Why are all the good JRPGs dead?

Why are all the good JRPGs dead?

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SMT is still around at half health

Because there was never such a thing as "good JRPGs"

you grew up

western influence

Dragon quest is still around, Rance is still around, FF is still breathing. Generally big companies switched to action-jrpgs, because it gets wider audience than classic turn-based snoozefest.

>Rance is still around

04 is not out yet, and given how Evenicle 2 performs we may live long enough to see Kichikuou remake saving Alicesoft once again.

Dragon Quest is still kicking

don't you have a movie "game" to watch, westaboo?

Devs disbanded or moved to other, more profitable things, because we both know you're talking about franchises made during the JRPG boom like Breath of Fire or the Mana franchise.

Rising development costs and a series of big-budget flops last generation (Folklore, Lost Odyssey and White Knight Chronicles 2) scared a lot of devs and publishers from touching the genre. Now it's just established IPs like FF, Persona, DQ etc. and low-budget shovelware from companies like Idea Factory.

Action RPGS are also shallow, and don't really have many options.

Compare to Shadow Hearts 3, not counting the timing ring, you have strategies where you can juggle enemies using High Angle attacks, into specials that do bonus damage or powerful specials can only be used on flying or juggled enemies, with a stock system that allow you to build up consecutive turns and use combo magic after your juggle combos.

This was introduced after Shadow Hearts 2, which expanded on the multiple monster form system from the first game, where you can build up 4 different forms that have evolutions you build up to over the story, each counting as a class on their own, and if you don't grind you can change Yuri, the main character, into whatever you want, or everything at once, to do what you need.

Or compare even with Crono Trigger, where you can strategize by taking different members of your party with you to combine their moves in order to do different things.

Or compare Etrian Odyssey, where you're expected to understand the mechanics, use them to your best ability to overpower or stun monsters, while navigating a series of mazes with tons of events and quirks that you have to map.

Or Radient Historia, where your physical moves concentrate on corraling enemies into groups to attack all at once with magic.

RPGs you've played are boring because you've literally only PLAYED Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy.

They became complacent and fell behind. Also upper management in most companies are out of touch. Look at SE. The entire upper management should be fired.

A giant like that should be showing the industry the way to go in regards to jrpgs. Instead its trying to play catch up to other games.

>Action RPGS are also shallow, and don't really have many options.
TWEWY exists, user.

there's that square enix child company, tokyo rpg factory or something that has good games

Is there any way to bring back the Golden Age of JRPGs?

Fucking hell there were so many good games released back then. The PS1 was just a holy grail for JRPGs.

They're not as profitable as they used to be. It's harder to justify makimg such a long game.

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You probably just typed about a thousand words to say the following:
>DQ and FF are entry-level games
Are you proud of yourself?

Also, RPGs are about being smart and putting in effort to do shit. Manipulating what you have to overpower the enemy.
This in particular requires that you teach your main character, Yuki, several skills that increase his Combo attack length, then use a skill that doubles that, and then using a long range attack from your mage to INTERRUPT the enemy's action, which is being stalled by Yuki's combo, which sends them in the air due to how the combat system works.

Since Yuki's stalling the boss here with his excessive combo attacks, you can then queue up the rest of the attacks, and follow up with Ulf's combo at the end for maximum damage, since Ulf's aerial is a combo ender, his aerial instead increases in damage to compensate for ending the combo, based on how high the enemy is at the moment. And since Yuki's aerial gives the most height in the game, fucking one hit KO for a lot of the bosses.

The trick is that you have to figure this out with experimentation. This is really just ONE WAY you can set up your team, since the spell system is centered around creating crazy builds like this.

>new game is vaporware
>increasing persona influence
>one of the last two games was a massive flop that disappointed everyone in every possible way

Everyone agrees that the JRPG genre is dead, and will be dead forever. There are literally no good JRPGs anymore, and that's a fact. F.

They make no money if they arent an established IP
Too niche even for Yea Forums these days

It's not productive to say, since it's obvious you fucking mongoloid, since they're shit. It's more productive to suggest alternatives for people actually interested.

