Fuck this industry and fuck Apex Legends

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Twitter cap
>For Kotaku
Oh man if you could see yourself.

According to who? Where did Kotaku get their information?

At least he isn’t following them


>getting a million smackers just to stream a fucking game
God I wish that was me

Name 1 time in the last 3 years at least that kotaku has been wrong.

You guys cry about them all the time then literally everything they report comes true, or was right.

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Good lord.
Oh well. I suppose that's the way things are. But it's really hard to wrap the mind around on how a million dollars is really nothing in this industry.

>Apex Legends
Based Februaryposter

Literally no one said that. We all said that streamers were still playing after the paid period was over - and it's true, you just kept pretending to be retarded. You still are, because that article in particular is about the first day of streaming, not "a month."

You not only didn't answer the question but also ask people to jump in the pile of partisan bullshit they call their article archive.

I wonder how much Bethesda paid him, the man is a scam genius.


Ninjax himself said on every apex stream that he was being sponsored to play it for 8 hours a day, the amount however i'm not sure if he ever mentioned it.

it's not fair bros

Hate the guy all you want but he is usually transparent about when he is getting paid to play some shit.

It's nothing in any industry.

What the matter? This isn't new, you think Snoop Dogg played battlefield at the event just for fun too?

Whats the reasoning?

id probably eat my own shit on stream for a million dollars

>Wasted 1 million on a game that died a month later

Said nobody ever. Everybody knew they're paying for promotion for the first weeks when it came out. Streamers said so WHILE THEY WERE DOING IT, you fucking cunt.

he asked for a source, not their credibility

I literally work 11 hours a day everyday.
I build hotels. I'm in construction. I make 5000 hard earned dollars a month. This asshole exists and is a douchebag apparently and he gets paid 1 million. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

Didn't someone literally say they were paid off but were having fun and kept playing?

You're not user it's just a different situation, but he has hundreds of thousands of kids watching him daily, kids who play video games and EA wants that game in front of those kids. If you had thousands of viewer watching daily you build companies in your industry would want to sponsor you.

dignity is worth more

lol 'dignity'
like you wouldn't jump at the fucking chance to play some dumbfuck game for 8 hours a day for a literal million american dollars

>muh dignity!

Retirement before hitting 40 is worth more

Wait, what is the issue? They had an advertising budget and used it to market their game to tons of young kids, crazy!

How young/naive do you have to be to still not realize sometimes people just get fucking lucky? There are alot of lucky douchebags in the world, no point losing sleep over it.

He's among the top 0.1% at what he does, no matter how silly or overpaid it seems to you - and he has hundreds of thousands of people who watch him do it. People that might be swayed to buy a product if he shows he loves it.

i dont recall saying i had any

Media influencers are paid by the media the provide influence - well fuck my oiled up rectum this is truely shocking.

We live in a time where someone sits in front of a screen for 8 hours and gets paid more than doctors to move their thumbs. Imagine going back even thirty years and showing people this.

There have always been extremely well paid athletes, as long as we've had sports and/or advertisements. Gladiators have had merchandise with their likeness sold in front of the Circus.

imagine going back and showing them something cool though, like a really fast car or some sort of animal.

This isn't anything new though, the only new part is video games are getting this kind of money now. The same can be said for sports athletes.

Actors make more than doctors despite doing the same thing
>b-but acting takes skill!
LMAO fucking retard it never did

w h y c a r e

1 fucking million dollars lol
christ get some fucking taste and a brain
its not just kids falling for this shit
you all just go for what's marketed

or a tv show about a kid who chops their dick off

or one of those big digging machines!

Ahh, Jazz or some say Jaron, do you hear our prayers?

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Kotaku is buttmad because they can't get the same sponsorship money because banner ads aren't worth shit in the marketing world anymore

Shit man, I dunno. That's a lot of money.

Wow, that's fucking deep.

Nobody gives a shit what you need, buddy.

Fuck I wish this applied to my life in any way shape or form

Most boomer image I've seen.

What would some zoomer know about dignity?

wouldnt this mean they dont NEED video game developers. we dont NEED video games. we dont NEED this haitian mosaic enthusiast forum.

Well yeah, millennials have literally nothing more in their lives beyond celebrity worship.

he does entertain a large number of people while you are ultimately a faceless replaceable worker
granted he maybe gets a bit too much but he definitely deserves more money than you

Ah yes good old inter generational shit flinging, good to see you guys fell into that meme like every past generation

dignity is worth nothing

said no one. Every streamer had AD in their titles, because they have to.

Yeah, except this time, instead of older generations shittong on the newer ones, it's everyone shitting on millennials.
Justified, though.

Fuck off with your nazi shit

One more reason to steer clear from "current industry gimmick game".
At least what I'm playing now didn't need 1 mill streamer bribes to convince people it's good, so whatevs, I'm good.

No shit.
Anyone who thought streamers weren't paid to play that flavor of the month is a tool.

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all according to kotaku....


>thinking that streamers and journos aren't publishers prime targets for marketing

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Man are you nuggets gay as all hell. willfully thinking so acutely simply to pretend to have a point to be all faggity about for whatever the fuck reason.
Since while yes not super directly answering the question. The implication given is one of that no matter whom that shitty nerdo is probably credible enough for who ever wrote that to believe, jot down, and then publish shit about what they said.

YA loser ass faggots.

>literally payed a million to play games
:/ fug

fuck off you literal tranny subhuman. You have never worked a single day in your life. Implying ninja isn't a soulless husk filled with corporate money without any actual value. He doesn't deserve a single cent

I hate EA and could care less about fortnite 2, but you're an idiot for getting surprised at a company advertising their game. This is no different from commercials during cartoon hours back in the day.

>btw i voted trump

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As if being in construction and "earning a hard day's pay" makes you have more "dignity" than playing a video game.

Maybe this kind of anger problems is why you're a blue collar pleb lacking higher education.

Did you get this from dad's facebook page?


i'm not him you dumbass but he deserves more money any of the streamers out there. And fucking implying that they have any education lol. All of the streamers are high school or uni dropouts without any skill, talent, or education. I wish that fucking industry would collapse and they'd find a real job

Of course. You'll get it eventually.

Kotaku once said Sword Art Online is the smartest anime ever made. I don't care if they were right about anything else, no one saying something that stupid should ever have a shred of credibility.

That's only because millennials are the first gen since the boomers to actually have a name that sticks in common parlance. People misuse it all the time.

Boomers say "millennial" when they're talking about teens. But the youngest millennial is 20-22, and the oldest millennial is near 40.

what the fuck does that have to do with Trump
celebs are fucking cancer and you know it unless your a normie shit who stands in crowds screeching when your idol passes by

they paid a lot of streamers to stream it the first few weeks and a lot of them continued playing it after

They seem to have enough skill and talent to make more money shilling a shit game for a week than you will in a lifetime.

Where did this guy even come from? I hadn't even heard his name until a few months ago, but apparently he's the new big personality

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This was actually a nice adverisement from EA's side. Think of it that way: they could invest in Anthem which is already shit and we all knew it was gonna be shit before it launched. Instead, they invested in advertising Apex which turned out to be a great game. Not that it was a surprise. It's made by Respawn, after all. Respawn gained recognition, Titanfall playerbase count jumped up, honest, player-friendly devs (Respawn) gained money for the development of another game that afaik is coming in fall.

