sup Yea Forums it's motherfuckin' w-w-wednesday night
i'm absolutely hammered, so let's talk about your favorite videogame
mine is MGS3, it's a fun game that's aged well except for its godawful menu management
let's discuss the vidya and have fun
Sup Yea Forums it's motherfuckin' w-w-wednesday night
I bet you can't explain the plot for the whole MGS series while absolutely hammered.
alright you fuckin' fag give me a minute i got this
get your print screen ready because i got this shit
Street Fighter 3: Third Strike, looks fucking amazing in it's top of the line sprites, no weird funky 3-D rendered goblina bullshit, it plays smooth as fuck and is a perfect blend between footsies and absolutely destructive pressure, the soundtrack is amazing...since it finally has a "street" sound with funky jazz and techno, along with a bit of pre-mumble rap era mumble rap.
ok so mgs in a nutshell: by hammered user:
so back in 1963/4 a guy named jack goes on a secret mission known as the virtous mission or some shit and his objective is to recover some soviet defect named sokolov and recover some kind of secret plans. jack AKA naked snake gets his ass beat by his adoptive mommy named the Boss, she's kinda hot, but she beats his ass anyways and he develops a huge freudian complex and becomes a bad guy because of it. eventually he reinfiltrates the soviet jungle and beats the shit out of slavs and defeats some (literal) fag named volgin and beats the prototype METAL GEAR, he then kills the boss, obtains the title of Big Boss, tells the president to fuck off, and goes on to form his private military because fuck the USA or whatever he's butthurt about having to kill his mommy
I can wait.
ok so he forms his private military (PORTABLE OPS ISN'T CANON LOL FUCK YOU) and he meets some happa named Kazuhira Miller and recruits him and they become best buds after fighting, something about DYING HONORABRU or some bullshit idk. anyways now they're in costa rica (or columbia? some kinda of shithole south american country i can't remember) and some guy and his jailbait gf named Hot Coldman (seriously kojimbo?) visit MSF and is like hey the boss is alive lol come work for me, and Big Boss lets his freudian complex slip again is like "okay I believe you" and so he goes to help Hot Coldman and his hot gf, anyways that's peacewalker and it ends with BiBo owning a fucking metal gear of his own and it turns out the JB gf is some kinda quintouple traitor or whatever and she dies (but not really) anyways that's peace walker
Damn right it isn't.
ok now it's ground zeroes (you niggas remember how hype everyone was on Yea Forums when this first came out? good time.) anyways BiBo goes to a Costa Rican (i think sorry my geography is fucked whenever i'm drunk) and rescues Chico and the JB gf (her name is Paz Ortega, tfw no paz gf she's so cute i'm sad now) and Paz has a fucking bomb in her pussy and blows eveyrthing up because Skullface (some ltierally who that is ultimately irrelevant) has a hate boner for Big Boss because Skullface got cucked out of the spotlight for MGS3) and Huey is a bitchass traitor. on the helicopter with BiBo is Kaz, Paz, Chico, and Medic. they blow up and this leads into MGSV (YOU GUYS REMEMBER HOW COOL THAT "NOT YOUR KIND OF PEOPLE" TRAILER WAS FOR MGS5 OH MY GOD KOJIMA WHY) and fuck me it was so hype i miss it anyways onto MGSV next
my nigga!
It really isn't. There's no way of reconciling PO with PW. It's not a case of minor details being retcon'd or contradicted; the entire story has huge glaring inconsistencies. It's not even debatable.
ok so then MGSV occurs: basically nothing happens, Big Boss turned evil for no reason other than his mommy issues, medic was venom, this entire game was fucking pointless and didn't live up to the hype, Ocelot is the most based character in the franchise, thanks Kojima! atleast Quiet was good fap bait, the gameplay was cool too wtf 2015 was 4 years ago oh fuck
ok MG1/2-MGS next
Get a job u fat faget
MG1/2 - Solid Sanke beats his daddy issues, whatever, nothing really important happens besdes venom dying and and gray fox being saved, whatever i dont care
solid snake sneaks into alaskan base, defeats his twin brother, ends a nuclear terrorist plot, and fucks a qt redhead along the way
no u
someone pleae tell me that faggot codename meme snake uses in MGS2, I can't remember while I'm typing this summary
something something snake died and we only see (whatever character he's playing, it's a die hard refence isn't it? fuck pealse remind me)
i just lost all my typing progess goddamn it.
