No more fighting, no more console wars. Get over here bro..... we're finally going home

No more fighting, no more console wars. Get over here bro..... we're finally going home.

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Forgot pic

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So i forget. whichgame ended up being the wow killer? or did blizzard do that themselves by being cucked by activision.....
Still gonna play classic tho....soon

The time portal is opening

Cataclysm destroyed the game literally and metaphorically

I actually thought cata was ok. pandaland was the line for me. i feel like destroying the world shook it up but the luster was soon gone

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the only thing that could kill wow... was wow itself

looking back Panda land had some of the most refined game-play while staying tru to the core WoW (at least compared to what modern WoW has devolved into), and had some great raids (Throne of Thunder) but fuck, I couldn't, and still can't, get over an entire expansion based on fucking pandas. it felt so out of place, the whole idea was a mistake


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It's almost time...

Cata was shit, but at least they reverted their plans for Goldshire.

Will Dire Maul farm be busted as a mage, unlike those private server cucks who nerfed it?
I wanna farm my shekels and get my mount in a day

It's gonna be so fucking funny on launch day when that gator on the road gobbles up hundreds of purple niggers running away from their gay ass zone

what's this finally going home shit constantly spammed here now

>Playing WOW or Halo in 2019

it's a meme you dip

Wow was never killed by a single expansion, it was slowly chipped away. Cata had great, but short raids, and awesome class design. Fire mage combustion for example. Mists had great 5 mans complete with prestige challenge modes and probably the best 10 man raiding in the history of the game. After mists though the game became more single player focused with stale simplified class design. Legion was ok but further simplified the class design. Some things would get a bit better, but a lot of things got worse with time. All the classes lack depth and there's not a lot of reason to socialise anymore if you just want to experience the content.

It's 2005 All Over Again

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>raid puts all buffs on a fire mage
>spread combustion
>does 5 times the dps of the next on the list

>Just got in touch with my old childhood friends when Halo PC got announced
>We all agreed to get the squad back together

I can't believe we're actually coming home

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seems gay and retarded, like you

>Runs to Thelsamar to get the FP
>Runs all the way back up to northgate instead of southgate
>Doesn't do the vermins and the 1st part of the trogg quest chain

What scrub made this picture?

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Its Chinese aesthetic was actually cool, it had interesting content to be sure, though I think the conclusion with Garrosh was lackluster

I'm a big fat zoomer and only played a little bit of TBC and then wotlk. And I only played Halo 3 online.

C-Can I still come home?

It was p cool

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i wish i could do this too man. all my old friends who played halo with me have drifted apart since then. everyone is so busy now and we havnet gotten together to play anything in a very very long time. some of them are still on 360 or ps4 and have no gaming PC so we cant even play this online at least.

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We all work full time nigga no excuse.

>tfw have full time job and gf and no time anymore to autisticly play wow all day

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what you mean excuse?

Make time motherfucker, every minute counts. When I was a kid I'd get extremely buttmad if I got home from school so much as 10 minutes later than usual because that's 10 minutes out my day I wasn't able to play vidya. Value your time.

just get her into wow

tell the world im coming.....

you spent the same amount of time in school and had homework to boot presumably. full time job should be easier if anything

I work hospitality, 11:30 - 10:30, I wouldn't be able to raid mid week and I sure as hell aint using every weekend evening to play wow.
At school I only had minimal homework and a few chores, I could play every evening. Not anymore. Cant wait to get the fuck out of this industry desu

Humanoid cows/wolves are fine, but humanoid bears are bad? How retarded can you be?

wow this brings back memories of halo 2, then going the vid store and buying world of warcraft

i never came back to the halo world, well did try 3 just a tad but wow sucked me dry

It wont be the same.

the perfect combo, only thing missing in my life is a worthy diablo 2 successor

this thread sucks, make new one just for wow. stupid halofags hijacking my nostalgia.

Goddamn, I really wish that they would bring Marty back into the fold for Infinite.

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we can still have so much fun though man.

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No shit retard. But it'll still be fun.


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I'm glad that the two most major normalfag series are coming back but that only solidifies that this place is basically reddit.

I know, to both. Just heres hoping they don't fuck it up.

BASED and youtubepilled


Boomers unite! Zoomers can go play foartnait and we going back home. Everyone is happy!


*ting ting*




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based and zugpilled

based and hordepilled

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griffball and living dead were my absolute favorites.

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You actually have to be born before 2005 in order to say "it's 05 all over again" faggot.

