Tfw no game will ever give you this feel

>tfw no game will ever give you this feel

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frostpunk sort of

HR gave me this feel though. And MD in Golem City and bank level.

I always feel like the bigger the world someone makes the less attention to detail the little things get. While it is nice to look at and it gives you a nice backdrop for the world it kind of fails to full immerse you if you can't properly interact with it from a single person's perspective.

That's Remember Me concept art. Play the game for "that feel".

really? didn't know that, funny.

Your ADD for rushing to next thing doesn't let you see details. The only game I can blame for lack of details is AC1 and 2. Even damn Boiling point from 2005 had ton of details, and that one was made by 30 people in a basement on potatoes and vodka.

maybe if Cyperunk2077 succeeds you'll get flooded with this kind of feels by other devs till your sick of it

Its nothing like that, sure you get a few nice views in the background but overall its mostly like Mankind divided's prague

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>maybe if Cyperunk2077 succeeds
doesn't matter if it succeeds or not, the world they have build does not set the correct tone or feeling shown in OPs pic.

I'm mostly referring to huge open world games with big cities like GTA and Just Cause where it city mostly acts as a setpiece for story missions to happen and the only people that matter are the people in said story. The setting could be done and kinda already has been done in dues ex as long as the vision is scaled back from their imagination to what is actually feasible to do with a group of people.

Actually the game Messiah from shiny gave me these exact feels. I loved it. Too bad it crashes on modern pcs

>tfw no game will ever give you this feel

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i dont remember that feel

There’s a star citizen world like this, growing every update

Those buildings should be entirely covered in advertising.


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hm, what about SA then? and even GTA4, they ahd a lot of details to the city
the problem you describe is what GTA5 is. It is not the genre, it is the devs who make choices.

ff13-2 kinda gave me the big city feels. except it was during the daytime.

Mankind Divided and Human Revolution are excellent examples of this, especially MD and its HDR attributing to a more colorful environment.

First thing I thought of was Machinarium

No game for this feel anymore. It died for nothing.

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how can one person be this stupid and mentally blind I wonder

I was going to suggest Human Revolution, the actual playable space is really small but the atmosphere was great. China especially with the whole city having a man-made roof over it with another city on top. Too bad you never go to go up there.

I still think those games have still the same problem, though I think SA does a better job than most of the other GTA games. The RPG elements and gang interaction (while they could be improved to make them actually fun to interact with) flesh out the world and actually give some unique elements to civillians and your own character.

Games with this feel?

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Westwood's 1997 Blade Runner game.

>hurr it's not nighttime

you want it working industrial feel or broken?
For broken all of metros,stalker, dying light
for working, huh, AC syndicate and several management games like anno or tropico I guess. nothing comes to mind, it's weird.

Games for this feel?

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