There are no good black characte-

>there are no good black characte-

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I liked that black sergeant from Dead Space 1... oh wait hes dead

Or that black Police officer from Resident Evil 2-nop dead aswell

How about. Fuck.

Oh yeah? Fuck my tight bussy

who gives a shit
i guess theres reddit...

Based Josh makes it, though. Also, nobody actually gives a shit, OP. To a good black character, like any character, their skin color is secondary.

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CJ and most of the cast of GTA San Andreas. Sad thing is that if the game launched today it would be decried as an ''SJW game''.

good _____ characters are just good characters that happen to be _____

No, it wouldn't. If anything it'd be called racist for depicting blacks as hoodrats who just shoot each other. R* did a good job in making the characters more than their skin colour though so anyone who actually played it would know that.

Best character in the series. Marcus and Dom are both boring as fuck. Cole should have been the protagonist of the series.

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Parasite Eve has a couple of them.

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Lee from The Walking Dead

I mean both SJWs and retarded election rapefugees would yell about it because neither played the game.

Big Bo was pretty based.
>She reminds me of a movie star.
>Bo don't lie to yourself, we both know the only movies you watch are p...
>Actually, now that you mention it.

no one ever said there are no good black characters

what is even the point of this thread

This board would be flipping out hard that there's only a playable black character though


I didn't like the idea of playing as a nig but gave the game a shot since I was a big Rockstar fanboy already back then and loved it.

This. Made that game better then it should've been.

because if it was made these days officer tenpenny would be white and the whole cast would be screaming about white privilege BLM and trump

HD remake when and can someone actually make a proper non fan service non shitty sequel.

Yes, because that's humans actually are, despite their best attempts into being identical robots from time to time.

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Sazh was literally the only good character in FF13

Prove me wrong

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I can't decide who had the better speech in their respective series

wtf just restart the game
like they ain't going anywhere

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>hey I'm going to do literally nothing but suddenly become the most important character
crysis has a dumb story but jeez


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No fucking way it could launch today precisely because it is not SJW shit. They would have to recook it as some black lives matter garbage or whatever.


Coolest nigger coming through

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CJ is really something special, he is both a great character in the story and just customizable to sorta make your own CJ. On the list along other things on why SA wont ever be topped.


>Makes into Smash
>Assist Trophy
One day him and Blacker Baron will fight.

you guys need to play more video games.

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I usually don't agree with any of you fags but that's probably the best character in the halo franchise by a wide margin.

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Such a good game and it was only a buck.

I choose to believe every dead black guy in a horror movie is part of a long line of doomed, yet based heroes

nothing else can explain this curse-like death habit they've all got, or why they're all just so damn coool

Why does this guy say again?



that little dude is dead wrong

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You're one hell of a journalist, aren't you, Frank? A hothead, underhanded, hotshot paparazzi with nothing better to do than to invade people's privacy.

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