Respawn Entertainment makes good games and this was a good advertising campaign. If you have shitload of money you can spend on marketing then why not use it?

>what is marketing

You work in a profession known for having truckloads of spics do your job for a fraction of your pay. Physical labor isn't a career anymore.

He rode the battle royal wave

>However, they said that the paid streams were short-lived; after midday on February 5, the day after release

He's been around since near the beginning of Fortnite and got big after mommy and daddy paid Drake to play Fortnite with him. He's pretty decent but there are people who shit on him easily who don't have near the following or recognition he does.

he's been around since h1z1, grew in popularity by switching to whatever was popular and staying consistent
he's kinda like the twitch version of pdp

I never heard of him either until he did that stream with Drake that got a million viewers or whatever.

I wish blue colar workers would pick up a book and get a real job, we'd be in fully automated luxury hetrosexual space capitalism if it wasn't for them whining about MUH JOBS!!!!!

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good lord imagine being a successful streamer


Lots of indie developers pay popular yourubers to play their game, what's the difference?

No we wouldn't because corps would just import labor to fill the gap because it's cheaper and done on the tax payer's dime. Apple and other silicon valley companies didn't throw a fit about the H1B1 issue because they cared about those people, they did it because it would hurt their bottom line of cheap labor willing to do a job for a fraction of the price most in the states would.

Can I get a "cringe" in chat for my boy here

Big company bad

No it isn't. You don't even lose any dignity by being a streamer, and in the process you become a millionaire. Sounds pretty fucking good.

are you legitimately retarded or are you one of them? They are living billboards, your sentence contradicted itself, it takes 0 skill to play a shitty game and say that it's good and the video was sponsored by x company


You would still be in the same situation.

>facebook image

First post based post

Where's the source for this claim?
Where does it state that this one specific streamer, out of the 100's of others from which 2 or 3 were more popular than him, was paid a million to stream it?

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So why aren't you a millionaire streaming a shitty fotm BR?

Best post ITT

>walk into JC Penny the other day
>half the shirts in the kid's graphic tees section are ninja merch

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Apex is actually good tho

kotaku just reads shit on Yea Forums and reddit and then makes articles about it

What the fuck is apex legends? Sounds like shovelware.

That picture isn't wrong
Literal lifesavers are being paid less than some acne infused lanky nerd who screams at a monitor screen 8 hours per day.

simply because i'm not an extrovert, i couldn't make videos of myself + i'm not lucky to be picked up by every game publisher ever

Wait, people actually thought Apex wasn't paying streamers?

Anyone who watches twitch could tell you that the growth in popularity was completely artificial.

Who the fuck is this guy and why does he have blue anime hair?

>invest 1 million in some streamer
>gain 4 billion in stocks

I like my situation? I just think its silly that people cling to shitty jobs because "a-at least its HONEST and DIGNIFIED work!" Nothing dignified about crippling yourself by 40, developing an opiod addiction then being thrown in the trash with the rest of the "m-muh dignity!" plebs because you can't earn enough for your employer anymore

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>If each user registered so far bought the most basic Apex Coin package, with which kids and teenagers can buy character skins and other upgrades, EA would take in $500 million. Analysts’ estimates hover around that figure in revenue annually.
titanfall 3 is kill

>everyone more successful than I am is just lucky
When you'll die poor, think back to this attitude so it won't come as a surprise.

How do you cope with the fact that life is this unfair? That this faggot is making more money than doctors, surgeons, plumbers and soldiers will in their lifetime?

Like how can you just 'deal with it'?

He'll be dead, there won't be any thoughts

No one said apex didn't support streamers you falseflagging faggot

The same way that we've dealt with it since the day man separated himself from the beasts. We don't let it preoccupy our time or we begrudge it with our fellows

Do you have Down Syndrome, seriously?

Why should I care?

I don't really care all that much. Obviously life is unfair. Obviously a lot of people got it better than me but I got it better than a lot of other people so all good.

Game is actually good this, ofc it'll pay streamers to play their game, it had 0 marketing before release

People need entertainment. It relieves stress. It saves one from boredom.
No one wants to go to a doctor's office in between doctor visits, because it's cold, quiet, and sterile.

Once you just accept that life has never and will never be fair, makes it easier to live with. We all have to deal with the cards we've been dealt in life. Ninja was blessed with an objectively nice looking physique and a personality attractive to an impressionable group with disposable income. While there are ugly ass, dumb fuck bums on the street with a personality of a rock. Have and have nots is the basis of nature.

learn to code

i'm studying Computer Science at uni, checkmate atheist

Life is simply unfair.

Because being mad about milllionaire streamers doesn't improve my life in any way.

>I just think its silly that people cling to shitty jobs because "a-at least its HONEST and DIGNIFIED work!"
They don't cling to those jobs cause of dignity. They cling to them cause they have bills to pay and don't have time to get the education to get better paying ones. Which I might add that even the higher education jobs aren't paying well anymore cause of immigration and H1B1s. Which is why I said you would still be in the same situation cause you would have a massive amount of people now trying to get white collar jobs. Lets not also forget the fact that It's not only blue collar workers that were hit hard by stagnant wages but all people except the top 10% of earners. There's an economic graph showing wage growth for the entire world broken up by earnings. the bottom 1% to 69% have seen massive wage growth. But the problem is the 70% to 90% have loss money in the last ten years and that earning group is the majority of the US population. While the top 10% of earners made more money in the last ten years. This is a huge problem.

>but he deserves more money any of the streamers out there.
Are you serious? Have you watched any streamers except the top? It's a freaking hard industry that everyone is trying to get into right now. The competition is even higher than being a fucking construction worker.

I would never become a streamer/youtuber but hell, the folks that succeeds there have my respect. Hard work pays off. Just sucks that people ignore the part where they were nobodies and only look at how they are doing right now.

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>thread is already 129...130 replies.

Yea Forums ran out of things to talk about?

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Like you wouldn't shill a game for a fucking million bucks.

it had literally no other advertising before release. 1 million is very low for EA for marketing a game

Of course they may have paid other streamers too

Sorry for having integrity.

The Onion

Doctor visits are the most comfiest shit ever
Are you some ADD ADHD spazzing autist who can't have a moment of respite once in a while? I bet you're like every other faggot who can't even socialize normally anymore without having a phone glued to their hand.

Entertainment doesn't have to cost millions to come up with, the moment there's big money involved, it becomes soulless execution and it doesn't involve "entertaining" anymore, it's just people making fools of themselves for money, not for the cause itself

i never even installed it and i don't watch people stream apex

That's an opinion, not a fact.

So do I, but I sure would pretend to like a fotm genre for that kind of money.
And don't pretend you wouldn't do the same, especially keeping in mind the extra revenue from twitch itself.

Only children watch streamers. If you own a Twitch account, you should neck yourself. If you've spent a single dime on a Streamer, I hope someone in your family massacres you and your siblings in your sleep.

