Anons, can you suggest me some of the must paly PS4 games?
Preferably PS4 or console exclusives, because i already have a gaming PC to play multiplatfrom games.

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Be sure to get all the good movies.
Until Dawn
Detroit Become Human
Uncharted 4

Do you like JRPGs?

>Uncharted 4
Played the PS3 trilogy a couple of months ago, and i hated 1, barely liked 2 and geto bored playing 3. Is U4 WAY better than them? Or is still a garbage game with retarded story?

Bloodborne is a must, and try Kingdom hearts 3

>hating most of them
if you only hated 1 due to shitty gameplay, you're fine but hating 2 and 3 pretty much means 4 isnt for you

>inb4 consolewar shit flinging
KH: The story so far
Persona 5
Dark souls trilogy(unless you are playing this on PC).

Yo, should I get a pro or wait until next gen?

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2 was fun to play, but tedious to repaly because of all the non skippable "ingame cinematics".
1 was a compelt e mess of a game regarding gamepaly, even PS2 games are better at TPS and paltform than this,
3 was boring because feeled like a rushed and unfinished game, with almost no extra content and the story ending when it get interesting. Also gamepaly was worse than 2.
If 4 has a gamepalt at least as fun as 2, then i will try to play that too.

Honestly, if you've waited this long already, you might as well just wait until the PS5's reveal to see if that backwards compatibility patent that Mark Cerny lodged a few weeks ago amounts to anything substantial.

Yes, palyed many on all paltforms, playing them since FF3(6) on SNES.



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already on list

>KH: The story so far
Its not out yet in europe, i have to wait untill march 29...

waiting the story so far to paly 0.2, before palying 3(altready palyed all the other KH games in the past

>Persona 5
will paly, thanks

the only game i ahve, do i need to paly 1 tbefore palying 2?

Is it really worth? i saw many people say its an overrated MH and AC clone/mashup

>Dark souls trilogy(unless you are playing this on PC).
have and palyed all of them on PC already

Okay, well there's some decent ones that have the best version on the PS4 but are also on the Vita and/or PS3, so they're not really truly "exclusive".

Off the top of my head

>Grand Kingdom (SPRG by ex-Vanillaware personnel)
>Exist Archive (spiritual successor to Valkyrie Profile)
>Deception IV
>Demon Gaze II
>Digimon Cyber Sleuth 1 and 2 (kind of an SMT-lite for kids)

Just get it already, i wouldn't be surprised if the PS5 takes even longer than the PS4 to be worth the price.

Grab the uncharted series ASAP
Ratchet and Clank is fun if you force yourself to forget all the previous (much better) games
Wipeout omega collection is good if you enjoyed the fzero games
Bloodborne I hear is good

>Yo, should I get a pro or wait until next gen?
It depends, PS5 will not come before 2021 probably, so it's a long wait, and usually early console models always sucks and have hardware problems.
if you whant a PS4 to paly some games youre itnerested, buy an used one, you can find some for even 200$, many casuals bought them for RDR2 or KH3 and sold them when they found they disliked those games.

I dont think you need to play RDR1 before you play 2. You dont miss anything story wise (although you should play it because it's a good game). Also HZD is super cheap now and worth checking out, people have differing opinions but for around $15 it isnt a bad game to check out (I dont know how much it will cost in your country)

When do you think the reveal will happen?

Depends how desperate you are to play RDR2

Otherwise it's just Bloodborne and maybe God of War and TLoU if you are ok with father-daughter/boi corny stories

Alright thanks for the input!

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Sometime this year, realistically. Sony are skipping E3, so the reveal will probably either be at Gamescom or their own PSX conference in December.

>buying a console without already having made a list of at least 5 games you're getting on it
where did it all go wrong user?

Im not a fan of uncharted either, 4 was just generic TPS to me but has great visuals. Forget until dawn it's trash, it's litterally just a movie game and gameplay is just walk slow and QTEs.
I heard detroit become human is worth a playthrough but I guess thats if you like heavy rain or beyond 2 souls.

