What games will cure my depression and make me less of a piece of shit

What games will cure my depression and make me less of a piece of shit

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>cure for depression

Dorf fort, rimworld, kenshi, any autism simulator.

Taking a week (or preferably several) from gaming and generally reducing screen time will help to normalize receptors in your brain to respond to normal levels of dopamine/serotonin.

Russian Roulette has a pretty good chance of doing the job

There's no way off this ride, user.

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games can't cure depression, they just stave it off at best

seek therapy

Yoga and meditation

calling the doctor and getting on antidepressants

Sure, user, that's all it takes, huh?

Goddamn you're retarded and don't know shit about depression.

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Antidepressants had literally 0 effect on me. I got put on 3 different ones, and after the 3rd didn't work I got put on the first again "just to see what happens". Anti-anxiety meds did nothing too. I fucking hate doctors who just had you antidepressants and act shocked when you come back a few months later saying nothing changed

Actually, you don't know shit, you retard. Mindfulness meditation program is clinically equally as effective as psycho-medication.

I bet you think depression is a mood, too.
>Minor inconvenience happens
>I'm soooooooo depressed lol

I lie in bed for days on end. """"Meditation""""" doesn't do shit. Neither does stretches.

Read what you typed down here, then try figure out why people dont want to help

kek, this joke almost cured mine.

>tfw no depressed bf

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Medical treatment user. It's hard to go but its the only fix.

Stop watching Bojack, it does not help.

Ineffective normalfag (((((I'm helpiiiing!!!)))) Advise is worse than nothing at all.

I really do need to kill myself to get away from people like you. If life wasn't insufferable enough on its own, you definitely tipped the scales.

The idea being to try it for more than a day. I'm a severe asthmatic who has been pumped full of corticosteroids to the point of psychosis and can say without a doubt that breathing exercises, aromatherapy and meditation have kept me from putting a bullet in my head.

Depression is not real, you have grown up.

No, you spastic retard. I suffer from treatment resistant severe clinical depression, had been for close to 20 years. I've very much exhausted treatment options, from psychotherapy and analysis past roughly 14 different med combos, mindfulness, and even TMS. Pretty much the last two options I haven't tried yet are ketamine and psilocybin based therapies, mostly because neither are yet approved in my country.

I also gained quite an extensive psychological education as part of my struggle. Mindfulness therapy is a hugely successful therapy program that has had major clinical testing since the it's introduction by Kabat-Zinn in the eighties, and proved to be REMARKABLY successful, with currently even neurological studies proving a major connectom activity shifts after prolonged exposure.

So please, please tell me how I don't know what depression and it's treatments are. We all want to hear most of your pathetic excuses why you aren't trying every option available to cure it.

Dark Souls

>I really do need to kill myself to get away from people like you
Then do it faggot.

Just stop being a fucking beta loser, have sex lol

look at you champ, you did it

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Practice what you preach

Please, please, PLEASE do. It's actually going to be an incredible, incredible relief for everyone involved. You are not only mentally ill, you are also malicious, deliberately and freely choosing to use your illness as an excuse to be a pest on this world. You are actually a pest, and everyone in the universe will be better off without it.

f-zero x

Sex is actually a decent suggestion. It really does help temporarily. Even in the worst states of depression, sex was always something that genuinely gave me some form of temporary motivation.

I do, don't worry. I'm just trying to help bro.

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Slime rancher!

But like, for a few hours, then it gets mundane.
So i move to sims 4

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Based larp chad

Katawa Shoujo unironically helped me figure out my life and I'm a happier person now as a result.
I had never played a vn before it, but it worked just the same.

Nigga fuck pills. I'd rather be fully me than dumbing down the chemicals in my brain. Before that shit was an option people either fucking dealt with it or off'd themselves. Society is more fucked than ever and would rather act like your the problem than change for the better.

Not OP but honestly gaming is my only stress reliever. Gf is a cunt, parents piss me off to no end, job can eat a dick and the whole of western society can go castrate itself. If I didnt have games I would of gone postal long ago, they keep me from saying fuck it all and going out to mass murder ppl for no reason.

imaginary games, since depression isn't real. You are just being a bitch instead of dealing with your problems

Eh, when I can pay for it sure.

this, old school runescape is really good for it too

any game with little incremental rewards really helps stave it off as long as you dont get addicted.

Sex dont solve shit. You get laid, feel good for a couple hours and then go right back. The only way it would work is if I had a harem on my dick 24/7

Nice blog.

There's no reason to be upset, user.

A tripfag post that? Really?

People also died of diabetes and common infections back then. Do think that was also a better solution? Let me guess, you are the same poster as this one

>gaming, mattching up with randoms=less of a piece of shit

Hate to break it to you user but that is not how it works

FAcing Looife