For Honor

I got this game last month for free thanks to PS Plus and I can't fucking stop playing this shit, what the fuck? I don't even play videogames anymore they're all the same mediocre rehashed garbage or cheap indie shit I get bored with after an hour or two, why does this single game appeal to me? Nothing has held my attention for this long in years.

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Other urls found in this thread:

its shit

Shut the fuck up. Bitch.

*Throws you off a cliff*

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Congratulations, you have the brain capacity to think rock, paper, scissors is a great game.

Spoken like someone who has never even tried a free weekend.

Shaman here. Nothing more satisfying than eating some guys face.

Who do you main?

Correct. I couldn't stand it for more than an hour. So boring and slow as fuck.

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t. shit at the game

Bet I could bully you both physically and intellectually, in the game and in real life

Shaman is fun but you can never get that combo off against anybody decent.
I main Kensei.
Also fuck Priorfags


Uh oh. Rock paper scissors hit a little close to home there didn't it?

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For me, it's Raider

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>have to make an ubishit account to play
fuck off man

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I routinely pull it off in high level ranked play. Its all about utilizing stagger and feeding into the combo, rather than just using it as is. Bashing people into walls is a good way to stun them long enough for a guarantee

Raider is my bane. I fall for that stupid charge attack a lot more often than I should

Ubisoft shills deserve the gulag

Then I guess you're better at this game than I am. I get hit by it maybe one time in 20 because I feel its really telegraphed to hell and back. But when I do its pretty infuriating.

Ubisoft is a great company that has produced many great games over the years, you only hate them because they're successful

It sure is if you free throw it. One thing I enjoy doing is going for the pounce and cancelling last second for a zone. Get the extra bleed and four guaranteed hits on their dodge. Lotta tricky plays with the shaman if you don't play it straight. Been playing for a long time though, so lotsa practice I guess.

What do you have against Priors? They're kind of simple, you just need to be careful when fighting them

how can you fall for it so many timnes?
he usually does it after second top light.
additionally he yells ÉG RÍF YKKUR Í BITA at the top of his lungs with more than enough time for you to react and deflect it.

*parry not deflect

Heavy/feint/charge. Specifically when done at point blank range


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My biggest gripe with Priors is that they are/were in every game, usually 2-4 of them. I get it, new hero, gotta try him but it gets annoying when most games end to being uhuhu gotta bash.
Also highest damage confirmed light off a bash

I never played LB because all I ever heard was how shit he was. Fired him up like 2 weeks ago and he's probably my second favorite hero in the game. Some matchups are agony, but I try and play an aggressive LB and it actually works pretty good and is fun as hell to play. I wish NO SUPERSTES was useful, though.

That flask looks like a penis from the thumbnail

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That's fair. Especially in breach you usually have 50% Priors which is kinda lame. I think my only real issue with him is his free aim superior block. If you drop your guard, it hits all three directions at once really well, instead of just in the direction you're blocking

Try make side stepping part of your routine, you can punish Raiders and get 2-3 hits in when they charge if you just make it a habit to move to the side.

It's really weird what kind of 180 /fhg/ did on the LAW. Used to be really popular because he was a bit of an underdog in S1 but lately he's just getting shat on. Eternal contrarianism I guess. But yeah he's fun for sure, probably my second favourite Knight.

Can Peacekeeper still outrun everyone while being invisible on the minimap? Haven't played since release, but harassing people was always fun.

I enjoy LB, but he's pretty iffy. Some matchups he just can't really handle well in my experience. I prefer more universal chars unless I'm just playing some dick around matches

Shinobi. Peacekeeper/shaman can as long as there's no shinobi chasing you

Because there is no other game like For Honor.

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Same here. I never thought this game would be so much fun.
Unlocked Highlander yesterday and having a blast DUNMAGLASSing niggas left and right.

Had to look up what that class was, seems like it can do the same stuff I liked, but better. Might be worth reinstalling. Does everyone still drop out of a quarter of their games, or did they fix that?

It's still ubishit but it's much better than it was at release.
Also fuck shinobi tbdesu

Who here maining /bestboi/?

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Rep 19 fren

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Shaman das cute. CUTE!

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It's a great game, only shitters who can't handle being destroyed online hate on it.

I havn't noticed many drop outs lately. Maybe one person every couple games, never drop out myself

>Pay to grind

Fucking why.

>For honor thread
>Oh my

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Consider yourself mired.

Black Prior gets fucked today, next to Jiang Jun Lol

>Decreased Black Prior’s Light Finisher damage to 17 (from 20)

>Decreased Black Prior’s Heavy Finisher Damage to 35 (from 40)

>Increased Black Prior’s “Jawbreaker's” Recovery to 500ms (from 300ms)

>Increased Black Prior’s Full Block Stance exit animation to 400ms (from 200ms)

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If you think jj needs "fixing" you are shit

Most of the time I get bodied online but I can't stop playing. Send help!


