"fucking sjws"

"fucking sjws"

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What,# your point, Yea Forums doesn’t complain about diversity in good games with well written characters?

the only videogame with good lore

SMAC: Soul
Modern sjws: No soul.

Based ancap nig

inb4 someone claims it's fine because it has soul oh wait i was too late

>Leaving out the white guys.

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literally 3 white people on that image, 4 if you count slavs

Organic Superlube? Oh, it's great stuff, great stuff. You really have to keep an eye on it, though—it'll try and slide away from you the first chance it gets.

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Post yfw the religious fundamentalist is the only one with a moral compass.

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expansion factions are redundant trash. none of them add anything, except the sea-idiot, in a gameplay sense, and even he's incongruous with the philosophical theme

Deirdre is cute

Why did all my games end with me nuking everything?

Shit like this just disproves that white male was always the standard and that's why it needs to be fought as much as possible.

But GDC is right around the corner and I'd bet money on these socjus fags spreading their poz around as much as they can again this year.

lurk more, faggot

you first

Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. Mary had a little lamb whose fleece was white as snow

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Biggest difference being the sheer level of writing and effort that differentiate them from the trash of today. I can still name every leader and their general philosophy decades after playing the AC, but I couldn't even name a single leader from Beyond Earth


Because you're smart enough not to listen to the Gaians preaching about some sentient "Planet" nonsense. Drill deep, get those energy credits flowing, and use that hard-earned wealth to purge any mindworm parasite from corrupting your soil

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>When your project is so horrifying and awful, it doesn't even have flavor text befitting what's going on, merely a nursery rhyme and dead silence.

the chinese are literal bugmen in that game you fucking retard