

DMC fags will defend this.

Attached: Devil will Cringe.png (1187x670, 551K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't need to defend it since there is nothing wrong with it.

awwwww is the widdle baby OP jaded as fuck? aw poor babby

If you think that’s cringe, then you’ve clearly never looked in the mirror before.

So this means Dante is a pedophile, right?

based, op btfo

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dumbass zoomer

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>implying there's literally anything wrong with Michael Jackson aside from parts of his most recent albums

el ayuwoki

>guy compares Dante to gay cowboy
>japs compare Dante to gay pedophile nigger
>lol awesome

It means Dante's character will be assassinated by jews in DMC6

El hee hee

>DMC haters will attack this

But also cringe.

Agreed. It's a relic from a time when people enjoyed fun things in video games, it has no place in modern gaming which needs to be taken seriously as an art form and is only hampered by fun and goofiness.

Go to bed Tameem, your game sucked.

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literally the best scene in the game

lighten up

>gay: literally who compares Dante to gay cowboy out of wishful thinking
>straight: IP owners makes a reference to a music icon and butthurt faggots riot

why do (((they))) wanna bring him down so bad?

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>tfw this came out just as the whole western world decided to disavow Michel Jackson
Will Japan ever stop being based?

he said a bad word

Because he understood (((their))) influence and hated (((them))).

It's literally the same thing that happened to Vlad Țepeș. Some tribesmen try to extort from him, so he nails their kippahs to their heads.
CENTURIES LATER, they still call him "The Impaler" and claim he drank blood.

>DMC fags
so...weebs then?

>Video games are srs bsnss guise.

Yikes, that already hasn't aged well.

real talk, apparently, there was gonna be a documentary about Weinstein at the same festival, but ((((somebody)))) decided that the MJ documentary was more important, and it wasn't even supposed to be part of the festival in the first place


Every time I get knocked out of my SSS rank, he always reminds me of what happened to poor little Shamone! Shamone, Shamone, Shamone! That's all I hear...

Dios mio.

Dante didn't want to go to Patty's party because she's no longer underaged

Who are (((they))) you speak off? Two white boys?
One an uber white chad, who worked with Britney Spears and Nsync.
The other a super handsome white emo, who was in a band.

Somehow this is the jew's work?

Why are you fucking utterly surprised. They breakdown the fucking weapon after a boss fight with a spotlight set of moves.

It’s always the jew’s work user

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>being so retarded that didnt even think to look at (((who))) is financing this documentary
>and (((who))) is financing the interviews and media circuit
Unironically lurk more before spewing your idiocy. I don't think Michael Jackson isn't a pedophile, but this documentary is not about justice, much less for victims of child abuse.

he warned us

cope more incel

Has there been a single case in this "abuse" situation where the accusers did not want money, but judgment?

>Unironically lurk more
The fact that you stated this, makes me believe that you didn't investigate anything. You're either lying, or you got information from other anons. And we know Anonymous never lies, right?

So what jewish tricks did your imaginary jews play on the poor innocent white boys, who dindu nuffin. Dey good kids. Dey just impressional.

Those are the cases that tend to end with the accuser dead.

that's just... your cringey opinion man.
good thing we don't care.

Innocent in the eyes of the law and no meme """documentary""" will ever change that. Hee-hee motherfuckers.

Now you're definitely a shill or a retard. It takes you one (1) google link to see who financed the documentary, and if you unironically live under a rock and don't know who he is, then you need another (1) click to see his wikipedia entry and see that he's jewish.

Yeah that's how he gets his powers

I understand your confusion, but Michael Jackson is not a "white boy".

Attached: Michael Jackson.jpg (466x466, 48K)

idc about what your replying too, but Micheal is an innocent man, can you fuck off?



le cringe amirite guys? xD

off to middle school now, cya later

not based

I did do a cursory search before posting, and I couldn't find it. Who financed the doc?

