What was his problem?

What was his problem?

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so this is the power of s.....

He fucking drugged and kidnapped my wife that's what

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Name a game with more wasted potential (Storywise) then Life is Strange, pro tip: You cannot

he just hated art hoes like any sane man would

He was poorly written.


your life

He didn't get to creampie Max

Heavy Rain, the premise was so fucking perfect. It blows my mind how David Cage managed to ruin it

he was upset that best girl Stella was too busy getting boned by Frank for drugs to pay attention to him

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He let his penis control him

Yes I can, Life is Strange 2

i didn't knew this, fuck you


He's lying calm the fuck down

> Time Travel storyline
> Time Manipulation integrated into gameplay
> Concept that ideally would allow for 30 different endings
> Episodic & has no gameplay, so the entire budget should be focused on story
> Entire cast is almost entirely cute girls
> Fucking murder mystery storyline
> It ends up being the worst written game of the decade behind FFXV
What the fuck went wrong?

The second is even worse. Mexikid and his storyline are the most "FEEL BAD WHITE MAN" bullshit ever.

Wind Waker, Persona 5, Any David Cage game, NieR: Automata

The tumblr-high french, cute girls were probably all on square, if dontnod did it alone they would've put goblinas and orcuishas just like every western developer

>the video where he kills Maxine then rapes her

The text messages are all about the election and trump being "a monster"

Killed girls for pretentious art pictures instead of keeping them around as his personal sex slaves

It really is enlightening. You get to see what they actually think is happening. White cops are just constantly shooting surrendering Mexicans and random white guys are beating them in corners and telling them they don't belong.

The victim complex is real.

>Story centered heavily around American politics featuring the cringiest strawmen possible
It never had even a sliver of hope

I'm not pissed you mentioned it I'm pissed you fucking called her maxine...you should be ashamed

They went from pompidou calling you a bitch to the stupid asian girl talking to you about "dank memes"

What other direction could Nier Automata have taken it's story in? Seemed like a pretty tight, cohesive narrative to me.

His character was crippled by aiming at a younger audience so he's a sexless hack.

Why did he only kill women if he never fucked them?

I still don't get why Chloe not dying is what caused the storm. Didn't she get shot by Jefferson and it still came?

Ready to fucking slash

Life is Strange is the videogame equivalent of "It just works" except really bad

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Altering her fate, meaning her not dying in the bathroom, causes it. How is it so hard to grasp?

Max abusing her powers is what caused the storm. The storm was stopped by Max going back to before she got powers and letting life (and death) play out naturally.

That rich kid he worked with was funny.
>goes to school with weapons
>"do you know who my dad is??"
>school let's him do what he wants

Yeah, but nobody played it.

no Max fucking around with time shit is what caused the storm

by going back to before she used the power all the timelines should be erased and things proceed as normal

except that doesn't really make sense because she had visions of the storm before getting time powers, and even if you handwave that away by saying time travel shit then it's still not clear how Max is able to erase the effects of her time travel but keep the memories and information she gets from that time travel, thus influencing events in much same way and triggering the storm, additionally she goes back to split off another timeline from well before she got the powers and that did nothing to stop the storm and she still had powers in the new timeline along with memories of the old timeline, so it seems that using time travel to stop the effects of previous time travel doesn't work at all.

If rewinding is what caused the storm in the first place, how the fuck does rewinding all the way back not cause an even bigger massive fucking storm?

Wind Waker? I'm curious to hear how you would fix that story to fit it's potential.

No one knows what the fuck causes the storm, they literally use the chaos theory meme because they're too up their own ass to figure themselves a way out of the fucking mess they got themselves in writing the last 2 episodes

If she literally goes back to when she's thirteen, stops a man from dying, STOPS THE EVENTS OF THE PREQUEL, and then kills THE Chloe from that timeline if the whole "chaos theory" meme is truly a thing then the earth should've split in fucking half.

So all the other times Chloe could have died and didn't wouldn't stop the storm anyway?

that exists?


Yep, and it's okay-ish if you can tolerate it or just like the whole formula...but objectively speaking the game is utter trash

Was he the first and only hipster villain?

> Keep Tetra as Link’s main companion throughout the entire game
> Intergrate the time skip mechanic into the story like in OOT
> Have the 2nd half of the game’s story take place in the underwater Hyrule somehow

>like the whole formula
What formula? Telltale formula?

If you put it like that

someone destroyed his sweater

>mfw there were multiple threads on Yea Forums and reddit dissecting every clue in the first four episodes only to get shit on with episode 5

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Still hurts