99% accuracy

>99% accuracy

Attached: 1552403513174.gif (640x360, 2.72M)

>low chance of inflicting ailment
>enemy lands it every time

Attached: 1549791711804.png (731x578, 371K)

>Need item with a drop rate of 75%
>Get 5 1% drops instead

>100% accuracy
>Misses multiple times

Attached: slo mo bullshit cam.gif (776x430, 397K)

>255% accuracy
>miss due to enemy having 200% evasion

Attached: 1407039024494.jpg (600x800, 265K)

>cast heal on injured party member sitting right next to you

Fucking Disgaea 1

>hit chance in a game with realtime combat and your weapon visibly swings through the enemy

Attached: arnie.jpg (217x232, 5K)

>cast Life on a party member's corpse laying next to you

Attached: akari no.png (464x452, 187K)

>healing spells have a chance to miss

there is a special place in hell for developers who do this

at the very least they should provide some automated evasion animation when it happens

>Panther wins a 1v4 tank battle by just backing up while all your shots ricochet off it's stupid thicc front armor
>Panther is at 1hp

Attached: 1546240969855.jpg (456x386, 81K)

>% chance to hit stat
>no % chance of fumbling your weapon and dropping it

You know damn well some motherfuckers would be dropping or otherwise losing grip on their weapons for some reason. Does this happen in any games?

>have magical animal companion that goes around eating stuff on the floor, including weapons
>enemy disarm you and drops your Super Weapon+99 on the floor
>gets eaten

Attached: 1464241296107.png (413x511, 182K)

Name ONE game that does this
No anime garbage

>50% accuracy
>move isn't a 100% hit the 2nd time

Attached: dear.jpg (480x360, 16K)

Fucking New Vegas



>no anime garbage
it's typically wrpg that do this that go with a dnd-like system but try to pretend they're not turn based

world of warcraft, guild wars 1

I think wow USED to have certian animations on most of their mobs for specific events like evasion but they probably stopped that.

>real time combat

>hit chance is capped at 90%

Attached: 1552363231048.jpg (540x586, 122K)

EYE divine cybermancy
>Bullshit! Ultra-failed attack!

>support unit starts acting the mickey

>50% chance to hit
>miss 14 times in a row

Attached: 1531022812756.gif (597x338, 666K)

>enemy has 1% crit chance
>lands it every time

Attached: asr.png (322x282, 34K)

>Go first time to some raid dungeon.
>Get literally every gear piece for your spec what drops in this raid dungeon, including that ultra rare item 70% raid group came for.

Attached: 3773738383838.jpg (480x446, 18K)

>have enough HP to survive three hits
>enemy will die in two hits
>"guess I'll skip healing and save on resources for the next fight"
>enemy hasn't done a single crit the entire fight so far, but
>dead in 1 hit

Attached: 1536084531098.jpg (409x427, 36K)

>80% drop chance for item you need
>it never drops
>5% drop chance for rare shit that doesn't benefit your build in any way
>constantly drops

Attached: 1444014881362.jpg (261x214, 32K)

>enemy crit chance goes up as your health goes down

Attached: Bruh.jpg (554x554, 16K)

>healer got debuff which causes a 10% chance to attack another party member
>one of my party gets critted to near-death
>healer's turn triggers debuff and she kills him

Attached: 1551752633675.gif (416x307, 2.58M)

>enemy causes ailment which causes vulnerability to more ailments

Attached: 18e3f70b02cb09929c72ebeb11c565b27478b482265f38ba25c9237210d3e551.jpg (714x732, 88K)

>Status ailments stack

Attached: dunsparce.jpg (522x522, 32K)

>game has multiple type of poisons with sub-categories, and they never wear off and need to be cured
>end up blind (no longer see enemies), hallucinating item drops and traps, your sweat is causing your armor to rust and permanently drop in defense, and the list goes on
>you got all those unidentified bottles which may be a cure (for one type of poison)
>drink one because desperate
>it's actually more poison
>die a horrible death leaving all your loot behind

Attached: 1523715717264.gif (500x532, 904K)

>upgrade weapon to +10
>30% chance
>upgrade weapon to +5
>95% chance

Attached: 1551171445295.png (645x773, 398K)

>game has a ton of cool looking weapons
>they're all fucking trash and a sword you get at the beginning is the absolute best and is upgraded a lot easier than the others.