>Dante skipped out on Patty's 18th birthday

Chill out boomers

>Mad Chad Vlad literally protected his country from being invaded and indoctrinated
>gets vilified by history

Is it just me, or is Yea Forums calling everything "Cringe" a recent thing? While I only got here in the early 2010's myself, I feel like Yea Forums was different back then.

it's a forced meme brought by redditors and adopted ironically

You filthy useless noob. I'll still spoonfeed you though because maybe you'll see the light and spoonfeed other mouthbreathers like you. The person behind Leaving Neverland is none other than (((David Geffen))), renowned pederast, ruler and leader of the pedophile mafia in the entirety of Hollywood for over 40 years. He's literally the head honcho, the top of the pyramid, the final boss, etc. of the pedophiles in California. You're free to believe Michael Jackson abused children, but don't believe for a second that this documentary has anything to do with that for real.

It and "yikes" are apparently neo-internet speak for "I don't like this"
You'll find both used everywhere on the internet because proper discourse is a big no-no when you can just call someone or something icky instead


All these new buzzwords honestly remind me of 1984 newspeak, with how they simplify language.

You said this connection was simple. But upon googling "david geffen leaving neverland", all I got was some stories about how Oprah and Geffen watched the doc on a boat. I'm not finding any concrete evidence that he financed the doc.

Also, let's pretend he really did fund the doc. What magical jew powers does he possess, that will turn two white men against Michael? Why are those two not treated with disdain by you?

Yeah, it's pretty crazy but it works because it's short, simple and snappy in addition to being done by just about everyone else so the inbuilt herd/tribe mentality we have as humans does the rest of the work to spread it further
It's honestly quite scary

hopefully capcom will remove this quick now that we know MJ was a fucking pedophile. Fucking disgusting.

The bigger yikes is the recent evidence proving MJ was a pedophile and capcom still referencing him.

>What magical jew powers does he possess, that will turn two white men against Michael?
Other than "calling people racist", that's literally the only power they have.

What evidence?

It feels new, but I suppose "cringe" has really gone into peak meme use about 2 years ago? Just a rough estimate.

Doh-ho-ho. I don't think you understand how this site works.

>now that we know

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>Referencing a pedophile
Ugh what are you doing Capcom??? This is very problematic

Dante is not

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ok... so again, assuming this unproven narrative about geffen is true. He breaks open his magical jew purse, and promises these two white boys riches, if they say bad things about Michael. Why are the white boys not to blame?

Not all. I think it's fucking retarded and I skip that scene every single time. You might think that people will eventually see it for the awful stupidity that it is but I wouldn't hold my breath. People still think the Shakespeare scene in 4 is Kino. Now, imagine they put it in DmC and tell me it's still game of the year.

Sad music and emotionally effective editing aren't "proof". Proof would be the physical evidence all but one of the accusers have claimed to have, but also all failed to ever produce.

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What a jewish question.
Why do you think that only one party can get blame? How fucking stupid are you?

>implying mj was gay
>implying mj was a pedo
>implying mj wasn't a honorary Aryan

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OK, let me rephrase this. Why don't these white boys get ALL the blame?
This documentary completely hinges on their testimonies. Without them, Geffen has nothing. They are the main thrust of this. It's completely on their shoulders.

I do not have to, only faggots use "cringe".

Don't reply to me anymore, you filthy shill. At first I thought "maybe they hid it?" but I just went to google, and found the information in two mouse clicks. Unironically delete yourself. Alternatively, cut me in your deal and we'll shill together.
>What magical jew powers does he possess, that will turn two white men against Michael?
Are you an idiot? He has obscene amounts of money. The main accuser of the documentary has already been (tried to) opposed by his ex-girlfriend and other people that knew him who he told nothing had happened both before and after his original trial statement.

The only fag here is op and the haters, so do us a favor and go fuck yourselves...

>Why don't these white boys get ALL the blame?
Because only an idiot blames the patsies while ignoring the mastermind.

Because Geffen still chose to use their baseless accusations as a bludgeon to strike a dead man with, so that he could sell tickets and let people watch.

You know google grooms your results right? If you've searched something before, then they're going to place your previous visited sites at the top of the search.
I still think you're lying though, because I tried the multiple sites, and ctrl+Fed geffen, and found nothing.

