Why does Link look so fragile?
Why does Link look so fragile?
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dunno lol
It's hot for both guys and girls
He just needs some protein to grow stronger
He was made more feminine so he could appeal more to girls, won't be surprised if he's turned completely into a trap in the next game
He's been floating in a princess bath for 100 years.
so the faggots that own a switch can relate
I wonder why do girls love soft skinny boys in a sudden
What made you think that all girls only like big, burly men?
Motherhood instincts. Irl relationships built on that attraction don't last unless the guy is skinny-fit
I don thin so
Girls have different tastes, but generally a feminine guy feels less intimidating. Younger inexperienced women seem to go for them (boy bands, pretty boy celebs, etc). Most have a lust for masculine men, but they need some confidence that they can read the intent of some huge guy who they'd be totally helpless against.
its a fad. chads will never go out of fashion.
copepilled gymcoper
Is Link skinny-fit? he can swing his sword well..
I suoopose the same reason they made Raiden so fine in MGS2.
TP Link is more attractive, but as I've gotten older I like my men more hairy. You need some facial hair.
Because it's fanart, and fanart is not canon and not vidya. Fuck off.
>I like my men
what is a bored woman near-midnight on a Wednesday?
because that's a fanart
Link looks like twink, feminine for a male, but nowhere near fragile like a trap or a girl
not you
girls love soft boys like DiCaprio (Titanic days) or KPOP singers when they're in their early to mid-teens
t. Chad
chads COPING
Who took this photo?
Chad's third arm below the belt
this is why i lift sandwiches
too healthy
lift burgers instead
Justin Bieber broke mainstream was 10 years ago user.
hes a sissy white boi ready for BBC
Look at this, how is he not feminine?
It makes people want to fuck him.
Hes modeled on modern jap men
Ninja Link best Link. All other Links are inferior. Post ninja Link.
Women aren't attracted to huge muscles. If you look at porn for women its all fit but thinish men. Porn for fags is where you find all the muscle men. For most of human history it wasn't possible to be a wall of muscle because you couldn't get much protein. I have no idea why fags are attracted to it, really curious thing. Of course to women physical appearance is less important than confidence and money.
based and pinkpilled