Do you think love can bloom, even on a battlefield?
Do you think love can bloom, even on a battlefield?
>Xbox is a cute girl
X to doubt
Sonychads always win
>me playing the kinect
>the white girl cheats on the white dude
>nincel watching and crying in the background
nintendo on the far left
Fuck. Off.
nintendie doin the s’oylent scuttle on the left there
Chill the fuck out nintendron3 this threads just for laughs
Defensive body language from Xbox girl. She's not into him and is showing authority. Lack of confidence from Sony dude with his hands in pockets. Probably trying to pick her up and failed. Also giving too much interest by facing her when she's side talking.
Look at this coping drone
Seething nincel, you will never find love except the one your mom used to give you.
Lol it's two people bored at work just having a conversation. You're reading wayyy to far into her "body language":
Fucking melee fags like you belong on a cross
where is this? last year E3?
someone shopped a mario hat on the guy with grey hoodie
Objective facts. You're a spray nozzle if you think I'm bias because im an Xbox fan. I own a PS4. Fucking kys. Women speak with body language. You wouldn't know this though Yea Forumsirgin.
Body language is how women communicate interest subconsciously. It's actually huge if you know what you're doing. Maybe you should try capitalizing on positive body language (if you ever get any) and you might get laid for once.
Watch out guys, we got an expert with phd. in armchair phycology.
You might genuinely have autism. Im being serious, get that shit checked out.
Are you implying nintendo is BBC?
nigga got RICED
Stop projecting your medical records onto me.
... to this?!
ebin post
>standing with your arms behind your back
>Defensive body language from Xbox girl. She's not into him and is showing authority. Lack of confidence from Sony dude with his hands in pockets. Probably trying to pick her up and failed. Also giving too much interest by facing her when she's side talking.
you sound like a clueless homo. stop sharing your "wisdom" you got from pick up artists
You still have no idea how body language works
Defensive as in don't touch me. Why is this rocket science with you spergs?
It's called working in a corporate office. You pick up on body language because of how important it is to read people.
Then enlighten me duck faggot in the nosebleed section. Please.
Now he should find her attractive. Little harlot wasnt censored enough
>"a typo? you done fucked up now"
Right? Blows your little virgin mind doesn't it?
You really like the virgin insult, do you have something you wat to share with us?
My God the projecting at work here.
Nothing wrong with being a virgin (unless you're over 30). Just don't act like you are cassanova if you are one...and I know this board is like 90% sperg virgins.
Go to bed son. You had enough internet for the day. Your mom and I are trying to sleep.
oh hey simpleflips
>working in a corporate office
the fact you posted this like it adds weight to your post shows how sheltered you are
You don't if youre autistic
I bet you paid for PUA class you fucking invalid
You're awful at this.
Cringe. Projection of the thread right here
Studied NLP, body language, and persuasive communication in a 500 level public communication class in college. Bet again faggot? Why do you spergs get so angry and mad at body language like it doesn't exist?
>spend your time on Yea Forums calling people virgins and making your mom jokes
That's gonna be a yikes from me my man
So you didn’t pay for just any PUA class, you actually paid for a PUA a college class? Kek what a weirdo
>this thread
please put me in the screen cap
>My man
Calling a stranger on the internet your man. What a tool. Go close the fridge with your hip you faggot.
I haven't met anyone normal who uses "kek". It's almost like you can't hide the fact that you're a loser and will always be a loser.
Based Chad Corporate Body Language expert poster
Posts like this should be bannable offense y/n?
He's wearing green. It's clearly the another Xbox employee that got cucked.