And if all it takes is some money for these guys to turn against their friend and mentor, then they're little brained pieces of shit.

yikes and cringe looool

Mastermind? So you're saying that these two guys had ZERO desire to seek recompense, before Geffen informed them of the opportunity to produce a documentary?

Everyone was just dealing with their lot in life, when the Jew man knocked on their door, and sold them on this idea?

I liked this scene, but it felt a little out of place because Dante isn't as goofy in this game as he is in 4 (or 3). I'd prefer to have more scenes like this with him.

Nice try Tameem, you brought your entire team of faggots from ninja theory to show how butthurt you are, lol
You still have to pay for that fiasco for hiring trolls in internet and insulting people who were against your shitty game, and the shitty A203D account that you made with your entire team just to insult Devil May Cry community.

He wanted to wait 10 years to ask a loli on a date, so it he is a pedophile he's really bad at it.

You're the one asserting blame goes to only one party. All the parties involved were selfish leeches, and the division of guilt changes that not one iota.

Did you forget about the weehee yahoo bike scene?

>cuhrayzeeee button mashers are cringy
Stop the presses!

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Yeah I kinda did. He was just using the bike as a bike and then as a weapon normally though, even though he ejoyed it quite a bit. It wasn't absurd like the Agnus scene, or when he aquired Lucifer or when he played Nevan like a guitar.

*If* blame should be thrown, it should be primarily at the two white boys. You can talk all the jew conspiracies you like. It won't change that the the doc is held entirely on the white boy's shoulders.

If geffen came to them, like Cruella Deville, and propositioned them with tons of cash, in order to lie on the doc, they could easily say no. Michael did so much for them, and they appreciated him, and they wouldn't tarnish his reputation for money. That would have been the end of things, and Geffen would have no choice but to drop that idea.

But according to your narrative, they took the money. Which makes them greedy, shiftless fuckstains, and entirely to blame.

am I retarded or is Dance Macabre impossible with DSD

What is the logic here? MJ was found not guilty. The criminals wrongly accusing him backing out of their admission of guilt a decade later doesn't change that, they were 100% proven to be lying back then.

Are you unironically defending Jews? After all they've done?

Just saying. Whites need to stop using jews as their scapegoats.

Stop defending kikes. They literally tried to ruin MJ for countless years. Even his personal doctor who was found to have been consistently overdosing MJ with drugs, an overdose that killed him - was a Jewish doctor.
They'd been after him ever since he called out the Jews for what they do to other races, destroying and ruining everyone they can.

No one has ever used Jews as a "scapegoat", that word implies innocence. Jews are actually guilty you fucking retard. They have been gradually taking over every aspect of western civilization over hundreds of years, and using that wealth and power they gained to ruin us.

Take responsibility, white boys. Here are the accusers. You can point at the jews all you want. But these boys were close to Michael, He wrote them regularly, calling them family. He took care of their families. And they are the reason this documentary exists.
The SUPPOSED jew behind this(you still haven't posted proof, and I DID look) is only guilty of funding the lies that they wanted to tell.

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>Take responsibility, white boys
Not any of them, but you just outed yourself. Well played.

Responsibility for what? How am I responsible for some lying two white dudes? Are you retarded? You must be a negro, right? No way you would be this stupid otherwise, because people aren't responsible for other members of their race. That is not how any of this works.

>The SUPPOSED jew behind this(you still haven't posted proof, and I DID look)
I never said anything of the sort, that was a different poster. I don't know who made this "documentary", I only stated a known fact that many Jews tried ruining MJ after he called the Jews out on how they group together to destroy goyim. It is a real thing Jews do, they are very malicious and hateful towards non Jews and will do everything in their power through money and connections to ruin your life if they so feel like.

Do you know what year it is in the Jewish calendar?
If they've been working that long they must be pretty ineffectual to still not have shit under their control.

Does anyone have the a link to the video without the background music? I want to contribute to beating this meme to death and it upsets me that no one's put Fly Me to the Moon over it yet

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