So how many of you retards actually installed the Epic launcher?

So how many of you retards actually installed the Epic launcher?

Attached: the ebin store.png (1914x4402, 1.46M)

Other urls found in this thread:

I use it just because it triggers valveniggers so hard.

>le big science words to confuse people
kys pcbro

>it's not okay when epic does it

>other companies datamine, so it's ok for epic to datamine and sell it to china

i wouldnt be suprised if steam does the same thing or even ubisoft launcher

or any game launcher heh

I have, it has great games and Valve has always been shit. Fighting the power.

>big science words
Ok retard

Let the retards who want to surrender their data to the insectoids actually do it, they will have only themselves to blame.

Attached: 1548931883000.jpg (1480x860, 256K)

You are posting in 4channel.

Hiroyuki, a Japanese, is datamining you

I get literally twenty of these a week from Blizzard

Muh Ching Chong boogeymen
Fuck of when you have proof and not just some shit some guy on the internet says


Attached: epic wojak.png (683x751, 136K)

>Went through the process of deleting my account
>They confirmed it the account was deleted
>Received another mail yesterday
I don't know if I should bother contacting support about this or just assume they won't prune my data properly

Attached: 1503868813069.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

I made that myself after spending a good 3 hours digging through what Epic was doing on my test laptop. Anyone can do the same, it's easy as fuck to test with the same tools. Nice try, though.

Attached: 1552099120036.webm (1280x720, 1.75M)


0.02 dumplings have been deposited in your account.

Attached: fuck_china_16.png (920x518, 270K)

Stupid yunyun

Attached: 1540693340620.png (1920x1090, 1.81M)

Installing a botnet to own the Valvefags

>haha i cut off my dick because it triggers drumpf!
based retard

>le big science words
What the fuck

>when your rice balls were soggy that morning

I got Subnautica for free so suck it nerd, fite me

Attached: image.jpg (325x325, 11K)

Your personal informations actually have a lot of value mate.

based tranny niggers

Attached: 1552171150123.webm (768x576, 1.95M)

im willing to sell my personal information including but limited to, what video games I play, what I jerk-off to, my age, where do i go to sell?

>he thinks steam isn't a botnet
>he thinks any store isn't a botnet
Pirating is the only way to stay safe.

That's a good question. I'd do that too honestly if i was actually paid.

Here you go, Chang.

If you look at the screen, you can actually see that the Epic launcher was probing firefox and my screenshot tool when I took the picture.

Attached: proofs.png (701x927, 996K)


based retard

>literally proving the dumb consolekid stereotype
good job Tyrone

wait until OP finds out about the google analytics script on every single web page on the Internet

At first I thought you were genuinely accusing them for reading https certificate info.

It raises the question of why they're looking at the certificate store at all.

>he doesn't block analytics as part of his adblocking, anti-script, and anti-FAANG extension battery
>he can't tell the difference between an application running on the computer and a script pulling information from the browser


Sadly chink mods will delete truth.
Based OP

Attached: 1549831378976.jpg (500x500, 59K)

>No u

>It raises the question of why they're looking at the certificate store at all.
i don't want to defend them because this is pretty fucking bad, but there is an actual legitimate reason to do that, if they're using openssl
you do need to manually load the entire windows certificate store into openssl to actually use the library

i highly doubt they're doing that though because this whole thing is just all kinds of shady

I just want to use ue4 in peace, i wish all this store shit never happened

>b-but steam is also a botnet
so fucking what should i sign up to two botnets then?
at least steam offers games in exchange

> It raises the question of why they're looking at the certificate store at all.
They created this entry using standard windows mechanisms. Its their own cert used by the store.

Createfile is the usermode method of accessing a filesystem object be it for reading, writing, or creating
It was likely from fiddler injecting the dll into the process via a createremotethread->loadlibrary stub to track the network connections
And it's probably loading the certificates to make sure the codes signed, it's not creating new ones, look at the arguments on the right, it's read only, opening an existing file
Ieframe.dll is probably how they render HTML content in the window

ue4 a shit
learn real sepples

When you die, may you ascend to heaven to be besides Terry for eternity.


Origin does

>prune data
Nope. Not gonna happen, any info they have, its theirs forever. Even in europe, where there is specific laws about it, this shit happens.

