It's not that bad, you autists

It's not that bad, you autists.

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its pretty bad, to be honest

It is one of the best games ever made.

One man's treasure is another man's trash. Keep the circlejerk going Yea Forums. We have an adventure thread everyday, I'm beginning to think that there is a bot made by the mods to keep making these threads.

Yeah, it's even worse.

2 was fucking bad and repetitive

I love it so fuck you.

boost """games""" physics engine:
>locked down with no freedom to do anything the devs did not intend you to do
>he same level of depth as hallway endless runner mobile games
>can not platform in 3D whatsoever, so they shove 2D sections to take care of it while 3D is autopilot phone game
>all you do is dash left-right and jump/crouch to avoid obstacles
>sonic controls as if he was a 5000lb car
>no flexibility whatsoever, takes very long to turn
>jumping from an inclined plane does not give you signifficant height, feel locked down by the physics engine

Adventure physics engine:
>jump off inclined planes to gain incredible height proportional to speed buildup from spindash
>jump into walls to get insane vertical height
>precise, accurate platforming
>huge potential to have rooftop to rooftop platforming level designs

Make this become pasta adventurebros. We have to change the narrative. The facts are on our side. All these boostfags got is dumb reviews from youtubers taken out of context.

Attached: sa2 platforming.webm (770x469, 2.94M)

Just recently replayed it, it's pretty good. Playing as Sonic is pretty damn fun.

Do you trust the current Sonic Team to make another Sonic game?

>plays sonic
>calls others autists

What do you think of Shadow's Gameplay?

The level design is cool as fuck. The skydeck has some really crazy shit with crates shifting everywhere and gravity changing as the ship twists and turns

definitely not

i wish shadow had bounce bracelet. other than that I prefer shadow over sonic because of the animation

Attached: SA2Shadow.webm (640x360, 2.95M)

It ain't good, either.

I meant his own game not SA2.

a combination of speed and precision is so rare in games these days because devs want muh realistic physics. this is infinitely better

Attached: [Adventure] max speed sharp turn.webm (475x484, 2.45M)

So good.

Just because there's some tremendously autistic fans in the fanbase, it doesn't mean all Sonic players are autistic.

It's not that good, either.

it's like heroes but with 1 character to control (slippery movement yet precise to platform with) so its passable, definitely better than boost formula. I feel like you have to stop and shoot way too often in shadow though. Heroes is more fast paced

Attached: heroes.webm (640x360, 2.78M)

Does anyone else love this game, but at the same time willing to admit it's bad?

yo, right here

>but at the same time willing to admit it's bad?
Please explain why its bad without mentioning Big because thats like 20 minutes of a 6+ hour game and is not enough to make it bad.

I unironically rank it among my top ten favorite games, but I realize it's incredibly flawed and buggy. Station Square is the comfiest hub world of all time.

why do this when we're losing the information war? boostfags control the narrative.
Saying that SA is bad because you:
>hate the mech levels
>hate treasure hunting
>hate the small amount of speed levels
>hate the camera
>hate the story

is counter productive and in the end giving more power to boostfags getting SEGA to make them their shit autopilot games.

Attached: sa1 platforming.webm (1920x1080, 2.83M)

fucking hell I'm close to picking up this game again, I forgot how fun it is

Classic sonic is literally the only good sonic. Gladly sega have realised this and are phasing modern out

dude... we get it ok? I want adventure back too but you don't gotta spam it this hard.

I agree, but SA2 is better.
>Better Physics
>Better Controls
>Better Treasure Hunting Levels(Radar is not part of the level design)
>Better Chao Race
>More Levels
>2P Versus
>No Fishing

boostfags repeated their lies over and over to the point the reddit/youtube masses assumed it as true.
SEGA listens to them. If no one starts aggressively shilling Adventure physics until a big youtuber picks it up and makes a commentary on it -> sega sees it, rest assured next sonic game will have the boost formula.
The passive nature of adventurefags sitting and hoping some day things will change is DELUSIONAL

Attached: sa1 exploration.webm (484x384, 2.93M)

I went back to it recently, didn't expect to live up to my nostalgia, but I didn't expect it to be THAT awful either. It made me realise how truly shitty my tastes were as a kid.
It's not even a case of it just being an old 3d game, it was released *after* stuff like Banjo Kazooie, Metal Gear Solid, Half Life, Ocarina of Time etc. It's legitimately shit, there's no excuse.

>Saying that SA is bad because you:
>>hate the mech levels
>>hate treasure hunting
>>hate the small amount of speed levels
>>hate the camera
>>hate the story
Those are all legitimate reasons to dislike the Adventure games, though. There is no grand boostfag/Adventurefag war that you have to propagandize, you delusional autist.