God of war is god tier, seriously a great game, amazing particle physics too, not seen even a PHYSX PC game on that level of quality.
INfamous secon son is a great game, it's fun.
Horizon zero dawn is pretty good, though it was just generic open world with good enemy design for me, plus I just came from playing BotW so it wasn't on the freedom level I wanted.
Ratchet and clank remake is great if you like the games or platformers.
Bloodborne of course, though I don't like from games so never played it myself.
Shadow of the colossus remake is good, worth a play if you like or not played the original. Try the last guardian too if you like SotC.
Spiderman is ok, though it's not great imo, only worth a 1 playthrough.

Then there is some PS3 ports which are a must play if you never played them on PS3 tLoU remastered, journey, flower.

>>Grand Kingdom (SPRG by ex-Vanillaware personnel)
It look itneresting and i loved vanillaware games
>>Exist Archive (spiritual successor to Valkyrie Profile)
im starving for a Valkyrie Profile-like game(damn Indivisible never coming out...), will sure paly this
>>Deception IV
i know the series, didnt know there was a PS4 game, but it look like a cheap game, is it worth it?
>>Demon Gaze II
it look like a SMG game, the artstyle look cool though
>>Digimon Cyber Sleuth 1 and 2 (kind of an SMT-lite for kids)
i love Digimons, and i didnt know there was a CS2, thanks

Wipeout Omega
SotC Remake
The Last Guardian
Gravity Rush 1/2
Infamous Second Son
Killzone Shadow Fall (only plebs dislike it)
Tearaway Unfolded is alright
Uncharted 4 is alright

Thats literally it for the exclusives. you can skip horizon, god of war and spidergay, they honestly aren't worth it.

Clannad for ps4. It is native 1080p so it'll be slightly better visually than the pc version which is 960p native.

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The word is "play" not paly

>probably either be at Gamescom or their own PSX conference in December
is it so improbable that they will present it at the Tokyo Game Show?

Gravity rush 2
God of war
Shadow of collosus
Tetris effect
The last of us
Knack 2
Fist of the north star

it was one of the few games i already wanted to paly, its almost impossible to not know it, it was spammed everywhere for eyars. lol

Yeah, a TGS reveal would be pretty unrealistic considering the announcement of a new console would be for an international audience, and Japan is a territory where home consoles have been on the commercial decline for years.

God of War for sure that's the game that really pushes the PS4 and shows what it can do

and Shadow of the Colossus if you don't mind the changes

>although you should play it because it's a good game
Oh i will surely paly 1 too, but i dont ahve it while i ahve 2. The only fear i have is that the gamepaly and controls will be hard to get used onc you paly 2 before 1, something like playing gta 5 and the play San Andreas.

>Also HZD is super cheap now and worth checking out
I saw hat there is a version with a DLC included, is that compe,te or there are some other DLC to buy that are not included?

he bought a PS4 only for exclusives

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>The word is "play" not paly
Typing in the dark is hard, and im tired.

0.2 is utterly pointless, you might as well just start kh3

>Is it really worth?
No, HZD is dog shit that shouldn't even be considered

>Grab the uncharted series ASAP
played the trilogy on PS3, for me it's an mediocre series, way too much overstiamted for what it is, and 1 and 3 ahve a really bad gamepaly too.

>Ratchet and Clank is fun if you force yourself to forget all the previous (much better) games
love R&C, they are one of my favorite games on PS2, PS3 games were good but not realyl close to how good the PS2 were. Is the new one better than the PS3 or is even worse?
>Wipeout omega collection is good if you enjoyed the fzero games
i dont play Wipeout since PS1, i thought that the series was dead, good to know that is stil lalive thanks

The GotY edition of HZD has everything except a pair of pre-order costumes that they couldn't use cause of some exclusivity deal they'd signed with GameStop. It has the story DLC and the costumes from the Collector's Edition on-disc.

>Depends how desperate you are to play RDR2
Already ahve it, the only gam ei have, bu i will wait to paly 1 before palying 2.
>Otherwise it's just Bloodborne and maybe God of War and TLoU if you are ok with father-daughter/boi corny stories
how much shoehorned is the father/son element in those two games? I can tollerate it if its not all the game has.

>and Shadow of the Colossus if you don't mind the changes
played it on PS2 already, i will just play it to check what they changed and how good it looks.