>0.02 dumplings

Attached: 1539042611229.gif (200x200, 2M)

Can you provide a tutorial on the steps and tools you used to do this investigative work?

I'm learning sepples and opengl on the side, ue4 is nice because it's ideaguy and retard friendly. Blueprints get a lot of shit but they're good at what they do. I've hear ue4 c++ is a mess though, not sure if i'm ever going to use that

If you make a less autistic infopic maybe I can help you share your findings around normies

>sepples and opengl on the side
C++ gets really fun when it starts getting esoteric

Download Fiddler, download Process Monitor, start them both, start the program you want to analyze. Try to avoid running anything else or it'll get noisy fast. Filter Process Monitor down to only the executables you want to watch. Do the same with Fiddler if there's too much traffic.

With Fiddler, if you want to decrypt SSL, you need to go into tools --> options, HTTPS tab, check off the decrypt HTTPS box. Accept the dialogue prompt that comes up. Your computer is now miserably insecure, so when you're done, you'll want to go back into options --> HTTPS, click Actions, select Reset All Certificates, then uncheck the Decrypt HTTPS Traffic button and tell it to remove all certificates. THIS IS CRITICAL.

Original pics are in the Phoenix Point thread on 4+4ch. It needs refining though, because I know I'm wrong about a few minor things, and apparently some of this behavior may be expected, like pointed out.

Really, I'd rather that someone else who knows what they're doing take a crack at it, I've just been in an autistic rage all day after Julian Gollop stabbed me in the back for money like a crack-addled nigger in a New York alleyway.

absolutely based chink destroyer

Too many retards who have never worked with winapi before assuming what shit does
Look at the parameters on the right side of procmon, it's not even creating files or opening those with write access

>big science
user you are very dumb!

based exterminator

what a cute brainlet user

Attached: 1365154665147.jpg (600x450, 39K)

>expects a botnet crafted to steal data to write files instead of reading it and sending the data to a server
Based retard

Yes sending those root certs found on every computer sounds really useful
You're a fucking retard

>checking certificates is bad
That's what certificates are for, you buffoon.
>checking windows internet (explorer) settings
It literally needs to do this to connect to the internet.
>it uses tracking functionality
Most web services do these days.


Ant people on full damage control

You got any good anti-script recomendations there user? I've got no script and a few other essentials but BetterPrivacy and a few others haven't been updated in a while and should probably be replaced.

>doesn't need access to security certificate store
stopped reading right there. i expect the other 90% of this image to consist of the same shitty bait.

cuck mindset

>brainlet trying to comprehend technology

Never stops being funny.

because they are using certificates themselves you absolute mongoloid

goddamn this is a lot of autism from one angry pcbro. none of the conclusions in this image are even correct and its all muddled by their edgy language inserting a fuck and fucking at the start of every sentence.

There's no reason for it to be looking at Steam data

.50 cents have been deposited to your account

Depends on the circumstances.
Lots of anti-cheat software scans your active processes.
Hard to tell what exactly happened without hard evidence.


Which words did you think were sciencey?

YOU don't get to sell it. YOU are worth probably 10 bucks. Corporations buy and sell this shit in bulk. Multiply 10 by 100,000 and that's a lotta shekels

based and freedompilled


got rid of all of OPs childish screaming of cuss words, racial slurs, and memes that he thinks make him look cool and kept only the words that have any substance, so that you can find out what OPs image was about without getting cancer while doing so.

Attached: cancer.png (1914x4402, 1.12M)


Attached: fuck off tim.png (626x1161, 430K)

OP you need to learn how to effectively communicate ideas. you're image is 5 times longer than it needs to be, and 200 times more wordy than it needs to be. if you had an actual, sound argument proving epic store to be datamining you, then you wouldn't need so much fluff to make your point. it would be as simple as showing the evidence and stating why it means your conclusion is right.


Attached: 14856738201819.gif (800x430, 897K)


t. chinese bugman

>you re image

why do people defend china willingly when it seeks to undermine their country? are americans always this fucking stupid, or is it just some of your countrymen?

To be fair, those stomps don't look fatal and the kid's never going to do that shit again.

>gets called out
sounds about accurate.

>implying im the op

>go on Yea Forums
>why are people contrarian?
based retard

How is it not?

