>doing badly in game but trying my best
>teammates insult me and tell me to go away and stop playing
Doing badly in game but trying my best
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw get an erection right after
>Hear a feminine voice guy in-game
>Treat him like shit and get turned on by it.
You deserve it
lol fag
what a gigantic bundle of sticks
Git gud fagget
don't worry user everyone here is bad at vidya
except me
Don't worry, user, when you get good you can insult others too!
I want to rape that boy.
but i don't want to insult others i just want everyone to be nice to eachother
Well if it helps, just remember that they insult you out of personal frustration. They want you to be better so you can all win together. Insults happen to be a great motivator to increase one's skill. The drive to prove them wrong and such.
add me up losers
Why are people so mean in online games?
I'm sure you're great at the game, user. Don't let other people's anger bring you down.
Just pretend you're liking it, this will disgust most of them pretty quickly.
why can't anime girls stop sniffing hair
Its protection against the bullies
I wanna hug you and tell you everything's gonna be alright.
It really astounds me that there are people who actually act like this. A grown man typing something this gay out and being like "Hmm, yeah this is perfectly normal." I hope you all go to hell you fucking fags.
Why would you enable this spamming faggot? He's been posting garbage threads on this board for a year.
Most threads on this board are garbage anyway.
user stop you're giving me an erection you little faggot
Imagine the men of the 1940s seeing this shit.
Sounds like you need some love, user.
>team is playing like utter shit
>half the team os just throwing the match
>a voice comes on team chat
>it's a girl
>she asks if everyone could try their best
>everyone plays seriously and we somehow win
>it's another sissy white boy thread
I use my g.f for this all the time
>try playing tf2
>an engineer calls me ugleh
>dont play tf2
Tranny/sissy/healslut thread
unironically the best threads on Yea Forums
Agreed, not worth hanging in this shit hole otherwise.
>a thread on Yea Forums starts with an anime pfp or a twink
>thread devolves into closeted homosexuals posting gay shit or anime
every time
Only took one post this time too.
>the literal state of this shithole
>start getting bodied in fighting game
>don't exactly hate it
Attention to all of the trap posters using anime and gay ERP as a Trojan horse for autogynephilia:
Stop cruising for attention and using Yea Forums as a basis for gooning your permanently flaccid cock. You are 10 times worse than furries. You lost to sissy hypno and s-stuttering. You fucked up. You are infertile. Your life will end at 30. Half of the political spectrum wants to kill you. Guys will leave you for a biological woman because you can't have kids.
Nobody wants to read ERP. Nobody thinks girl (male), feminine penis, s-s-stuttering, or any of your shitty memes are funny. Nobody wants to be reminded you exist.
You are AIDS and your culture is predatory. A nontrivial number of you freaks are moral lepers who get off on convincing seventeen year old weebs that if they don't take HRT they will spend the rest of their lives alone. Transitioning is not a solution to social isolation and pornography addiction, the five or ten years of free attention and affection before your looks fade don't make up for everything that comes after that.
Make a tumblr and peddle your trash there.
based and redpilled, cheers user
post butt
>disable voice
>can't hear shit from anyone
>don't play assfaggots so not like anyone is gonna take the time to type shit out
What a time to be alive.
Epic copypasta.
>Not do so well at game in a group Yea Forums session.
>Apologise for it profusely
>Everyone acts really nice and encouraging
Damn dude, fucking based
I can't help being incredibly polite and complimenting people if they are better than me.
I'm also a terrible liar. I can't keep a straight face at all doing it.
>mommy no i need my gay Yea Forums threads aahhhhhh
Are gays the most powerful shitposters?
>team doing decent.
>trying to help as much as I can.
>m-must not
>I'm s-sorry.
>it hurts, but I keep trying to help them, we win.
>Be terrible at shooters
>Play with friends from time to time, apex being the most recent example
>They find better teammates
>They suddenly stop asking you to play anymore
Posts like this make me irrationally angry.
I know this feel.
>tfw no bf to suck while he plays vidya
>he doesn't have his voice receive turned off
They could be screaming uncontrollably at me and I'd never hear it.
>tfw no bf to suck me while I play vidya
>doing really good in game
>so good in fact that everyone on both sides accuses me of cheating and kicks me from the game
This has never happened to you.
