Game ends with a vague ending

>Game ends with a vague ending
>Literal essays of explanation theories
>Not a single word from the devs

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Name 9 games that do this.


Evoland 2


>game ends with vague ending
>tons of clever or interesting theories on what it means
>years later sequel comes out
>it turns out the ending was something really retarded and worse than any fan theory

>game has an ending

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Mogekko castle

>sequel goes in a direction nobody asked for or wanted

>game doesn't have an ending
>devs never make an ending
>devs don't even release the ending online
>story is never resolved

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literally mas effect

Why even make vague ending if you would explain it later?

At leas the ending to Half Life got leaked

>Game ends with a vague ending
>Not a single word from the devs
Why would the devs purposefully include a vague ending if they were just going to explain it later.

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>game plots a course

the fuck is with this cat

why make it vague at all

>Canon ending is the joke ending

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Easy way to get people to discuss your game.

>game is then toted for having sublime writing despite all the "work" being done by obsessive fans creating a myriad of headcanons

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name TEN games that do this


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pepe has finally gone too far.

To allow people to come to their own conclusions. In most cases, if there are purposely ambiguous aspects of a story that the author never or refuses to explain, they are left open to interpretation for a reason. The author most likely has a "canon" idea of what happened, but wants to let people decide for themselves what it means.

Undertale's ending is pretty straight forward. The only thing that's vague is Gaster's backstory

god i fucking hate nu-pepe

Remember when this was a meme for a week 5 years ago


Real Life, because our lives are just one big jokes

soon I will remember when it was a meme for a week 10 years ago

>luigi's death stare was 5 years ago
what the fuck

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You mean Mother 3? There's nothing vague about Earthbound's ending, there's a long-ass ending sequence which clearly shows how everything's fine again. There's even a brief post-game where you can walk around without encounters.

genocide is the true good ending

The entire concept of this time loop and Chara's role and motivations are mysterious as well. There are a few unanswered questions as well, like why the coffins are opened after the final fight in the pacifist route and why Frisk climbed the mountain to begin with.

>game has an

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Are you being edgy you do you have a GAME THEORY for us?

generate hype for the sequel(s) that branch into multiple what if timelines

This is what Kirby losers like doing with their crappy easy fuckbaby games

how the fuck is this nigger a final boss in a futuristic game
he's a fucking dinosaur
should be extinct years ago
why is he in a futuristic themed game
and the final boss too
he's a fucking electorate velocoraptor

>game has shitty writing with a vague ending
>sequel borrows from the best fan theories without their permission

>game has a mediocre ending that is followed up by a movie that was shit and nobody watched it

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look at the 'pacific' ending
>monster king kills multiple innocent human children to save his child
>all of his fanatic followers try to kill the next child for him

in genocide you're simply doing what you've done in all video games, killing the monsters and then shutting the game to never look at again.
imagine if simon from castlevenia's mission was to just dodge the enemies and then visit Dracula and calmly convince him to spare his life while he's throwing a hissy fit.
that's basically you in undertale

>Final Fantasy IX
The hell?

>Game explains the explicit consequences of your decisions well into the future
>Next game ignores your choices by setting itself in the future and far away

The monsters are only trying to escape their prison. Really only Asgore deserves to be tried for his crimes. Most of the common enemies aren't even trying to fight you or there has been a misunderstanding. Undyne and Papyrus are just doing what their superior has told them is right, and Metaton is just putting on a show.

I really really REALLY like this webm mind if I save it?

>>monster king kills multiple innocent human children
Also, we don't know if they were all children. Just that they were humans. Seems odd that that many children would be climbing this mountain after all.

I fucking hate that "left to your interpretation" shit, at this point it's just an excuse for writers to be lazy and not make an actual ending

for English press 9.


>Game's canon ending requires you to go into NG+ and clear an absolutely fucking ridiculous dungeon and there's no indication of this
>It has a sequel and if you don't get the actual ending starting it makes zero sense

I mean, if the developers explained the ending to everyone, there'd be nothing interesting about it. There's a reason David Lynch wont explain his films, it's because if he did they would fascinate no one. There'd be no room for conversation cause everyone would have the same take away from his content.

Having an ending that's up to interpretation means other people can derive different meaning from it. It can mean a lot of things to different people, and it makes the material and discussing it interesting.

You're a fucking pleb.


>Game's ending isn't really that conclusive
>For some reason every game after it is a prequel

I want to see how Samus deals with the Feds grilling her over that destroyed Space Station

that's because you're a brainlet

Parasite eve's Chrysler Building?

>game has a cliffhanger ending
>sequel never happened

fuck you EA


Is BT still alive in Jacks helmet?

Every single weebcore game out there.
Japanese can't write wholesome endings.

>Game rewards you for being a dog lover

How is the time loop mysterious? You and Flowey kept resetting, that's all there is to it.


>game has a clear ending
>ending explained videos pops up

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>playing videogames

video games are only to be used to lure shotas into having a sleepover at your home

>he didn't have played Medal of Honor Heroes

Legacy of Kain: Defiance

Each mass effect had lots of theorizing about the endings as they came out. Except Andromeda of course hah

That's the point

Mogekko castle has a problem of vaporware sequel more than anything

This game

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Name a game/game series that does all these.
Hardmode: You can't say FNAF. Seriously, what the fuck was up with all that? And Scott's still going for more!

