Let's players do NOT help sell your game
Let's players do NOT help sell your game
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next you'll say "i've been saying this for years" and you'll post that one pic I can't remember
counter point, if not for those retards no one would have played the left game at all because the right game is actually a game and the left is not
I feel like this is cherry picking. Look at Undertale for example. Huge. Absolutely huge. However that being said I think that it is a case by case basis. I doubt, for example, that lets players helped sell bad neighbour, a game that looked god awful from the start but piqued curiosity.
All in all I think you need a stand out game that both is and looks engaging for the sales to be impacted, like fortnite or Undertale.
They don't help NOT sell your game either. Unless the 'game' is 100% story with no choices or input whatsoever, some people will watch it and then buy, some will watch and then say 'meh', and the vast majority won't buy it whether they like what they see or not.
Exposure help if the game is good.
Undertale had tumblr and furries (and Yea Forums)
I've never heard of Sophie's Curse, but if it's a shitty jumpscare game, why the fuck would anyone buy it after they saw all the jumpscares from watching a memer streamer? LPs do sell games, just not shitty short games that you can fully experience by watching instead of playing it yourself.
More people watched Pewdiepie play Dalking Dead than actually played it themselves
Me pirating your game is free advertising too by this logic.
Why don't developers charge a license fee to stream their content just like literally every other form of digital entertainment? What makes games exempt?
Movies and television spent years lobbying for that shit.
Games media is still kind of in its infancy and doesn't have as many lobbyists that would even try to push that as a problem
It is if you talk about it afterwards.
The ideal situation would be people sharing a demo instead of the full release but it works either way.
Remember user, advertising != sales. Just because people know a product exist it doesn't mean they will buy it, advertising carries a risk, just like pretty much everything in business.
Historical precedent, it's always a wave of bad publicity when a dev tries to shut down streamers and let's players before them. It's better for business to let them do their thing and "suggest" what game they should play next.
Let's players increase sales of good games, and reduce sales of bad games.
okay, the walking dead and "games" like it arguably are the worst possible examples you could pick for your argument, as watching someone play those games is only slightly different than watching it yourself than actually playing it
I'd say sold games help let's players more than let's players help sell games. The only time people want to watch lets players is to see them react to games they already played
>counter point
Another counter point, while im not a lets play watching faggot, I dont really like horror games so automatically wouldn't buy it. Only certain people like shit like that.
I agree, though I didn't play the Walking Dead games because you had to play as black people - but that shouldn't give let's players the right to outright give away story based games like that - I unironically think Pewdiepie and other LPers killed Telltale
Back in the 90's, you had to actually buy the Lucasarts adventure games like Sam & Max or Monkey Island to see/hear the jokes - now you can watch a YouTube LPer or compilation on YouTube of the best jokes
Because games have to be played, that's the intended experience save for e-sports spectator faggotry.
Watching a video of the product doesn't replace the product.
I think it depends on the type of game. If it's a multiplayer game and the Let's Players make it look fun and have a laugh whilst playing it can make you want to get it as well. However if it's a single player game then some people will watch it instead of buying it. Personally I think this is stupid and you should always play games yourself first instead of watching the story with some YouTuber cracking jokes over it. I especially hate when people watch a horror game then complain it isn't scary. Of course it isn't.. it's only scary if your the one playing it! Preferably alone in the dark with headphones. Watching somebody else play is like reading the spoilers for a movie online instead of watching it. However people still do it for some reason and then they don't buy the game because they incorrectly think they have already experienced it.
Also Yea Forums gets confused and thinks any horror game is inherently YouTuber bait. Yea Forums lied to me and said that about Outlast, and I only played it because I got it in the Humble Monthly
Both games are actually really good horror games that I would have never played if I listened to Yea Forums or went by what YouTube was showing me: Random people screaming at it because boo xD
You literally can't buy it on Steam anymore
I made the image before Telltale went bankrupt and you couldn't buy it anymore.
Well I disagree with you, Outlast is mediocre and Outlast 2 is shit.
The only interesting entry in the series is the whistle-blower DLC, probably because it has a lot more variety per hour and it's not padded to hell like the other games.
You're trying too hard my bruv. This isn't the 90's or early 2000's where we had a glut of amazing horror games. Outlast, both games, for indie horror especially, they're really good - because they're actually trying to tell stories like they used to in the 90's like Resident Evil - with characters, set pieces, etc rather than trying to hide them in obscurities and bad gameplay like FNAF
I have bought some games because I saw a youtuber playing them but it's mainly older local multiplayer games. Stuff like Ribbit King, Kirby's Airide and Dokapon Kingdom that I saw some people playing multiplayer for and having a good time with. With modern games I usually don't want Let's Plays if I'm planning to buy the game myself because I prefer to go into games blind. So if I'm watching a Let's Player play a single player game it's because I have no intention of playing it myself and the videos usually don't change my mind.
Outlast 1 and 2 have some of the least original plots for a horror story I've ever seen. Evil German doctor, sanitarium, evil cults, that one POV scene where something bad happens, etc. Puts me to sleep.
The gameplay is Amensia + Parkour - Puzzles, unless you count running into an area and interacting with a prop as a puzzle, and I said running because it's not like the pathetic AI can catch.
Outlast is gay and you have pozzed taste.
And you're still trying too hard
Name some good modern horror games then
And for the record, Amnesia is just a bad version of Penumbra, so don't even mention it.
Why are you comparing sales of a shitty horror game and an RPG? Different games have different demographics. You would probably need similar games that are shilled/not shilled to get a good data sample.
If not, that's like saying someone reviewed an apple, and now apples don't have as good a sale as kiwis.