Miyamoto Fires Back Over Link's Awakening Switch

"When we made Link's Awakening we made it deliberately linear. Moreso than Zeldas before or since. It's the only game in the series where you have to enter and finish all dungeons in a specific order. We did this to focus the narrative of the game. I hear that Westerners have been voicing displeasure at this. (laughs) Here is how you can tell if a person is really a fan of Zelda games or not. If they believe we should have made the game like Breath of the Wild then they don't "get" Zelda.

The reason an openworld game doesn't work in [the case of] Link's Awakenings' is because you get a different experience. Let's suppose we made it so that you could enter every level in any order like you say. What happens as you reach the dead-end where you need items from previous ones? Are you just supposed to know that you need to get out, in the style [of for example], Spirit Tracks? It did that and the West hated it according to our surveys. Maybe the game would magically pop out a robot lady to say you can't proceed and break your sense of immersion. (More laughter)

'No, Miyamoto-san but you can compromise,' you say to me.

Compromise? You say that as if you know the meaning of the word! What you suggest in practical terms is adding new items so you can get over, say, Goponga Swamp's flowers without Bow-Wow. At the expense of rendering the important progress-gates of the story null? Kinda dumb isn't it? (Miyamoto sighs aloud and raises an open palm while assuming a stolid countenance)

We actually do this in every Zelda. Even in Link's Awakening we made it so players can interchangeably switch the last two Levels and circumvent an important story piece. But nobody ever pays attention to these quirks or facts from the technical side: changing one thing can have repercussions [spanning] across an entire game. Not always for the better, as they say in America."


Attached: miyamotofiresbackoverlaswitch.jpg (1280x720, 157K)

>linking to kotaku

"Fires back"
You won't believe what this Jap says next!


Are people complaining about it being linear? I just want replayability. I love LA and I think the remake looks great but if it’s literally a 1 for 1 remaster I can beat LA in a few hours if I’m really trying to. There better be a Master Quest or some new side quest shit added to this version

Oh i get it, since you linked to Kotaku, you would think no one would click it to see if its true and just take whatever you said as true.
Too bad for you, Google exists

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This feels like a strawman of somebody who doesn't exist. Like you're trying to ridicule an enemy that you've made up yourself. It's bizarre but kind of unique I guess.

>Maybe the game would magically pop out a robot lady
wouldn’t be against that desu

Attached: NLMonita.png (567x1200, 835K)

Lets see how many idiots fall for this and actually think the OP is true

at least they didn't say he "clapped back"

That robot lady comment is a direct jab at Skyward Sword which had one. Spoilers, it was awful.

>It's the only game in the series where you have to enter and finish all dungeons in a specific order.
I can't believe over half the Zelda series is non-canon according to Shiggy

>Pop out of a robot lady

Nintendo. Hire this man.

>writing out a fake essay
>thinking that linking a random article would work if you rename it
Kill yourself.

> “It’s taking that traditional series material and skillfully transposing it to 3D that really makes the game The Legend of Zelda. When we took series elements and used 3D composition, things just got more and more interesting.” “It was the most primitive, and the freest. That’s all there is to it,” - Miyamoto on OOT
> Aonuma was not proud of Majora's Mask, considering it a personal failure. From there, Aonuma says his mentor Miyamoto pressured him to scrutinize "every aspect of the game" and "ask myself if everything was all right the way it was." - Aonuma & Miyamoto on MM
> "At the end of the production we fought against the clock and there were parts that I was forced to approve even though it didn't feel complete...I apologise that we didn't fix the triforce hunt at the end of the game. It was slow and boring" - Miyamoto on WW
> “What I’ve been saying to our development teams recently is that Twilight Princess was not a bad game, by any means. But, still, it felt like there was something missing. - Miyamoto on TP
> "No matter how great what comes afterward is, if the beginning doesn't grab the players, then he tells you flat that the game is no good." - Miyamoto on SS
> “We may have told too much story in the beginning of Skyward Sword, and it was hard to get into gameplay" - Miyamoto on SS
What the fuck is Miyamoto's problem?

I thought people were complaining about it looking like shit. I haven't heard anything about linearity.

Couldn't even make it sound believable enough to click the link. It's not even especially good bait since the linearity isn't the problem people have with the remake.

bro you got the fucking link and you still got baited how fucking daft are you

you people who genuinely fall for the bait DESPITE given the link that blatantly ruins the prank that you COULD open to verify that its legitimate. Holy shit, you idiots are actually gullible.

Miyamoto is a self-emmacing artist but on a chronic level. He gets satisfaction out of lampooning his past work so he can learn to do better. Attack on Titans author is the same way.


I bit the bullet for you all, it's a fake article, the real one has nothing to do with Awakening. Notice my unrelated image so you actually read my post and stop being fooled.

Attached: 1d29fd7.jpg (600x804, 69K)

The people complaining about the style are also complaining about the linearity. Nobody is just going "oh I don't like the toy look lmao."

You see Yoshi's Crafted World getting shit on anywhere for looking like Wooly World? No, because it's a new game.

Don't even bother dude, people on nu/v/ don't understand the subtle nuances of having a "beginning, middle and end". The only books nu/v/ has read are the kind of pick-your-own-adventure books like goosebumps had where all the shit head kids would keep their finger on the page, go to the one they chose, and see if it was a bad ending, go back and pick the right one.

Seriously this. The main criticism I've seen of the remake is the change in art style. That's it. The worst part is that it isn't inherently bad. It just doesn't fit a Zelda game imo.

Thanks grandpa

You can't blame a man for not wanting to click an unarchived kotaku link

Get your Gamer Gate bullshit out of here. You militant assholes are just mad because they tried to shut down KotakuInAction on reddit when it became a /pol/ hub. You're the type of people Miyamoto is talking about who can't introspect.

Wanna know how I know you're a tourist?

>People were complaining about it being linear
>Not even close to what people were mad about

This guy works on another level. He's now officially reached George Lucas tier insanity.

Attached: li2h29z.jpg (960x640, 58K)

If he was George Lucas he would be editing it into something else.

I don't know where the Linear complaint comes from the reason why people hate it is because Link looks like one of Santa's elves from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

as for Miyamoto's comments it just goes to show who Nintendo develops their games for.

>it just goes to show who Nintendo develops their games for
Who is that, hardcore gamers? There is such a thing as too much nonlinearity. But I know you will turn this around and say BotW. Because you don't care about making sense, just being "right."

I'm more pissed at the fact that an already near-perfect game is getting a remake that it absolutely did not need than Link's Awakening, a game that SORELY needed the fucking remake!

You meant to say A Link to the Past didn't you? I agree. I wish they had waited to do this remake.

Actually, I meant to say Adventures of Link because I'm a retard that cant proofread.
I've always been bummed out that no Zelda game ever attempted what that one tried all those years ago, and the knowledge and experience they have over 30+ years of making Zelda games could turn the so-called sheep into one of the best - with just a few items.

the Japanese

This doesn't sound like something Miyamoto would say. Did a Link's Awakening apologist try to force his opinion and make it sound it was Miyamoto?

>Compromise? You say that as if you know the meaning of the word!

Based Shigsy slapping down retard kiddies who think they understand game design.