Games with literally perfect art direction?
Games with literally perfect art direction?
Pic unrelated?
MGS doesn't have a good art direction though.
Doesn't that game have a whole bunch of art stolen from manga?
i still really like let it die
Say whatever about "walking sims", you cant deny how cool the cyberpunk is.
Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, Nier Automata, Afro Samurai, the Ultimate Ninja Storm games, Crysis, Radiata Stories, Eternal Sonata, Valkyria Crhonicles, Kingdom Hearts 1+2, Demons Souls, Vanillaware games, Ico/SOTC, Ghost of a Tale
SMT Nocturne
This beauty right here
>Nier Automata
it only has good art direction in promotional shots on a few spots in the map
All SMT games are pretty generic, no?
Lots of flaws here. The best looking FF is ironically 13 but none of them are perfect in their direction. Tactics and 7(and its spin-offs) I'd say have the best direction though.
for example 99% of building are hastily clipped in the terrein, good art direction tries to hide that
Technically it's a mess, sometimes it looks fantastic but other times it's ugly as shit. But the art direction is pretty good I thought. The animations and robots are really under credited, they did an amazing job with them. And the entirety of the Yorha style is very cool too whether its the fashion or the UI stuff. Reminds me of old Square.
>thread about art direction
>its all promo art
If we're talking concept art, I'd put Dragons Dogma top of the list. That game had some extrmeely inspired work done for it.
MGS3, Nier Automata, Persona 5, Danganronpa V3
>Danganronpa V3
>All SMT games are pretty generic, no?
I normally find this claim ridiculous on games, but with Nocturne, I'd actually argue every frame is beautiful.
Even if you think it's a bad game shit taste btw, you can't deny the art style is really well done. The way they manage to make something as simple as words floating across the screen feel so full of energy and personality is really impressive.
I think ppl in general are sleeping on DR's superb art direction desu.
Not saying it looks bad it's just got your typical JRPG look to it.
combat was really underwhelming in this game
wish it wasnt because i adore everything else about it
i just want a comfy game i can play with a controller on my pc
Yeah a little bit. I swear if they put a little more melee attacks in it they would have had a 10/10 game.
>combat was really underwhelming in this game
Maybe if you go into it looking for something like Bayonetta or MGR. Compared to the first Nier, it isn't underwhelming in the slightest.
I was expecting something just slightly inferior to MGR, which is already much simplified compared to bayo, considering it's still platinum and not cavia
I might be wrong but I think it's better than MGR combat wise.
it isnt at all, replay both
The danganronpa characters are some of the ugliest i've ever seen
good thread, thanks
No MGR is boring. I thought Nier might be better because 1. Combo mad videos were pretty cool and 2. You fight multiple enemies all the time
pretty much a interactive concept art
you can really see how mgs4 failed. it didn't try to innovate in interesting ways like the first 3 did