Post images that didn't age well

Post images that didn't age well

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He wasn't lying, just not to Xbox LMAO

Xbox is the only major company that is still bringing video games to E3, even if all of those games are *also on PC, its still better than the movies from Sony or the patch-notes for already revealed games that Nintendo does

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>the xboner with no games
>e..e..exclusives are!!!!

Phil's dick must be massive.

Technicall, They did. It's just that most of it was multiplat and I'll rather buy it on PC than Xbox.


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he's right
japanese consoles are made by right wingers.

He's right tho.

So Nintendo is based and the only company worth supporting? Good to know.

>that moment when he spontaneously hit caps lock

Who were the idiots that tried to challenge Overwatch with their dead on arrival game?

Completely right. Dude must be at least in his fifties by now though.

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oh, god, back when libs were actually libs and still cool. bill clinton said the same things about border policies trump did and the whole democratic party erupted in cheer and agreement

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Imagine being such a cuck that your only argument why your console is supposed to be better is "muh exclusives"
It's like praising EPIC that they have Metro and this is the reason why steam is shit.
PScucks are pure cringe, holy shit

It's time to stop Eric. These threads accomplish nothing

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images that aged like a fine wine, gentleman.

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Microsoft E3 2019
>Xbox Scarlet, two new consoles in same style of Xbox One S and Xbox One X.
>Xbox Scarlet games playing natively on PC
>Many BC titles on PC including Xbox One, Xbox 360, and OG Xbox, expected to launch October 2019
>Xbox Scarlet game development will allow games to be sold on Xbox One/PC at discretion of publishers
>Xbox Game Pass expanded - day 1 first party/second party games, third party AAA games a couple months after launch, indie games all the time
>More studios acquired, expect at least 3 announcements
>Xcloud detailed, stream from your xbox console to your PC/iOS/Android/Windows devices, will eventually offer subscription streaming from Microsoft Azure.
>Play Anywhere now applies to everything. If you own it digitally, download it to your Xbox or PC, or stream it to your Windows, iOS, Android device.
>Xbox Live Gold will continue to offer the best complimentary games for subscribers each month
>New Xbox controller variations. Standard, Elite, and Hybrid
>Halo Infinite
>Gears 5
>Fable RPG
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Rocksteady DC game
>Harry Potter RPG
>Killer Instinct
>More than 30 games shown off

Meanwhile at Sony E3 2019

>Absolute seethe and damage control