If you have this mindset and you aren't selling plasma, sell plasma.

>Fighting the power.
Tencent is a much bigger company than Valve. Also they're fucking Chinese.

The video doesn't end there user.

>they will have only themselves to blame
For what?

>he doesn't make an extra 300 per month
lmaoing @ur lyf

if you can make a little more family friendly pic and post on reddit and twitter, you could cause an uproar

not twitter. that requires a following or for someone with a following to like and share the tweet, but no one with a brain would think OP's pic is right in any way. on reddit you can just buy upvotes and the rest will follow

What do I need to search for to see the complete video?

Godspeed OP, hopefully tomorrow these shitposters and tencent shills get a bullet to the brain for their effort.

Attached: 1552460439693.webm (480x360, 619K)

i already did, dont bother, the video ends there in terms of action, the chinklet got minor injuries and the chink had to do community service for a week

Steamtards will ignore this post

I'd post it on ResetERA. Those fags would end up discussing it Epic Store is LGBT+ friendly and how people not liking it are racists.

Attached: M52JMX.jpg (1300x821, 129K)

>that printed paper
god op just stop. you are absolute cringe. you aren't funny. the only people who believe you are tech illiterate underage newfags who think Yea Forums is still the home of actual hackers. all you did was download "hacking tools" and then failed to understand the data they showed you.

>someone tries to login to your account from the other side of the planet
>your account gets locked

Attached: 2Q.jpg (202x249, 12K)

A week sound a bit too "harsh" for the man doing his duty and teach the young ones how to properly behave in the public.

thats a ban on 4channel

yes, for ant people


OP has no idea what hes talking about. he doens't even understand that the Epic Store is built on web technology and misunderstands its use of web tech and javascript tracking scripts as it monitoring your browsing data, which it can't do by the way. he doesn't even know what script minification or obfucation is, or that it is pretty standard. nor does he know how security certificates work.

Suppose you know better, Galyonkin

Like, I knew you people were just braindead, racist scaremongers, but holy shit this image takes it to another level. The guy who made it knows less about Windows than even I do, it's fucking ridiculous that he would even have these programs installed when he can neither explain what they're doing to others or even parse the info they're giving him in the first place. Most of what it's showing here is done by other programs I'm sure you faggots all use, and basically none of it is useful or valuable data to sell or even to have to use for anything, much less anything nefarious. Much of it is just basic user metrics. I was really hoping that maybe you could prove yourselves right and all this chicken little shit could have turned out to be true, because I know that even though it's obviously not you'll keep harping on it for years to come. The best part is that all you actually did was establish that the Epic client isn't harvesting any information that Tencent would even want, so the notion that just because they bought a ~40% stake in Epic means they're getting passed valuable private user data is flat-out retarded. They bought in to make money from the actual business the company does, not from harvesting data like Facebook or Google. Fortnite has made so much money that it's now a global phenomenon, have you retards even stopped to consider that?

i explained some of it didn't I, like the Epic Games Store being built on web tech, and minification and obfuscation? the post I quoted explained why it's not "fucking with your DLLs" just by using them. almost all of your apps on your computer use DLLs. thats the point of DLLs. they are shared libraries. That one in particular that OP linked to Internet explorer is used for rendering HTML. If OP had any kind of tech experience he could look up what that DLL is for by name, but instead hes a retard who copy pasted random strings into google until he got something he thought he could make a false narrative of.

How much are the Chinese paying you to shill this hard for them?

did she died?

Lmfao imagine being this retarded

Man ever since Terry Davis died those CIA niggers have really been running amok.

No idea why I expected the noise from the ping ball machines to start playing

Isn't it looking through 'My' storage?

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

I'm pretty sure there's an option to sync friends list between the two platforms so it makes sense to me

Better chinese than whites.