Why do brainlets try to into industry? Why do I care about multimillion dollar companies advertising as they should with that kind of money? I didn't hear about the game from him, don't even give a shit if anyone did. What are we mad about?

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Oh please user.
>We live in a time where someone who kicks a ball around for 90 minutes gets paid more than doctors to move their legs

This is nothing new, people's interest just shifted from watching sports to watching a faggot play video games.

do you know who jonas salk was?
he was the jewish scientist that cured polio. he created the march of dimes to raise millions to fund his research.
polio was a crippling and deadly disease putting children all over the world into a wheelchair or an early grave. the vaccine for polio was one of the greatest medical achievements of the last century. its a globally essential medicine.
and this guy jonas salk?
he could have made billions from it. he could have patented it and made actual billions of dollars.
you know what he did? he waived the patent. he gave up billions just to make sure as many people who could be helped got the help they needed. he became a celeb after that even though he hated it. truly a great man and he left the world a better place than he came into it.

If I had a choice between polio existing in the USA/world and jews. I would choose polio every single time and twice on sundays. I would infect myself with polio and tour america spreading the disease in a custom built wheelchair or crutches if it meant all the jews and their influence were excised from my country like the cancer they are.
polio is nothing compared to the harmful effects of jews on the USA and world.I would give anything to live in a world where our biggest problem was building access ramps and compliance with the civil disabilities act.

that sounds like hyperbole. it is not. 100% authentic feelings. I cant sleep at night anymore. I wish I never started questioning things. I wish I was still a dumb rube out there able to laugh at things instead of a woke misanthrope. I envy the dumb.

now you're just being ridiculous. How is he a hard worker you fucking idiot? He was a literal who who had an extreme surge of zoomer followers because he started playing fortnite

>Gets upset when someone uses the words zoomer and millennium
>ignores the post saying boomer
Hello, snowflake

>pay a fortune for a streamer
>his fans watch it and the few who are swayed to play it, even fewer will make a ingame purchase

Id like to see an efficiency or benefit report on streamer advertising

Good on him. I wish I had the charisma and willpower to convince someone to pay me a cool mil to play a fotm videogame.

Who gives a flying fuck what you need? Nobody truly wants to be a fucking plumber or a farmer. Everyone wants to be important, cool and popular. That's why so many people buy into the Youtuber/Twitch streamer bullshit. I'd rather work 3 hours/day and be paid like a prince and then have my ass kissed about how good I am doing than work the fields under the sun 12 hours/day and get nothing in return.

>Instead of paying a shit-ton of money for advertising for all, pay streamers that appeal directly to the crowd you're aiming for

Brilliant, and to everyone complaining in this thread:
You are all jealous that someone who plays the exact same games as you is getting paid 1 mil to do so. The difference between him and you is that people actually like to socialize with him, and he has the ability to entertain a large crowd unlike most of the people in here who are devoid of any type of personality. Ask yourself honestly, could you entertain people consistently everyday? Probably not, you are by default probably not that interesting as a person, nor have the humor to make up for it. Good for that fucker for making money off playing vidya, especially taking a cut from EA.

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>No one wants to go to a doctor's office in between doctor visits, because it's cold, quiet, and sterile.
But talking to the nurses and doctors are chill as fuck. I always enjoy joking around with my nurse I get and just talk about nothing. They seem to enjoy talking about other stuff than their work.

stop trying to justify being a fucking nobody loser by 'having integrity'

>destroys the economy
>blames millenials

People comparing Ninja to fucking elite athletes lmao. Get a grip.

But Ninjas fanbase while they play f2p games they dont own credit cards yet so whats the point?

Trump is a celebrity. He's been in numerous shows, some being his own. He was in movies. The only reason people voted him is because he is an entertaining idiot.

>literal who
There's a lot of nobodies playing fortnite but he made it different. I don't like the guy because he's not being real but I'm not gonna sit here lying about him not working for what he got.

They don't.
I rather kill myself than play a battle royale.
I played PUBG for 20 hours and I've grown to hate the genre.

Yeh seriously, Ninja actually has to work all day every day, athletes just have to be born 6ft with wide shoulders and turn up to the field 2 days a week, what a buncha losers

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none of what streamers or youtubers doing are considered work in healthy societies

Why is he called Ninja again? Why not using his real name?

What's the difference? They're both just playing games.

Well that and his opponent was a zombie

>when success of your product completely depends on some streamer with colored hair
World sure is changing.

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This thread is calling out people that don't exist. Everyone knows they were sponsored because they had SPONSORED in their stream titles.

>elite athletes
how about movie stars

I've heard some youtubers talk about how it's always awkward talking about work in front of the extended family or friends. They usually beat around the bush saying they're content creators or producers for new-media or some sort of corporate newspeak bullshit.

Who are you quoting? Who are you even arguing against?

Get some friends loser, maybe then you'll get laid

They create entertainment. Not much different from actors

And they receive the money they get because they generate income to whoever is paying them

Die mad about it, or look inward to improve yourself

Sounds great but look at the downsides; you have to watch your language, you have to come up with new jokes or memes to appeal and stay popular with the kids, anything you do outside of gaming will be frowned upon if you don't live by the fan standard. It will not be easy being your actual self as to your preforming persona you use to appeal to these kids. Anyone who wants to be your friend wants to be friends cause you're popular.
It would stress me the fuck out to be honest.


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They can obviously ask their guardians for cash, they're paying for online services somehow.
It also gives EA a large playerbase, to where they can now advertise their game with player numbers.
It's a win/win, where you advertise directly to your crowd, and you get the demographic that blindly follows their twitch idols to play your game.
I'm sure your overestimating your hate for battle royales, unless you'd honestly kill yourself for something so feeble which is just downright autistic

this desu, it's not like you're eating shit on live tv or otherwise making an ass of yourself
ninja makes an ass of himself no doubt but there's other people who don't and they get by just fine

>pretending you got laid
>on Yea Forums
everyone here is a virgin, silly user it's the internet.

Is it really that far fetched?
>did sponsored streams from launch day
>main competitor product poster boy
>$1 mil is not even 1% of a ayy ayy ayy marketing budget
>It's cheap for the influencer reach he has right in the nuts of the target demographic, compared to the price and inaccuracy of spamming click and video ads, or old media marketing.

I make more than enough by sitting on my ass in the military.
I rather stay like I am rather than acting like a babysitter for 10 year olds.
It's not like I would know what to do with all that money, I would probably spend it all on stupid shit I don't actually want.

I honestly wish I could stream, but I suck at games and lack an interesting personality for it.

lol you couldnt find a more textbook cope example
>the dignity excuse
>I wouldnt know what to do with so much X (time/money) because I lack imagination

there were people ahead of him on views when apex was stream shilled for those first few days
Why would they pay this second-hand streamer more than the ones pulling bigger numbers?
The actual sponsor numbers spin around 10's of thousands per day, not millions.

Your logic is weird and very disrespectful towards yourself.

>I would probably spend it all on stupid shit I don't actually want.
You need to learn how to handle your money. You cant be older than 25 if this is your answer.