>bomb armed
>round over

>WoW is coming back
>Halo is coming back

>Machinima is dead

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>Fuck niggers
>Plays a nigger race

Someone post the "I play Horde for PvP racials" chart

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So do we think halo is going to have crossplay with xbox?

steam says it requires an xbox live account, so maybe?

Am I going to have to pay for xbox gold to play it?

time to wreck some zoomers

its been so long.

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no, it just requires an MS account.

Blood elves are the n-words of the horde.

How do people cuck themselves like this. Those are some huge ass work times.
Im service technician myself and earn 36 an hour and work 8 hours a day and have way more time left than in my school days

Blood elves are white people gentrifying the ghetto mud hut faction.

Is Halo Master Chief Collection windows 10 only or not? The steam page makes me think it may be also on 7.

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Blood elves are the only players in horde who act like n-words

its on steam, and it only said windows so i think it would work with any version.


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What was the purpose of the wetlands run? Finding more alliance players?

I was running Deadmines on a private server and I busted out laughing when I got to this boss, god dammit i hate this website

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im making a halo clan with my old gamer friends and playing this shit hardcore

For night elfs to get to Ironforge and thus to Stormwind via the metro

I did almost every vanilla 5man dungeon as tank on wow (3.3.5) private server.
Using dungeon finder as an alternative way to level to 58 is very nice.

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both suck

>TFW LOTRO attempts to appeal to nostalgia with "legacy" servers
>They're just live servers with limited level cap
>YWN go back to pre-Moria LOTRO and experience the joy of a hard-but-fair overworld and dungeons that were punishing without needing tons of mechanics
I wish I could go home, Yea Forums. Why couldn't the biggest fantasy IP of all time have been given to a company that actually had tons of money to throw at it while still having a dev team that is borderline autistic about accuracy to the books?

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>stayed true to the core of wow
>introduced cross realm zones and had lfr from the get-go
everyone that plays mop is delusional. Cata killed the game world but still had better realm communities than mop, mop killed the community of the game. I seriously don't fucking care that MoP happened to have just one good raid, that's literally the only argument people have for it when everything else it spawned was just as bad if not worse than what cata did to the future of the game

fuck 3.3 and everything after but most importantly fuck mop apologists

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Second age would be a baller setting for an mmo

There is an imposter in this thread, and he touched my ass.

tauren and worgen are cool, but pandaren are just downy fat chinks

>Warcraft niggers

what is that?

>Vanilla wow servers are on the patch that introduced dishonorable kills

I can't go back home with you guys until I know Dishonorable kills aren't in

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>mop apologists
its literally one (1) gfur barashitter camping these threads
literally no one likes mop

>no more console wars
Like you faggot redditors can resist making a console war for your LE EBIC FUNPOASTAN XD

Anyone else a little upset there won't be a PvP system in at launch? Guess we just level our alts?

no you put together the best pre-pvp gear gear you can so you're in top shape when the pvp system finally launches.

>no pvp at launch

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Are those the healing pants?

What does resetera have to do with pvp

Alright, get your positions. Alrighty then. Starting in 3...2...1...and now. Knock back knock back, Willy get in. Ok, start DPS. Get back get back get back. Resisted. Okay, DPS. Okay. Get back get back get back everybody get the fuck back. Resist, go. Go go go go! Back back get back. Knock back. Resume DPS, go go. Resisted. Go go go. Okay fall back. Mages fall back now. Okay everybody else fall back fall back fall back. Knock back. Healgumi, fall back come on fall back fall back. Healgumi fall back. Get your positions, go go go go. Okay Sons incoming, get your positions now.

COME ON EVERYBODY GET INTO ONE FUCKING SPOT GET INTO ONE SPOT YOU MOTHERFUCKS NOW! Hey, frost nova! Take the one free set away AoE now! Every other Warrior taunt them to me now. TAUNT THEM TO FUCKING ME NOW YOU FREE WARRIORS! Misdirector, go. Mini, go! Taunt the fucking free mobs to us now! Any free Warrior taunt the fucking free mobs to the AoE now! MOVE IT NOW YOU MOTHERFUCKS!