Since you are apparently a fucking genius beyond all measure, you'll have no trouble explaining why it needs a detailed log of everything using SSL on your machine while also running an SSL decrypter thats logging your facebook passwords right?

today I will remind them

Attached: 1549657139136.jpg (450x292, 38K)

Linking the steam friend list

Did you actually not understand something on that post?

the thing is
what does it matter

unless your do illegal stuff or live in China and have no actual freedom

t. insectoid pretending to be a human being

>you'll have no trouble explaining why it needs a detailed log of everything using SSL on your machine while also running an SSL decrypter thats logging your facebook passwords right?
it doesnt do either of those things, but im a bugman, right?

no you re worse,
you re a nigger

these are the people you share Yea Forums with. these are the chink shitposters. they are probably the same people that post other garbage similar to "FUCK BUGMEN". they are probably the tuxedo frog posters. they are the people who make it impossible to have a discussion on this board. this is how they think 4channers talk. both images in the posts i quoted show it. its not ironic for them. its not shitposting for them. they think this is how le ebin Yea Forums hackers communicate, and they think this is how productive discussion can be had.

it feels bad that ching chong are gonna rule the world someday. plus it didn't help that we are gonna be trapped in chinese money trap


>all of that bullshit
do you really expect me to read that shit
kys bugmen


was it hard to paint with antennas?

I plan to keep moving further and further rural, until I'm living in some cave in Norway. Still better than seeing chinks every day.



God bless America

>using windows
>not expecting to get spied upon

t. failed abortion linux fag

I had it installed before Fortnite ever existed, and before I knew it was owned by Tencent/CCP inc. so I could learn UE4 and play the odd UT and I was making good progress too. Now I haven't touched it in over a year, fuck Epic, if they want to work for the communist party so bad that's their right.

same plan. will get out of this hellhole

And this is a newfag fresh off the boat from leddit or shitera thinking Yea Forums is the same super srsbzns forum he came from.

Attached: 1552387563656.png (999x1437, 907K)

>this many memes in one sentence
yep, im the dumb newfag, definitely not the guy desperately trying to fit in with some group that doesn't exist

I've had it installed since UT4 first "released."

No other launcher is this needlessly invasive, not even close. And Steam only does this shit when VAC detects you're a cheater and it wants to know what kind of cheats and where you got them from so good multiplayer games stand even a chance of surviving for more than a month. Fuck you.

>calling them memes
>being this fucking clueless what memes are

Yeah you are the dumb newfag

>I take it up the ass because it makes christcucks mad

Why don't you go back if you hate it so much here

mmmmmmmm hmmmmmmm

go home, reddit. your post isn't ironically funny.

>including but limited to, what video games I play, what I jerk-off to, my age, where do i go to sell
That's not your property, it belongs to Sweeney and Jinpooh now. You also don't get to choose what they extract from you, including your real name, age, location(s), your files, your browsing preferences, your sexual orientation, browsing history, installed programs and their caches, political leanings, affiliations and donations, credit history, payment history, purchasing power and history, all your contacts, family, all your social media accounts, all your stored passwords, and so on and so forth. There's an effect with the big data marketplaces similar to inflation, once they have everything it devaluates so more is better.

the great firewall, the thing that disconnects you for seeing bad words, completely blocks Yea Forums. if a chink is on Yea Forums to read your post, they're already past the firewall and won't be affected. you accomplish nothing by posting it.

When is the NSA finally going to release their reverse engineering tool so we can destroy Epic once and for all?

If all that is right and actually a big deal, why the fuck hasn't this been brought up by the the media: ign, pcgamer etc or even reddit.
And no, i'm not defending them or anything. I don't like what epic is doing.

Attached: 1542982996796.png (314x278, 129K)

Based OP

Attached: Scientific niggas.png (500x700, 245K)

>Make red arrow at some normal scripts
>Randomly bolding and capping some scripts and links that you know no one will every read
>"other people analyzing"
If Valve actually spend their resource on improving their platform instead of funding a shill department, I would consider using it

because its all wrong

also here's an improved version so that OP can properly get BTFO should he get uppity again.

ALSO I NEED WINDOWS EXPERTS TO PROVIDE AN EXPLANATION FOR THE PART I HAVE MARKED WITH ***TODO***. i don't know how to explain this one as im not a windows expert. or is EpicGamesLauncher just looking for potential cheats?

Attached: op-btfo.png (1914x4402, 883K)

lmaoing @ retards who have the tools to gather data but no brains to interpret it.
Part about certs is especially hilarious.

Attached: retard.png (1430x335, 106K)

shh they think they are le ebin Yea Forums hackers exposing epic and bringing justice to us gaymers and will grow up to be part of anonymous one day

it's not because it's wrong, even if it is. it's because they'd get blacklisted by that publisher.
origin was veritably working as a botnet to sign petitions and nobody covered it because EA taking the goods from your games journalism site would be a death blow.