>Forget until dawn it's trash, it's litterally just a movie game and gameplay is just walk slow and QTEs.
I can borrow it froma friend, probably i will check it out just out of curiosity, just because its free.
>I heard detroit become human is worth a playthrough but I guess thats if you like heavy rain or beyond 2 souls.
I saw a gamepaly of Detroit, palyed only Fahrenheit(i liked it), but the Detroit story is pure nigger slavery apology disguised as android based sci fi, and i really ahted it, because sci fi is the genre i love the most.
>God of war is god tier, seriously a great game, amazing particle physics too, not seen even a PHYSX PC game on that level of quality.
i still ahve o play 3 before that, so it will wait, and ascension too, even if its a ba game
>INfamous secon son is a great game, it's fun.
>Horizon zero dawn is pretty good, though it was just generic open world with good enemy design for me, plus I just came from playing BotW so it wasn't on the freedom level I wanted.
Do i need to paly the previous 2 games before it?
>Ratchet and clank remake is great if you like the games or platformers.
loved all the previous R&C, but i heard the new one is bad in comparison to them, is that true?
>Bloodborne of course, though I don't like from games so never played it myself.
i will surely play it, i palyed all the DS on PC already
>Shadow of the colossus remake is good, worth a play if you like or not played the original. Try the last guardian too if you like SotC.
palyed SotC on PS2, will paly it just to repaly the game, also yea, i forgot that TLG was a thing, that game is already forgotten...
>Spiderman is ok, though it's not great imo, only worth a 1 playthrough.
im not a superhero fan, but i heard this is a good game and i mean, its made from insomniac, the company that made 2 of my most beloved videogame series, Spyro and R&C, so i will surely paly it.

>he bought a PS4 only for exclusives
For what should i buy a console though?
PC play multipaltform games better, and i found a ceap PRO sold by a moron that played only 5 ours of RDR2 and sold it after he discovered he dislike videogames. lol

>0.2 is utterly pointless
i know, but im a KH fanatic and i played every shitti game they put out, so...i cant skip that one.

>The GotY edition of HZD has everything except a pair of pre-order costumes
Wow, good to know. Now i just hope Spider-Man will get something like that with all the DLC included too.

>Gravity rush 2
is stil lworth after the online was shut donw?

>Knack 2
Arent them joke games, only good for memes?

Why else would you?
Did you buy yours to play bluray videos?

>not playing nip VNs at 1280x960 on a CRT with OPL3 synthesized MIDI

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Exclusives are the only reason to buy consoles

you should only buy a PS4 to play Fortminte, right?

>buys a PS4 without knowing what games he wants to play on it.
Why do you people do this?

star ocean 5
kingdom hearts 3
and CS3 coming in fall

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not (op), but bought a ps4 for 2 fucking exclusives aswell.
what other reasons are there for me?

Utawarerumono, if you're interested in VN's at all

Other than that

MGSV, also play MGO3 on it since the ps4 community is more active

Yakuza Kiwami, good series
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (looks pretty in HDR)
Gravity Rush 1+2
Persona 5 when the new one comes out
PSPlus for free games all the fucking time
Unironically Mafia 3
And lastly make a burner youtube account or link your youtube account to your console to post any clips you save, it's a fucking super cool feature that i always thought was a meme but now i upload banger bugs and 90% of my channel is just mafia 3 wiggin out

Prioritize Mafia 3 though, it really is a repetitive game but the story and setting are fucking amazing and the bugs never really hamper gameplay, they're more just minor annoyances at most


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You spelled Xbox One wrong.

Wait for what?
PS5 isn't going to be backwards compatible, its Sony.

Is Bloodborne really that good?
I've never really played a Souls game before.

>Gravity Rush 1+2
How much the online shut down fucked them up?

Gravity Rush series

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Considering certain recent events, yes very much so.

>PS5 isn't going to be backwards compatible
some rumors are saying that, so people think it's basically confirmed...they are just new to this new console hype game.

>wait with the ps4, the pro will come out soon
>wait with the pro, ps5 will have backwards compability
>wait with the ps5, its cheaper soon
>wait with the ps5, didnt you hear the ps6 is coming out soon?
you should allways wait.

>recent events
what recent events?