Why would I keep shit short like you want me to? For your convenience? Are you fucking illiterate, is that why, you retard?

There are still fun JRPGs being released though?

>please don't look at the japanese game industry the west has great triple AAA games please buy those
Fucking shills.


face it it's dead Jim

Neptunia was not very good.

Only if they started pulling GTA numbers.

speak for yourself. i'm still playing and enjoying new jrpgs every year. your loss.

yeah but most of them are weebshit so they don't count for some reason

>Only if they started pulling GTA numbers.

but they never did. even Final Fantasy in it's heyday did bad compared to Morrowwind

No there aren't. If there were good JRPGs being released now we would be talking about them. But we aren't, cuz they don't exist. Its dead Jim

So dead...

Fucking based savage user. That's why this thread is so badass. No fucks given!

Neptunia was not very good, user.

Weebshit is immediately discarded for us, because it's all moeshit and fanservice instead of quality. The genre will never be good again, just give it its funeral.

>Why are all the good JRPGs dead?
there never we any good jrpgs buddy

What's with your hateboner for the japanese? What games would YOU suggest?

I dont think ive ever played a good jrpg besides grandia 2, skies of arcadia, persona 3, and persona 4. Its probably the worst genre in gaming

>one of the last two games was a massive flop that disappointed everyone in every possible way
google says that it sold half the unites on launch that SMT4 did which was the highest selling SMT game to date. I would say those numbers are acceptable for an asset flip like 4A was

Tales of Graces is good.

battle chasers was great.
monika > everyone else

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I only see one good game in that list

>Its probably the worst genre in gaming
This! So much this! There has never been a shittier genre in gaming, and any true gamer should know that.

This is true too!

Us at Yea Forums have had a hateboner for Japan ever since they turned full weebshit.

Havent played that one, but tried tales of vesparia and symphonia, apparently the fan favorite and best ones. They are all plagued by terrible art and gameplay

I see zero


Graces is actually fun.

>calling japanese games weeb

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>shit talking Grandia 2
take that back right now

user, you need to expand your horizons.

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Yea Forums has always considered weebshit and Japanese games as different categories till very recently

JRPG released after 2008 are all weebshit.

"Expanding my horizons" will only make me see more shit. No thanks.

And there's a very good reason for that.

>TWEWYfag telling others to "expand their horizons"
no way you can like that game unless you've played nothing but garbage your entire life and are also a barbaric non-white

Ill just take your word for it, but its the genre ive had the least success with

What exactly is wrong with TWEWY?

Depends on what you want out of JRPGs. VN styled JRPGs like persona are becoming more common place, as people enjoy the story element more and the dungeon crawling is more popular as a genre.
Classic JRPGs in the vein of old FF/DQ where you're exploring a world and ridding a great evil or something of that sort have disappeared all but entirely because they stopped selling. What took their place was light action RPGs. Tales, star ocean, etc. Phantasy star evolved into it's own thing really but i'd still put it in that category.

You just have to know where to look. Sadly there's not much in the vein of classic turn based, plain jane menu JRPGs, but squenix is testing the waters with them, with the remasters of the SaGa games, which are already niche. They're selling well enough that it's probably proving some sort of market for them.

If you've never played it, Romancing SaGa 2 got an official english localization on vita, I think switch, ps4, pc, bunch of systems, and it runs well enough on all of them. Fun game too with some really fucking obtuse mechanics that when you figure them out (or look them up, whatever) will be so rewarding.

>Neptunia was not very good, user.
i haven't played any neptunia games.

>SaGa games
No thank you

>JRPGs are shit, argument over, I have nothing else to say
This is you.

he thinks it's a "qte simulator" and worse than ffxv.

Too casual?

They pushed for more complexity but ended up making the games needlessly convoluted, losing their charm in the interim. Also, Japanese art generally went down the shitter for a solid decade and is only now starting to recover. Still far too many girly-boys in Japanese games, leading to abortions like FFXV.

I don’t think it’s Barry this time, user. There can be more than one idiot on Yea Forums.

I'm starting to think that "Barry" is just a boogieman that people point to when they want to deflect criticism away from their chosen game.

