Ruins you game EVEN MORE

>ruins you game EVEN MORE

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fuck off back to /vg/ nova

Bushmans Rules

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>hahaha everyone just hold angles on ct fuck pushing for info or using nadea just scope and stand still thill they push )))))
>oh sorry you wanted the gun nerfed? well we raised he price $150 back to normal but now you get way more money in general so who cares lmao!

I haven't played CS for 3 years but even i'm glad the shitty AK/M4 meta is gone

what a stupid gun

No one is talking about the brit guns

why are there any guns that are not the AK and M4 if that is all some of you faggots want to be used?

>using a gun that is superior at holding an angle is now bad

>Entire game is made up of close to mid range damage dealers
He's so terrible I hate him so much. Even worst when its one of the autistic faggots with 10,000 hours on him and can click your head on a dime.

Ak m4 + famas and awp with only starter pistols, deag, and p250 would be kino

Fuck the new economy system

The problem with the aug is it has a faggy scope on top of being a direct upgrade
>hurr ak/m4 meta sucks
>ak/aug much better, loving this variety!

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the other guns still get used though? it's only such a good purchase for CT because your job is defending sites, not running around.

People have been using the m4 for years and don't want to change
Others have kept using the m4 because they were expecting a nerf
Doesn't change the fact that even without the scope its an objectively superior weapon
It enables the cts to hold angles that they couldn't before, more angles to check for the t side and more utility required to gain map control

The new econ is an ok idea, but it's literally broken atm, on top of imo not having a significant enough dip in loss bonus for trading rounds. As you can see in the pic, it should pay out 3400 (loss) 3250 (win) then 2900 (loss), but instead gives 3400 3250 3400.

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>played the original counterstrike for hundreds of hours since it's inception
>tried source, never liked it
>picked up CS:GO, fucking hated it because it feels like 2 guns are useful and the rest are fucking pointless, people run at full speed and instantly headshot the entire enemy team with one taps and nobody blinks an eye and it's apparently normal silver gameplay

I really wanted to like CS:GO, I got like 4 hours of play out of it before I gave up.

>Been using the AUG since release
Feels good to be an early, early adopter

>get hyped to play csgo after watching pro games on twitch
>alright i think i will play some csgo today!
>remember i got in silver 4 after a shit calibration
>we lose the pistol round because my team is retarded
>pp bizon shitters use their crutch to mow over us 15-0
>we can not do anything because they outgun us every time at midrange
>my team is to busy fucking buying armor defuse kits and smoke grenades to be useful
>on top of that I dropped a fucking 10 bomb so pretty much carried the game
>I derank because of this
Fuck this game. Valve please fucking fix the bizon being capable of this bullshit. At least stop matching me up with shitters who buy defuse kits

>that one time valve broke the aug so it had no recoil and was the fastest firing weapon by a mile
Weird week desu

Did you notice any other changes during the map, any difference with the AUG going back to $3,300, or anything else?

To be honest, I don't think it affected that much, as far as the AUG goes. I guess when we play the real update with the new economic system, I can see it getting played even more than it is played now because you're going to have more money, so I think it may have to be bumped up slightly, like maybe to $3,500, or maybe slow down the fire rate a bit. Right now you shoot the first three or four bullets insanely fast and accurately so when you try to search for angles with the AWP or something the AUG is winning the duel 9 out of 10 times, it feels like.

Based pige

Based Zeus

>goes back again after losing

>zeus knows simpls cheats
>so he dedicates the rest of his career to making sure simple can't win a major
We don't deserve him.

> so when you try to search for angles with the AWP or something the AUG is winning the duel 9 out of 10 times
as it should be

a defensive weapon being used offensively puts it at a disadvantage to a weapon that is defensive and being used in its role

My fps tanked, no idea what the deal is with that
It's going to be a lot easier to rebuy awps now, harder to punish teams that run double awps. Giving teams more money generally favours the ct side continuing the trend of valve making the game more ct sided
Honestly playing/watching the aug is fucking boring
A fire rate nerf is a good idea. Make it so the aug is better than the m4 at longer range but worse close range

The company that made artifact thinks it's a good idea

>dude a $3300 should be countering a $4750 gun lmao
Awp can and should be used for finding picks as well as holding angles

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>dying to ppbizon more than once

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Do you hve the VP one where he'a tied up?

Him lifting the Krakow Major trophy after being kicked from Na'Vi and saying that he won't give up until he wins one is probably the most kino thing that happened in CS. Absolutely based.

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>put m4 to the back of camping T's head
>T instantly 180's and headshots me, dead

you're right, because of this pistols should have their damaged decreased even further to reduce the chances of them killing anyone holding a better weapon

awp is long range pick offs, just wide swing with your boys and stop being a faggot

It's up there with Guardian crying at NY, Fnatic's few big French blowouts at majors (boost, making KennyS cry), and Faze choke.

Pistols were fixed like 2 years ago but reddit cried so Valve reverted them. Anyone who disagrees is silver 3

Dude fuck resets lmao

Absolute brainlet tier post

The awp is far less effective at the role you give it thanks to the aug having a scope
You're punishing the awper for using it how you want them to use it
There needs to be a tradeoff for picking a scoped rifle over one without a scope

Pistols have a chance of winning a duel vs a superior weapon in proportion to the price difference
The aug has a too high chance of beating an aug for their respective prices

Sniper rifles should never have been in the game in the first place, they are the cancer to FPS games

Oh you're just retarded, nevermind

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I still kek everytime I remember user's fuckup

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no, you just actually have to be good with it now because people will have an easier time spotting the bad players that are hugging the wall trying to be tactical

>M4A1 mag size buff
Why does the A4 still exist?
Why did it ever?

>he didn't get the diamond pickem
>he unironically thought shitquid would win with sewerage

It has a higher fire rate thus higher dps than the a1-s

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>newfag doesn't know about the bizon but has the noose from two weeks ago

>CSGO launched 7 years ago
>I'm still fucking trash

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just don't buy it, lmao

they buffed the m4a1 because nobody used it anymore

as soon as the meta shifts, it's gonna get nerfed back into the ground. same with price changes, and they've proved it.

>brainlet doesn't realise I was recognising where the pasta originated
Bet you don't even know what magog means lmao

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The meta isn't shifting to the a1s until they up the dps
They could give it a 30 rounds and it would still be worse than the m4

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why is such an ugly gun in so many games

>picked up CS:GO, fucking hated it because it feels like 2 guns are useful
It's got more viable guns than any other CS game though.