Liking games from the ps2/xbox era and before

>liking games from the ps2/xbox era and before
How do you guys do it?

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By being alive when they were still new, you fucking child.

>grew up with the game
>have fun with it
>haven't played it anytime recently and base your opinion based on your child memories

My first console was a PS2, but I don't like most of its games anymore.

they're not called timeless classics for no reason fag

Fighting games age like a fine wine

>my first console was a ps2
you still have yet to produce an argument against you being a zoomer

I'm 19, which means I'm a millennial.


That might be true, I just don't play fighting games.

>playing any game more than 3 years old
>playing single player
>not buying all the best stuff from the gold shop so you can win easier
>not training to be an escort champion and youtuber when you grow up
Lmao virgin grandpas

>I'm 19, which means I'm a millennial.
I thought that fucking awful zoomer meme finally got it through the thick fucking skulls of idiot Yea Forumsirgins that Millennials are born BEFORE the millennium and not after but I guess there are still stupid fucks like you that managed to miss that memo

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>Gen Z: Gen Z is the newest generation to be named and were born between 1995 and 2015. They are currently between 3-23 years old
You are a zoomer. Face it and move on.

I like a bunch of single player games like Nier and Persona 5.

There isn't only one type of millennial.

based Rikkaposter but disgustingly zoomerpilled

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>im 19
well that explains a lot
you cant usually buy microtransactions in ps2 games to beat it because you are too impatient to play through it

>There isn't only one type of millennial.
Factually incorrect.

>Millennials: Born 1981-1994 (25-38 years old)

What's your favorite game zoomer?

If you cannot get into Maximo you have brain damage

>you cant usually buy microtransactions in ps2 games to beat it because you are too impatient to play through it
I'm just referring to the fact that they are usually clunky.


I'm not gonna lie to you, the cover looks pretty gay.

I'm a zoomer, almost 19 and my first consoles were the Xbox and PS2 and I replay games from my childhood and still think they are solid. Can't believe OP is this retarded

What ps2 games did you play zoomer?

So you admit it's entirely based in a nostalgia bias

i'm like thirty, but you don't have to be "older" to enjoy some of the really good, older games. you just have to be somewhat refined and have taste, but it's just that zoomers are so lost in media, they can't naturally be refined peoples.
a lot of zoomers' heads are flat in the back because the gubment tells mothers to let their babies cry it out in their cribs, alone, instead of holding them. that's why too many zoomers are flat in the back of the head

user after 1996. your a zoomer buddy. 24 year old here. Im the last of the millennials. 1995 is a weird place, like I dont fit in with my generation but I also do and fit it in with older gens too.

That's not what nostalgia means, zoomer.

>im almost 19
What a teenage thing to say.

Fellow zoomer, I recently got into two franchises with roots in the PS2. Unironically had a blast and had titles which I thought are top tier and should be remembered to this day. It isn't nostalgia bias, you just have fallen into the trap a lot of zoomers fall into.
Pretty much so


I remember liking some
>mgs3 (tried 2, but the camera was yikes)
>shadow of rome (most of the game is boring but the colliseum fights are still pretty good i bet)
>resident evil 4 (most likely outdated)
>pro evolution soccer (outdated)
>gta sa (incredibly for the time, outdated now)
>hitman blood money
>dmc 3 (bad, too damn hard to be fun)

Because the games are asking something from me. There's a constant push and pull of input. They ask me to figure out how to beat a strong enemy with a game mechanic instead of just removing the mechanic and making an enemy easier to deal with.

that's artificial difficulty.

t. zoomer

What makes them outdated?

Everything is artificial difficulty, zoomer.

>Shit on RE4
>Shit on DMC 3
>Shit on San Andreas
Fucking wow

the fact that newer games are simply better i think.

what's u people problem, jesus christ. there's plenty of hard modern games.

Better in what way?

Because instead of focusing on something as arbitrary and meaningless as graphical fidelity I focus on the game's own merits such as storytelling and pure mechanics. Sure, a game with both of those things alongside "good" graphics do exist on the generation, but as with any generation of systems, they are few and far between. I enjoy them not out of nostalgia but rather because I find them genuinely fun to play regardless of what age you play it or how many years after it's release. Many genuinely good games released on the major platforms during their "life cycles". Don't always believe that a game is good just because someone online says so or believe it's shit just because someone says so. It's all down to your own merit and it's up to you to decide.

dumb zoomer

If one must be alive during the time in which a piece of art was created to be able appreciate it, doesn't that invalidate the quality of the art in some way? Even if the subject of the art were based within the context of the time period, I would think one could still be able to at the very least observe the merits the piece holds in its design. Do you feel incapable of enjoying black and white films, user?

