3x3 thread
3x3 thread
>worst mgs
>worst halo
>worst persona
>meme vegas
>literally who
>literally who
>worst mgs
>worst halo
>worst persona
they are all mediocre
2/3 LA Noore is trash lol
>worst persona
A fucking brainlet
>worst halo
Halo 4 and 5 exists
Bad bait user try again
Titan fall 2 is the best shooter of the 2010s fuck off if you disagree
Based btpilled
5/6 + MGS3, ODST, P3, FNV, and Minecraft.
I wanted more from JJBAASB
5/5 + L.A. Noire, SMW, SSB, DKC, and LTTP
Understandable but me and my friends had a fucking blast playing it since we’re big into jojo
Fair enough, the fanservice is nice and it's not a BAD game, but since I love fighting games and I got into JoJo after the old Capcom game was removed from stores, I was a bit disappointed.
3/3 TF2, MGS3, Minecraft
3.5 +SMW, DKC, PMTTYD, -.5 Smash. No longer really like the feel of the games
2/2 AC7, Gran Turismo
quake live came out in 2010, also that unfinished UT game was exponentially better as well if the former doesn't count
pretty shitty decade for fps games lol
2/2 + SoC, FC3 BD
2/3 + BB, MK:DD
Didn't care for Sunshine that much desu
RE4, GT2, God Hand, Katamari
hold up let me painstakingly curate a set of games that will make me look eclectic and cool but throw in a couple of mainstream games so i don't come off as elitist.
>halo 4 and 5 exist
what are you talking about?
or just put in your favorites
5/5 +MGS3, ODST, TF2, FNV, Minecraft
3/3 Ruiner, Blood Dragon, SoC
6/6 (+TH:AW, MGR:R, MGS 2, TF2, Persona 4, Grim Fandango)
5/9 -Punchout
why does nu/v/ avoid strategy games like the plague
Cause I ain't a fan and the only ones that ever peaked my interest enough to buy them were RUSE and World in Conflict, do I need another reason?
they're boring to me
7/7 probably the best in the thread
1/1 +I have a soft spot for Minecraft still.
6/6 +Dangan V3, SMW, Smash, DKC, Zelda, TTYD
3/3 +RE4, Sonic Mania, EarthBound
4/4 A Hat in Time, Pokemon Colosseum, Double Dash, Sunshine
.5/1 ~P4(G)
2/2 +P5, Dangan 2
2/2 +Banjo-Kazooie, Wind Waker
4/4 OoT, RE4, Metroid Prime, Castlevania: SotN
This guy, going through and rating a few more since I came into the thread a bit early. Have my character 3x3 as well.
4/5 + Bloodborne, AC7, Hat in Time, SMS; - Mario Kart
I really gotta try Gravity Rush. It looks fantastic.
I think I've reviewed yours before. Liked Blood Dragon. Want to try STALKER some day.
4/5 + MGR, THAW, MGS2, and TF2. Was okay with P4, but I hate that cast.
4/4 + MGS2, FNV, HG/SS, and P5
Damn. That's made me curious. Which is the one you liked?
6/7 + GH, DaS, Halo 2, Viva Piñata, WW, and SR2; Banjo Kazooie just didn't do it for me.
Never played FFIX. Good taste, though.
2/2 + BOTW and RDR2
4/5 + Kirby, DKC, Prime 2, and S3&K; - Pikmin 2
Frogposters should be instabanned/9
+SMT4, MGS3, P3, F:NV, JojoASB, Minecraft
+RE4, Sonic Mania, AC7, Y0, GH, EB
+RE4, SotN, DMC3
SNK v Capcom. Not a fan of the others due to controls mainly
bad taste
normal taste
normal taste
normal taste
doesn't want people to think he has normal taste
normal taste
normal taste
normal taste
normal taste
good taste
normal taste
good taste
frog taste
normal taste