Because it's a genre that's largely remained unchanged for decades. Yeah, technological improvements were made but fundamentally you could go back to the first Dragon Quest and something released last year and you'd need about ten minutes to adjust, exceptions notwithstanding.

>SaGa stuff

yeah right.

>Also, Japanese art generally went down the shitter for a solid decade and is only now starting to recover.
This except it hasn't recovered at all and will never recover. Nothing good will come from Japan ever again.

Name a genre that has 'changed' and quantify those changes. Do it right now.

weebs are westerners that worship japan, not every fucking game they make you mong.

>Fucking based savage user. That's why this thread is so badass. No fucks given!

This post reeks of reddit

>Because it's a genre that's largely remained unchanged for decades.
Blatantly untrue, and the fact that this isn't true is a huge part of why modern jRPGs suck. Just look at Xenoblade 2 for evidence of that, it's got way too much shit going on when it would really benefit to just being boiled down to a traditional jRPG combat system, with a single gimmick, and adding on the gacha system for getting Blades. Instead, they have a dozen hours of tutorials to explain the basics of the game to you, because there is just too much shit going on that isn't fun or interesting.

This. That's why there has not been a single good JRPG to have been released recently. XB2 is probably one of the worst games of all time.

>XB2 is probably one of the worst games of all time
I didnt like it either but I wouldnt take it that far. The combos did have a sort of brain dead satisfaction to them

It gave you the ability to look upwards and downwards and made things feel more 3D and less like a 1st person 2D game.

Neptunia was not very good, user.
You are uninformed about JRPG releases.

Literally all JRPGs released this decade have been dogshit. See for evidence.

I'm glad I didn't get to play a lot of the obscure JRPGs I missed out on as a kid. Playing them now that I'm older is fucking delightful.

After I finish playing through all of them, though, I think I'm going to experience a rather severe depression.

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>I think I'm going to experience a rather severe depression.
Enjoy your depression, it's gonna last the rest of your life because there will never be a good JRPG ever again...

3 was better though.

>but muh JRPGs are never innovating
You are literally, clinically retarded.

Devil Survivor 2 was good

That sort of reminds me Dark Cloud 2. As great as that game was, it had way, WAY too much pointless content tossed into it for shits and giggles. Fortunately, the core gameplay is totally solid so all the extra shit doesn't weigh it down as much as you would think it would.

First person shooters have changed because they now shoot in 3rd person.

JRPGs on the other hand have a shitload of systems that they operate by and no two games are the same, not even within the same series since all details about these systems change.

Even in the worst JRPG series, Final Fantasy, things changed game to game. FF5 had a job system, FF6 based spells learned off of summons, FF7 allowed you to equip abilities by way of bought and found magic jewels, FF8's stat system was based around fusing spells to your stats, and items could be converted into spells or other items. FF9 had you learning skills from equipment, and FF10 had a huge grid you could teach your characters skills from.

Meanwhile, Call of Duty Black Ops 3 just introduced a grappling hook!

Which was in games literally as soon as 3D arena shooters like Quake were a thing.

Also, DEAD WESTERN GENRES! Quake is massively different from modern first person shooters, and is a massive power-up focused hoot.

But since AAA developers in the west are glorified marketing schemes, almost no innovation happens in the west, everything is copied, even from japanese games. You know who else does that? CHINA! They've copied western games countless times and resold Japanese games with different paint both in their country and outside it. And western devs do the same shit, but with bigger production values, literally only because America made the fucking technology to do it with and makes most AAA games, if not all.

So keep in mind, while you're playing these genres and demeaning an entire country's library, by doing so you've contributed to the worst of the worst in the industry and perpetuated the shithole that is the games industry instead of having good games to play.

Fucking hell, are new things just scary to you?

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Best autist

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You know, RPG Maker is now powerful enough for you to make your dream oldschool JRPG.

And in like 10 years you'll be able to get procedurally generated stuff like that.

