I cant for the life of me S rank mission 18. The pets always fuck my rank up. Wat do bros?
Also DMC tips and tricks thread. Share your tips and help anons out!
I cant for the life of me S rank mission 18. The pets always fuck my rank up. Wat do bros?
Spam SDT imo
S seems really tough on DMD, 5578 stylish points and only an A on DMD, feels like basically have to go no-hit to get S or manage to keep SS-SSS up for really long periods. Also V is just boring AF on DMD. Not sure I'd even rate DMD as particularly hard so much as just a slog that wears down my will to be perfect.
Sounds like going full Royalguard/Trickster autismo might be best.
I haven't tried the higher difficulties, can you skip phases on that by doing fuckhuge damage with something like Just Release?
Wtf are peoples problem s ranking this??
i opened up each fight except the final one with the laser cannon from the double kalina ann, that would knock the summons into the orb state where they're vulnerable and skyrocket my style rank to s, then i would go in for the kill. i did this on demon hunter, haven't gotten to that point in sos yet. trying to s rank every mission before i move on.
wait till griffon shoots lightning balls then just air trick and fuck his shit up, he does the close range lightning after getting unstunned. just SDT on the shadow fights, hes a fucker
grats for pretending to be great on an anonymous viet mahjong forum
I feel like an absolute retard. I beat the game 3 times and just now found out you can set Vs pet to autopilot instead of having to keep mashing buttons
Don't mash buttons you can actually use their attacks in smart ways but that's if you want to do cool shit. A flashing SSS on your screen is not true style.
>tfw suck ass at DMC and getting S rank on DMD missions takes me 5-6 attempts
>tfw when just RGed Vergil the whole fight like anons told me
Holy shit is there a better feeling bros?
> you can set Vs pet to autopilot
how do you do that?
I think he's talking about the one skill that lets them keep acting that consumes the DT gauge.
I can't get on DMC5 before playing the rest, but I cannot kill the fucking lava spider from DMc1 from the third chapter or so. I cannot climb over it, none of my shooting actually hurts it, and why the fuck doesn't this game has a parry button?
Pls halp
I've been stuck trying to S rank mission 10 on SoS all day. I'm so close, but I'm just missing out by a few hundred style points EVERY TIME. It's infuriating.
how to change lock on
most of your points come from the bossfight , just try your best to not get hit there
L2 on ps4
The chicken always manages to fucking hit me no matter what i do. Its bullshit
Is there a particular reward for getting S rank on all missions?
A sense of personal achievement.
Bustering his bitch ass when he tries to jet you as Nero
I can't managed an S rank either on this one, what is it with mission 10 ?
It's weird as hell. I'm running SSS constantly and still coming out of every encounter with around 4600. Even when I'm hitting 6000/5500 on sections the ending breakdown will give me an A on them. It's really frustrating.
And what the fuck would you do then? It's n ot like you have any moves besides the pets