Games Only You Played

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>opens with a not-even-obscure game
It got like 3 sequels you dumb shit. How the fuck is this a game only you played? Get your act together before you make another thread you worthless piece of shit.

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well nobody I ever knew irl played it and every time I tried to describe it they'd always look at me like "what the fuck"

Your friends are fucking faggots just like you are.

the pc ports of these games are worth every penny and got a lot of love, dare i say the developers are even based for responding to my review

I feel u bro. Happened to me with that exact game back in the day

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keep em bluetails off me back while I feel up me watah bottle

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I don't remember much about this game except chasing a turkey in a rainforest for a jewel and being scared shitless of an ocean level.

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>sit in bathroom with sledgehammer
>win every time

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SpongeBob Squarepants for the PS1 console

Chub Gam 3D

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>fuck me dead ya dumb boongs got shacked up with me mate's mickey lookin for a fucking durry cunt now fuck off ya not me cuz ay
>oh holy fuck now ya tryin to shag me ya fuckin black dog where we at now fucking pomland? fuckin smelly arse cunts
What did she mean by this?

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You just typed out what she meant, are you saying you DON'T understand Strayan?

Probably well known here but bombed internationally and dDirty Bomb also went full Dodo, personally I would have prefered a sequel to Brink as it unironically had potential.

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This was a fun game suprisingly

To this day, 50% of the image I have of Australia in my head is informed by Ty games and the word cunt.

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I mean, it's pretty close. The one thing is we do have actual cities and suburbs, the outback is pretty far from the main coastal towns. The attitude however is pretty accurate. We are rude motherfuckers but we'll do it with a smile and probably shout you a drink if you're being a sick cunt. Shit cunts get glassed.