Shantae Thread V. 2.0

Original thread died this morning. Time for another one.

What do you want out of the next Shantae game? I'm hoping for Shantae to go back to Pirate's Curse art style but keep the 2D over 3D environment gameplay so we can play as an actual full sized Shantae and not a pixel render/chibi version.

I also really want a linear story. Half-Genie Hero was all over the place. Fun, but everywhere.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I want to ____ Shantae and ____ her ____.

>I want to hug Shantae and rub her tummy.



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I want more mini games like Mario Party

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walk up to suck feet

Did Wayforward fall off the face of the earth with Rocksteady or what? It's been relative radio silence on any new content since HGH.

they are doing a remaster of tiny toon adventures.

>they are doing a remaster of tiny toon adventures.

Do you have a link to this announcement? I completely missed it

no i made it up. i'm so sorry.


>art style

Evolve the art style

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PC art style was better in my opinion, and i agree that the backgrounds should be 2d if they want to keep the sprites as such.
map design can blend the complexity of PC's islands with the cohesion of original's ring-shaped world.
bring back the dance parlor, it could be really fun to see it fully realized.
Pare down the transformations to a smaller number of more complex forms that are each as interesting as Shantae's base form and aren't swapped out every 10 seconds.

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>Pare down the transformations to a smaller number of more complex forms that are each as interesting as Shantae's base form and aren't swapped out every 10 seconds.

Thank you for saying this.

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I would too

it's something that irked me about HGH, the transformations were so basic as to be unsatisfying. this is because the design focused around switching them, and then fans keep asking for the transition to be further streamlined as if that will lead to anything but even simpler forms.
i liked dancing in the first game, and would love to see it come back, but it needs to come with the forms being worth playing in for more than a few mintutes (such as having various properties and abilities, think extra character more than powerup) making them keys to locks isn't the right call, because it makes their use too situational. you could also include form-locked areas to theme challenges around every aspect of a form, good and bad.

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I love Shantae!

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I think the latest thing they made was mummy demastered which was surprisingly fun and had a god-tier ost

HGH has a few full-on transformations mixed in with the use-for-1-second transformations. The spider is my favorite, she can duck, crawl, and hang from rings.

Keeping the costumes "realistic" so they can be "cos-play-able" helps market the franchise.

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the less material in the costume, the easier it will be for cosplayers to make.

What if there was a transformation that was used in top down A link to the past style gameplay?

Is that not Shantae? Will fans panic?

I want to worship Shantae and lick her feet.

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I don't see how that would work being limited to one transformation. It would be jarring.

How far can we push the T rating?

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i never used the spider, she was cool but never seemed like the right call. that's a world design issue.
i disliked the crab, because i wanted to play as a mermaid when i went underwater.
i didn't like the bat very much, because it was just a worse harpy outside dark rooms.
i literally only used the mouse once.
i never used blobfish.
i never really used tree.
overall the new transformations didn't impress me, the good ones were returning favorites like monkey and spider, and even those could be chalked up to the world design incorporating their gimmicks more.
too many forms encourages this kind of 1-note nature, hence paring it down and consolidating what can be consolidated (such as giving the harpy night vision/sonar), discarding the rest, and designing the world and challenges around what remains.

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This part is where I gave up.

Shantae is not Super Meat Boy.

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how fucking bad at video games do you have to be. this is the slowest escape sequence I've ever played, I was honestly very disappointed by it.

REPORTED for hate speech

I want another big overworld you can explore like in the original, and more moves like the flipkick and the dash attack. At least upgrade her hair so she can do more shit besides whip. Maybe she grab enemies with it or grapple or something.

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Shantae could explore a western European cathedral and hunt vampires

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nice happy trail

you could also have each new form bestow a related ability to the base form in this vein, such as monkey granting base form a walljump.
it was pretty cool to have the overworld be a ring with evenly spaced points of interest and hidden shortcuts. RR's tree model was cumbersome, HGH's was immersion breaking, and while PC had the best maps, arranging "islands" of complexity or challenge along a cohesive ring with points of travel and interest could be even better.
also i want the sword dash, but as an elephant, so i can be an unstoppable freight train.