Listen the fuck up. Now fucking die. WHY THE FUCK DO I SEE DEAD PEOPLE WHERE THEY'RE NOT FUCKING SUPPOSED TO BE. WHY DO I SEE PEOPLE ANYWHERE BUT HERE. ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID OR FUCKING BLIND? There is one fucking place where you're gonna be and it is over here where I just fucking died cause you could not get yourself into one fucking position. Now get it through your fucking head. You are one fucking guy. You are not ten fucking guys. You are in exactly one fucking position. All sons will only move to one fucking place. There is only one fucking possibility where they can go and that is where everyfuckingbody is. If you are somewhere else then where you are supposed to fucking be, they might decide to get to you. We can't nova them, we can't AoE taunt them. We fucking die. Now res the fuck up like you have never done it before and you will fucking do it proper. YOU WILL NOT FUCK IT UP AGAIN!

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>Implying you will ever be in a raid guild
>Implying you are good enough to even be in a raid guild
>Implying you even know how to gear for a raid
>Implying they would even let your autistic virgin ass in a raid

That was the guild leader's rant.

That was your fan fiction

>Implying raiding is hard

Ok buddy if you say so.


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>shitty quality
>old content
>uploaded 2014
fan fiction

and I suppose they staged this one 11 years ago as well

>game that everyone I give a shit about stopped playing after Cata and they have lives so don't care about classic and neither do I desu. MMO is a shit genre when you're not in high school with unlimited time.
>a series that the good games have already been on PC for years and I've already played to death.

Yeah I don't see this improving my life in any significant way. The magic you think will be there is gone.

No that one is about as real as professional wrestling and UFC, but you attached it to your fanfiction to try to make your video more legitimate

do not touch classic

You're right user. I made those videos specifically to get laughs on the internet 11 years after releasing them.

People do not understand the sheer damage Cata did. The only people who defend it are the ones who look at it from a pure expansion point of view, in terms of dungeons and raids, but its biggest sin was destroying the original world. CATA is half the reason people fought for Classic so hard. For close to a decade you could not legally experience the WORLD that made World of Warcraft a household name.

Like, in terms of lost media, it was egregious. Imagine if all physical copies of Ocarina of Time disappeared when Twilight Princess came out. That's what Cata was.

Probably for ebic upboats xD

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woah this projecting


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I used to work on the lumber mill but now lumber works me

something only someone who regularly cleared Molten Core would recognize

>implying we didn't run small teams into Uber to get the fire resist buff with a mind controlling priest before our first Rag run

Sad to be this fucking autistic.

>started in vanilla but finally quit in WotLK because I HATED the direction the game was going in
>started playing Vanilla private servers and wanting a legit legacy server
>Always played Halo with friends but dropped the series after Reach and what I saw of 4
>Just wanted to play Halo 3 and 2 on PC ever since

Feels terrific

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i wish i could turn back time so much im so damn miserable

Do what everyone else here does and wojak/frog post. I'm sure making the rest of us miserable will cheer you up


I didn’t play but It but legion looked okay was it a return to burning crusade with all that stuff sense illdari? Was on the cover and they had the demon hunter class

Just boot up Halo 3, crack open a can of Dr Pepper, grab a bag of doritos and hop into matchmaking, bro

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It's 2005 All Over Again

desu been playing halo 3 matchmaking on 360 while I wait for PC. I'd play two as well on the original but... well...

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Thanks for reminding me Battletoads is also coming to PC

hows that population?

>no pvp trinket for months

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relatively dead, i'll never get past colonel rank 3 in lone wolves cause absolutely nobody plays ranked, it's all social slayer and rarely ever multiteam or big team battle. they're also all mexicans who can't help but teabag whether you're winning or losing. I've killed a dozen mid teabag.

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Arguably the most useless epic to ever exist.
It could get outclassed by greens.

I've got no kids or wife, all I have to do is work and play wow. I can't wait for classic.

funny since you suck cock a lot lmao

>Muh skills
>muh character

Is another common defense of wod and mop faggots.

You don't need to be a good player in Classic, just have a lot of free time.

Daily reminder that there exist people who defend dungeon and even raid finder.
I can only assume they never played without it, because the differences between even heroic level on BC, wrath and Cata was immense. Trying to do a heroic with retards used to facerolling wrath was fucking agony, despite them not being any more or less difficult that BC heroics.

I'm so fucking done caring about retard niggers shit talking while they barely even play 5 hours a week on their PS4 shoveling shit games in their mouths.
This whole time all we wanted was to play video games.

that's how literally all rpgs work, if you are playing wow to get good you must have a really small penis

Home is pride...
White pride...

WoW slowly shifted from time required to skill required over time, peaking on the first tier of Cats, they ended up removing both so casuals stopped crying on Reddit.
And yeah wow at a high level requires a lot of skill, whether that makes you mad or not is irrelevant.

