How do I stop pulling my facial hair out when playing vidya

how do I stop pulling my facial hair out when playing vidya

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Shave, retard

Facial hair is fucking disgusting on the vast majority of males. Please shave and exfoliate your face. Please.

We know those are your pubes

Has anyone here gotten laser hair removal and can tell me about the experience/cost?

if you do it for me
shaving every day is tedious and wastes too much fucking time

>shaving every day

Shave that shit beard of yours, you fucking mongoloid

You could do it once a week and it still probably wouldn't be long enough to pluck out, unless your hair grows really fast

some of us have high testosterone and grow hair very fast
só €€oyboys wouldn't understand

well its not permanent. each session is gonna cost you like 400 bucks and its gonna hurt and your face will smell like burnt hair
>but wont the hair eventually thin out until i can go for months before another session?
yes, but you have thick man hair. even thin whispy lady hair takes a while to thin. youre gonna blow thousands of dollars and years of your life getting rid of that beard.

you could bypass the time, but not the cost, and blow your load on electrolysis

I do the same thing except with my "mustache" hairs. I find the longest one with my tongue then rip them out. I need to quit cause I dont have that much hair on my lip in the first place.

Why do you collect it in a coffee filter?

Shave so you have no hair to pull out

Enjoy going bald in your early 30's

Get an electric trimmer and go over it a couple times every morning. Takes litereally 3 seconds.

I had one but I haven't shaved in years and last time I tried it didn't work at all

your facial hair look like pubes

thread should've ended here

>he doesn't rock the Van Dyke to look like a cheesy porn star.

Full bearded unkempt basedboys should hang themselves desu.

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Then use a pair of scissors to cut it down to a trimmable level first. Jesus christ, don't complain to us about your problems if you aren't gonna put in the slightest amount of effort and common sense to fix them you hobgoblin.

How do you guys avoid in grown hair? And how do you fix it when you cant get the hair out?

>tfw 24 yo and barely a stubble of facial hair
>barely any hair on my body besides my head
>I look like a kid but at least won't get bald


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I'm really just looking to get my neck done.

I used to pluck my head hair when I was a kid, it got so bad I had a spot of pulled hair. Thank god I grew out of that

Shave it along your jaw line and keep the length 3-6mm, keep a trimmed beard you only have to shave once every 4-7 days.

then like 130, and the rest still applies

You're blessed my dude. I also have almost no body hair, except my legs are a fucking jungle. It looks really ridiculous with that hard border at my groin.

I use a needle to pull them out from below
loved doing that whenever I shaved my dick area

>Mutt pube hair beard
>on my Yea Forums?
Its more likely than you think.

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I wish
Starded balding at 16

>tfw you get a spot under a hair and you find that fucker and pull it out, with it rips out this big gooey infected root followed by the instant relief as all the puss finally escapes

Feels amazing.

They usually happen around my jaw so it would be hard to handle a needle. Also he area always swells.

I mean when I see swelling from an ingrown hair I stab the spot with a needle to get under it and then just pull it up

>V hairline out of nowhere
>crown noticably thinner
Gonna kill myself senpai