It's not dignity, otherwise I wouldn't be in the military, it's more about not wanting to even see what a bunch of 10 year olds write, I hate kids.
And yes, I don't have any imagination, but I don't regret that.

that shit isn't that hard desu, the hardest part is being 'entertaining'
shroud is pretty popular and the guy has no memes apart from being a manlet and no real personality to speak of

>americans, devoid of history or culture, try to spin the rich athlete/entertainer meme into some intergenerational conflict

No, it's just I already have everything I need, a car, a house, etc.
I just wouldn't know what to do with the money beyond getting a bigger house and a better car.
Nor am I interested in anything else.


Not him but I'm just like him. I have my own house and 2 cars. I honestly wouldn't know what to do with more money.

Maybe a luxurious pool in the backyard but that's about it.

i would never be caught dead playing video games. disgusting.
now i must leave for work at the mill in 5 minutes, i hope my bus isn't late

having enough to cover possible medical expenses or disaster like a fire/flood would be pretty nice desu, my biggest fear is some shit like that is gonna fuck me up financially

Since there's breaches in ethics with streaming and youtubers. When's StreamerGate and youtubegate?

The video game industry is basically just a joke at this point
It pretty much only exists to laugh at and make fun of
This is exactly why nobody will ever take video games as seriously as movies music books etc...

More work than youve ever done in your life huh?

This is why you dont watch streamers, or at least the big ones. They are just walking talking commercials. And see how he ran back to Fortnite once EA stopped paying because thats where the real money is.

local redditor posts the same thing thats been said a hundred times this thread, acts smart for doing so

>be me
>streaming for a few years
>got a sub button but only maxed out at 7 subs
>usually get 2-3 viewers (1 is from my dashboard)
>random thot starts streaming
>50 viewers first day and 500 followers
>next stream 100+ viewers and thousands of followers
>sub button
>raking in dosh

the music industry is worse desu, they make the videogame industry look like angels

Apex did literally 0 advertising. All ad bucks went to like 5-7 big twitch streamers to exclusively play the gane for about a month.

one day later it will be co-opted by incels from reddit who will try and drive the focus on female streamers only, robbing the movement of any legitimacy it might have had

This is just what i needed to read right before i have to go work a 9 hour shift. Thanks, OP.

>Implyng GamerGate wasn't co-opted by incels from the start
Gas the incels

I too blindly trust anything that gawker tells me

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>my biggest fear is some shit like that is gonna fuck me up financially

The only thing I dont have is a house but I'm happy with having almost half a mill in savings. I just move around too much to buy something stationary.
No debt is really easy on your mind too.

welcome to the thirsty beta olympics, where l33t g4m3rs all compete to see who can throw the most money at cute grils

>unironically using the word incel

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This is exactly what I expected but EA shills were denying it

>40,000 people watching it on twitch right


>1,000,000 shekels for this


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You can take a look at a game that's bringing in more and more players every month and someone who that is triggered by the games existence will still claim it's dying it's just how autismlord on the internet behave

>says so while spending his entire existence shitposting on Yea Forums
You and anyone else would cream their pants if someone offered you that opportunity, you fucking retard

>using twitch viewers as a metric

The video game industry relies solely on access journalism. All the bad shit stems from that since it essentially means that big devs and publishers got to much sway around any sort of info outside of just marketing. So given that the corporate holds the majority of the power they are the ones that can break anyone who does not play ball by not giving them early review copys or early demo type shit for people to write about.

The music industry is even worse in this respect i would say just that unlike vidya shit is not widely as known so peoples unawerness to this helps the industry from seeming as really pure trash like the video game industry seems to most.

It's called marketing. This place isn't any better. We've had the same Apex shill thread for weeks now.

it's dolphin porn but it's pretty good.

>Honest to god legitimate doctor
>Does a few movies
>Becomes so rich he straight up quits medicine

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A bit more than 7, but yeah
They didn't need big E3 presentations or real life advertsing. Just spend a few million on big twitch names and you're already there. It's a smart move

I thought this was widely known for a while now?
Why is it news or shocking?

It's neither. OP is just retarded.

This is where Yea Forums is at now. Defending Kotaku

This celebrity worship boggles my fuckin mind. I can not understand it at all.

How empty does your life have to be when you regularly watch someone play a video game? Why donate money to them? These streamers aren't even great at video games. Is it their "quirky" personality?

Why 1 million? That's ridiculous. I have no doubts Ninja would have still streamed Apex Legends for 500 000 dollaroos. Unless Epic were to pay him more just to refuse the offer at the very least.

Based Kotaku dapping on them gaymers

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The schism in videogames is more evident than ever
Most of these stories never affect me because I dont play f2p trash, I dont watch streamers, I dont play phone games or movie games with a "message"
There is a big divide in culture when it comes to games now, and Yea Forums is losing itself to the newfag side

How empty does your life have to be to pay attention to such thing?

Read on parasocial relationships, people with no friends think these ecelebs are their real friends, even if just at a subconscious level, they come to need to watch the streams, addiction he is my friend now I cant fail him
Its fucked

Yeah such a huge divide between people
>who play videogames
and people
>who play videogames I don't like

Being an old man yelling at clouds because you don't understand what kids like these days isn't something to be proud of

iktf bro
I only turn my stream on in case one of my friends wants to watch me, sometimes randoms pop in but usually it's pretty quiet. Anyone starting now probably needs to shill themselves hard to make it

>losing the beta olympics

he did a stream for Fallout 76 with Rick and Morty.

>unironically posting yotsuba in 2011+8
4channel is a sachiko board now user, stop larping

Newfag who cant see it, oh well good for you, cant miss what you never had right.

This. Planty of high level players in every game that you don't know about. Ninja was literally the top global killer in Fortnite for a whole year. That is not an easy achievement.

this but unironically

Eat shit retard you haven't even touched fornite or Apex yet you think you are an expert on the subject.
If you don't want to play things then don't play them, but by you own admission your opinion on the matter is irrelevant because you know nothing and WANT to know nothing. That's fine if it makes you happy, but do keep in mind that that is the exact same attitude that most parents had when videogames were invented "this shit is stupid I don't need to know or care about it because I'm so much batter".

>Comparing people that started training at 10 years old to some guy that plays a videogame for 8 hours.

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>Why 1 million? That's ridiculous.
that's fucking chump change for advertising money
he probably signed a fairly lengthy contract too

>wasted 1 million

That's like losing a pack of gum or sunflower seeds

I watched a vod of that and it was fucking awful, the game looked like shit and ran like shit
there were tech issues with the audio so it was out of sync

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I don't see the problem here really. As long as he didn't trick people, who gives a fuck.

>"SPONSORED SEGMENT GUYS, I'm adding it to the title"
>Title: Apex Legends SPONSORED STREAM
>"Ok guys this next segment is a sponsored stream"
Who on Yea Forums said they werent getting paid? OP is retarded

It's Kotaku, there is no source and never will be.
The real problem here are (You). Anyone that still thinks that Kotaku is anything else than fictional parody deserves death.

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Don't worry OP I'm jealous of him too.

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What a joke, are you mad?

That's literally every article on Kotaku.

i give a fuck. to me sell-outs have cero credibility, streamers that sell out to game companies are just advertisers and i do not listen to advertisers.

