Yea Forums, give me your energy!

Yea Forums, give me your energy!

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I don't have any, if I did I'd probably be playing video games right now.

full stops at the end of sentences make you sound cringe and pretentious

prove me wrong

The fuck is a full stop you pretentious shitter?

>no punctuation
>reddit spacing
You have no right to talk in the first place.

>he doesn't know English
awww little baby

its when a girls vagina bleeds

>Yea Forums iz sekret klub boyz
I see no argument, so by default I have won

Does this still only work on pure evil? Because it would explain so much.
>Vegeta survives because he is evil but only as a result of his upbringing
>Freeza survives because his dictatorial rule is a result of a ruling hierarchy where he is expected to destroy planets
>Buu dies because he is pure concentrated evil

I shall write in this fashion then if you'd like STOP
Please leave feedback for me as well STOP

you sound retarded, you don't have to say 'STOP'
just leave it blank lol... why are you trying to look like a tough guy with top tier rebuttal?

>getting subconscious about being called out to the point that you try to fix your mistakes
>still can't even remember the period
Congrats, you've made an absolute retard of yourself on top of being a piece of shit from reddit.

It's hilarious that you're the one that comes off as a pretentious cunt. Also, anyone that uses cringe like that should be gassed for being a brainless drone.

No. I'm conserving it for E3.

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Uhm, sure thing buddy

I do have to say that I did cringe at this post a little, since you sound butthurt as fuck over something so simple to understand
>imagine making your text all nice and pretty for all the other anons to see

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>thinking I need an argument in the first place when yours falls flat on its face
>still can't even type a complete sentence

the joke


your head

>no full stops
now you're getting it! congrats my boy

this guy made no sense and a fool of himself. shame..

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r/wooosh, amirite lads xP

Damn, this thread sucks.

Hey, let's go make a Smash thread.

Sounds like someone had a hard day getting bullied at school and is looking for a fight on Yea Forums.

ur mom


is gay

>bumping a dead thread in order to get a little 'insult' in
Sure, pal... he's the one looking for a fight...

>not using catalog
Sure thing faggot.

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>Samefagging this hard
How does it feel to be alone?

Are you a literal retard?

Imagine being triggered by the use of a period. Get off the internet every once in a while.