You do realize most people are turning their back on boost thanks to Forces right? A lot of people are already asking for Adventure to come back. Forces is already kinda doing the job for you.

The amount of samefagging/falseflagging in this thread is hilarious gotta respect the dedication from you autist.

Playing as big the cat was fucking awful and playing as tails was pointless.

And he used my windy valley webm, I feel unclean

Good to see you are still around webmbro hope you are doing well.

Attached: Kino.jpg (1920x1080, 325K)

I replay this game fairly often and the soundtrack is fucking amazing

holy shit you learn something new every day

Got it for dreamcast when I was a youngin, really enjoyed it. Whats the problem here? Also the soundtrack is great.

Pretty decent, yeah

Attached: A good vacation spot.webm (1920x1080, 589K)

saying "i dislike adventure" is dismissing it as a bad game.
it invalidates the main thing that future games should copy from adventure: the physics, controls, and moveset.

notice how these statements
>>hate the mech levels
>>hate treasure hunting
>>hate the small amount of speed levels
>>hate the camera
>>hate the story

have NOTHING to do with what I want sega to implement?

Attached: SA1 sequence break #2.webm (240x155, 2.76M)

But enjoying Sonic is autistic so your points are rendered moot

boost """games""" Rail physics engine:
>Rails automatically propells you forward, not really going any faster, leaving you with only left, right, and jump, for input

Adventure Rail physics engine:
>Can't move on rails without a little momentum, which is very rare and easy to get
>Have to tilt the left analog stick left/right to keep you balance, and maintain momentum
>Crouch button builds momentum

Really really liked the sequel despite not liking Sonic in general due to boostfags and sure it has flaws but I unironically place it very high for that gen.

How is the first one, is it worth picking up for someone who pretty much only liked Sonic 2, Knuckles and Adventures 2?

this proves that Adventure1/2 is the melee of the sonic franchise.

Attached: 1551502953014.gif (511x512, 105K)

>How is the first one, is it worth picking up for someone who pretty much only liked Sonic 2, Knuckles and Adventures 2?
If you like Adventure 2 you should enjoy Adventure 1 if only a little bit the core sonic gameplay is pretty much the same. If you are gonna play it though be sure to buy it on steam and install the dreamcast mods if you can't play it on the dreamcast.

flawed =/= bad

SM64 has wonky physics, a shit camera, and is buggy too, and nobody goes "haha this game is bad but I like it anyways lol"

The adventure games are good, they are just good in SPITE of their flaws

Here's probably the best review of Sonic Adventure I've seen.

good catch senpai

boostniggers have literally 0 control over what their character does.

Attached: SA1 sequence break #1.webm (1285x715, 1.06M)

I remember the first time I found this skip felt so satisfying

well said, i think this phrase would resonate more with the rebbitors and youtubers rather than flat out telling them their games are shit. because then they'll just point to
>haha look at le camera
>haha look at le mech levels

Attached: SA2 emerald coast.webm (607x343, 2.58M)

>sonic team
>trusting ever
Ooooooh noooooo

Hmm, dont have a Dreamcast but thinking about dusting off the Gamecube seeing as I enjoyed the sequel on that platform or is this a bad idea for some reason, this could be a good plan for Sunday after Saturdays clubbing

>Hmm, dont have a Dreamcast but thinking about dusting off the Gamecube seeing as I enjoyed the sequel on that platform or is this a bad idea for some reason, this could be a good plan for Sunday after Saturdays clubbing
Its probably good enough but just know going into it that every port of Adventure 1 is way buggier than the original and the lighting was completely destroyed

Adventure 1 > Adventure 2
Change my mind

Gotta Go Fast

Attached: Here i come.png (1405x816, 1.22M)

Way buggier? I seem to recall the sequel having its fair share, might opt-in for the Steamversion with the mods then, thx for the heads up user

Oh yeah the original is still pretty buggy in its own right but the port just makes it that much worse. I hope you enjoy the modded stream version though.

A reminder that boost killed this franchise,instead of fixing the problems with 06 and the adventure formula and redeeming 3D sonic they created a mobile game tier gameplay style and destroyed everything the franchise built to that point.

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I think there is a solid case for all Sonic fans being autistic. At least fans of Sonic Adventure onward.

kek I remember when I originally posted this months ago weird to see people reposting it. I still hold this opinion though.


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>Tfw played the Boost games and Classic games before I got around to playing the Adventure games but like each era and can get some enjoyment from each one
I feel like a rare breed

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The Sonic fandom is literally at the threshold of hell with no way of salvation. God I feel bad for /sthg/ sometimes.