Just think in a few years when his fanbase dries up he is guaranteed to go nuts like Wings or Redemption did. Imagine the future shitposts.

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>and i do not listen to advertisers.
LITERALLY and i mean literally everything in media and entertainment is a advertisement

That's because kucktaku writers hang around here looking for "news."

>people play whatever is marketed the most


There was a multi million dollar fortnite tournament that EA had to compete against. Notice most of the big Apex guys werent big fortnite guys, its guys like Shroud and Disrespect who openly hated the fortnite style.

>Big gaming company pays one of the most (if not, The Most) popular streamer money to play and showcase their game.

What exactly are we meant to be upset about?

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>i do not listen to advertisers.
Ever had someone send you a link to a youtube video and you heaven forbid watched it. Well done you got advertised to.

apparently retarded shitposters won't do it because of their 'dignity'
never have I seen so many autists lie to themselves so much

Most pro gamers started training at a young age and I actually mean training. Look at young phenoms like Mongraal or Sway and they put so much energy into learning the nuances. I know you still fantasize about being in high school sports, but you are just being a hater.

hows that news? you all should know by now that they have budget to spend millions of dollars to marketing. he only got 1% of what they going to spend next

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>nobody cared or knew about apex
>suddenly every streamer and their dog were streaming and talking about it

You mean companies PAY FOR ADVERTISING
Holy FUCK this can't be real, I'm shocked, devastated, they totally didn't do this back then.

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That's an opinion you fucking underage brainlet.

Pdp actually has a personality. The only time this guy ever shows even a teaspoon of emotion is when he is trying to ban half of the other fortnight streamers for "stream sniping" him

man watching top anything on twitch is full retarded. Only small streamers are good.

>he fell for the meme

Even prostitutes and strippers are getting utterly dabbed on by twitch and instagram thots

Depends on how he manages the e-fame and money. If he isn't a retard and branches out, nurtures his brand and invests in shit outside playing games he'll be fine and can move on when things slow down.
If he's just getting comfy thinking he can sit in a room doing the same thing over and over for the next 40 years like Wings or DSP it's inevitable decline, depression, twitter insanity and gout before 35.

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You can be easily replaced and you didn't get your chance at the right place during the right time. Those two things define your income, not the amount of effort you put into it, stupid zoomer.

who gives a shit? This kind of stuff only work with sheep. If you're a brainlet bandwagoner sheeple then it is your fault. Apex Legends is already dying anyway.

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I hate streamers and everyone who watches that shit. It's even more braindead than TV ever was

You would happily let youself to get fucked by a black dude for one million in the ass, so much about dignity.
Althought in reality, you would do this even for far less.

To be fair this is a better way to get people into the game than to do commercials on TV that only old people watch or ads that people block
This is the new way the gaming industry should advertise their games. By sponsoring creators

>sponsoring creators
>literally don't create anything and just stream others peoples creations

straight off a boomers facebook page, makes me sick to my stomach

>TFW autismold makes more money watching videos on youtube than the actual youtube creator who spent days or even weeks editing this shit

Zoom zoom

Entertainment and art is the last to go from automation, the rest of that shit will be done by robots first and there will be a good chunk of advocacy for "organic entertainment" like we have advocacy now for organic farming. People not cultivating an online persona now are going to be the first in line begging for UBI.

Unironically wouldn't for EA.

yeah waiting for hours, sitting on uncomfortable chair, around many other sick people sure is fun and comfy.

Is the black dude paying the million though? or is it some rich dude wanting to sit in the corner and watch some pasty nerd get blacked? Is it getting recorded or is it a private one-off thing?

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Woah it's almost as if not everyone is fucking superman who is going to get their face chiseled in to a mountain.

>Imagine being so rich that you pay some neckbeard /pol/tard to watch him getting fucked by a nignog and then post it there as a proof that /pol/tards are cucks who would talk lot of shit but are willing to get fucked by nogs for money

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peak Yea Forumstarded contrarianism

You're late af. If streamers are being paid to stream a game they have to put #ad BY LAW. They paid quite a few of the top streamers. Heck i remember seeing a Ninja Apex stream titled "Not being paid to play this anymore I actually like it". Though I'm not sure about where Kotaku got the sum from.

why are people so shocked about this?

not in this degenerate society lol.

What, did people really think streamers didn't get paid to play it? Shroud had a fucking giant apex partner watermark on his stream the first night it released.

and the only reason people voted for hillary was because she was a woman
and because her husband was famous

You are retarded. Nobody is surprised that he got paid, everyone knew that.
The amount is the surprising thing. But since Kotaku doesn't mention where they got the info and there is no source, I don't know why we should believe it.

At least he's an actual gamer and not some shill from india promoting the game on a taiwanese basketweaving forum

Fair. enough. I dont really care for streams since I prefer edited content that actually has effort in it rather than streamers who just thank subs every 10 seconds
But kids love em

What happened to playing the game yourself and not watching others play, whether edited or not?

Literally so what the game is good and most streamers still play it ninja is shit at the game and dizzy is now top dawg l yall just mad because you trannies can't get frags

is this a mini-golf battle royale game?

also tons of government experience

>Media companies get paid to promote game
>Streamers get paid to promote game

>Implying he's smart.

If he was he would have invested now. He gets paid 500,000 a fucking week. Waiting till it's critical is the worst thing a person can do. The entire point of investing is so you make money off of it later.

Plus he's a faggy fortnight streamer with no personality. He has no IQ or other skills. He's only marketable because he's number 1 and nothing else. Once this shit dries up he's done and unless he lives a modest life that money is gonna be gone sooner than later.

Yes imagine a world without escapism and entertainment and instead only and only work that would be so fucking good right?

>media companies get paid to promote games
>streamers get paid to promote games
Who are you even arguing against you fucking moron?

>Apex Legends is already dying anyway.
haha, you had only to reply with a buzzword

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Yes, work brings you closer to god you retarded zoomer

If it's a game im interested in then I dont want to watch some fucker who is worst than me
But usually if it's well edited then im more so watching it for the creator. Or if it's a game im never going to play
You never enjoyed watching your friend or sibling playing a game?

Expect even god rested on the seventh day.

>Plus he's a faggy fortnight streamer with no personality. He has no IQ or other skills.
You are deluded. Do you really think people become Number 1 at anything for no reason at all without skills and work put into it? You got this backwards.

the number of the naive zoomers is astounding in this thread. somehow a streamer being paid for advertising is big news. dont even know what to say. guess a lmao will do.

That's all he fucking does dude. He better be on top of the leaderboards it's literally his job to play that shitty game.

Not really, I was waiting for them to get the fuck off the game already so I can play.

and when you're god you rest as well

Never go into business for yourself. I work about as much as you do (similar field) and clear about half that after expenses. There, now you can feel less like you're doing something wrong. Remember, someone's always doing better than you are no matter how hard you work.

Nobody is surprised they are getting paid, they are surprised they get paid 1 fucking million just to play it.

But he made us in his image thats why we go to church on sunday as rest as well.

What do streamers have to do with Church?