>Make Epic account when they put up Shadow Complex for free on there
>Nothing happens for ages
>Fortnite explodes in popularity
>Start getting these fucking emails once a day every day since

Attached: 1283855335364.png (170x236, 5K)

It's because they want you to give them your phone number to set up their two-factor login.

We need a board where Americans can discuss things amongst themselves, at their own pace.

>he thinks meme means image macro
newfag pretending to be oldfag AND underage

Attached: 1542357503232.png (403x448, 53K)

it's probably scanning the running process list
this is common in anti-cheat software and can occasionally be used by game launchers to detect the location of new games to add, i think the twitch app sometimes does the latter
also saying "most software uses location tracking" is not true. some software certainly does, it's not uncommon, but "most software" is untrue. you should be careful not to embellish your point, because while you're largely correct about it, saying things that aren't true will just serve to undermine it.

ty user. will change the part about location tracking too

Maybe if they give away a game I actually want I will. I don't even have Steam, my man.

>unga reading hard :: (

I'm not sure what's sadder, the thought that you might actually believe your own bullshit, or the thought that you think anyone with half a brain will believe it.

There's literally nothing out of the ordinary or malicious there at all brainlet.


fuck off chang


>Give a permission to the application on Windows level
>Agree with Epic code of conduct
Hur dur Epic store is bad, Steam is good.

Attached: NPC-header-1-640x480.jpg (640x480, 33K)

Repeating a lie one thousand times, it'll still be a lie. You paranoid faggot.

Btw, let me share you some "secret" as well, your precious "Steam" is also going to have Chinese version. Valve is working with Perfect World Games to do that. This is true, not lie though.

Based user

Attached: 1548585435756.jpg (334x506, 42K)

if this was genuine, then real developers would have made a big deal about this and there would be news stories.

God Bless America

This user is your friend. Blessed may he be.

>454439815(OP) is CIA nigger who works for USA.
Based Americunt indeed.
I have an easier solution though, Sam.

Obviously Epic Store is an American Spyware.

Attached: American Spy Ware with 1776+ fake genders.jpg (2566x1036, 607K)

Reminder that data is more valuable than oil

Nope, "that user" probably is another shill who works with different sides.

Networking fag here

It looks like it's doing what every application that tries to access the internet does. This may come as a shock to you, but even other web-browsers like Chrome and Firefox piggyback some settings out of your IE settings. Do you want to know why? Microsoft are retards and tied your entire internet access the Internet Options of Internet Explorer.

Wanna know why the launcher needs that cert? To access the internet so you can actually use it.

Do you want to know how certs work too?

>Unreadable tracking script
Of course this script is unreadable to you. It's just your standard cobbled together networking script that tracks the launchers location. Not sure why they might want to know it, unless they're doing regional stuff, but it's about the same as what your web-browser is doing.

I noticed they stole some MIT grads code in there though lol; you could contact him if you want an expert opinion on why you're misinformed.

Attached: 1404859725497.jpg (355x342, 84K)


Not sure about the context of the last part, but if you're talking about the MIT licence, code that is under that license is free to do whatever you like with it as long as you retain the license. Using code like that is pretty standard.

I think epic games launcher is looking at procmon because he is using procmon to look at Epicgames launcher.

I just watched to use Unreal Engine and Squad Editor

Attached: 1532439860266.png (354x328, 174K)

They don't have anything exclusive that I want so nothing so far. Hopefully it will stay that way.

Maybe if Epic made a new Unreal game that was entirely in the spirit of Unreal 1 or Unreal Tournament, I would consider it. But thankfully the chances for that are slim, or more likely non existent so I'm safe.

They treat customers like DIRT

Attached: TrWPUfeOuLd62HIraMg1AEy-ncj-Q1vMhr__4S3Pxyc.jpg (720x633, 72K)

Fair call, it was more to point out that OP should do some reading.

Not just this, but the program wouldn't be classified as a botnet even if you take the OP at it's face value

Attached: 356873568.jpg (210x240, 18K)

hes not wrong though lmao. we are talking about this in a cesspool

What the fuck 'big word' that did you not understand you fucking nigger? Do you just get triggered by the mention of the word 'registry' because it's scary nerd shit or something?