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He got crazy fucking big damage for the speed and range, you kuk.

>Decreased Jiang Jun’s Top Heavy Finisher damage to 38 (from 45)

>Decreased Jiang Jun’s Side Heavy finisher damage to 35 (from 40)

>Decreased Jiang Jun’s Light finisher damage to 18 (from 20)

>Decreased Jiang Jun’s Zone Attacks damage to 25 (from 28)

Also destroying his 3rd BS heal feat, sad day for you, user.

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>Only Vikings

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>cold steel against puffy erect pink nipples

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Is it krekkov they draws these?

It's a fun game but I found it got boring after a while.
The first beta where no one knew how to break the game was fucking God tier though. Duels felt legitimately cinematic in a way I haven't seen games accomplish so far.

I'm not sure, but looks like it...

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Post Valkyrie

>FH thread on Yea Forums instead of /vg/ so no Mordhau fags
It's quiet, too quiet


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You know you can still parry it even after charge into a wall?

No Valk for you...

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Reworked boi
Good boi

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>gets fucked
You should say
>becomes less fucked

His animations are my biggest complaint. He rears back and then instantly hits you. Developing muscle memory is the only way to deal with it.

Just how bad was he before the rework? Tell me about the olden days.

>making a smurf with Cent

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>still no middle eastern characters
Game is shit

Glad is my romanfu sorry.

Played it for about 2 hours and was over that shit, but I could see how it'd be good. Also nice to see a real discussion on this shit board

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Needs a lot of knowledge to be even competent in the game. If you don't know what the enemy does, don't blame the game, like 90% of the normie pieces of shit retards.

I never saw this one thank you

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rock paper scissors is a good game though

Also you can play ingame with emotes

Actual retard. There is no character that hard counters another like a game with actual Rock Paper Scissors system like overwatch

Same here. Been playing it since I got it. I'm surprised because I thought it was going to be bland garbage and it's actually quite fun.

valks bulging arms are really distracting ingame, im mirin

Gotta admit, she created a fetish for me...

man thats way better than the current one

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It's an utterly unique and fresh gameplay experience that I'm surprised a western dev managed to crank out in this day and age
Also it has the satisfaction factor of a fighting game without the required legwork to play at a competitive level
/ken/ mains ww@

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I was main before the rework. It was nice to run out of stamina by doing demon's embrace while being on low and instakilling an enemy and hearing this low-pitched "WAAAAAA". Made me laugh every single time.

Why, best boy of course

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>still can't do a counter GB for shit and fail 90% of the times
>can only counter GB 90% of the times when i'm OOS
>still lose 70% lifebar to lightspam every time there's an orochi or nobushi or berserker in play because i can't guard well
>still lose to shamans because those unblockables are so fucking slow i can't time it

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I tried for a couple days to play this guy, can't do it. He's tough to play really good consistently for me.

You'll get revenge for that quad parry. Revenge changes today.

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small brain retard, he clearly is talking about the options every character has

they all do the same shit, grab, unblockable, or something evasive

I'm worse than you user. I can't fucking guard for shit because my reflexes and I can't get a hang of the mouse settings.

What are your hopes for the new heroes?

>tfw used Kensei since the beta when he was underpowered and now he's a top tier and supposedly cancerous


>He's about to win, he's beating him, almost there, too bad he didn't see me sneaking up from behind, I pick him up while the guy he was trying to kill smacks him while he's on my shoulder.
>He falls down, he blocks my friends light, that's when the unblockable hit smashes him from behind.
>I walk off to find some one else to help.
>For I am a big boy, with alot of love to share.

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Can't wait for /hammertime/

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Goddamn! Why is he so pure?

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>implying they won't add the moors/saracens

Who's playing right now?

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It's because Lawplayers are 90% niggers and autists who only spam shove shove shove to bully other mid level players and Lawbringers are unfun to fight at higher level because they just get chip damage in and then wait until timer runs out.

He's top tier in team fights because of wide range,target swap memes but he isn't in 1v1s.

>I wish NO SUPERSTES was useful, though.
It is in 4v4s.

How the FUCK do you play gladiator? Do i need to consistently use my zone after every combo? Do i need to use more of my unblockables? Or am i just retarded?

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Feint Heavies into Lights,Zone,Heavies,Toestab.
Chained lights are free parries.
Sometimes go for toestab after your attack, but it's risky as fuck since they get a GB on dodge.
Gladiator is probably second worst assassin in game.

Just do the ol' stabby stab to the toes

become mr.stabyourtoes or in short the toestabiator

All this time and no middle eastern characters is a travesty.

Because it has relatively unique gameplay, badass design and a learning curve. It's riddled with issues but that doesn't ruin the fact that the game is fun.

I don't get why i keep playing, it's the only game i play that actively makes me mad and seethe with rage yet i can't stop.

stab toes and belly