justify being a shitter

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>poe thread
>for once thebull94 isn't the biggest faggot in the thread

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top fucking kek

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>easymode in a crpg
>all this cope defending it

I havnet seen such a well baited trollpost in a while, its not even really subte, but effective

"I'm playing in story mode because I'm a faggot and can't talk shit to a CPU when it fucking owns me"

>Not interested in gameplay since I'll be playing on story mode
Kingmaker. Deadfire is a fucking great CRPG from a gameplay perspective but one of the worst written Western games in the past 10 years.

>seriously saying that when fucking Divinity: Original Sin 1 & 2 exist

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what the fuck is story mode? does it skip gameplay? legit asking here

>unironically thinking Pathfinder is a goodsystem
>unironically thinking Kingmaker has a good story

What accident were you in that they had to surgically remove all your sense of taste?

Neither, go read a book or watch a movie if you don't want to play the game.

Just so you know Pillars of Eternity Deadfire is on sale for ten bucks at Walmart

Just picked up a copy for myself the other day

>while also having to choose attributes and skills at the detriment of the player characters impact on the story
But Deadfire split combat stats and "social stats".

Int characters no longer automatically know everything from Int, you have social proficiency like Religion, Metaphysics and History. Dex characters are no longer crafty because of Dex, they need Insight, Bluff and Streetwise. Same with Might, you can't push people around without the Intimidate stat.

>Social inclusion
Sorry, give me a sec. Gonna watch this Roparu eat some garbage then convince his people to sell me more of the their land for toilet paper

DoS 1 was a literal meme story though, it was literally a DnD campaign played by the gods. DoS 2's wasn't great but I'd take it over fucking Deadfire. Deadfire even managed to ruin the PoE1 characters. I want my Bro Abydon back, not muh generic Greek god stereotype.

Kingmaker doesn't have a good story, but I'd rather subject myself to it than Deadfire's. And this is coming from someone who backed both PoE games.

>it being a meme absolves it from being garbage

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If Deadfire gets a free pass when it's garbage while taking itself seriously, I fail to see why DoS 1 doesn't. And this is coming from someone that dropped DoS 1 several times because of the awful story.

No matter how you spin, justify, or dress it, you play deadfire on less than scaled up potd with less than 3 magran challenges or kingmaker on less than hard, you're a shitter.

>If Deadfire gets a free pass
Who suggested that, you obnoxious faggot? Kys immediately.

>you replied first and keep making accusations
Sure, user. If you have nothing constructive to say besides insults, go have your one-sided debate somewhere else.

Divinity: Original Sin 2

Nice dissembling, but I'm not the poster you were originally responding to.
But go on, where did anyone suggest Deadfire gets a free pass?

well on pc you can cheat anyway so there is always an easy mode.

there is no walmart in my country. we had one once but it failed miserably.

poe 2 has horrible story and characters
pathfinder at the beginning looks like the characters will be bad but as the game progress i actually started like some of them

Because you kept changing the subject?
>discussing Deadf-

why does every nu-crpg have to have some sort of base building/management portion behind it now? what happened to just going on a fucking adventure

p.s. i know some older crpgs did this as well, so dont try and look by pointing them out, i'm talking all newer ones

The Pencil and paper campaign that Pathfinder: Kingmaker is based off of actually had a similar kingdom management system. The pre-written pathfinder campaigns occasionally have a gimmick like that.

it's a RPG first and foremost

>bringing up a reasonable comparison is "changing the subject"
No, you were going to explain where someone suggested Deadfire gets a free pass. Why do you keep deflecting? I would've thought it would be a pretty simple thing to point out, you were so certain of it before.

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Kingmaker, easily.

>all these shitters crying about deadfires story

Am I the only one who unironically enjoyed deadfires story, admitidly not as much as POE1, it feels like the beach episode of the series at times.
All sidekicks are based, all returning characters are good/great, Eder is Eder.

The only ones who get really flanderised are the gods themselves, but you can see that more as them dropping the *act* of divinity and being akin to their true selves in front of you since you know the truth.