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The idea of upgrading her base form is nice, but I think I would prefer to give incentives to stay in each form as opposed to each one just having the one utility and that's it. The first game was great in that you could find attacks for each form. You had ways to defend yourself and in a future game you could probably unlock different ways to traverse the overworld in each form. Oh yeah, and let her dances do other shit. She had fucking teleport spells, that was useful as hell.

>also i want the sword dash, but as an elephant, so i can be an unstoppable freight train.
Fund it.

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Ditch the outsourced character designs and go back to the original looks.

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2009 Shawnty was peak Shawnty. Shame it was her worst game.

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the extra power is on top of a more robust form, something like a lesser version of one of its abilities.
the monkey can cling to and climb walls, shantae gets the lesser version of this, a walljump.
meanwhile the monkey has the wall cling, a basic attack, greater jump height, light weight to avoid breaking/triggering things or take better advantage of updrafts, slower fall speed, small size, monkey bullet etc.
as for the spells, i agree, if input dances are returned, then the number of options for effects without additional UI is staggering. whether it's a one and done spell or an effect that can be maintained as long as you keep dancing, the possibilities are nearly endless, and it can be tied to the music so different themes actually affect how much magic you can use.
i hated that HGH used that awful thumping noise while dancing.

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Why isn't the transformation sequence a dance rhythm game?

it's a bitch on Jammies mode

It was in the original Shantae game.

I want Shantae to poop on my chest

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Make it more like space channel 5

Brother, you are speaking my language and it makes me sad because I don't see any of this happening.

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I want to marry Shantae and love her forever.

we'll see what happens.
i'm curious to see where they take the feedback and suggestions from HGH, but i'm scared they'll listen to the instant switching/no dancing fags.
dancing is a pretty unique way to do magic that has a lot of historical ties, it would be a shame to see it go.

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Send her to space

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If people want the Pirate's Curse gameplay back so much, they should just make a full Risky Boots game. I loved PC but I want Shantae to dance and transform and shit. It's her entire thing, it's what she does.

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technically the hair whipping is the dev's #1 trait, but otherwise yes.
you could even release 2 games, one for risky, one for shantae, that have the same story from both sides. kind of like the risky DLC, but intentional from the start, and with completely different areas and mechanics.
shantae would evolve the first game's style, risky would evolve PC's style.

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Hug the monkae.

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I fuck Shantae in Honey Select and Koikatsu every night!

Let me see that honey select.
I have to uh grade it.

Jammies mode: best surprise or best surprise?

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Fusing her with Urbosa fixes up her face a bit.

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Also this one for more realistic look.
Rest is better in Koikatsu.

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I want multiple playable character like Half genie hero did,the game is really good and you can replay the game with that

More costumes would be nice too, even if they are just cosmetic

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I keep meaning to look into koikatsu but I rarely use honey select the way it is. I just like seeing what people make a lot at this point.

>all the stretch goal costumes for HGH were initially just little stat adjustments for the game
>they each ended up being their own fun arcade run
How did the base game end up being so-so but all the DLC was rad as fuck?

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Also thank you.

I mostly use it because it's the only VR porn game that's easy to use, unlike Koikatsu, but I mostly spend time in the model viewer/fusion. My favourite scenes are solo girls. I like to sit down on the ground and pretend I'm a table while Marie Chan corners herself with it.

costumes to try out different mechanics, challenges, and just look cute could be fun.
the real crime is the dance parlor not escaping the first game, i want it back and i want it back now.
tossing albums into the world to expand the list of available songs, making gem grinding a little more fun, and even having rewards for getting high/perfect scores on a lot of songs like new dances, costumes, or other goodies, there's so much it can offer without getting in anybody's way if they don't want it.

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Man, I would think it should be like that for most games. You get the boring ass framework out of the way, collect yourself after the launch, and then you can sit down and design the fun things only.
Most of EA games blow their load too sun and die after getting, what I would think is the hardest part out of the way

Lord have mercy.

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I want the dancing mini-game back, and as far as I know WF is the only company who could pull it off without a lot of backlash. They're the perfect combination of obscure amongst normalfags but relatively well-known in vidya.

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>Shantae will never have a good 3D model from Smash Bros. to use in porn
>Shovelfag got in instead
We live in the worst timeline.

>Shantae will never have a good 3D model from Smash Bros. to use in porn
I know what you mean, I hate that model being used for the SFM lewds. There's just something so off about it.

>Shovelfag got in instead
Don't talk shit about based boy.

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