*saves videogames*

Attached: DQ11.png (1920x1080, 3.13M)

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>*saves videogames*
what did he mean by this?

Attached: 362.jpg (702x558, 128K)

Jade being a dogshit character aside, it’s really good. Octagonia’s casino sucks ass though, where’s my fucking poker?

Except it was ignored by everyone that isn't a hardcore jrpg fan and had no impact on the industry as a whole.

>what did he mean by this?
what OP meant by this

Those are very nice tits

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Is there a patch to revert all the name changes?

Is PC gonna get the Switch improvements?

Thanks Jade.
Your game is too long though. Why the fuck did they add Cthulhu out of nowhere?


This game wasn't even that good.

Why not?
Does Square really expect me to pay for an inferior product instead of just pirating it?


>saves games by having a bunch of trash enemies you constantly want to avoid because the combat is fucking shallow and boring with the only excitement being the hidden formula and a dash of RNG.

Can Sqaure Enix make a single non-pants-on-head retarded decision?


>the hidden formula
the what now?

Thanks for replying to me user.

it's very exciting!

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for damage calculations
Maybe I'm a boomer, but they used to be called formulas

Jade wasn't shit but there wasn't much to her to discover. I always like the old guy characters, so I liked Rab.

dq11 bombed

Ran was boring as shit for me untill the part in act 2 where he really wowed me. Jade gets a pass for being super sexy. DQ11 is one of the rare rpgs where I like all the party members. I'm also glad they let part members not in battle to get exp

I preordered the PC version but haven't put any time into it.
Probably going to pirate the Switch port.

The switch additions not being made available for PC has killed my interest in this game.

I couldn't like it. I don't know, it seems right but I got bored anyway, same deal with Vampyr and RE1 remake.

It's the most overrated JRPG to come out in years. It's a 5/10 at best. Completely average in every way.

I asked this question yesterday, but got 0 replies.

I got ship and went to Puerto Valor. Casino.
Played poker (that table where the max bet is 100 coins) and after spending some time I earned ~307k. Actually, it was 307 yesterday when I wrote the post, now I'm sitting at 420k. Is there any point in playing more? Should I just trade my coins for equipment and move on, or will there be new items for trade after some time?

>mfw she implied the big fat monster running the casino raped her
just like my japanese animes

There's another casino in Octagonia with better items, and eventually in the story you will hit a point where both casinos get new items. 300K is chump change though, some post-game items cost half a million, for one.

There will be new ways to use tokens but you should probably buy the recipe book at least

Love DQ, played tons of it on 3/DS, but I gotta admit DQ11 fall over it's own weight. Not enough variations I guess? Dragging too long? Wish the switch version remedy some of its issues.

>saves videogames

Attached: 36C288FD-9D57-4D41-9380-78E6EB88AE3E.jpg (257x196, 7K)

>300K is chump change though, some post-game items cost half a million, for one.
Jesus Christ. Well fuck that, I'll just get that greatsword and move on.
Thank you, anons.

>I'll just get that greatsword
Don't, there's a better one in a literal camp shop in Snaerfelt which is going to be accessible for you in like a few hours

That was a spoiler, but I'm not complaining. I guess you saved me some coins. (not that it will mater much if late game items are more expensive, lol)
Again, thanks!

tch, nothin' personal kid

*takes a bath with you*

Attached: sister.png (176x176, 18K)

Compared to what user?

DQ 3-5

I don't know why, but it melts my cold heart when I see all the love III and V are getting on this (usually shitty) board.

Oh I'm sooooo glad you're okay, I would be sooooo devastated if anything ever happened to you, I'll take good care of you from now on, just let me put your beer in a sippy cup so you don't spill

DQ11 has some of the worst fucking music i've ever heard in an RPG

What the fuck went wrong

>boring JRPG weebshit saving anything
yeah, nah.

Somebody went into the sound booth with a MIDI keyboard and went to town

Great game but I had to turn the music off not even 3 hours in

Do you niggers not have ears or are you too special to install the orchestral OST mod?

Why did this happen when DQ8 had a stellar soundtrack?





Need more sian doujin.

Supposedly the Switch release is going to have the orchestral soundtrack as standard. You can also choose to use it in the PC version.

Because you can't mod your PS4 version






Every day I feel blessed that I am not an ass "man".

*licks navel*

it's much better that way but it's still glaring how much better the tracks borrowed from the other games are

I'm fond of her stern voice.
I just wish she would berate you a little more in the game, and maybe if they have us a few cutscenes where she stamps on the hero's balls.


>saves videogames
>by being one of the worst in the series

People who praise that game are all newfags and have no idea the quality of previous DQ games.

the composition is still ass, hurts my senses.

just compare the cave theme you posted to

Switch version has two orchestral tracks only. Listen closely during the launch video on Nintendo's YouTube channel.

they stated you could switch between the midi and orchestra ost, why are you making this more complicated.

>Makes my pee pee hard
>somehow bad
you are the big gay

sex appeal can be good character design but its carried by the personality. Jade is just shit. the guys in the bull masks are better.

>jrpgs are so bad at the moment that people think this is actually good

For the overworld music

>muh RNG

Oops, looks like you’re shit at a very simple game!

me on the balcony

RNG doesn't make me lose, it's just lazy design to substitute complexity

Oops, looks like you think gambling isn’t a legitimate game mechanic because you’re too autistic to manage probability!

Why would anyone make this?

it's funny, half the reason i play rpgs is that i love games about risk minimization

Orchestral soundtrack doesn't mean much, user.

I played DQ11 on PC with orchestra patch. And yes, I am grateful to people who did the patch, I'm sure it was a lot of work. But that doesn't change the main problem - tracks simply aren't memorable. After playing Octopath Traveler, and I wasn't a fan a fan of that game to be honest, this seemed just... lazy.