>First person shooters have changed because they now shoot in 3rd person.
I'm actually at a loss for words. Explain to me what you think 'shooting in 3rd person' even means.
>and is a massive power-up focused hoot
What the fuck is a hoot? Are you sure you're even speaking English?
>Fucking hell, are new things just scary to you?
Literally what the fuck are you asking me?

I thought the meme that 4channel is primarily government-funded chatbots was a meme, but holy shit.

What is this even supposed to mean?
Some genres were wiped out altogether when technology advanced. When's the last time you played a beat em' up? or a shoot em' up (except tohou, they still make those) or a run and gun? they were replaced, by action games, first person shooters. They realized walking left to right wasn't really as fun as exploring an actual world, making a 2D level based game as a AAA company today would have you laughed out of the market.

Considering that the SMT morality system is Law vs Chaos and it lets you act like the worst player in a D&D game then that only increases the immersion for me.

No game is complete without going up to the king and taking a shit on his shoes.

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What about LISA and Undertale?

I know they weren't made my Japs, but they are as much JRPGs as any of their Japanese counterparts. Those two games were the freshest takes on the genre in literal years.

Then again, it's been literal years since those two were released as well. Guess the genre really is dead.

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It means that innovation is a meme, and if you accuse JRPGs of not doing it, you need to look at other genres that have been 'stagnating'. Change for the sake of change is just a communist meme anyway, so anyone advocating for it should put a fucking bullet in their brain.

What are you talking about, XB2 combat is simplistic as fuck. The game sucks but it's a shitty example for the point you're trying to make.

Those are actually qualifying as weeb games because they want to be japanese and clearly aren't.

>garbage like ys, saga, soulsborne, metal max, natural doctrine, atelier, and etrian odyssey get made
>meanwhile the true masterpieces like breath of fire and lunar are dead
it's not fair

I'm not saying you should change for sake of change, I'm saying you should change for the sake of keeping up with technology, they made games turn based because they lacked the ability to make a full combat simulator in an NES, keeping a system that was made due to technical limitations because you don't want to make a new one is lazy.

>Guess the genre really is dead.
Glad you agree. This is the official funeral thread for JRPGs, they'll never be good ever again.

This. So much this. From 2008 to today, literally every JRPG that has been released has been abysmal, and everyone on this site can agree with that.

They're all better than abominations like Xenoblade and Ys 8.

One, it was a joke because I had to say something other then "First person shooters literally have not changed and have literally done the same shit for 15 fucking years now", you actually took that seriously, good job.

Second, you don't use other words to spice up your language? Look it up, it's a colloquialism you goddamned uncultured retard.

Third, try new shit and actually look for shit to play instead of drinking up the ?Fortnite/Apex/Anthem/Destiny/Halo/Cawadooty/Buttlefield bullshit you get fed by dumbass media and meme sites. All of the shit you play is safe, boring garbage.

Get a life you silly son of a bitch! Try something new. Stop buying into the anti-hype of the shills and retards around you and take a chance.

It's okay if you get something you don't like, because you've already been doing that, clearly. Do you play games for you, or do you do it to have some sort of social cred? Pathetic if you do.

Here's one, try Yakuza. It's a beatemup. Easy place to start, pick up Zero or Kiwami.

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Ys 8 is based you retard


Turn based gameplay was not a technological limitation, you unimaginably stupid fuck. People still play D&D to this day, because it's a tried and tested formula. You know nothing.

He's probably a seething Ark boomer, pay him no mind

Okay, this thread is a shitshow. Post some of your favorite JRPGS and why.

Grandia 2, skies of arcadia, persona 3, persona 4. Why? They are the only good ones ive ever played

You're a pretty cool guy, user. I hope there are real devs browsing this thread who can appreciate this wisdom of yours.

These modern devs are so clueless and arrogant that they think they have to be able to reinvent the fucking wheel in order to make a decent game. It's a shame, but I suppose it's just the spirit of the times to try desperately to be "the guy."

>One, it was a joke
>you caught me, so i was just kidding around!
Kill yourself.
>Second, you don't use other words to spice up your language? Look it up, it's a colloquialism you goddamned uncultured retard.
Tell me what a 'hoot' is, you stupid faggot. And if you're not from North America, I don't even want to hear it.
>Third, try new shit and actually look for shit to play instead of drinking up the ?Fortnite/Apex/Anthem/Destiny/Halo/Cawadooty/Buttlefield bullshit
Okay, this is literally a government-funded chatbot.

