This is your idol for tonight

This is your idol for tonight.

Attached: e2a08ad92ea8903e0d01b2b2499b2811.jpg (800x1133, 747K)

can it be me___ instead?

I love Koreans

>Bleached/Blacked shit

Attached: 1486876867793.png (640x480, 467K)

does her belt say "BLEACHED"
is that like the opposite of "BLACKED"

This but unironically
Race shit is gayer than hard gay TF macro inflation

Look at her shirt silly

Fucking /thread

>Race shit is gayer than hard gay TF macro inflation
You only say this because it's not BLACKED you dumb cuck.

White males are the most insecure, fragile "people" on this planet. And this forum proves it.

Ya'll some wierdos

My gf broke up with me two days ago.
It lasted 4 years.
I don't know what to do with my life.

Attached: Fukiretta.gif (400x300, 451K)

God I wish I had a white dick to suck


white guys don't like disgusting whores

We get it, you use Reddit

I unironically hate both desu because they're both literal garbage for insecure faggots and actual cuckolds.

>create culture of self loathing over immutable characteristics like race and gender
>be surprised when people in those categories refuse to hate themselves and push propaganda in the opposite direction

Plz... I need that white dick!

Personally I'm just waiting to see if this becomes a midriff thread.

I wish I was Marylin Manson and could suck my own white dick

Attached: 1551599223669.jpg (1200x1141, 403K)

t. a white guy pretending to be a member of the objectively least desired race

Attached: 1538634288609.gif (607x609, 388K)

>niggers get to fuck whores and their beef
>incels such as I get to masturbate to cute 2d girls
I don't see a problem here.

It's actually a hapa that spams this shit.

Attached: 1536582178640.png (963x908, 981K)


looks like incel to me
kek what an ugly fuck