ok anyways MGS2: you're snake on a tanker-SYKE, you're Raiden you raging faggot. You're a blonde haired twink who's undergoing training or some shit similar to the Shadow Moses incident, turns out you're being lied to and manipulated, Snake is playing pretend and being some faggot the entire time () your daddy is actually the president of the United States and you beat his absolute ass and he dies. RIP Solidus, you were right all along ;_;7 F, I had alot more written out but I accidentally closed the tab because I'm a goddamn idiot. tl;dr fuck the patriots, don't trust mainstream media, fuck war
Someone better be saving this thread
I see you are continuing to more hammered as you go.
iroquois pliskin nigga
when the FUCK do we get a pc version?
Assassins Creed 2 (entire of Ezio trilogy as well) and the Witcher 3.
You're a shit drunk, Ralph
war......war...never changes. this isn't fallout you faggot. solid snake is an old man now, ocelot absorbed liquid's arm (except not really? nanomachines son) and it's one big game of cat and mouse with solid chasing liquid (actually ocelot) but SYKE AGAIN ocelot/liquid was actually using you as a pawn to take down the patriots all along. (again, ocelot is the most based character in the goddamn franchise fuck you) there's alot of bullshit in this game that doesn't really matter (drebin? irrelefant. meryl getting married? irrelevant) still a solid game overall. basically snake gets duped by people smarter than him into destroying the patriots. that's all mgs4 is. it ends in snake giving big boss a hug, finally the goddamn family issues throughout the entire franchise are RESOLVED. chapter 4 was pretty cool, but the game is overall okay/10. again not much happens other than snake getting tricked into btfo'ing the patriots. also zero pisses his pants, the britbong faggot, that's what he gets for being a fucking fag and hurting bigbosses' feelings
not really i've not had another to drink since i started this
thanks my nigga, i forgot!
i will suck a cock for 60fps pc version of mgs3
i love the ezio trilogy user!
>i love the ezio trilogy user!
Ayyyy, I don't understand the hate for one of the most iconic game(s) and character(s) ever made. I remember I played AC2 as a kid and his family dying was the first time a game made me genuinely feel.
ok so now...revengance?
you thought raiden got a redeeming ending at the end of MGS4? you though wrong faggot. turns out he has a boner for murdering people and still has severe daddy issues. you basically go through the entire game killing PMCs and trying to get your husbando Sam to notice you. eventually he notices you and you kill him, then you fight Senator Armstrong who just wants to plunge the world into eternal war to make money because he's a greedy faggot who doesn't give a shit or lives or dies. also nanomachines son, 200% mad, 8/10 game I loved it all the OC is produced is fun as well. raiden doesn't get his happy ending which is gay as fuck i don't consider it canon
I played AC2 when I was...11? 12? I'm 21 now, I can't remember when that fucking game first game out. Good games, MGS is better though sorry user.
I hope you all enjoyed my synopsis of the MGS series I hope I didn't miss anything important
i did miss something important: otacon fucked his stepmom which is kinda hot not gonna lie
Its 7 am and Im laughing my ass off user. Thanky you so much lad.
Damn fucking straight.
glad you enjoyed anonymous.
i very much love the MGS series i hope i explained all the important parts well enough!
>I played AC2 when I was...11? 12? I'm 21 now, I can't remember when that fucking game first game out. Good games, MGS is better though sorry user.
Yea same I think I was about 11 or 12 as well, maybe younger. In regards to MGS, I have never played it except for 5 and it was fun but it felt more like a casual game. I am aware that it was apparently very different from the other games though in regards to story and such. Although the series looks good I dunno AC 2 just has so much character, it's so perfect.
>I hope you all enjoyed my synopsis of the MGS series I hope I didn't miss anything important
i did miss something important: otacon fucked his stepmom which is kinda hot not gonna lie
Well that's something.
and your least favorite game?
Also what’re you drinking
this is a good thread op, thank you very much
my personal favorite is no more heroes
What a faggoty gif.
My least favourite game genre would have to be hmmmmmmmm something with no story, setting, plot ect.
My least favourite game is RDR2.