I cant help but wonder if, in an ironic twist of fate, the people to revive and save jrpg's will be western weabs who grew up playing them, want to make video games, and happen to not be cringe lords.
Is it possible?

hoshigami because you better git gud faggot

TWEWY is one of my absolute faves. The music, aesthetic, characters, and gameplay still hold up incredibly well in my eyes. Radiant Historia and Chrono Trigger are also great as well.

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I heard octopath traveller was pretty good. I just played the demo and I liked the cute merchant girl so I might buy it sometime

I'll give you suggestions.
Yakuza series.
You play as a former Yakuza who got betrayed and you have a daughter. She gets kidnapped, crazy shit happens, you uncover some conspiracies and fuck shit up. Has a shitload of comedy using a Straight Man routine where you do crazy shit, see crazy shit and this straight laced man you play usually has to deal with it.

Like River City Ransom, the DEFACTO fucking awesome beatemup, it has a shitton of minigames, resteraunts to restore your health and boost shit, learnable moves, it is the current mainstream beatemup series.

You could actually say Touhou, ignore the fanbase it's good shit.

Aside from that the Japanese have tons of these even now, but the one I'd recommend that you can actually play is Ikaruga, or for a more modern game, Raiden V. It speaks for itself, all good games. Look em up.

>Run and Gun
My Friend Pedro.
Look at this fucking game you bitch and tell me it's shit, you fucking can't.

My favorite recent JRPGs have been NinoKuni 1 and 2, Lightning Returns, dragon Quest 11.

Nobody here agrees on what makes a good JRPG, I'm just going to enjoy what I like.

Hopefully. Nobody understands what made these games appealing better than the people who grew up cherishing them.

You live in an age where you can look this shit up yourself. You are an idiot for not doing this. I'm not doing a fucking thing for you. You're trying to make this shit about a SINGLE colloquialism. You have literally nothing at all to argue.

Kill THYSELF. Are you going to ask me what "thyself" means now because you don't understand fucking english?

If you wish to be understood, you shouldn't speak in obscure terms that people have to literally look up to understand you. I hope you understand this, and adjust your language in the future.

If you wish to not look like an idiot, you shouldn't decry someone for using a term you're not familiar with, then yell at him to kill himself and THEN asking him to clarify when you can clearly do so.

But you wont because you're an obstinate retard who's only goal is to "win" arguments rather then converse. So instead you come across as a blatant idiotic son of a fucking whore who wastes everyone's time. Get a goddamned life.

>user doesn't know what a 'hoot' is
>doesn't even realize it's a phrase that is used frequently in North America
>government-funded chatbot

Fucking kek dude, if you're going to be underage and post you should at least make the effort to not be so obvious about it.

On second thought, don't change a thing, user. I love reading these /pol/-tier posts on Yea Forums. They're so jarringly comical that I often have a hard time believing they are anything more than bait laid by the greatest troll in the universe.

Hell, you could have even determined what it meant by the context and yet you cherrypicked it out because you wanted to argue.

You're even MORE of a fucking idiot for this.

Nigger, what are we even arguing anymore? Literally tell me what you disagree with me on, and why you're chimping out at me. I'm pretty sure you're just here to be a jewish asshole.

>They're so jarringly comical that I often have a hard time believing they are anything more than bait laid by the greatest troll in the universe.
This is your mind on leftism. Your opponent simply must be a clownish caricature because your ideology is simply impenetrable. You literally cannot conceive of an actual human being not thinking like you.

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>Starts an argument sidetracking on how he doesn't know what a common colloquialism means so he rages at people impotently
>gets called an idiot
>gets called out for being an idiot
>Lol that didn't happen I don't know what we're even talking about anymore!
>Man you sure are a bad arguer ha ha don'tlookatme

Fuck off, stupid.

Aight, now he's gone full-blown bait mode. You were doing pretty well for a while there, but ya dun blew it.