>there's plenty of hard modern games

yeah I guess if soulless, artificial difficulty is what you zoomers consider hard, then today's games would surely stump you.

Yeah, when most games are AAA blockbusters with watered down cinematic animations and combat, or the absence of complex game design and problem solving outside of actual puzzle and strategy games not to mention the lack of creativity unless you focus on the small team indie market which use to be filled by even bigger devs and publishers taking risks and making small budget titles we see like Katamari or Otogi for example

Saying a game can only be enjoyed by being born in the time in which it was created is nostalgia bias. You're talking about something else entirely.

>but the camera was yikes
>resident evil 4 (most likely outdated)
>DMC 3 (bad, too damn hard)

The age restriction doesn't work anymore, can we just bar everyone born after '94 from posting here? Yea Forums is old Internet and should not confine to the "tastes" of the modern era, ban all zoomers.

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you'd think zoomers would complain about Yea Forums's layout being outdated or something and not come here at all tbqh.

I like Yea Forums's and imageboards in general design wise though many imageboards need to support catalog systems and better search options like Yea Forums for ease of use at least

I totally think, that you have what it takes to become an escort champion.

I recently saw a video on YouTube of a really old video game. I could not believe my eyes everything about it was terrible. The lack of production values, no sense of cinematography or direction, no soaring soundtrack just beeps and boops. How the fuck did anyone have any interest in playing video games 20 years ago? I know I would not be able to do it. To the ones that endured and submitted themselves willingly to such treatment, hats off to you.

it depends on each individual game obviously, i can't say one thing for all of them.

aaa gaming was always bad.

You say this as if people originally posting from the early years hasn't already moved on with their life. Back in 2006 or earlier if you even once mentioned Halo in any sort of positive light without irony you'd have been flamed to death. Now look at the state of this board now. Halo threads not even intending to bait being posted. This site's demographics has long since changed since it's "glory days". You'd be limiting the amount of people posting to an already small demographic, keeping such would kill the site.

Explain them individually then zoomer

How would you see modern artificial diffculty in games in relation to the reign of arcade games, where unreasonable difficulty levels were a cornerstone of game design, so people would keep spending quarters on the machine instead of beating it in a few sessions and be done with it? I'd say some of the hardest classic arcade games are not as hard as they are out of necessity, but out of this business concern. Would that not be artificial difficulty? To rack it up intentionally not for reasons immanent to the game, but to have it make more cash? That is the same as making enemies into bullet sponges to stretch gametime or incentivice players to consider the cashsshop for boosts.

>God Hand
>DMC 3
Literally the games that have no equal you need to be a massive faggot not to appreciate them

It's better than most imageboards. It doesn't really look old, got kind of a timeless feel. It mostly just looks simple, Yea Forums is way less complicated than any social media platform. You just search through the catalog, read the OP click on it if you like it and just read. Everything's in chronological order, not automatically sorted by le top comment or whatever. You can always see the full conversation if shit gets deleted thanks to archives. The filter options are fucking godly. This layout is such a great escape from all the forums and social media not just because of the anonymity but because it's so simple but at the same time offers so much without being up your ass about it.

Can't say you can appreciate them when you haven't played them in the first place either

By not being retarded

Yes games used to be games and not movies.

by not being a braindamaged an*mefaggot zoomie

Im the same age as you and I adore ps2 games. Something about them is really charming to me.

>God Hand
I tried this one on emulator, awful.



4th gen and 5th gen best gens.

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look at that head. at least modern japanese games look cutesy.

I miss the PSX. Games were wildly creative and had a unique 3D aesthetic + some of the best 2D

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can someone explain this one-eyed fetish that japan has?

How to spot a fag, haven't even got past the gay nigger duo have you?

Game title?

Vic Ireland's Alundra.

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fuk all u nostalgia loving faggots. old games w replayability are few and far between
old console games have shitty fucking shit control layouts that u can't fucking change. and the rest are literal fucking virgin shit.
fuck all of u


well you see op, the ps2 has one of THE largest roster of games of any console ever made. that alongside the xbox having some nice gems like jet set radio, oddworld, and fable, there were games that existed which were super fun to play.

the ps2 having san andreas and shadow of the colossus were my main ways of doing it.

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I recently played through the quest for glory and wing commander series and very much enjoyed them. In contrast to that, I cannot bring myself to play anything from the ps3 era, those games aged like already sour milk.