>Try to eat food
>Try to drink a potion
>It's more poison
>Try to walk through the starting area
>Other players have crop dusted fucking poison everywhere
>Go to church to cure poison since they're the only people who do it without potions (which are inevitably more poison)
>One of the poisons made you a vampire so you cant even enter the church
>At least you're immune to fucking poison
>Die immediately because of some faggot who made poison out of garlic

Attached: anakin.jpg (509x625, 31K)

>swing overpowered enchanted sword and an unarmed enemy

>Not playing fist-fighter
>Whining when inevitably gets btfo by a based unarmed npc

Attached: Brings-Knife-To-Gun-Fight-Still-Uses-Fists-Funny-Fight-Meme-Image.jpg (625x625, 66K)

>It still uses all the materials

Attached: 1540787358522.jpg (1024x681, 95K)

>game has heal crits

Attached: peter2.jpg (750x731, 33K)

>Game has critical miss

Attached: 1523661013191.jpg (722x349, 40K)

>99% chance to hit
>misses three times in a row
Thats XCOM, baby.

Attached: genius.jpg (640x720, 140K)

>game has fancy ball and chain weapons with spikes and other shit
>you can damage yourself with your own weapon which happen pretty much every time you miss

Attached: 1407143035596.gif (320x180, 2.55M)

Attached: 1541867819636.png (960x1202, 1.04M)

this nigga gets it

Attached: 1551943331979.png (1800x2100, 959K)

On that note Xcom 3 fucking WHEN?

You miss 100% of the shots your ass can't cash

>swing at stationary object

Attached: 1515283048763.png (564x426, 371K)

Technically wow but that doesn't really count given the combat style


Attached: 49858040_414759852597392_1758149010717521146_n.jpg (428x428, 24K)

>turn-based RPG
>absolutely no battle-RNG whatsoever beyond perhaps what action your opponents take
Is there even one game

Attached: fish_hmmm.jpg (258x250, 6K)

I remember Fallout 2 had a chance for dropping either your gun or its ammo (the mag falls out of the gun) during combat.

>99% chance to hit on a move that'll win you the battle
>Enemy can suddenly snowball and kill you or cause a major loss that you're set back by
risk-managementfags will defend this

Attached: mV3BRth.png (328x287, 162K)

>Reminder that x-com's hit formula is actually fudged in the player's favor on everything but the highest difficulty.

>fighting boss
>always act first with all four of my party members
>don't defend when low health because I know I'll heal first
>except this one time where my healer acts last
>boss hits the same character as last turn and kills them
>no resurrection yet

Attached: NO.jpg (298x192, 10K)

>line up three 80% chance hits
>all three miss
>get hit three times and lose a dude
>it were two 20% chance hits and one 10% chance one
Fuck Battle Brothers

Attached: battle-brothers-1.jpg (1920x1080, 377K)

That's XCOM baby.

Not women.

Attached: 1551369667867.jpg (249x277, 27K)

Funny how XCOM becomes really easy when you get all the guaranteed hit options because they're all explosives.

>last enemy of the pod
>99% to hit
>demolish the wall behind the enemy
>new pod activated

Attached: das xcum bby.jpg (444x250, 20K)

>Monster drops an item
>No idea what it is, saw it a couple of times
>Back in town check that I need one more of that item to make a rare gear
>Check the item drop chance
>Spend the next hour killing that monster
>No sight of that item
>Last monster drops multiples of the item

Attached: 1533278802681.jpg (480x792, 28K)

Reminds me when I played the first rogue. Chugging all my unidentified potions when I was near death to try to escape was always fun.

And then you get enemies with blast padding.


literally what happened in my game of fire emblem last night

>on a map with tall bridge
>chosen assassin appears
>explosives immune and no ogrewatch trigger

At least they recognize that it's bullshit.

Attached: 1486139330275.png (640x400, 25K)

>99% chance to hit
>miss 3 times in a row

Attached: 1552408995135.jpg (538x534, 24K)


>status ailments are uncurable without retardedly deep post game content
>and they stack

that's just source engine being a piece of shit
you can't be point blank or else your shot will straight up not register

I almost never use ailment attacks in literally any rpg because they almost never work.