This happened with my Minecraft account, I got about twenty "unauthorized login" emails a week until they switched to the microsoft launcher and they promptly stopped.

not wrong
everyones a fag

>big science words

Attached: PCs are racist.gif (452x201, 16K)

Daily reminder that OP is faggot shill from different sides and:
>Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media
>Cyber Threats from Within: How the US Manipulates the Internet Space
>PRISM (surveillance program)
>Yea Forums is a honeypot Forums-is-a-honeypot-apparently-mintpress-has-not-figured-this-out-yet/

You already fucking did, honky retard. To the whit*oid subvirus. See

Hey, if this datamining goes to China, what happens if you put stuff like the Tiananmen square like pple do in Yea Forums.
Wouldn't that cause some ruckus with their government?

>Everything that I don't like is a botnet
You have no clue what a botnet really does.
t. Used to have one in high school

I forgot this.
>CIA Agents To Troll Alternative Media Sites In Huge Propaganda Program

There could be real life CIA niggers in this very thread.

So did I and I didnt have to install a botnet to do it

Yeah, it's only OK when Steam and Americans do that.
>Epic Games Global Privacy Policy
>If you reside in the United States of America, the controller of your information under this policy is Epic Games, Inc., located at 620 Crossroads Blvd., Cary, NC 27518, USA. If you reside outside of the United States of America, the controller of your information under this policy is Epic Games International S.à r.l., a Luxembourg Société à Responsibilité Limitée, located at Atrium Business Park, 33 rue du Puits Romain, L8070 Bertrange, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, acting through its Swiss branch, having its principal business offices at Platz 3, 6039 Root, Switzerland.

See, only took me 5 minutes to find this. Whether you're in US or not, the anonymous data they collect are NOT going to China anyway, they're either going to America or Europe. If you have any evidence shows this "American company(Epic Games)", is lying, you're welcome to sue them "in America.


Attached: laughing spanish man.jpg (480x360, 20K)


Attached: Paragon.jpg (960x853, 96K)


Attached: uuuu.jpg (716x768, 79K)

Spot on about everything, except that I would argue that "hysteric requirements" are hysteric only from the the jewish publisher perspective

delete this

This is only happening to my Origin account, thankfully they have no real way to get the account since I have e-mail code authentication enabled.
Changed the password to something I don't use on other sites/accounts, and these mails completely stopped. I suggest you check if you got pwned on one of the sites that got hacked ( where you use the same username / password, and if you did most likely that is the reason, hackers may try to use those login/password combos at other services because they know most people use the same password everywhere.

if you buy chinese makes, you can pretty much garantee the Chinese govt at least has the option to spy on you

Alternately, I just prefer to not put my handwriting out there, as it's pretty distinct.

>consolecuckolds are the ones shilling Epic


FUCK Chinks

Do Epic shills actually think that pushing the narrative that it's all about Steam, is effective?
Plenty of people who don't give a fuck about Valve still loathe the Epic Game Store.

>I need a Windows expert because I don't know why these things might be suspicious or abnormal but I'm going to bitch about OP and his naughty words anyway while getting basic facts wrong
Five (5) grains of rice (plastic) have been deposited in your account.

Literally all of this is a completely false explanation given the amount of content that OP has shown working in conjunction.
You're absolutely pathetic and either a chinese piece of shit or just a complete and utter fucking retard if you think what you're saying is logical given the magnitude of all of those pieces working together.

>remember I installed it before christmas to get free subnautica
>haven't opened it since
>go to uninstall
>no uninstaller, go to control panel
>rmb and uninstall
>can't uninstall while the program is open
>wait what
>check task manager
>it's running and probably has been the entire time

Holy shit I thought this was a joke

on other hand, everytime some user criticize Steam he is bombarded by fanboys.
>if u dun like steem u r le epic shill, pingpong square massacre

Shoo shoo, slant eyed shill.
Taiwan is an independent state.

whoa, it nows where I am, just like steam does so that it can show the store front for my own country instead of the U.S.

Gaben is a faggot and you are a nigger
America will be Brazil by 2023
Europe will be Iraq by 2022
We rule the world now, deal with it

All of this technical information, and the guy doesn't know what "botnet" means. Really makes me think.