>Sucks at the game
>Have one random good round that doesn't reflect my real abilities
>You're so good user, holy shit i'm glad i'm on your team
>We had no chance to win because user is just that good
It's okay user, I don't really have anyone to play with either. I played my first 4 games of apex yesterday. I got 3 almost instant deaths, and the 4th was a game where only I and another guy connected, so we were 2 vs the world. Regradless of this, I stuck close and tried to help how ever I could, I didn't even really manage to deal that much damage, I mainly marked people, was a distraction and got some gear because life line. And yet, we won. My 4th game was a win, no friends needed. Felt pretty good, so there's hope for us lone wanderers, don't give up.
It did though.
Well okay, almost. Obviously the people on my team didn't want me kicked out, given I'd just clutched the game for them. It was a match of Team Leader in Rainbow Six: Vegas. My entire team died, and I, as the Team Leader, went 7-0 and crushed the opposing team. Host called me a hacker and booted me out.
>Play Overwatch.
>Pick Roadhog (Walrus Skin)
>The entire game I'm walrus bro, I walk around, wave at people sit next to them, and only kill people who try really hard to kill me.
>By the end of the game, I'm friends with all the 80-90% of the players on the map and keep saving them from a tracer that kept trying to kill me as I sat there looking at her for a few seconds while she dashed around like I was fighting back, only to get casually hooked and one shot every single time.
If you can actually pull that off, then you can probably do it consistently too, maybe pay attention to what you were doing, could also be that you found team mates that you were in sync with that game. That can help alot.
>tfw sober
>really really want an user to hold me down and get me drunk and molest/rape me
feels bad
give me your discord tag
>teammate a shit
>tell him that it sends a powerful message to all gamers that a downs kid like him can function enough to connect to the game lobby
>lose ability to type in chat permanently
thanks rocket league
Wait, is that Sammy?
Faggot, grow some balls.
Much needed.
uwu cute anime girl gif!! im going to forego being a man and just spam off topic shit on vee all day! weeee!!!
Stop giving him attention retard, it's exactly what he wants from such threads.
>insult me and tell me to go away and stop playing
So sick of this with my Fortnite babs
We rarely have enough online in the group to form a full 4man, but the idiots in my party love to try and bully randos actually expecting their gameplay to improve, and they have such shit instincts, randos continually outlast them so I get to hear hours of bitching while they try to pretend shoutcast like their favorite Espurts caster
based victimAnon that gets a third the thread deleted
>Matched with mega bad 5 stack in Overwatch
>All start blaming me for losing, claim they are all dropping reports.
> Since OW is a joke and throws bans just off the number of reports, instead of actual proof, I knew i was fucked regardless.
>Might as well get them a reason to ban me
>"Don't forget to also report me for skull fucking your little sisters until I see blood and cum coming from the nose, you are all patheitc low level IQ bots whos AI was set to Autism, if any of you have children to society a favor and strangle them now".
298 Day(s) silence.
See ya on Free Week Blizzard.
>Make a tumblr
Tumblr killed the porn remember? Yea Forums is all those people have left.
Anyone else really wanna fuck an animeposter?
Don't cry, user.
>uwu i'm shy and my feelings are hurt easily
a lot of people who post stuff like this end up being really mean and messed up people deep down. i found that out the hard way more than once.
i could've been entirely pleasant, or sweet, or kind to them, and they'd still find a reason to berate me or go off on me.
i guess i'm sounding like them right now, but what i'm trying to say is don't fall for this stuff. don't add people off Yea Forums.
Op here. Im asian
>years ago
>CSGO; nova 3 rank
>guy on team plays badly
>notice it's obviously on purpose
>call him out and tell him to just start playing well because i know he's obviously good
>he's one of those fags who holds out until the very end so he can heroically save the match
>he tries but can't do it
fukken lel
correction: don't add these kind of people from Yea Forums
i've added tons of people from threads about specific games that have turned out to be great, or at the very worst, average
anyone from steam friends thread 2.0 is generally cancer and it's good to remind people of that
But how do I know for certain that they're assholes unless I add them?
I know that feel, everyone insult my Mercy even when i try hard
i've added multiple people off Yea Forums, most end up being really obnoxious in one way or another. maybe i'm just unlucky. i did meet my best friend off Yea Forums though so i'm thankful for that.
i wouldn't say it's worth it but it's like you say, you never know until you try
Unironically this
people who sadpost and avatar post with anime girls are truly pathetic and every single one ive personally known has been a horrible person. Most likely a closet pedo as well.