Which zone was the worst?

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Cata heroics were no more difficult that BC heroics. The only skill requirement was not being completely retarded, which was beyond the ability of people used to getting ran through wrath heroics by people in ICC gear and/or AOEing everything down in seconds then brute forcing even the bosses that weren’t tank and spanks.

THen how come private vanilla servers have 2000% more competition and skill than faggotail AKA Reddit servers?
Btfo kiddo,,, just btfo,,,

can't wait to take my time leveling, sometimes taking a break from questing and just going out in the world for mining and then returning to the comfort of a nearby village to craft some stuff. and then after a hard day's work, going out to drinks some beers in the booty bay tavern

probably that one

Nobody is talking about heroics, the first tier of raiding was fantastic and put many shitters on their place, heroics were very good too, but not the main point, and still they nerfed them.
Cause real wow competition died with Dragon Soul.

it int, must clans in europe that are below top 50 and above 500 are considered casual to semihardcore, all of them play with their gfs and their families, theres a couple of nice woman that stream on twitch as well.

Gankers ruined it.

It died with Tiwce Baked Crapalogna AKA TBC sweetie.
Only competitive WoW was based vanilla, epic pvp epic pve... it was home.
It was pride.
It was perfect!

This. I love playing WoW slowly

>be me
>level in Vanilla at whatever pace I feel like usually doing quests in zones I like and doing almost every dungeon on the way to 60 and doing professions too, without any addons
>one of my only friends that plays vanilla with me installs every addon that exists before he launches the game and dings 60 in a few days or a week and follows the most optimal way to reach 60 as fast as possible


Vanilla requires extreme skill and IQ, only people who are gifted and blessed can compete unlike faggot retail where anyone can kill any boss just joining a q...

>be me

Grinding doesn't take skill.

I bet he was the kind of faggot who did only gathering professions until 60

The raid itself? Not really.

Successfully coordinating 40 players and not having anyone fuck up? Pretty fucking hard.

Gathering professions didn't give EXP in Vanilla you fake oldfag.

>Vanillla ownylyg griwnflfopprdfftttpreeep
Kys returdfag.

I've never seen a truth bomb give someone a stroke before.

Welcome to the next 2 weeks of your life since this one (1) zone occupies about 12 moderately high levels

>Azshara, Blasted Lands, Deadwind Pass, Alterac Mountains

You didn't come to these half-finished nothing zones for a reason, did you? Of course you didn't. There's nothing here besides occasional world bosses.

>Darkshore, Felwood, Stonetalon, Deso-- you know what, pretty much all of Kalimdor

Boy I sure hope you like R U N N I N G since all the hubs are approximately half a light year from all the places of interest

You dense retard.
Guide readers took skinning, mining and/or herbalism because they were the most profitable to level, then relearned a new profession at 60.

That was the noise of you shitting yourself you dumb dumb poop brain retaifag.

>no pvp
What the fucking fuck


we'll be home soon boys...

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>a hard game

I was thinking about this yesterday, the games i am most hype for in fucking 2019 are halo 2 online and wow classic. Gaming really has gone to shit. im so hype bros i havent been happy in years


What's the fastest way to get yourself a wand at release?

Can't really rely on random drops because they're random and don't start dropping until around lv 9 mobs. Enchanting wand has a min level of 5, but you need to get your enchanting up to 10 to learn it, which requires some greens to reach. Quest rewards don't start giving greens until a bit later, and random drops are random. Tailoring allows you to craft greens at 30 which requires about 60 linen cloth, which you can then DE.

Start buying linen cloth from everyone else while also farming it yourself?
Buy random greens from others?
Simply wait for some autist to do the same and buy the wand from him?
Probably decent profit to craft and sell them early on.

Did I miss anything?

DM isn't going to be in the game at launch.

wtf is wrong with you wowfags

eat shit retailcuck

wtf is a retailcuck

They're not wowfags. They're kids/underage shitposting on Yea Forums. Most of these people didn't even play classic during retail, I'm sure they started in TBC or Wrath, or like most little babies now ,even later.

>the I only halfheartedly played Halo
>the I only spent a few months hardcore playing WoW

I'm so happy for you bros. I want to go back.

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Wands are fucking useless in Vanilla and only serve the purpose of helping you when you run out of mana. Why would you want one?

hey flash news kids, halo was seen as the first fps that finally worked on a console it was nothing but a mediocre fps, gaming had already gone to shit at that point.