I've never deluded myself into think life is, or should be, fair. Life's wholly unfair, so don't feel bad about your advantages or successes

>Yea Forums
>unironically defending kotaku

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Just because you dedicate a lot of time into something doesn't mean you automatically become the best. There are plently of other people who do the same thing and yet they don't even come close to him.
Dismissing his achievements just because he spent more time on it than you is idiotic, because even if you spent the exact same amount as him you wouldn't be as good as him.

We need god to smite them and Eceleb posters is all


what gave it away? the #sponsored images on all the streams?

Many sport players do several times what this guy does and they are even more retarded than him.
Sure, they have to keep themselves in almost superhuman shape and be very good at what they do, but at the end of they day they surely dont deserve all that money

The shill reviews are easy to see apart from real honest ones. The shills will try to mention as little as possible or talk town the downsides, while extremely praising the positive points of the game, while actually making the average stuff praise like it's some extremely good feature.
Usual things shills use:

Positive points:
Game has like the most average mmo selection choice of classes/races/specs:
>Look how great the choices are, it's amazing
Average graphics that demand a lot of ressources and still look shit
>Graphics look perfectly fine/I like the artstyle a lot/You will get a stable framerate even with average computer
There is almost no single player story at all, it is very lackluster
>The game is about multiplayer, but it still has a pretty nice story

Game has bugs, not enough content, stuff like that
>Game may have some issues but devs are working really hard and will fix them for sure
Microtransactions and pay2win shit
>The game is not actually pay2win/You can get everything ingame/it's just cosmetic/it's just bonus to support the devs

You get the idea. After a little bit you will see a shill from a mile away

If you do anything for 8 hours a day, every single day, you will become amazing at whatever it is you're doing. If not than you have a huge learning disability.

Ninja pretended like Apex Legends was the shit and that he was never going going back to Fornite tho. Usually when you get pay to advertise something there's this little thing called "disclosure" you know.

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Why would big names be paid any less? They make this much in less than a year. I guess you dont really realize how much money there is in streaming. Advertising a bad game could ruin their air of "the real bro who gets it" for the audience, for one, and that ends their "career". Too much risk and too much work doesnt happen for too little money. Especially since for the big players of the game industry its chump change to pay for the almost guaranteed success of a product they spent much more making.
There is still a couple years left before the masses will catch up that streamers are just glorified billboards and they will stop working just as billboards did. Expect more and more games being advertised until the bubble bursts.

This is where you are wrong, and are either very naive or extremely deluded.


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>you’re wrong

Nice argument

>yet another million bux spent on (pseudo) marketing, instead of the actual game's budget

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they gained 4 billion in stock value from it

>paying all those taxes
>has to play the same game for hours upon hours 6 days a week
seems like a real hassle

Yea Forums is constantly being brigaded by reera trannys. You can see it on /pol/ Yea Forums and Yea Forums. Just call them out as you see them.

1989 Tiananmen Square protests.

I want my twitchTV

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never seen an obvious outsider/shill out himself this hard, at least not since the ' anontalk' raids

>you retards fell for playing a free game

Oh wow I feel like such an idiot

cant you see the massive conflict of interest here? he gets paid by someone else to influence you, you are not his customer anymore, the game company is now his customer. you are now just a target for psy ops.

he betrayed your trust and loyalty.

Hey buddy you just blow in from stupid town?

do you need to pay taxes if you "work" as a streamer

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Or this.

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My argument is here , yours is just straight wrong.

If you are right, then explain how is it possible that all those hundreds of thousands of other neets who play 24/7 Fortnite aren't number one, or even comparable to Ninja?
It's a common self-delusion to protect your ego to think if you spent as much time as him you would be just as successful. If that's how it worked we would have hundreds of thousands of top players.

the gaming industry should not advertise at all. either your game is good and gets good reviews or its not, then fuck off and dont annoy me with your shitty ads.


Not only the gaming industry would be better, but that's just not how it works as long as games remain commercial products, you sweet summer child.


we would be even more of a tool if we didnt call the streamers out for it and watch someone else. sitting in your chair and being snarky and jaded wont make things better.


It's either making hundreds of thousands of dollars every month wagie caging Fortnite or scrubbing toilets or flipping burgers. He's been doing this since he was 17 and went pro Halo 3.

>one simple request
>all these replies and nobody can do it

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>Gamers are dead, Gamers are over

Ninja isn't even that good at fortnite his main game he is just a pub stomper and gets exposed everytime he goes up against actual good players it honestly makes me sick

All the zoomers seething at how right this image is that they take a second to take the celebrity dick out of their mouth and cry about it.
The same ones crying it isn't them making millions to be a giant game playing faggot
I can't wait till the brain chemistry in their head normalizes and they realize what actual values are and laugh at how big of faggots they were as the world gets slowly worse around them and their kids call them some stupid name like Boomer or zoomer or toomer or something equally stupid

Bullshit. On a stream not too long ago he defended himself saying that not only if he did that would it be unethical, that it would be illegal. He's a sociopath. The story about him losing his sight is probably also a farce.

I will admit they are right when they provide a credible source for that claim. Unless they can do that, I see no reason why I should blindly believe them. Their track record may incline you to believe them, but ultimately proves nothing.

He was this semi-pro Halo player who couldn't even get 1500 viewers on most days. Then Fortnite came out and he got lucky enough to play with Drake of all people on a stream. Then he just blew up from there.

So basically, he got lucky. It's all about getting lucky in this world. Of course you can get through the world with skill, but solely on skill is something really lucky

>Companies pay big streamers to shill their games
More at 11

because its wrong if you think about it even for a minute. i do need entertainers or else my life would be dull. i need them for my psychological health. or why do you think im on Yea Forums, i need that shit man!

while i havent needed a doctor for years now and never even seen a plumber. i also dont have a car so car mechanics arent on my need list either.

Drake used him in advance of investing in a gaming team. The absolute majority of these streamers are sycophants so doesn't come at much surprise. Join these Fortnite guys when playing squads and they'll be discussing their viewership numbers dropping, or their creator codes amongst them jacking each other off with knifes held close to backs. Zero entertainment.

>How do you cope with the fact that life is this unfair?
I don't worry about it.
Yeah it'd be nice to have millions and get paid to travel, but I'm pretty content with my life right now.

in other words you have given it all up already.

I would argue that ninja isn’t a low iq retard that’s capable of applying himself to whatever he’s doing. Neets have learning disabilities which put them in the position they are in. They have no sense of self improvement and because of that they have no idea how to apply themselves to their task and learn nothing even after playing for hundreds of hours. Again, learning disability.

jesus christ i havent seen someone mention anontalk in years

None of you actually managed to provide an example of a incorrect objective statement

Just deal with it fag.
Wasting your time and energy getting mad about it and bitching won't get you any further in life.

FINE Here's a better article for people that hate (((KOTAKU)))

Nope, but if that's what you want to think go right on ahead.

Where you workin at, tranny?

I'd suck cocks like the local town sluts if it was a guaranteed $2000 a week, but I think I'm not pretty enough.

A lot better than being depressed over something you can't change. Not everyone is going to be a millionaire, and a very large amount of people could lead fulfilling lives without millions. This is just fact.