>game is extremely succesfull and spawns multiple sequels
>final sequel ends on a cliffhanger
>despite constant demands and great sale, the follow up is never made
>ending has to get fucking spoiled in a NDA-defiling leak online for anyone to get closure

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Fug this gane and its cliffhanger.
And sequel never ever.

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They mystery is more why can someone with high determination affect time like this. Why does Flowey still have knowledge of your actions from different saves when he no longer has power over saves? To what degree does Sans understand all this and to what degree can he himself affect timelines/saves.

cringe seethe

shit's complicated mane

What's her name, kid? I'm genuinely curious.

>game ends on a vague ending
>meaning has been laid out and was planned to be expanded on in a future game, with carefully planned foreshadowing and hints for players to collect
>well-known "Influencers" take fan theories and make multi-million view vidoes about the true meaning of the ending
>devs fear that the "influencer" will press charges if they "steal his idea", and have to change the carefully planned ending to something hacked together and shitty

This has happened more than once

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half life?

Half Life 2: Episode 3, and by extension, Half Life 3

Holy shit. You're kidding. That's awful yet hilarious, must've been the work of a Yea Forumstard working for valve or something, that's pretty good.

when has this ever happened, the developers would have to be completely retarded for that to happen

But everyone DID turn out to be Xehanort

>devs publisher is quite obviously going bankrupt, the writing has been on the walls for years
>devs fear their franchise will be sold and turned into something horrible when the company is bought out
>devs use the ending of the latest game to kill off every major character, frame the
whole series as the coma dream of a minor character who's parents died in a car crash, and have him wake up and realise the main characters were just his toy teddy bears the whole time
>publisher goes bankrupt and the series is never mentioned again, even as the developers go on to a more succesful franchise

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oh god hes making another one? Or is it just the movie and books you're talking about?

legal teams are a powerful force

It was the writer himself leaking it, Because he knew valve would never release it

It was quite publicly leaked from the lead writer, in fact, after he left valve to work somewhere else.

are you saying some moron youtuber has better lawyers than a publisher? and that their case would actually stand in court? if you have any examples then feel free to actually show them

The game doesn't outright say what happened, but it shows what happened. Because of this people like to say the ending and the themes of the game as a whole are vague or don't make sense.

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Yep, but I don't think it's going to have any story parts. He has or had something up on steam about his projects. It's really sad what happened to FNAF. It should've stopped after 2. At the latest 4. I actually like up to 4, but even still, I feel like FNAF peaked at 2, both fanbase and otherwise.

That's simply unfair, don't you think?

This happened with the cancelled Legends 3. The writer said something about the Mother system hijacking Reaverbot control signals or some shit and it sounded boring as hell for a finale.

This is why everyone hates undertalefags. It’s a game at the end of the day and it’s not that deep. Flowey knows cause it’s funny and it’s basically his character that can break the 4th wall (REVOLUTIONARY)

Xenoblade Chronicles X
lifehold was damaged all along yet somehow everyones "souls" were in their robot bodies instead of the lifehold, which also means anyone that died isnt coming back like they thought, and lao washing up on the beach after he obviously died

sequel never fucking EVERRRR REEEEEEEE

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The real answer is every game, because autists can't just take the ending of any game as it is. They always ask retarded questions like: "What did main character eat for breakfast after the game ended? What happened to that NPC that I completed quest for?". That's why we have neverending sequels instead of something new.

>doing the final story mission ends your game regardless of other quests
>unless you buy the dlc

Little Nightmares

>Game ends perfectly in sequel
>Fans and publisher require more
>Gets millions of spin offs that ruin the story with a stupid ending in the final game

Damn, that sounds awful. What franchise was this?
Oh, forreal? That's amazing. I get where he was coming from, though. I mean, putting in all that work just for something that's never going to be shown is shitty as hell.

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No fucking way. This? I- ...I'll have to check it out, big if true.

>Simple, straightforward story.
>Some twats try to asspull "ackshually everyone was in purgatory the entire time" type bullshit anyways.

Why do people do this?

what about it?
long time since i played it, but isn't the story basically that you sometimes lose yourself and your perception of yourself hunting for the thing that you think is the salvation, and that shit can blow up in unexpected ways

There's a lot of references to the manhatten project throughout the game, iirc, so theres a lot of things exploring the idea of the game to be something about regret, trying to erase mistakes, or foresight o n past actions

it's got a ton of possibilities, one time it's a painful one sided romance story the other time it's a nuclear weapon.

but nothing about that is vague is it?
unless we consider "is the princess a literal bomb?" as something the text brings up (it doesn't).

no those are the same thing. the narrative is exploring the themes of losing control of oneself in the pursuit of a goal, and then feeling regret when you get to that goal because during your pursuit you didn't see things clearly. there's no "does it mean x or does it mean y" in this game, but the princess and the bomb fulfil the same function in the allegory.