Anime is fine just dont be a huge flaming faggot about it.
anyone i've added from a thread about a particular game or a thread for people to play a particular game is either pretty solid or just doesn't say anything but will occasionally hop into a game i'm playing
back in the early 2010s or so when i was more naive about this shit, i added a few people from steam friends threads. these threads are just those threads but with a different coat of paint so they don't get deleted.
>he's this fucking triggered
Holy fucking shit I'm not even a fucking tranny but thanks for giving me the incentive to start posting threads like this all the time my man lmfao
>nd up being really mean
I'm not.
i did at some point but then i realized these posters aren't actually cute anime girls irl
when i add people from most Yea Forums threads, they normally end up being obnoxious
when i add people from steam friend threads, they end up just being mean people
i haven't added anyone off Yea Forums in quite awhile though
Are you people softies for real, or just pretending to be so in order to get reactions?
>want to stop being so scared of communication
>get a mic
>try to convince myself to use it more
>make callouts in Overwatch
>keep it short and simple, just relevant information
>one match wasn't sure how to describe the location of an enemy so umm/erred for a second
>guy who hasn't talked the entire game says "thanks Morty"
>realise he's taking about the way I speak and that I'm probably umming and erring more than I think
>stop trying to use mic
Everyone I ever met on Yea Forums was a massive douchebag, and the kind that act cute or try to act cute even more, you can be certain that behind the screen those people are the most awful kind you can ever have the displeasure to talk to.
To find people to talk, meet and play, there is better "hidden" or underground websites/imageboards that are far superior.
pretending so they can lure you in
I am but whenever someone has added me on Yea Forums I stopped talking to them past the first time cause I don't wanna be a bother.
Its the only way anime erp fags can get any kind of attention from strangers on the internet.
This. That Tomoko guy that has been spamming his Steam on here for literally 4 years now is an actual sex offender in real life, he ruined some kid's life for his own enjoyment yet he acts like he's some uwu shy boy.
Didn't know I had a clone.
it was just a joke
not even a very good one at that
use a mic because it's helpful, not for validation from randos
bros Im eating a chicken biscuit
You underestimate how self conscious people can be.
Genuine question, are you female?
A lot of guys I know are legit turbo autists like myself, and are scared of communication, but go full dickbag mode when it comes to talking to women (at least from what they tell me) and I think it's either because they're trying to be "alpha" or they're upset it's not leading to something.
You don't know that about anyone, but basically never add anyone if you only talked to them for one post or they just threw out info. All the long term friends I have from here are folks I added after we already had a good 20 post long discussion in a thread about something (anime, porn, games whatever, just a legitimate mutual interest).
ive cum from a dildo in my butt while playing support
fuck off grub
I don't really care, if anything seeing someone get into an autistic fit of rage make me laugh more than anything.
I am pretty shy however, and find it hard to speak using a mic, i'm forever a mute.
Who cares anyways, these threads are just shitposting territory, anyone who falls for the gay animeposter deserves it, it will get nuked anyways.
Engineer is credit to team!
>haha im just trolling :)
You may think this but your delusional if you think anyone in your life thinks your a decent human being if posting anime girls on chinese image boards is what gets you off.
no i'm not female, not a trap or tranny either. just a smoll boy but that's about it.
regardless of their reason they don't need to go full dickbag mode to someone who's trying to be their friend. male, female, alien, etc. it's called showing courtesy and also just being a good person.
if i were female and i were to add someone and they were a dick to me just because i was, honestly that person wouldn't be worth my time. that's just a sign of a shit human being to be honest.
Sorry user, I laughed way more than i'd like to admit.
You shouldn't give a fuck about those things. Years ago when I used to raid in wow some people pointed out that I sounded like a fucking google translator voice. Not that it stopped me from aspergering on the mic to this day.
You sound upset, need a hug?
>fucking colossal brain witty 200 iq alpha e-chad when typing
>sperglord who's never made eye contact with a female when i plug in mic
anyone else know this feel
>tfw actually am shy and socially retarded
Who are you quoting?
It's like the difference between shooting someone or stabbing them.