>Streamers, youtubers, instagrammers etc. are openly called "influencers"
>Everybody is surprised they get paid to influence your opinion.

A professional in the STEM field would most likely make 3-4 million dollars in the total course of their lifetime.
Wagecucks would be lucky to hit 1million to 2, people who own a business have the potential for way more. Entertainers/ athletes etc even more just because you scum off the top of your popularity and make people buy stupid shit, that's capitalism. People who earn money with their time, spending it disproportionately.

Honestly with your attitude you'd never achieve comparable excellence in any field you attempt. Just a born breed loser amongst the NPCs.

Let's see you then.

>blue haired faggot gets 1 mil for playing a game for a couple of hours
>while i have to wageslave 50 years to earn it

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there are people making much more money doing much less
or just doing evil and illegal things like child sex slavery etc
the world isnt fair

just get popular

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For the 5 billionth time, nobody is surprised they get paid, but the fact that he got paid 1 million dollars only to play the game on launch day alone is simply unbelievable especially if you are not really familiar with how much money is in twtich streaming, and compare it to your Average Joe's salary, but 1 million for 1 day is staggering even in twitch streaming context too.

Why do so many retards jump into the thread without reading anything and drop these smartass comments like they are worth anything?

It's dumb people fault, not streamers or other esports shit.
While people pay for tits or for simple comfy entertainment, you can't take away their shekels and say like "no-no, give it to %tworkername%".
It's literally commie shit level of being butthurted by celebrities.

this literally confirms that the press release by respawn was a total lie, they didn't have to convince EA to make this game, EA would never distrust a fucking battle royale free to play game with microtransactions and no company unsure of their shit would sink 1 million into promotion for a game they didn't believe in

fuck Yea Forums for buying into it like the retards they all, you all should be ashamed of not seeing through it

>1m for him alone
>plus dozens of other streamers
>plus shills on sites such as 4channel

that it's literally shilling? lmao get your head out your ass retard

its the same as making an advertisement

Almost every stream that was sponsored said so in the stream title for the week or so they were paid to play it

People like him have no idea how to spend their money wisely nor save their money. He'll end up like dsp who constantly whines about taxes.

yeah by someone who people expect to have their own opinion not necessarily tied to one favourable of the company he's being paid by

this game and marketing move literally made normalfaggots forget about EA's string of fuckups and all it took was some dumbass lies that didn't even make sense

gaming is fucking dead please nuke the fucking industry holy shit

You can't eat dignity m8.

The guy is a marketing tool not a reviewer, they just pay him instead of TV networks to play their ad

Not that hard to understand

How was it a lie, or who was lying? The sponsored streams were put into the title that they were sponsored. Nobody was kept in the dark about it being a sponsored event.

fair points both

what frustrates me is that the bar for convincing zoomer retards to buy something is so low you dont even need to bribe IGN or gamespot to sell something at this point, it's a new level of obscenity

Not him, but you know humans were fine for thousands of years without things such as television and the internet, right?

humans also only lived to the age of 30 at one point

>Company pays person to advertise a product

Shitaku is just assmad they weren't bribed instead

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You got some onions stuck on your third chin fat boy might wanna clean that before you go read some kotaku

Play something happy

Holy shit they replace S O Y with onion what the fuck

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Yea Forums eternally blown the fuck out by one simple post, well done

if you make money you need to pay taxes.

They're always wrong. Even when they get it right it's only by accident and they're still wrong.

they're wrong literally every week


Ah, you seem to have “opinions” confused with “facts”
Kotaku is a blog where writers are free to post opinion pieces, but sometimes (this can get confusing) you’ll disagree with them

>one simply request
>immediately make counter request
oh the irony

oh wow so kotaku isn't news then and shouldn't be taken seriously by anybody ok gotcha lmao

Oh I see how it works. It only counts when it supports your view.

Im fucking laughing at this thread, you dumb fucking 45kg cunt zoomers

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This is sad desu

>45kg cunt zoomers
Did you forget a 1 from the beginning of that number?

>journalists should out their sources
Are you fucking retarded

something isn't news if it aint sourced, it's just whatever

Welcome to the new world of advertising.

Your backed yourself into this corner

Like Kotaku which isn’t news

ye i agree, unless they source i guess

Anyone can say anything without sources, why should anyone believe it?

I have undenyiable evidence from a source who I should not out, that you are laundering money and are actually raping grannies in a sex dungeon under your house.

It's not news. You don't have to believe them or trust their sources, but despite their shitty opinion pieces kotaku has an actually decent track record with getting behind the scenes shit right.

>kotaku has an actually decent track record with getting behind the scenes shit right
that's only jason schreier and only sometimes, other times he has retarded opinions

You don't understand a single thing about journalism. It's funny when one of these gay websites does actual journalism, you don't understand the first thing about it and you just want them to continue writing opinion pieces and copy pasting whatever press release they get in their email

you only have so much money and 99.9% of people don't give a shit that a doctor gave you care meanwhile more than one person gives a shit about what an entertainer does

No one has ever said or implied this. Everyone knew they paid streamers. It's marketing, and good marketing at that. But it doesn't even matter because outside of some technical issues the game's actually decent. Stop trying to create controversy and being the stereotypical OP faggot.

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D-Do you guys feel like ... FTP might be killing single player games? Think about it, most people are out there playing their fort nites and apex legends, while devs are going, "Yes single player is dying and yes this is a good thing for business, since FTP is actually more profitable in the long run." which is sustained by the fact that there are people out there spending 500+ dollars on apex. Are we heading twords an age where most companies dry up and die and the only things left are a few titans that can make ftp multiplayer games right, while maybe a few indie devs that still care about single player, pop up from the wasteland and struggle to make enough to keep single player alive? I hear the higher ups at rockstar are saying stuff like "Yes red dead redemption 2 made a profit, but if it won't make us as much as fort nite, is it really worth the effort?" and that EA made all the money they lost on flops back with APEX, are we really headed twords this future?

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I'm not reading all of that but no.

it's like you don't understand how capitalism works
why don't you become a plumber streamer, i bet there isn't a single one doing that
would probably be a success

normalfags and zoomers are killing gaming full stop

Did gay nigger disclose this?

Single player games are always going to be in some people's interest so even if the big publishers / devs go towards ftp multiplayer etc, it just transfers more of the singleplayet game market niche to new and upcoming developers.

The fact that someone as big as EA paid 1 million to some man child makes me worried

>Kotaku is a blog
Then it isn't a news website. Why are you going to a blog to find news?

>D-Do you guys feel like ... FTP might be killing single player games?
People have been saying that for years and yet developers still don't stop chumming out single player games despite supposedly being on the brink of death.

I hope for this, it would be horrible to get to a point where single player isn't touched apon, I especially have a thing for AI in vidya, and like it when people put work and love in to creating good AI, and the most prominent place to see AI is, of course, single player.

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Because sometimes they release an article with some actual news in it.

>Fortnite and Kotaku shills working together
Truly EPIC

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What if most kids grow up never touching single player, and just don't form enough of an interest in it. As a gamer, I want future generations of gamers to know the joy of singleplayer. Clearly it is our duty to reproduce and introduce our kids to single player vidya before we let them touch multiplayer!