>use a one handed weapon
>attack at a set pace
>go unarmed
>attack rate isn't changed instead of doubled

Attached: 1523419346673.png (970x1080, 873K)

>90% chance to enter stealth
>90% chance to sap
>90% chance to generate an extra combo point
>90% chance to avoid spells
>75% chance to recover energy
Classic WoW was an unbelievable trash and I can't believe normies unironically want this bullshit back.

Attached: trash mmo.jpg (36x36, 1K)

> enemy has 15% hit chance and 1% crit

Attached: 1550745232819.jpg (600x333, 22K)

>Heals for 2d6 and has 4 charges
>After using all charges you healed 8 health

If you were thinking 1% of 15% hits are supposed to crit, then you're mistaken about how most RPG systems treat hit chances.

The only kind of safe unit in XCOM in both games is the Ranger class in XCOM2. It just has some ridiculous abilities and is perfect for picking off straggling enemies. You would think being a melee fighter in a game full of gunfire and explosives would put it at a disadvantage but usually these guys gain XP and Crit like crazy and with some armour they can tank fairly well.
The Ranger and the Sniper are usually the safest units in my experience.

>100% chance to sword hit after skills
>missed because enemy had 25 base defense

>accuracy caps at 95%

Attached: let me at em let me at em!.gif (275x319, 1.79M)

>tfw some user did the math and figured out that Nox would never have been able to succeed, no matter how soon he started his harvesting operations.

It's not fair, he just wanted to see his family again.

>game has item that's less than 1% drop rate

Attached: images-1.jpg (512x288, 40K)

But not for the enemy

>you can only get it from a specific enemy
>that enemy never respawns

That part is bullshit, true, but that applies to the game in general and its mechanics.
But man, seeing a Ranger go ballistic and chainkill most of a pod is hilarious to watch, and even if they don't kill the last guy, the sniper usually does.
Team composition in 2 is very important though, (except maybe the drone guy, he needs a lot of hand holding to actually be good, but his remote buffs and heals can be handy for the ranger). If a campaign goes poorly and you end up with just a bunch of rookies, snipers, and rangers, if its not on an easier difficulty setting its hard to come back from that because only having grenades as explosives limits things a lot. You can only be so creative with using them.

>realize I had a 1 in 4000 chance to have as good rolls as I did
>but the odds don't actually apply to anything meaningful

>almost every 1-time story bosses have a unique drop that's useful
>it's not 100% drop
>end up fighting every bosses several times in long ass battles by savescumming until it drops

Attached: 1360618313569.jpg (876x876, 59K)

name 10%3 games that do this

>enemy type has at least a 90% evasion rate
>does collision damage to you

>33% chance of dropping
>have to kill enemy 10 times to get item
>still need to get 5 more

Attached: 1540765267558.png (565x566, 259K)

Ranger's chain killing is weak and prone to failure. The sword's crit damage is significantly lower than the same tier shotgun. There's no reason whatsoever to waste an action on sword strikes when shotguns are objectively better. The only time the sword should be used is when the ranger whips it out himself with Blademaster triggers.

XCOM2 in general really is about generating as many passive attacks as possible and abusing ammos/weapon mods. Specialists with repeater+stock combo and the overwatch talents, Snipers with Return Fire and ammo of your choice, or if you don't like pistols, autoloaders plus ITZ. Rangers shouldn't be used as a source of extra attacks and more as a positioning tool that forces the enemy to move and trigger overwatch shots. The disgusting crit damage on shotguns is just an icing on the cake.

Golden Sun

>get item 3 times in a row when its no longer needed

Attached: 1538643162056.png (320x229, 82K)

>quest items drop off consecutively perfectly
>somehow this means I used up all my luck mana and it takes hours of bad luck to get out of the zone to move on

Attached: I can't.gif (300x179, 224K)

>Recruit hard as fuck boss with huge stats
>Becomes mediocre after joining the party

Attached: 1498019452863.png (328x396, 3K)

Based darkest dungeon, fuck rng

A lot of times there is but the enemies attack animation overrides it so most developers probably see it as pointless

optimally would have attacks that can either transition into evasion, or which they can't evade during, just adds to the gameplay even though it's random