Attached: Cina-_Winnie-Xi-1.jpg (700x460, 35K)

They'd be pulling the same shit if they were up against GOG, and it's not going to stop any time soon or until they've achieved market dominance, so never. No matter how much fun zoomers had with Fortnite they'll grow bored with it eventually and the chances of Epic making another similarly big Thing are slim.

See, you just did it again.

>guy talks about epic removing games from gog

just shut up already.

It's a fairly general term that doesn't just apply to a network of infected zombie PCs being used to DDOS stuff, hasn't for years. Now its more common usage is apps like Discord, incidentally also Tencent-owned, harvesting user data against their implicit consent to sell for cash money or just used for the benefit of .


Yes you're right, it *is* frequently misused by people who want to slander software they don't like, especially on Yea Forums. Spyware is still a well known and accurate description for what this is, calling it hyperbole at best and isn't necessary.

This. It's been a /g/ meme for over a decade, to boot.

calling it a botnet is*

R.I.P. Phoenix Point. I wanted that game so badly, but now I honestly don't even want to get a pirated copy. Fuck.
At least we still have OpenXcom.

did some 7 years old create this picture?

>mass reply

you are either a chinkoid insect $hill or a two digits brainlet

I had no other way to play slime rancher. It wasn't like my tranny friend was going to buy the goddamn thing for me. Oh well it's poking through my DDLs. I don't CARE. If my privacy is the price to pay (which is NOTHING) to play the fucking thing. Oh WELL. Maybe that tranny fuck should've bought me the goddamn thing on Steam.Why should I care? Or better question, WHY DOESNT STEAM GIVE IT OUT WHY IS IT 20$ ON FUCKING STEAM? I DONT CARE. EVERYTHING IS A BOT NET NOW THAT SPIES ON YOU. FROM DIABLO III TO SKYPE. NOBODY CARES.

Attached: slimer.png (983x576, 358K)

What are some games where I can fight the Chinese government? Like the protesters in the Tiananmen square massacre? I know Battlefield games have you fight the Chinese.

I too, see you are a man of culture.

You outed yourself retard

the original

Its unlikely the launcher does anti cheat shit, that'd be in the game and from EAC for fortnite

This. I noticed that too.

Then again I've had individual people snoop on my net traffic before. Makes no difference, I'm either pirating, watching/playing or fapping. If you watch me do any while I'm not streaming you're a faget.


I downloaded it just to learn UE4.

Literally everyone knows about this.
The only people who use the Epic launcher are the shills.

Speak for yourself and yourself only.
>I had no other way to play slime rancher.
Yes you did, you could wait for a Steam sale, which is like 6x a year now, on top of the daily and weekly sales, and buy it for like 2 bucks. You could buy it cheap on a keys site some time around those sales. You could just simply pirate it since it's not like you'll be playing it for more than 10 hours. Or you could've asked nicely or traded it for one of your surplus keys from bundles and whatnot. Don't pretend everyone is as dumb as you for trading away your sensitive user data and files and contacts for one simple and cheap game. Time may come years from now you'll regret it.

If this is such a big deal, why isn't EFF or other special interest group raising hell about it?

I picked up free Subnautica, Axiom Verge, and Slime Rancher.
Perhaps I am a retard, but I lied about my personal details and I got free games so whatever.

I can answer what it's doing with iexplore.
It uses iexplore for authentication. It piggybacks off iexplore to verify your account and connect to Epic's services. Wouldn't be surprised if it also downloads via iexplore.
That also explains why it's fucking with network location, because iexplore does that. It's probably also checking certs to see if ie has loaded them.
I found this out when I process-blocked internet explorer from working and Epic's launcher hung.
What they've done is gone pretty much full retard with how to connect and authenticate. I haven't got a single fucking clue how they do it on linux because this has to be the least portable system ever.
>they don't
Well that answers that

The tracking stuff they have no excuse for.

I keep thinking about it because of some of their 'free' games are actually tempting but then I remember I can just pirate cracked versions.

Some older programs use iexplore to embed and render HTML. There is no excuse to be doing this still, but it wouldn't surprise me.

It uses that same html to auth, too.

I don't have nothing to hide.

>this shit right here is called fiddler
Kept you waiting, huh?