Play fire emblem 8

play fire emblem 8

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Anyone else just can't get into this series? Seriously, I was addicted to FEH for a year and wanted to check it out. Tried FE 7, 8 and 13 but none of them got to stick. I literally haven't finished any of the games I listed

FEH is shit user.

How far did you get into Awakening before giving up? The early chapters I feel are a bit more difficult to get into

Chap 16 for FE13 and 7 for FE8. Don't even remember FE7. Ngl, it was getting pretty interesting, but not enough I guess to keep me going.

On this note, L'Arachel is best girl

Meant 17 for FE8

>playing the worst pre-awakening FE

That's not Path of Radiance

Are FE 9 and 10 actually not that popular? I see a fair amount of people shitting on them but I enjoyed them. Although when I recently replayed the two, I dropped 10 midway but I think that's because playing two FE games in a row burns you out

10 is good

I haven't gotten to 10 yet but 9 is patheticly easy even if you abstain from bonus XP. Ike is just a perpetual wrecking ball that makes blindly moving forward more effective than any actual strategy

>tfw a remake of this would be ruined by rinachunk

Nah, he's like Roy. Only good when you upclass him/ give him his signature weapon. Otherwise he's a sword locked chump. 10 ike is a wreaking ball.

In my playthrough he became an unkill-able demon by chapter 8 and just dodged everything with his stupidly high speed

Ephraim is a cool dude. Shame he could never decide between dicking his fuccboi boyfriend or his sister.

Eirika, you stupid fucking cunt.

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>The chapter where she just hands Lyon the stone despite knowing he's possessed by the demon king

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I thought this was the case for me until I picked up Fates
Now, it might be just because some of the girls in that game tick specific boxes for me but I've really enjoyed it. Think I've gotten further than I did for Awakening.

How come all the female FE protagonists are shit?

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So where should I start with this series?

>Leif Tier
>Great Tier
>good tier
>Okay tier
>Shit tier

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Hey now, Ceada was okay. she literally seduced a guy to join the army, twice.

"Fire Emblem" on GBA (also referred to as blazing sword or fe7)
Sacred Stones on GBA
Awakening on 3ds
Are generally the best starting points

Awakening or 7. 7 has some pretty lame tutorials, and Awakening's first maps are pretty much not user friendly. But they have great stories and pretty much fill you on the basics of FE, although awakening might handhold you.

What about the NES/SNES games? Worth playing?

I wouldn't count her as a protag as she doesn't get her own viewpoint in the story. But she is marginally enjoyable. Plus she's the best unit in Shadow Dragon.

I like Sigurd's burning passion and he's is a pretty hot guy.

You're better off playing the DS remakes of the first games.

The remakes are in my opinion. There's some outdated stuff in both but it's largely tolerable. I have yet to find a good patch for Genealogy/thracia, but they are great from what I've heard. But they're a bit complex.

He chose instead to dick the loli dragon.

NES games have both been remade so just play those of you want to play them (shadow dragon on ds and echoes in 3ds)
SNES games aren't the best for beginners: for one they're all jp only and need a translation patch (the translations for for 3 and 5 are also somewhat outdated and janky, 5 especially), 4 and 5 are also quite different from your standard FE game so aren't the best games to go for if you want an impression of the series in general

Nah Corrin's fine. She's okay tier.

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You just know...

What a chad. Is there anything this man can't do?

Couldn't stand either one. I wish FE would move away from avatars and just be about cool lords being lords.

I played FE5 and I don't understand why anyone would have him at the top of any list.

Byleth at least is more "lord" like seeing as you won't be able to customize him/her other than picking the gender.
He feels rather like a Robin instead of Corrin though.

no but some who loves 4 tells you why it sucks

>someone who loves FE 4 (turns dragging your units across the giant map without any combat)
Opinion discarded.

>Putting any thief on the frontlines
Holy fuck no.

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>it's a "that thing you like is SHIT!" episode
I thought they stopped airing those years ago.

They will never do that, it's easiest way to score views. Why the fuck this dude needed 10 minutes to say 'this game lets you grind and it makes game too easy'? Waste of time.

i never really liked playing on the highest difficulty, it made it a turtling game. Fire Emblem is not the series to go to for hardcore strategy and that's okay.

but the only game that had anything close to a "long term game" was Conquest so I find it hard to believe this guy was actually feeling a lack of tension or whatever in SS

Drop Ike 2, drop Leif 1, move Eliwood up 1, move Marth up 2,

>"I didn't help my best friend in his time of need" Eliwood.
Nah, he stays right there.

What else was he supposed to do, he was in no condition to do anything

>Legendary hero has a slight cough, lives at the end of the game.
>Can't do anything.
Blow me. Hector deserved better after all he did for Eliwood.

The guy has the Japanese cold man, you don't fuck with that.

But I have.

I have on hard mode and it was shit
By far the single most boring FE game i've played to date

Did you miss Revelations? I wouldn't blame you if you did.