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That ain't workin'. Thats the way you do it. Lemme tell you that guy ain't dumb. Maybe get a blister on you little finger maybe get a blister on your thumb.

>it's another episode of retards think kotaku makes news and dedicate a whole thread about it
The original article was done by Reuters you bunch of imbeciles

>Expect some boomer bullshit
>It's actually entirely correct

Nice one user

>you will never be paid $1 million just to play some shitty dead-on-arrival game
Why even live

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>What if most kids grow up never touching single player, and just don't form enough of an interest in it.
That would require both Nintendo and Sony along with most game developers to cease to exist which probably ain't going to happen anytime soon.

Smart of OP to make it about kotaku though this thread is almost at bump limit kek

>celebs are fucking cancer and you know it unless your a normie shit who stands in crowds screeching when your idol passes by

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I can't remember which game it was but I remember see an article there that said their favourite multiplayer game of the year was a single player game that released a few years before the article was even writen.
a better question would be one have there ever been right?

RDR2 literally had the biggest entertainment launch ever recently and since gaming market is growing there are probably more people playing single-player games than ever.

But hasn't the massive shill armada they hired said they had no advertisement whatsoever? Their script wouldn't lie, would it?

If you have ever watched a stream on twitch that wasn't pure gameplay with no commentary and no PiP showing the players face, you are the cancer that has killed video games. Also,
>f2p games
>ever being considered anything but complete trash designed to hook impressionable minors into stealing moms cc to buy cosmetics

you need a helper with that?
t.9/h wageslave

>play videogames
>get worldwide famous for it and loved by thousands of people
>earn an insane amount of money doing it
>this somehow deprives the individual of his dignity

lmao is this how poor people try to cope with reality?

I mean.

that was right though?

Even on Yea Forums now the last thing people will admit is to being a "gamer".

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t. butthurt pubg fanboy

yeah, bad experience.

Ive literally never played a battle royale user because I'm 26 and not 14.

Oh okay, journalism is claiming big things without sources to back them up and expecting the audience to believe it because I have to "protect my sources". I got you. Now I understand everything about journalism, I was completely in the dark until now.


And yet the higher ups at rockstar view it as waste of effort since it and it's multiplayer are not making them fortnite levels of money.

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It doesn't even make GTA5 levels of money, let alone Fortnite. And GTA5 was already insanely profitable.
But really it's actually on them. If they wanted the zoomer multiplayer bux, then maybe they should have made the multiplayer fun instead of the crap it is now.

Now neck yourself retard.

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B-but those are opinion pieces. T-they don't count!

>reporting on literally what the developers say
>an opinion piece saying it could do fine without going f2p that admits it's possible if it bombs


Wish I was paid to post norf memes

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Drown in a lake you dumb ass niglet.

Sorry that you're wrong user.

You have nothing to lose but your chains, user.

We know streamers got paid to stream the game pretty much since the game came out. You're a month late.

It also doesn't invalidate the game being fun to play.

They are required to disclose sponsored streams in the stream title, and they did.

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on Yea Forums by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is Yea Forums. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...


>implying you wouldn't play a videogame for a couple weeks for a literal million dollars

What are some news sites that don't have any opinion pieces?

I would do it for 1000 dollars.

>he's confused
>He's posting copypasta's as a defense mechanism
Made me lol for a sec fag.

By killing myself on my 30th birthday

>still replying seriously even after pasta
Desperate for those (you)'s huh?

ign and gamespot ironically enough

you get really fucking angry and vow to make it through anyway just to spite people

Not as much as you sweaty

>Speedhack and aimbot
>Still gets fucking killed
How can cheaters be so bad at video games that not even I-Win buttons can get them a win?

Why don't you kill Ninja instead? To set things right. You can always kill yourself afterwards.

I never understood this. So many celebs and rich people don't even have personal security. They're out there, all by themselves. You could easily catch them if you wanted to.

Oh if only we could all be so wise as this ancient user

>being mad at this
heh just wait until you realize that people used to inherit absolute right over tens of millions of people, as in point at a random QT and she gets to be your permanent sex slave and any opposition to this gets beheaded, purely because their father was the king

Dignity is a spook

Opinion pieces cannot be right, and that's most of what is wrong with Kotaku.

WWW3 cant come soon enough

Nothing, but it's still obvious who that posted voted for.

>literally an ad clickb8 web link

It's funny cause Kotaku was considered not credible on old NeoGAF before they became woke.

Wasn't that after losing a fuckton of stock value from their earnings reports?

So playing a game i already bought is being advertised to?

Most news sites don't hide behind the term blog whenever their content gets called out

Isn't that, you know, advertising?

Think why you bought it chief

That doesn't address the question. Advertising leading you to buy a game != the game itself is advertising

Who told you that? First day it was up there were at least 2 dozen ad streams up. It was blatantly in their title because they have to disclose that. Paying youtubers or streamers to play a game for a specific period of time is nothing new.

>this soul crushing post
>the user behind this post

But is anyone actually playing Apex Legends?
I’d love to see Fortnite die just to spite Epic but the reality is, paying streamers to play your game doesn’t make anyone actually want to play your game.

Microtransactions and episodic gaming, my dude

>Yea Forums
Spotted you faggot

My games don't have either of those things

>paying streamers to play your game doesn’t make anyone actually want to play your game.
Literally, reality says otherwise. Just..look around yourself dude, I don't understand why anyone would think this is even up for debate, lmao.

I recognize that beach!

>But is anyone actually playing Apex Legends?


False equivalence. A news website having opinion pieces isn't an issue as long as they are clearly marked as op-eds. The problem with Kotaku is that EVERY article is an op-ed masquerading itself as "news."

There are journalistic and ethical standards when it comes to reporting news. Kotaku doesn't report news, has no journalistic or ethical standards, and relies on clickbait. It is at best a tabloid, and tabloids are only good for lining the bottom of birdcages.

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Why don't they just invest this money in making good games?

I got a solid 20 hours of fun out of it, but it's gotten rather dull. Hopefully they balance the roster a bit and release something to grind for.

>Ah, you seem to have “opinions” confused with “facts”
Ah, so maybe they work at Kotaku

If you want money show working a normal job, just learn a trade. So many old guys are retiring that it's easy to get in and make a killing

Because EA is not in the business of making good games. They're in the business of maximizing value for their stockholders.
Apex is as good as it is since EA bought Respawn because they wanted to dick measure with Activision and Epic
It's also the only thing they have going for them besides their sports games since EA has driven basically every one of their other franchises and studios into the ground.

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They are not interested in making good games. They are interested in making games that make money, lots and lots of money.
Not that there is anything wrong with that, but you as a consumer should manage your expectations accordingly.

>OP, the faggot thinks that only EA has paid streamers
Fucking fortnite zoomer trash.

I wish Yea Forums would go back to worshiping stem instead of tradies and middle managers trying to give job advice on Yea Forums and pretending apprenticeships, union familys and licensing fees don't exist. It's one step above the "learn to code" meme

>They are not interested in making good games.
>Not that there is anything wrong with that