Did Apex get too cocky?
Did Apex get too cocky?
Fortnite new season started and a Cash prize Tournament is going on shortly after Apex showed up.
The Fortnite season started 2.5 weeks ago.
Why does GTA have so many viewers I thought it was a ded game
I‘ve been saying from day one that Respawns update schedules would fuck it up down the road.
Summit started streaming this really hardcore roleplay server and he's now getting like 50,000-60,000 concurrent viewers on it
cringe gta rp
Ikonik concert this weekend, bros. are we going to break 100k concurrent users?
cringe reply
People realized how fucked the balance and mechanics are. Hitboxes are the biggest and most obvious issue, having your smallest character be less than half the size of your biggest with no HP difference is retarded. It still has infinitely better gunplay than other BRs, but that’s muddied by those issues.
Who the fuck just watches streamers chat while they eat and slurp drinks over the mic? while all they do is thank cringe donators and watch 'meme compilations YLYL number 3525 XTRA spicy mode'.
Is this really what is popular over there? Apologies for sounding so oblivious, but i try to stay off the internet as much as possible
And Apex Legends came out a month ago.
And the Fornite Tourney is going on right now.
No matter how shit and mostly forgotten your game is. Your twitch view skyrocket during a Tournament.
>45k viewers a month after launch
cope LOL
It's a BR my dude.
Viewer switch over to other streams. Big name streamers switch over to other games.
Big named BR streamers are currently doing Fortnite for the chance at more money and views
>twitch viewer numbers are only relevant to a game's popularity when it's the game I like
>"Balance is fucked"
>Thinks larger characters should have more health
No, it's not Overwatch and it doesn't need to be. The hitboxes are not an issue at all, they fit the character models fine. If you're having trouble, try adjusting your play style before demanding changes to the game.
The hitboxes are not an issue at all
God I fucking hate you casuals
>Just Chatting
good that the thots have their own segregated area of the site.
Shroud fucked up his elbow and hasn't been streaming for a few days so -60k for apex
in a couple of years you will think back on your posts like this one and cringe
Nigger they already announced it’s a problem and they’re fixing it next patch. Try to keep your bait current
They ran out of their allocate shill budget to pay Ninja his millions
>No, it's not Overwatch and it doesn't need to be
Then there is essentially no reason to play larger characters like Gibraltar or Caustic, or especially characters with bad posture like Caustic.
Wraith and Lifeline are demonstrably better choices in every way if you think the hitboxes are fine as-is.
>hundreds of thousands people watching video games instead of playing them
Holy fuck fortnite defense force is in full swing
In before
>lol I was just pretending LE EBIN TROLLE ECKS DEE
Always be oddjob.
GTA RP looks unironically top tier fun if you have the right people.
Caustic and Gibraltar are absolutely fine. Ffs, just because you people don't understand how to properly use a character doesn't make them shit. They make up for the disadvantage of their size in their abilities. Gibraltar has his shield which in the right cover makes him a serious pain in the ass to eliminate, and Caustic can easily defend a building on his own against a full enemy squad with the gas traps and grenade. The game is balanced perfectly fine. The issue is a player base that's 50% children and 25% people who don't understand how to stick within a reasonable distance of their squad.
> no one noticed that they added mf doom to fortnite
but it's 98% boring-ass bar rp, or dealing with NPCs who play cops because they have a strict ruleset they can follow instead of playing a character
Nope, I'm entirely genuine and entirely correct.
>Big name streamers switch over to other games.
because the money EA paid them to stream ape legends ran out
No, you dipshits just blow literally everything out of proportion because you don't actually like video games you just need some excuse for real life drama and outrage.
Fuckin christ man what is wrong with people these days
why the fuck would someone watch somebody else play a game when they can play it themselves. It's fucking free
>They make up for the disadvantage of their size in their abilities
Except they don't, because their abilities are shit league that get them killed more often than not.