You know what this game needed?
A final egg level variant set down in that area on the base's perimeter, outside, under the cover of night.

>trying to stir up shit when we're all JUSTed
I like both Adventure and boost gameplay. I can assure you that no "boostfag" is rushing to defend Forces, which was just Lost World with the boost slapped on.

Attached: THIS IS MY ESCAPE.png (1334x1334, 763K)

Fair enough. I'm sure I will. I'll be sure to shitpost about it and try not to bait too much as Sonic seems to make ppl go full autist..

i feel like monkeys who pretend ot like boost and adventure are actually adventure haters seeking to create confusion and make adventurefags subservient and tolerant to boostshitters. You fags are worse than hardcore boostshitters.

Attached: sonic game ranks.jpg (1368x2492, 1.19M)

What the fuck is going on with that pose?

I remember playing Adventure 2 and then I played Unleashed for the first time. It felt very off to me. Like I had less control. It's a shame. 3D Sonic really had potential. Adventure 1 and 2 aren't perfect by any means, but those Sonic levels could've been great. Not a fan of the boost.

say what you want about the whole game
but you can't deny the fact Gamma's story and final battle is a kino masterpiece.

Attached: YellowInfatuatedAustraliancattledog-size_restricted.gif (500x282, 618K)

i played as a little kid and absolutely loved it, tried to play it a few years ago and i got past the killer whale and stopped and im pretty sure thats the first level

fair enough

Attached: Sonic Adventure momentum.webm (1817x565, 1.72M)

You're right
It has problems but it is pretty fun
Big can fuck off though that was some of the worst fishing I've ever seen in any video game

No, I don't know what their issue is or why it happens but they're fundamentally retarded.
Every time it seems like they're on an upswing like with Colors and Generations they go right back to making bad decisions.
"Let's let these no-name developers make a Sonic game just because they have some Naughty Dog rejects" (Sonic Boom)
"Let's let the guy who made Secret Rings and Black Knight be in charge of Sonic from now on just because he also did Colors which was halfway decent" (Lost World)
"Let's take the same guy and pair him up with the director of Sonic 06, scrap our level designers and hire on some newbies" (Sonic Forces)
It's like someone cursed them so that for every good decision they make, they have to make one bad one to balance it out.

Sonic boom is actually good as a light hearted TV series
not as a game though it's clearly broken in all aspects

How long have they been doing this for?

I was talking about the game. The show was the one good thing to come out of it.

Lest we forget "Let's hand over our company's most famous and iconic character to an American film studio and give them full control".

Attached: 1551963190162.jpg (479x335, 134K)

Ah yes, how could I forget.

Attached: 1552036208800.jpg (1200x1567, 561K)

I miss the atmosphere of SA1.


Attached: 1549069981278.gif (500x375, 676K)

Most of my love for the game goes to the OST alone. I’ll say that Sonic and Knuckles campaigns are still fun, but everything else is shitty.

>low IQ modernshit scum trying to argue about quality
Lmao the classic games are literally the pinnacle of the franchise you garbage loving fuck

man i can hear the town's theme from that gif alone

user, there's Sonic 2006 in the S rank...


I don't get it. Are you trying to make Adventure fans look bad or something?

man this shit is accurate as fuck man
bless who ever made this.
i have no idea why the majority hate on shadow's game
it's the most unique game related to sonic there is and feeds the lacking dark aspect of sonic
the whole sonic saga is about preventing the dystopian society from over taking the planet, but in shadow's story you get to choose which path to take, and which form of dystopia to choose, from absolute chaos to eggman's dream society.

I feel like he is. Sonic attracts alot of falseflaggers for some reason. First you had the hessefag making classic fans look terrible and now you have this.

Sonic adventure 1 happened 20 years and Sonic Team will never make a game better than the adventure series.

I genuinely made these. No falseflagging whatsoever.

thanks, bless you too frend

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How many hours did you waste on the Chao raising? I spent so many hours on it, Jesus Christ. Kid me had too much fun with that minigame

it was comfy desu

Well, alright I suppose.

So Yea Forumsros why does Sonic Adventure get dumped on for being glitchy trash when Mario 64 has just as much? Is it because in Mario 64 you can use those glitches to assist in speedrunning? I dunno Sonic Adventure is alright, not great or absolute shit just a sliver above average, but it definitely gets a lot more shit than it deserves, also

>"Sonic was never good" autists

Yeah, fuck off kid

Attached: 1423024254325.jpg (560x537, 67K)

Sonic Adventure;
Everyone hates
Some will defend
Nobody will play

talk about your 20-year-old game here.