I am drinking Whiskey.
i would just like to point out that it is, in fact, not wednesday night
Not him but it still was Wednesday in California when the thread started and still is in Hawaii
Uhh, RTS I suppose. Not that it's not fun, it's just I'm not smart enough to enjoy it. Shit like Crusader Kings is cool, I just don't have the patience for it.
Least favorite game? Goddamn dude I don't know, I've played so many bad games in my life I can't keep track. I really hated Fracture when it first came out. I was an underage b& when it came out and I wanted to do a game review on it, but it was a shit game. I don't know many, I bought THPS5 on release date if that says anything about me. It was a shit game ok I'm SORRY, I just love the series
I had two four lokos. A bit of a white trash drink but I'm very broke and wanted to be very drunk, you do what you gotta. I've got some smirnoff I might polish off next if I don't vomit.
You are not me. I love RDR2, I'm about to play it just to spite you.
NMH is the fucking tits my man. I love it! Shame about the new game though, NMH3 when?
Wednesday night/thursday morning whatever my guy. EST timezone
sonic 3 complete is the best game of all time. its so fucking good, the music, the gameplay, the story, the graphics, little shit like level transitions, all of the secrets, hyper sonic, super peel out and controlling tails with 1 player and so much fucking more
dmc5 is a close second
>You are not me. I love RDR2, I'm about to play it just to spite you.
Who the fuck are you, I'm Op. RDR2 was bland, boring and contradictory leading to a bad and disappointing game.
Don't trust the guy pretending to be me user this is him
New NMH was actually REALLY good in every aspect other than the actual gameplay (and even then I liked the gameplay some). If you really liked killer7 and NMH1 for how they were written and the stories then you'll dig TSA. Suda said he was heading to E3 this year so maybe he'll make the big official announcement
alright you fag you really wanna play games with me I got you give me a second
I just don't like the gameplay man. I want a real NMH3, I know Suda is kinda struggling for money but still. Bring me back that hack and slash classic NMH gameplay
a NMH that's just one big boss rush FUCKING WHEN
>alright you fag you really wanna play games with me I got you give me a second
Listen you fucking impostor, stop pretending to be me, it's irritating. If you really want to then fine but at least don't do it to a question directly posed towards me.
I feel you man. If/when NMH3 happens I recommend at least watching a TSA playthrough though. The game sets up lots for NMH3 in terms of possible bosses and plot threads. Again in terms of writing TSA feels like a better follow up to 1 than 2 ever did.
I wouldn't mind a NMH boss rush at all though or travis being in smash bros
i go away from the threa d for a minute and theres two people impostering me what did i do
i think im gonna go to bed sleep well anons
what the fuck are you talking about, you two fags
Keep pretending to be me and it's really fucking irritating. I can handle one cunt doing it but two... FUCK OFF.
Ohhoh but you aren't even a different person from the original impostor are you?
Stop this. I love RDR2, I was just playing it last night. It's a very fun game albeit slow at times. Suck my ass anons, instead of impersonating me for gay internet points tell me you favorite vidya
stop being gay and just talk about your favorite games guys
>I wouldn't mind a NMH boss rush at all though or travis being in smash bros
>tfw travis will never be in Smash
I won't sell my Switch is Travis is in Smash. Make it happen Sakurai
Your pic proves nothing you retard. Maybe if you stopped being a shit posting troll you wouldn't be so fucking braindead.
>Stop this. I love RDR2, I was just playing it last night. It's a very fun game albeit slow at times. Suck my ass anons, instead of impersonating me for gay internet points tell me you favorite vidya
Fuck off I am Op and RDR2 is bad and autistic. I already explain why because I am THE REAL FUCKING OP.
>stop being gay and just talk about your favorite games guys
I already explain it's MGS3.
He's buds with Suda
The dream isn't dead just yet
ok user
my favorite game is probably titanfall 2 or team fortress 2 i cant really decide
i like the movement mechanics in both game and shooting other players is fun too
mgs3 aged like shit first and foremost due to clunky controls and pressure sensitive bullshit
okay whatever i don't care, have a good night user!
i just don't know if i can wait for these lame ass expansion characters to be announced. i've been rooting for Travis in smash since day 1, i wish it would happen dude he'd be such a good fit. nintendo missed out on some good marketing not announcing him as the first dlc character along with travis strikes back!
both great games user! you have fun taste i'd play some games with you
true. i don't have much issue with the pressure sensitive stuff, but the controls and menu mangemant aged like garbage. still my all time favorite game though
with regards to story, plot, setting ect. It is still quite exceptional. Although the gameplay and graphics have aged it isn't that bad.
