Play a gacha game right now

Play a gacha game right now.

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I don't understand why people would waste their time or money on these games

Same reason retards throw money on twitch hoes, they think with their dicks.
inb4 a million replies of
when we all know they do

People who are busy want to play games on the go and don't want to look like an asshole in public pulling out a DS.

I have never seen anyone play a gacha game in public transport

I've tried a few, are they really that fun to you?

Is this the zenith of female bodies?


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t. Lucklet


DL and Cygames can fuck my sucking dick for neglecting based Aussie and Leafbros.

Because they are playing on a phone and they blend in

It is about wasting time more than fun. Most games are redundant task sprinkled with a bit of fun.


The easy ones are the lewd cute girls in asia where sexuality is heavily repressed. The other is they're kinda like old jrpgs with some mmo mechanics tacked on.

The real darker reason is because it taps into the part of your brain that rewards you for self improvement. You improve your characters and your brain rewards you except that should be used to improve yourself. This is how people become addicted to them. Not including the gambling addiction as well.

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seething rent free cringe incel

If you want to waste time you could read a book or listen to a podcast or music or something.

i didn't know gacha was played by trannies

name a recent gacha worth playing

Why do you think they can't afford to finish their transition?

What make you think I don't, It almost like people can like multiple things. Protip you can listen to podcasts and play cellphone games at the same time.

The screenshots to that game dont look anything like that art you posted nigger.

Someone point me to the gacha with the biggest tits and ass

If you're looking for something to keep your hands busy get a stress ball. Then you don't have to send money to asian jews while you listen to podcasts.

>tfw been playing gacha games since this trend started and I havent spent a single dime in them

I wouldnt qualify me as a luckfag but I do usually get the waifus I want.
It's a nice feeling when I use the crystal/quartz/whatever that I saved by fighting and finally getting a character that I want.

>paying for porn

Well that's why I said time OR money, you clearly spent a lot of time gathering currency for a chance of getting what you want.

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Well heres the beauty about gacha games: automatic gameplay.
99% of the time I'm not actually playing but just pressing a button and letting the characters I built do most of the work for me.
And when I actually play I waste the same amount of time I would with any other game. The difference is that I can choose to do something else while it plays itself.

Thanks user. Looks like its down for maintenance but ill check it out

That doesn't really sound that fun to me, I rather grind out combos or techniques in a fighting game or DMC than just have something that plays itself. At least I feel like I have improved but to each their own.