Eat shit and die, nigger.

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Funfact: BoF3 > BoF4


Nigger, people don't commonly call laughable things a 'hoot' on this website. You are literally the first person I've seen do this in five years. You cannot possibly tell me that I am remiss for being weirded out by a term that is basically nonexistent on these boards.

I accept your concession.

Appropriated Asian Buddhist Symbol But Slightly Slanted Because Nazies Didn't Want To Hire A Proper Artist Koffing user is actually right, some people really are that dumb.

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Pic not related?

There was never such thing as a good JRPG

Because you browse Yea Forums too much.

>people don't commonly call laughable things a 'hoot' on this website
more than weekly seems common enough, ESL

>Oh no someone deviated from some unspoken rules I made up in my head and said a word i'm not used to

Imagine being this fucking sensitive and uncomfortable because of a single word, holy fucking shit. Do you need diapers, m'baby? Do you want me to tip your baby bottle for you?

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JRPGs were always garbage. Tactical RPGs is where it is.

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>my exposure to English language has been limited strictly to Yea Forums

I'm sorry for your loss, user.

Fair enough. I guess it's not my place to judge dumb people for being dumb.

It's a reddit term. Just like pic related. You invasive parasites are trying to normalize your language here.

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>the average TRPG player

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>look up "hooters"
>It's just people talking about how shit the Hooters resteraunt is instead of the word for tits

I never knew it was that bad.

>look up "fuck"
>Returning only first 6000 of 5751292 results found
>Actually took some decent time to load

>look up "penis" and "vagina"
>Penises are talked about twice more then vaginas
>I have no idea if this means there's a lot of gay or a lot of women

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>SMT Is now pretty much visual novels

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That too.

>the average wojack poster

>b-but muh neptunia
kys westard

Agreed, but post a good one next time instead of babby's first

It's hard sometime remember their last games but I want to believe SMTV will be good. It's the biggest reason I even bought a switch and no other game has had me as hyped in years.

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>owns a Switch
You are the physical manifestation of cancer. Kill yourself.

this thread is a dumpster fire, good luck with getting good discussion in here

by the way my favvis Soujinengi because of its bosses

How does it feel knowing I can continue browsing this site and "ruin" it while you can do LITERALLY nothing about it?

Nigger, welcome to the asshole of the internet. It's cute that you're a tourist, but the more time you spend here, the more you'll be convinced that Japan is the best culture in the world, and that the jews are the preeminent enemy of humanity. Leave while you still can.

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I'm a jew so that won't matter.

Then you're only here to confuse the goyim. That's your evolutionary strategy.

AAA games need to die before JRPGs become king again.

FUCKING JEW NIGGER! that would be my troll answer. I don't really give a fuck lol.

>Blatantly untrue
How is it untrue? Jrpgs still use the same abstract menu-based systems they did in the 1980's. The only 'evolution' is outright terrible, adding real-time gimmicks like quick-time events in Mario RPGs or the clunky ATB shit from FF, making enemies hit you during your turn, thus defeating the whole point of using a turn-based system.

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No one cares, WRPGfag

He has a point though user, you need to grow some taste and realize the error of your ways.
You shouldn't buy a console with one series in mind, and you shouldn't have such a high degree of brand loyalty.
You're just setting yourself up to be hurt again, user.


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>psh the only time they evolved is all these times they evolved!

What do you think the 'J' in JRPG stands for? 'Jelly'?

The Japanese was incompetent with HD development during the 360/PS3/Wii days. A lot of developers wait for the latest Final Fantasy to come out and copy that. Final Fantasy XIII was not only shit but came out too late.
Simply put, no one tried because JRPGs are niche and to make a great one requires a hefty budget. It's the reason most JRPGs since have been extreme low budget with static VN segements instead of large sprawling worlds filled with towns, people, and dungeons.

Only three JRPGs stand out since 2005: Xenoblade Chronicles, Tales of Vesperia, and Dragon Quest XI.

Name of game OP?

Breath of Fire IV

Are you fucking serious?


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Well, someone already answered.

FF7 pioneered movie games.