Also the guy pretending to be me (Op) is a fake.
>okay whatever i don't care, have a good night user!
Fine but just stop pretending to be me.
honestly im there with you the wait is really rough he deserves a spot in imo they can just put him in to promo NMH3
RE2 is my favorite game of all time but lately I've been getting disillusioned with it. I've been replaying it at least once or twice for the past 20 years and every time it I play it it loses it's magic bit by bit. I'm aware of its objective flaws but it's not even that, the nostalgia and the atmosphere wears off as well.
It's a very weird feeling.
what's your opinion on REmake 2 my guy?
OP here, just remembered BiBo goes to Cuba not Costa Rica. OP from 2 hours ago you drunk moron
Listen, when I first played it (very late, probably cca 2012 or 13) I was blown away and I had a lot of fun. But I remember clearly the dumb shit issues like going prone when i'm just trying to move backwards a bit, the fact that you can't move and crouch at the same time, overall movement when prone, pressure sensitive kill/stun button where you end up accidentally killing enemies so god damn often etc.
Game in itself is awesome on the first run, but on the subsequent runs it has the same flaw as RE4 does - it's a fucking corridor. There are maybe one or two larger areas where you actually get to sneak around and do cool shit, or at least only two come to mind at hte moment. One is the enemy camp with the proto HIND and the other are the mountains.
I don't fucking like it at all. I understand artistic liberties were necessary but they changed too much. Or actually its more accurate to say that they retained too little. Tl;dr of shit I really dont like
>game feels anachronistic, like it's set in 2008 instead of 98, everything is high tech bullshit, look at Hunk's gear, usb drives, laser sights; Raccoon city is supposed to be a 90s jap interpretation of midwest
>character models are awful as well as their personalities, most in particular Claire's and Anette's characters who seem shallow as fuck and devoid of any complexity which was present in the original game
>zombies are not made to be a sufficient enough threat for the new camera/gameplay
>not spooky or eerie at all, fucking Marshalling Yards section from original has more atmopshere than the entire remake; I understand that 2 wasn't exactly spooky either but it got better with the whole second half of the game
>lab redesign is absolute garbage
>even LESS interaction between leon and claire
It just feels like it was made by people who don't understand what made the original game so great. 5 years from today nobody will be replaying it yearly, yet the original will still stand strong
Shit taste
>Listen, when I first played it (very late, probably cca 2012 or 13) I was blown away and I had a lot of fun. But I remember clearly the dumb shit issues like going prone when i'm just trying to move backwards a bit, the fact that you can't move and crouch at the same time, overall movement when prone, pressure sensitive kill/stun button where you end up accidentally killing enemies so god damn often etc.
>Game in itself is awesome on the first run, but on the subsequent runs it has the same flaw as RE4 does - it's a fucking corridor. There are maybe one or two larger areas where you actually get to sneak around and do cool shit, or at least only two come to mind at hte moment. One is the enemy camp with the proto HIND and the other are the mountains.
I totally understand but as said prior they are just smaller gameplay issues, what ultimately matters is setting, plot, characters, theme ect.
op here thanks for the fun thread, I have a good time drunkingly explaining MGS, sleep gud anons
Fuck off I am Op, stop it. Let me have the goodbye.
Goddamn it I’m an idiot I totally forgot les enfants terribles. Ok so big boss goes into a coma between 3 and GZ that results in him getting milked for his cummies and they make 3 clones of him known as Solid, Liquid, and Solidus. Sorry I forgot about that guys I can’t believe I missed such an important plot point whatever I’m gonna to bed
Op here user, it has been a great and truly meaningful/beaitufi thewad we have learnt how mgsof really works as well as the true purpose of individua; pleasure it and aint pleasure.
Cy a anonas, thanks for the drunk fun?
best part of the game is dragging that bitch through the jungle
only because she'll whisper about fucking you, the boss, and the dog
Definitely Grand Battle
Like playing with my boys
Search it up on steam