The only good game ever made

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Yeah its pretty fun
Its also easily the most accessible "souls" game, so id recommend it if youve never played one

The sudden shift in policy that affects Japanese games and forces them to communicate with SIE on california business hours with all communication in English so the game can be "adjusted" to fit Californian standards.
Nips call Sony, America's Dog, Sunny, Kusony and the PlayStation the PorekoreStation now because of it.

>Is Bloodborne really that good?
It is and it isnt, it's both.
It's a good game, great visual and atmosphere, with a good gamepaly, but its ahs some Souls mechanics that should never been implemented, like the elvelling and stat systems. It work in games like Souls, where you can do many different build, like tank, glass cannon, mages ecc, but in Bloodborne you can only do a "dexterity build", its alla bout fast attack and dodge, with no option to do a tank od mage, so the stat are there just to fuck you up if you put points in the wrong stats.
Alsto its the most punitive and casual filter of all the Souls game, so if you dont like hard games, its not for you.

>The sudden shift in policy that affects Japanese games and forces them to communicate with SIE on california business hours with all communication in English so the game can be "adjusted" to fit Californian standards.
>Nips call Sony, America's Dog, Sunny, Kusony and the PlayStation the PorekoreStation now because of it.
so...basically Sony is fucked and the PS5 era could be a clustefuck of a mess? shit...

I know the Lost Legacy, not sure about 4, has a feature that allows you to replay the specific combat scenarios
I mean thats not an inaccurate summary of HZD, but the complete edition is still pretty cheap and I had fun with it. If you aren't burnt out on open worlds, its fine.
As for The Last Guardian, make sure you take your time and actually care for Trico. I think its a bit of a placebo effect, but I made sure Trico was cared for, and didn't really have as many problems with her than others. You will have to basically learn how she works to minimize frustration.
Infamous Second Son is its own thing, its separate story wise from the first two
Bloodborne was my first Souls game, and I platinum'd it
For GR2, It locked like, 3 costumes away, got rid of the leaderboards, and got rid of the treasure hunts and in-game photo sharing. The main meat of the game is untouched, the online stuff was just kinda like a form of post-story activities for you to do. GR Remastered had no online.
Do remember that games like Journey, Flower, The Unfinished Swan and Entwined are crossbuys digitally with the PS3. Bound is okay, not the best. You also have ports of the psp versions of Locoroco, Parappa, and Patapon 1. I'll also vouch for Tearaway. Won't be the best game you ever play, but it has a lot of creative gimmicks using the controller and the PS4 Camera if you have that

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>most accessible "souls" game
>its the most punitive and casual filter of all the Souls game

Wait, which one is true? It can't be both.

Fucked in Japan. Euros will keep buying it for FIFA and PES

>Anons, can you suggest me some of the must paly PS4 games?
>Preferably PS4 or console exclusives, because i already have a gaming PC to play multiplatfrom games.

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First time playing any souls game will potentially be difficult for most newfags. I have no idea what the fuck that user was on about though. Don't sweat it however, you'll get over the difficulty curve and everything will click.

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All the good parts of souls level design, great bosses without constant "have two at once" to make it harder, almost every weapon is unique with it's own move set compared to souls multitude of nearly pointless duplicates.
This guy is right though, while exactly what weapons you will use will very from build to build they all play quite a bit alike since there's no heavy armor, shields or really "magic".
It's very easy to farm healing items and other gear so you can spam a lot of that stuff to do more damage, but because it's designed with the idea that you are to always be running into danger it's easy to get stuck on what most people would consider easy areas/bosses by playing too reserved.

Gravity Rush
Persona 5
Maybe Nioh

make sure you return that piece of shit console after you beat those games.

>Fucked in Japan. Euros will keep buying it for FIFA and PES
Does it no affect the new games developing and the project of the actual PS5?


This pretty much.

What does this post even mean?

hes poor just ignore it

Playing RDR before RDR2 isn't a must, but it's heavily recommended since RDR2 won't have as much of an impact on you as it would otherwise.

We won't see any severe damage in terms of support since most of the games have been in production due to the huge market the PS4 has, we may see lower sales numbers however. PS5 is where we'll see more Japanese devs walking away since they won't have games in production for it.