Nothing like Shardstrike and a load of paladin gear dropping when you're Horde.

you're mentally ill mate.

never go full retard

it's you

Probably go the cloth route and just grind humanoids, and purchase it / greens from other players

>the "Just release the same shit over and over, even if it's old, don't make new good things"

Did I hit a nerve, Wrath baby?

You never answered why you would want one, especially at low level. There are only a few good wands at later levels.

Not them but maybe they're planning on leveling a non-shadow priest and hate themselves so they're going to level by wanding/sw:p everything to death.

Sounds like what someone who is delusional about Vanilla would do. When you get in and try that you'll see very quickly what a broken unbalanced mess Vanilla is and how shitty and unfun that idea is.

compare the dps, genius.

I hated Cata at release and for years afterwards, only after Warlords of Draenor did I realise the expansion was pretty good overall. Class design was excellent - never had as much fun playing a class as I did as fire mage or disc priest - all raids bar dragon soul were fun, challenging instances, the added battlegrounds were well designed too, and I even enjoyed the unique appearence and style of Vashj'ir zone. The negative stuff outweighed all the good aspects though.

Mists is unironically one of the best expansions of the game. Fun raids, great open world that I never got bored of exploring (and Blizzard made a genuine attempt to make players interact with it with world bosses and so on), good class design, tons of stuff to do overall. Going from MoP to WoD was a harrowing experience.

Tick tock

It is a terrible idea but it's the only reason I could come up with as to why you would care about wands at low levels. Even at cap they're only used as stat sticks like hunter melee weapons.
Not to mention shadow priests can heal stuff just fine at low level even if they're specced shadow.

post-cata thousand needles is better than pre-cata

debate me

Most Kalimdor zones were garbage which is why people spent most of their time on Eastern Kingdoms.

Feralas will always be one of the most comfy and yet mysterious zones, though

Good, we don't want you perma virgin
Fuck off and fap to your garbage porn lmao

The EK factions are also a lot better to level up with, especially the argent dawn

dead thread

dead game

pre-order cancelled

This, specially the level 15-30 grind Is hell on Earth.

You literally can't level up as a priest without one.

The tailoring/enchanting route is the fastest.
3 stacks of linen is ezpz. Sorry if I or

>tfw you can hear it perfectly

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>not having friends to play games with

Reach is literally the best Halo

It also doesn't help that pretty much every end-game related dungeon and raid is on Eastern Kingdoms. The only thing Kalimdor has is Ony, DM, and AQ20/40.

What? 15-30 is when you have the best density of quests anddecent dungeons while gaining decent abilities. 30-40 is the part where levelling is a pain in the ass and the dungeons are either the living hell of gnomeregan, or the long grind of SM with barely any loot at the end.

Isn't Gnomer earlier than that? I thought Uldaman was in the 30-40 hell.

Gnomeregan is 30 minimum if you actually want to finish it. Uldaman is 41 minimum for similar reasons.

Never played WoW. Is it worth getting into classic when the playerbase is going to be 90% turboautismos who will grind 18 hours a day and have already been planning their every move for months, leaving me in the dust?

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Just play a tank or healer and as long as you're halfway decent you'll have a spot in most groups

Any advice to someone who would be new to it, but fears that everyone will expect you to know everything already? How to even learn?

A warrior or priest can tank or heal with any spec up to dungeon levels. Druids and shamans can heal fine with spell damage builds.
All tanks have to do is make sure you taunt if an enemy gets loose, that everyone knows not to blast targets immediately so you can build up threat, stick to what you’re attacking, and not go after crowd controlled enemies.
The healer only have to just click one button unless shit hits the fan, whereupon they have to maybe hit three.

Most of the stuff you’ll learn in the fly and by reading abilities, I.E which abilities help threat, which spells are mana efficient, etc.
The rest of the stuff you need to learn, I.E who to save in an emergency situation, which classes have crowd controlling abilities useful for the situation, etc, you’ll learn as you go.

Just play with a friend silly

I like to pleasure people

Not really upset but I think having the PvP system without battlegrounds for a while would be really nice.

Thankyu for answering. I'll remember when the game goes live.

Don't have any.

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Do you even like your gay ass gf? You're wasting your time.

druids can adequately heal up to late 40s dungeons in any build whatsoever as long as they have decent casting gear.


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We've made it bros, the horror of the past 12 years is almost over...

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You’re right that it’s the gear that makes it viable, but for a new guy it’s probably best he goes with the casting spec so the gear’s more readily available if he needs it.