Things better in Deadfire storywise
>idle chatter
>social skills and conversation skillchecks really feels rewarding for diffrent playstyles
>companions interact with eachoter and have reputations
>companions are more fleshed out
>Eothas acting like a typical Crpg protag, with a single endgame and a trail of bodies to get there.
>player actions keep getting refrenced and responded to
>no backer npcs
>each factions have strong points to them, actually able to argue about which is better for the deadfire

Things they did worse
>flanderised a few characters
>less coherent plot structure
>less linear
>lack of *deep* characters
>writing tone seems lighter at time with not enough to keep the mood as dire.

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No, I enjoyed it too. The sidekicks were fun, the returning party members were great. I really enjoyed the less linear plot structure.
I think the difference in the gods is understandable, considering what you find out about them at the end of the first game.

Neither, play divinity OS2.
>not interested in gameplay
Then you can fuck right off and read a VN or something.

I would like to see more bro-badon but abby only shows up in like two scenes and he gets different voice lines and appearance for both from White march choices.

if you restore him (and why wouldnt you) then he talks about the need to help mortals and eothas being a dick.

If you dont then he talks about hammering out impurities or some shit.

Ondra is also 100% tsun for him if he gets restored calling him Naive

I also enjoyed it, but the fucking Aloth/Eder romance that happened in my run is one of the worst things I have ever seen in fiction.

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I don't want to finish deadfire because every ending is trash and I don't want to lose companions.

Going solo is best option

Go solo or go pirates if you don't want to lose anybody

Unless you pissed off a major faction.

Kingmaker, obviously. Mainly because they did not do "lol original do not steal creative story", but plain adapted the existing popular tabletop module with all the interesting quests and storyline

Please do not play kingmaker, because unlike PoE, it likely to rape you even at storymode.

>popular tabletop module
>interesting quest and storyline

Its shit dave, pathfinder is shit

>Aloth/Eder romance

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Go back to playing Divinity. Do not make comments about actual rpg systems.

Also, if you want JUST story - play Shadowrun Dragonfall, and to bit lesser degree Hong Kong.

Meanwhile, the best CRPG in the last decade gameplay wise is Zenith

Just read a book you faggot, imagine PLAYING a GAME for the story

Keep seething, because now there regularly be more Pathfinder modules adapted, btfoing any "original" rpg games easily

Every PoE thread I bring it up nobody believes me, I don't know if the conditions for it to happen are rare or something but its fucking real I'm afraid to say.


I think he means the Islymer/Eder romance idle chatter.
Islymer essentially baits Eder into almost making out since she says Aloth is cool with it and then switches out to Aloth for the banter the absolute madwoman.
Its just a longwinded prank though eder seems genuinely upset

its not gay if its and elf
its not gay if your past life is a chick

>PoE story
We are the agents of the Jews
>Kingmaker story
Jews did it

>imagine wasting your time on a videogame board making comments about how worthless videogames are

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I would rather play 5e with a furry, german autist and a fat chick than play the pathfinder rpg with any fucking module.

Adding unto that kingmakers asthetic is terrible and I hate it, I genuinely do not understand the guy doing the character art and design for it has a job at all.
Its so easy to spot non artschool shitters because they're terrofied of minamilism, everything has to be GIANT and overdesigned to the 100x degree

>I would rather play 5e with a furry, german autist and a fat chick
you don't have to blog about your life here

spotted the german autist

All i can get from your post is seething about the fact that DnD killed itself, by shooting itself in the head repeatedly and Pathfinder rightfully took its place as standard for table top fantasy rpg

Blame Wizards of the Coast



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>Imagine wasting your time replying to them.

which one has better gay romance? I don't want to romance cuck-orc and be the third wheel of their drama.

Recently tried Deadfire with the new turn-based system.
My god it actually managed to make a boring and dull experience even worse than it was.

Based bait OP.

>le one attack per turn
>le useless dexterity and somewhat useless resolve
>no reason to play anything but arqebuse for ranged damage
>barbarians existing
>permastun druid spells

Deadfire is unironically a really good game, the story isn't bad, the choice & consequence is really good in a lot of quests.

The main quest should be longer and have more decision points but whatever, still good.

Most CRPG fans skew older since Baldur's Gate is over 20 years old, they're cynical and conservative and most of that section of the audience hate Deadfire because Josh Sawyer is a leftist, the writers are feeeeeemales and they changed the system to be more user-friendly and not a complete rehash of a badly aged game from their adolescence.

Preferring Kingmaker with its awful interfaces, bad ruleset, slow af movement and buggy gameplay really shows how awful most fantasy nerds tastes really are

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