Gibraltar's shield prevents him and his allies from killing the enemies just as much as it prevents them from killing him. I have been ruined by ally Gibraltars throwing their shields at the wrong time. I have ruined myself by playing Gibraltar and dropping a shield at the wrong time. Almost never has the shield actively saved me or helped in any way, whether I play Gibraltar or others do.
And Caustic? Caustic's gas traps are nearly useless. Small AoE, pathetic damage, literally only helps at the very final stage of the game when you hunker down into a building and wait for other squads to come to you.
Meanwhile, at every other stage in the game, Caustic has to deal with being FUCKING ENORMOUS and having the most predictable head movement with his completely rigid, unwavering posture inviting trivial headshots. Caustic is terrible.
This is what zoomers believe
why would someone watch someone else play a sport when they can play it themselves. It's fucking free
They thought releasing the game without any build up was such a hit, they should just do it for content updates too and not tell anyone anything. A secondary issue is just how bad the balance is between characters.
Oh wow, so you are one of those millennials who actually watching streams.
Pls stop.
The first season isn't even out yet.
>mature people like me on the other hand..
>Just chatting
Is it just thots doing ASMR and shit?
No, it's not about maturity, it's about stupidity.
Why would you watch a literally-who play a game instead of playing it yourself?
Hell, in this case it's free, there's nothing stopping you.
not every fatass or disabled person can play sports
>I have been ruined by ally Gibraltars throwing their shields at the wrong time. I have ruined myself by playing Gibraltar and dropping a shield at the wrong time.
Not the game's fault that you and others can't properly utilize its mechanics. The active shield ability is used effectively when 1) reviving an ally in a long-range engagement, 2) shielding from artillery fire, and probably other things that Gibraltar mains will come up with. His personal shield, as I said before, makes the man incredibly difficult to damage in the right cover or when crouched. And his orbital bombardment is simply great.
And Caustic is one of the best characters in the damn game. His gas traps are immensely useful indoors. You can block doors with them to great effect and prepare ambushes, or simply use them to cover your path and alert you when activated by an enemy. The damage is small, yes, but that's because they're built around the status effects they cause. They nearly blind enemies and massively slow them, as well as provide a bright green outline to Caustic which highlights them perfectly. His grenade can be used to both flush enemies out of a building or area, as well as provide a smokescreen for you to escape from or revive an ally in. A smokescreen which doesn't obscure Caustic's vision while inside.
Every legend has a purpose. For some you just have use your fucking brain.
why would you waste time on twitch
do something with your lives losers
not every disabled person can play video games
Who the fuck still plays GTAV though
The core gameplay of that is ass.
There's only so much innovation you can put in a BR game. It's more polished than all of the other BR games, but it's still a BR game. It's the same shit game at the end of the day.
I wish you couldnt post just like you cant play games
I dismantled your shit outdated "argument", deal with it.
Did you think the zoomer meme was just made up shit posting it something?
It's not that bad.
At least they're not THIS far fallen
>you have internet connection and a device on which you watch the stream
>can't play fortnite
yeah stop please
im not the person you're having "arguments" with
you talk like a 10 yearold
All these benefits fail to compensate for their shortfallings in being pathetically easy to hit and headshot.
yeah because only fatasses and disabled people watch sports :^)
Artifact, the game that doesn't have to be fun, doesn't have to be solvable, doesn't have to be interesting, doesn't have to be watchable, doesn't have to be free and doesn't have to have players to be loved by reddit and Valvetards.
There are plenty of reasons, user.
Explaining them to you is moot, though, since you are adamant on your opinion, aren't you?
That being said, playing and watching aren't exclusive.
How am I? you are clearly just talking out of your ass. Now, are you going to give your point or will you just sit down like a good little girl?
Yes there is, millennials are too lazy to even play videogames.
These people aren't even good at it.
Hell, the only even remotely entertaining parts are watching them fail and expose their lack of talent.